Tag Archives: Replicon


Since the brutal terror-attack on Israel last October 7th, there have been “protest” actions ranging from building occupations at universities to outright vandalism to widespread hate-crimes and breaching of civil rights of Americans. The so-called protests were… are, aimed at Israel and Jews in general as though Israel caused its own victimization. Funding for all of the signs, flags, tents and food support comes from a variety of front organizations for Hamas and, ultimately, Iran. The marchers, occupiers and rioters are, essentially, shouting in FAVOR of murder: death to Israelis and to the nation of Israel, itself. The thinnest of membranes separates that desire from the very same for America, itself. This death business has become one of the largest businesses in America. Sadly.

Another death-rattle in our modern, “progressive” society is the aggressive abortion industry. One need not be an active “Christian” to grow up with a sense of the sanctity of life. Our Declaration of Independence lists our “unalienable Rights” among which are “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Little of the message of our Declaration is known or contemplated by most Americans, but many can quote “life liberty and pursuit of happiness” and most actually think those promises are in the Constitution. Shame on elementary education that the Declaration is so poorly known or understood, but if only one scrap were able to be widely known, “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” is the one most needed. The sanctity of LIFE is part of America.

For 150 years the sanctity of life has been under assault from forces flying a variety of banners. One of the worst is eugenics. Unfortunately, the concept of perfecting or purifying the racial makeup of our population captured the backing of many politicians. The concept of choosing death of non-whites over education and opportunity is a sick one. Big names, like Harriman, signed on to Margaret Sanger’s effort to abort the babies of the less fit – mostly brown-skinned. How it is that blacks and others can vote for Democrats and their slavish promotion of abortion as a social problem solution, is an example of excellent “psy-ops” by Democrats to convince blacks that the people trying to abort them are their friends.

The concept to marginalizing, if not killing blacks, can be seen at work in “Great Society” welfare programs that have practically destroyed the black family. The whole miasma of “the war on drugs” that has produced 50 years of increase, has also yielded overdose deaths on a scale that once would have caused immense distress to “normal” people, but has become just a background problem for those “less fit.” Shame on us for not being nationally serious about drugs. They KILL upwards of 100,000 AMERICANS every single, damned year.

However, we have been programmed to believe that life is not part of the American way; it is only true if you don’t upset the oligarchy – and the Communists – too much. Life is no longer revered. Murderers are rather routinely let out of prison or not even prosecuted. The greatest murder machine on earth: Planned Parenthood, is a political force, able to tap into federal taxation/borrowing in various ways. Politicians seek their support. Churches are denigrated and polluted with popular fads, their normal defense of life as not just revered but, sacred, yet under constant assault. Children are indoctrinated with odd theories of sexual unreality, part of the great movement to disassociate Americans from truth. Halloween is celebrated more than Christmas.

Clearly there is a macabre fascination with, if not celebration of death. Great effort has been made to convince the blindly secular that murder isn’t murder if there is some overriding social purpose. Among such purposes are convenience, economics, social injustice, food profits, pharmaceutical profits, climate change and hatreds, including political hatred… so many ways to justify death as a preferred solution. Underlying many of them is a political belief that the Earth would be a great place to live if it weren’t for all the humans. Dropping the total population by FIVE OR SIX BILLION people, as many elite globalists would like, would make for some very uncomfortable decades. Large sums of money are being spent to achieve depopulation.

One political party has staked its success on abortion rights, on backing Hamas and Iran and on greasing the subversive skids of the Chinese Communist Party, the most murderous nation on Earth. The same party helped kill tens of thousands of Americans with stupid Covid rules and stupid mRNA injection mandates, and looks forward to reducing our population by reducing food supplies while still promoting these infernal gene-therapy shots to even 5-year olds and to everyone else in the form of “boosters” that limit and undercut our natural immune systems. The latest weapon in this attack is an mRNA technology called “Replicon,” being tested on the Japanese right now. Once at work in humans’ cells, this crap replicates itself so as to spread to other cells where it generates “spike” proteins, ostensibly to stimulate an immune response.

The trouble is, these replicating RNA strands can be transmitted to others in close contact, causing them to be “innoculated” unknowingly. Unfortunately, the well-documented threats to overall health and natural immunity are just as bad as from the original mRNA shots that people lined-up-for… until they got wise and no longer do. This would be a wonderful planet if it weren’t for all the people. In Prudence’ view the most tragic death will be of the United States, itself.

Killing a nation happens on multiple “fronts.” Obviously, killing all the people would kill the IDEA of a nation and its culture. Genocide is the worst war crime there is. But, if the ideas that are shared by the citizens of a nation can be eroded, even reversed, so to speak, that nation will die a different kind of death. As the process descends that nation increasingly exists for the benefit of others, not for itself or for its people. Soon its education system is teaching history (if taught at all) of all the reasons to be ashamed of the nation’s founding, ideals and actions. Then, enclaves of foreign cultures are invited in where populations of people with unassimilated and unassimilable ideas are allowed to grow to an extent that they affect elections, crowding out American beliefs and voters. Closer to the end, law and order, police systems, layers of the judiciary and national law enforcement are twisted into political tools for resisting or undercutting the members of society that still are passionate about the nation and its founding philosophies.

Finally, one political party commits itself to all the forces and fallacies that spread the many kinds of death that are threatening to kill the nation. That party should never hold power, again.