Tag Archives: right


Prudence directs the wise thinker to define proper governance, all human interaction, actually, in direct and simple terms… concepts that every citizen can understand and apply to virtually every human circumstance and conflict.  So, here they are:



There.  Those are fairly easy to grasp and apply anywhere.  Let’s consider some examples of how the most untrustworthy among us – often the most clever – endeavor to subvert these simple directions, starting with what’s hot right now at a time of Presidential transition: INFLATION!

There is little clear information being spread about inflation in the news, on news programs, even financial news programs.  Mostly, people describe PRICES of commodities, but those are consequences of inflation – or of deflation – not inflation, itself.  INFLATION (of the money supply) is a government program that, effectively and efficiently, STEALS from all of those whose “money supply” it is.  So, while our governors (small “g”) fulfill the second element of proper governance: equal application, it directly and purposefully subverts the first as it steals the value, purchasing power, investment and savings of every person tied to the economy it was elected to manage and protect.

Unfortunately, given the cleverness of our dully elected “representatives,” when they agree to inflate the money supply they don’t simply print more money – that takes too long.  Instead, they BORROW it and agree (on our behalf of course) to pay interest on the loan.  That is currently about ONE TRILLION dollars per year, which is a theft from the same people who are impacted by the original inflation!  We can’t get more services or national defense for the taxes we pay, since there is now an extra TRILLION going to the banking consortium we borrow from.  Everyone involved in these THEFTS should recommit to the first element of good governance: THOU SHALT NOT STEAL.

But wait… there’s more!  Our governors establish schools, usually with the agreement of subsets of citizens whose children, or whose neighbors’ children, will attend… there to be prepared for adulthood and financial and social success.  Organized cleverness among the teachers and administrators of these schools (often called “Public Schools”) leads those worthy folks to invent ways to socially engineer your or your neighbors’ children to be something they were not born to be.  This would be a phenomenal bargain for the parents if the teachers they pay and pay to teach math, reading, writing, history, civics and the rules of American culture and civility, were ADDING social and bio-engineering for the same price(!).  Unfortunately, and often with no notice, the public school establishment has relaxed the parts that prepare children to become successful adults, and created space for topics that interrupt or destroy normal maturation, eschewing knowledge and skills and even cancelling standard testing that might reveal the lack of educational success for each child.

That alone would show a failure to follow the prime directive: Thou Shalt Not Steal, since the opportunities to reach successive and successful levels of knowledge and maturity have been taken away from children.  By failing to educate, and failing to reveal their failures, “educators” have stolen their salaries and benefits from taxpayers and parents who pay them to succeed at the former.   What a difference might be made if every teacher-prospect were interrogated on the subject of “Thou Shalt Not Steal” and on their personal commitments to succeed at their educational missions.  Then, by teaching every child with equal application of teaching skills and knowledge, each would fulfill the second directive, as well.

Well, okay, perhaps that is not a fair assessment of public schools.  Shame on Prudence.  It might illuminate the concepts better to relate them to health – everyone is impacted by his or her health and the costs of health-CARE.

There is no better example… or set of millions of examples of health-care stealing, than the recent debacle known as the COVID-19 pandemic.  Trump-45 was at the mercy of the so-called National Institutes of Health, “NIH,” which was acting as the National Institutes of Hype.  So were we all.  The NIAID, a subset of the NIH, headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, was on TV virtually every day during the COVID assault, assuring the U. S. and anyone else listening, that the wonderful mRNA shots were the best and only “scientific” response to COVID-19, had most politicians bamboozled while he joked about “the Fauci ouchy,” which was just a little prick, after all.  The first act of stealing was to steal our right to the truth.

The second theft was to besmirch and deny access to better, CHEAPER, drugs that would have both slowed the progression of the virus and not damaged the immune systems of millions of people in and out of the United States.  Pushing the shots in the midst of the pandemic – a very questionable approach had the shots even constituted a “vaccine” – may have killed more people than COVID actually did, itself.  The health, short and long-term, of millions was stolen.  Thou shalt not steal.

Those thefts are continuing today, even as the mRNA shots are being pushed toward children who are not at risk from COVID.  The COVID pandemic was a financial emergency, not a medical one.

Americans possess so much personal property – vital, irreplaceable, hard-won “things” – like the free exercise of religion, the right to bear arms and the right to self-protection that embodies, the right to a jury trial, the right to privacy and security in our possessions and homes against unreasonable search and seizure, the right to speak freely, to seek redress of grievances.  Above all, the right to our beliefs.  These things we own by birth, and we have the right to relinquish them, by choice, in the interests of an orderly society.  The governments we have freely formed, however, conspire and endeavor to steal these possessions in a thousand ways.  It is our obligation to recognize when those thefts are being attempted or executed, and to stop them.

There is a mountain of evidence that the Democratic National Committee – DNC – engineered enough unconstitutional changes to voting practices in 2020 to literally steal re-election from President Trump and hand it to Joe Biden.  Democrats are in no case as sensitive to a suggestion of political malfeasance as they are when “stealing the 2020 election” comes up.  Incredibly sensitive.  Leads a person to think that the suggestion hits very close to home.  Harry Reid, when majority leader in the Senate, accused Mitt Romney of not paying his taxes for 10 years.  It was a total lie and constituted the theft of reputation of Romney and of truth from the minds of those to whom a slavish media dutifully repeated the lie.  When called out on it all Reid would say was, “Well, he lost didn’t he?”  In other words, it was a justifiable act on the part of an influential Democrat.

But it wasn’t, Prudence believes: Thou shalt not steal, Mr. Reid.  The same admonition applies to the entire Democrat party: Thou shalt not steal.  Get it? If only the Republican Party were free of the same flaw.

Every lie is a theft – a stealing of the truth.  Thou shalt not steal.

The Trump Effect

Having been an obvious conservative and Republican for decades, people ask me about Donald Trump and as the primary season has bumped along, my answer now is to divert, slightly, to the “Trump effect.”

The Trump effect has proven to be catalytic. He came in to the race as an erstwhile Republican, and there are fair arguments against the validity of that, but without any political power. He had financial power, but lots of people do and it doesn’t mean they have political power. He had bragadoccio and courage, but those don’t mean political power, either. He had influence, and lots of media exposure, and those are important to political power, but don’t create it.

What is required is some or all of those things plus a key ingredient from among these few: a political or power vacuum in society, an intense desire to gain political power, an intense, patriotic, statesmanlike desire to save society, an intense, sympathetic/empathetic desire to heal and comfort everyone – the penultimate social worker, an idea, or cause, that is shared by large numbers of voters, or a willingness to gain power by hook or by crook for personal, megalomaniacal aggrandizement.

I believe that from these 6 evolve or devolve all the motivations that lead people to desire the presidency and every office below it in hierarchy. Where does the “Trump effect” fit in?

First, Trump seized upon a severe problem that forms the basis of a cause for large numbers of Americans: open borders, or ill-enforced immigration policies. Law-abiding citizens watch in horror as illegal entrants are treated better than citizens, provided welfare of various kinds, granted quasi-legal status despite being criminals, even being allowed to vote, as though the function and sovereignty of the United States is not defendable – or even defensible. He launched his effort with a cause.

The reaction to the cause, however, has yielded intense hatred for Trump and all of his followers. It just happens that the opposition is from the “left,” which, collectively, hates the United States to one degree or another, and which sees flooding the country with illegal entrants – especially racially and culturally very different illegal entrants or supposed Islamic “refugees” – as just desserts for all the cultural crimes the U. S. has committed for so long. This automatically places Trump on the “right,” or in Republican country, a place in which he does not comfortably fit.

Whether or not Trump survives the nomination marathon, “his” widely shared cause will continue to motivate large numbers of citizens. This is the “effect” that we can name as Trump’s for now, but which is a valid political force whose adherents – millions of them – fear will not have a champion if he fades politically. Should that be the outcome of the primaries, caucuses and convention, there will be a real risk of the “Trump forces” breaking away from standard party politics. The reactions of the left to this may not be the smartest, as they perceive a great, false proof of their ability to wield total power.

People who are sympathetic to the “cause” but who are not bound to it, will be unable to stop the breakup of the “right.” Almost by definition, the current “right” would become one end of the “left’s” spectrum. The observed tendency of the Republican “establishment” to cooperate rather destructively with the parts of the governing establishment that desires to disassociate the U. S. from its Constitution, will then make a weird sense. A new “right” will be born.

Suddenly, the political landscape will re-define itself. New alliances among those who are passionate about the Constitution, who are pro-life, pro-individual responsibility, pro-sovereignty and pro-defense of our borders, language and culture, will coalesce. Left and Right will become more distinct and more distinctly opposed. “The Trump effect,” then, is a new politics for both “sides.” Nothing the Republican party – a quite-flawed institution, can do, will put this genie back in a bottle.