The most powerful organ in the body is not the heart, or the liver, or even the descending bowel! Athletes might think the greatest power is in the “glutes” or the femoris and adductors. In obese America even the stomach is way behind the greatest organ.
The organ we’re describing is the source of the greatest hatreds in the world. It moves armies and populations to hatred and dehumanization of outside groups, so that they might be bombed and killed without conscience. It is so powerful that it can change the meanings of words to the degree that murder is no longer murder and crimes are now “rights.”
The most powerful organ is the MOUTH! I know, right?
The most comforting words of love and compassion can issue from a mouth connected to one’s heart – a phenomenally useful combination. These can lead to love between friends… and even between strangers. They can lead to procreation and great parenting, recognition of strengths in others and acknowledgement of heroism. They can educate in great principles and improve one’s society, culture and public good.
The mouth is fairly close to the brain. This doesn’t always mean there’s a connection, however. A mouth can spew corrosive vitriol directly at people we love, even to the point of destruction of marriages, families, companies and governments. Mouths sometimes, well… run off at the mouth, so to speak. Friends of the mouth’s host will then ask, “What on Earth were you thinking?”
Nothing, probably. Recently, for example, that great philosopher, Madonna Louise Ciccone, proclaimed for as large an audience as she could find, that she had thought about blowing up the White House (based, apparently, on its legal resident). One would hope that her mouth had spewed with no forethought, but she claims there was some. She should know, no?
World-famous deep thinker, Stephen Colbert, said on broadcast TV that the mouth of the president of the United States was good only for holding the penis of the president of the Russian Federation. That was scripted, evidently, and probably practiced, but it still is not evidence of a connection between the Colbert’s mouth and his brain… hmmnn, unless, Lordy, maybe it is!
I wonder if that is where the term, “Full of (euphemism for turd)” came from?
Social media provide ways to “speak” by typing, and those who enjoy the process seem to act as though typing out text makes one an “author” or some sort of “journalist” and not a “speaker.” Verbal crap that people – most people – would never say face to face, might be magically insulated by virtue of social-medium “publication.” This is proof that there is often no more brain-connection to peoples’ hands than to their mouths.
This is true for Presidents and paupers, liberals and conservatives. One need only be able to discern unfounded – or unbounded – hatred in texted speech, as opposed to reasoned criticism, to gauge the connection of brains to much of modern “speech.”