Much is made, of late, about “white privilege” and “racism” and about some sort of racial “hatreds” that must exist, all bumper-stickered into the term, “fascism.” By denigrating everyone who is not negroid in appearance, the loose forces that aim to destroy the ideas of America and this nation/society/culture, itself, cause many to question everything about our heritage. The attacker always has the advantage until a true counterattack can be mounted.
What the “antifa” is fighting is not hatred or even racism, it’s anger – anger to which “whites” have no evident right – anger about the loss of the actual, historic, fundamental and incompletely codified American Dream: that all kinds of people can live and thrive together, sovereign in their God-given rights and responsible to themselves and others for the consequences of their own actions. That’s the “Dream.”
The dream isn’t home ownership, or multiple cars or too much to eat… and, it isn’t universal welfare (slavery) either. It’s freedom, a dream that is a nightmare for government types and other tyrants. It’s a nightmare for one-worlders and financial globalists whose ultimate wish is to control production and every producer/worker through taxation and sufficient consumerism to keep them quiet.
All that individuals need to do to become “an American,” is to adopt the culture of freedom and responsibility, and to respect our laws. It is the world’s winning-est formula despite all the flaws it is growing out of. The Dream is worth saving and preserving against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
There’s a common saying, that if you wait for all the lights to turn green before you back out of your own driveway, you’ll never get anywhere. It is infinitely more advantageous to everyone else, along with YOU, the driver of your life, if you will take responsibility for guiding your vehicle through the myriad traffic jams and delays on your way to YOUR OWN personal goal – your pursuit of happiness. Waiting for a government-type to provide both your goals and means is to adopt a new slavery that is attempting to trap every one of us in its web of when and how to live. God forbid.
Do you think the death-panels of socialized medicine are a form of freedom?
The anger that has been rather hidden through the fourth civil war and its consequences since the early 70’s, began to surface for certain during the Obama years. Perhaps a tiny fraction were angry because he was black (by choice, not genetics), but most cared not about his “blackness” but about his “pinkishness.” A virtual communist, Mr. Obama led us away from the true Dream as rapidly as he could, a goal that deserved the anger of those who still choose to be free.
Enter Mr. Trump. Sometimes the best expression of wisdom for a political leader is to recognize where the people are headed and run to get in front of the movement. America was, and is, uneasy. We like to “tolerate” exceptions to Protestant ethics and traditions; we DON’T like to have them forced upon us and, worse, protected by new laws that coerce us to adopt new ways of life. We are angry about having to fight century-old battles again, when there is no possibility of victory – at least, no victory that is good for the country. We are angry about being accused of being born guilty of other people’s sins.
Trump isn’t president because he’s the great leader a majority of Americans admire – far from it, as polls indicate. He is president because he speaks his mind and is not afraid of causing silly offenses. He favors what a majority favor; he points out duplicity that a majority can see; he stands up for what a majority will stand up for. Mrs. Clinton represented things a majority fears in government, and a direction a majority do not want to follow. It’s pretty simple; writing a book was not needed.
There is no “Trumpism.” The existence of the Trump administration does not represent a new political force focused on Trump, himself, nor will his family be slobbered over like Kennedy’s, sufficient to propel relatives or offspring into other offices. But the ideas, beliefs, loves and fears behind him will bring others into office. That’s not “Trumpism,” it’s Americanism.