America’s accelerating trend toward denial of reality – and of codified law – is and should be worrisome. Unfortunately, large segments of the polity see no reason to worry because the gulf of unreality has yielded political power, or comfort, and promises more. Confronted with claims of actual, or imminent, damage linked to the rush toward unreality, those who find the unreality comforting are compelled toward hatred of the claimants, even to the point of attacking them. One should wonder whether the trend alluded to is comprised of innocent reaction to “reactionary” opposition to “progress,” or is it the fruit of evil, aggressively transformative attack. Why would the latter be so?
The prime question, of course, is who benefits from the disunity of the United States and following that, the discrediting and dissembling of the ideas of America? The unimaginative can readily suggest that “the RUSSIANS” or “the CHINESE,” or “IRANIANS,” would want to destroy us, but those peoples actually like us well enough, and respect and love us enough to come to the United States for a better life. There are relatively small subsets of both Russia and China that definitely DO work toward our failure, but not because of their, or our, nationalities. The forces who would revel in our spiritual destruction are, themselves, spiritually motivated, unrecognizably in some instances, even in their own mirrors.
America is a spiritual invention. Prudence would cause us to not call it a religious invention, given the many ways religions have so distorted the inherent purity of spirituality. The waves of peoples who sacrificed to come to the “New World” to begin America, did so with strong spiritual underpinnings… essentially Judeo-Christian. Were they perfect? Clearly not, as we look back and judge them from today’s sensitivities, but at their times they were doing their level best as they strove to make a better civilization than the corrupted ones they left behind. And religious freedom was – and is – crucial to the new form of self-government that evolved from their sacrifices, and repeatedly since.
We should wonder why Judeo-Christianity is the prime target of attack in the U. S. over the past 60 to 70 years. As the basis of our laws and social order – conscience, if you will – its destruction is the most rapid way to destroy “America” and all of its quaint ideas of individual sovereignty and responsibility, private property, charity and sacrifice. Who would want to do that?
If we concentrate on the enemies of America – or of our Constitution – as competitors for oil, or food, or land or military power… or competitors for limited budget resources who disagree on how to make life “better” for all of us, we will miss the point, tragically and historically. Our misdirected concerns expose our failure to comprehend American exceptionalism. It exposes, as well, the danger of relinquishing public education – and much of our administrative ‘state,’ and even parts of our law-enforcement and judiciary – to people who agree with our enemies.
“America” does not, and cannot, run or survive on its own. President Reagan observed that we are only, ever, one generation away from losing it altogether. This powerful country? With this military? With our wealth? All these McDonalds? One generation? Surely not.
Let’s open our eyes.
America can survive only so long as its citizens believe in it… simple. We have to believe in our Constitution, in our founding, in personal liberty as well as personal responsibility, and in what we term, “Judeo-Christian” tradition. Unfortunately, as more and more people are attracted to dis-belief in God, they are encouraged to disbelieve in the United States. No one outside of the United States is going to carry the burden of believing in the ideas that sustain it for us. It is our test of citizenship and no one’s else.
“We the People of the United States, (they were people with quite similar moral compasses, if not religious upbringings) in Order to form a more perfect Union, (consider the capitalized words to this point: We, People, United, States, Order, Union) establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, (sic) promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain (wonderful choice, there) and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” These words cannot be improved upon.
The intent of Americans, then, was incontrovertibly NOT to create a more powerful central government… or to create a new monarchy… certainly not to establish a theocracy or an aristocracy of inherited baronies and dukedoms. It wasn’t even to create a more powerful military. Americans wanted to live and let-live; develop their nation and prosper without wars. Wars have always vexed the “New Jerusalem,” some completely from outside, some as would tear us asunder, but all that was desired for the first 8 generations or so was a “return to normalcy” after each conflict was over.
For a like period “we” had no interest in dominating other peoples or re-shaping their societies and governments for them. But almost from the start, and more specifically following the second Civil War (“The” Civil War), forces – or A force – has arrayed itself against the ideas of America, against the dream of e pluribus unum. Why? Who would care how we live or govern ourselves? And even if “they” didn’t like how we chose to do things in our own country, what would prompt “them” to infiltrate us and attempt to tear us apart? Something, apparently.
Is it not apparent that “they” are not simply envious churls? Looked at from a position of Prudence, the impetus to destroy the first nation founded on anti-tyranny seems spiritual, not material. Indeed, the two competing philosophies, or faiths, dare we say, if one is represented by the ideas of America, would be essentially Judeo-Christianity and socialism-communism. Which, from a broad perspective, still begs the question: why bother to destroy America? Socialism has proceeded on its destructive path quite well despite the presence of the United States.
In a way we are engaged in the ultimate, and perpetual, struggle between darkness and light, good and evil. Our enemy can survive only by weakening the strong, sapping our strength. It behooves us to acknowledge that we have the seeds of “goodness” and the strength of Light, and that it is high time we reinforced and nurtured those things, and defended them against all enemies, foreign and domestic, rooting out the latter.
What might that defense entail?