American patriots must face the truth of the assault on “the American way.” The threats and active destruction of our world-leading culture and governmental theory, are premised on the warped analyses of Communist theory. We seem to enjoy arguing “Republicanism” and “Democracy” inasmuch as these ill-defined, rather amorphous distinctions are poly-philosophic in the worst, most dangerous ways. American political argumentation is largely hollow: platitudes are spouted by not just “both” sides, but by all the “sides” folded into our two parties, yet the translation of philosophy into public policy is nearly indistinguishable from a frontal assault. Other forces have more to do with policy than our overly platitudinous blatherings ever have or will.
Money has a lot to do with how we govern, as does corruption. The two are often, but not always, contiguous. For “fellow travelers” and other acolytes, philosophical corruption is its own reward. One may be easily drawn in to a corrupt philosophy by not recognizing that its premise is a lie… like communism, trans-genderism, oligarchy and “equity.” Or, alternatively, one may not care if the premise is real or not, only that joining with it is a source of social capital that is comforting. It is well to analyze the end-game of any philosophy. Many have an intent toward a goal that is utterly destructive, of individuals, of freedom or of whole societies and cultures. And here, sadly, is where we seem to be in 2023. Divide and conquer.
It serves an attacking force to have a number of fifth-columns who are willing to attack simultaneously, even for deeply held reasons of their own, whose targets and purposes have been laid out for them for completely other reasons than their own. These are they who the most cynical tyrants call “useful idiots.” For shame. They are not idiots… indeed, nearly all are strongly motivated by virtuous beliefs in the need for action on a host of issues, and motivated enough to take action to right a wrong, redress injustice, prevent global warming or stop the scourge of pandemic.
Unfortunately, most of these deeply-held beliefs are premised on falsehoods – falsehoods that serve the overriding purposes of those who spread them – falsehoods that contain a tiny kernel of truth. These can include the truth of slavery and slave ownership by white Americans 150 years ago and longer. From that truth springs the false premise of retroactive hatred: somehow doing the hating in the 21st century that was not accomplished in the 18th and 19th centuries, will make life better for … well, someone. It cannot, of course, but it’s sold on another false premise: injustice. Yes, there is injustice in the world, and it’s part of just about every culture, group, nation and tribe. But it is dead wrong – sometimes deadly wrong – to foment new injustice to somehow “balance” the old injustice of slavery. What isn’t clear to those who fall for “two wrongs will make something right,” is that the whole business of such fomenting has nothing to do with justice OR injustice: it has to do with dividing a nation against itself, segregating races and sexes and families, in order to weaken that nation, making it easier to eventually defeat it. God forbid.
True believers who are caught up in that (or some other) movement will, most of them, deny that their aim is to destroy America… they want to make it a better, fairer country. Their way of doing so is to steal money from those who earn it (unequal and punitive taxation) in order to pay some form of reparation to certain, select others whose main justification for receiving it is the depth of their anger at long-deceased slave owners. There is no “justice” involved, whatsoever. Yet warriors for justice believe that justice will increase if they support the false premise.
Those whose primary purpose is neither justice nor fairness (rarely synonymous), but destruction, are also strongly supportive of sexual deviance, especially that promulgated by the newly conjured race: trans-gender and its multiple subsets. Nothing has proven more effective for sundering the national identity that makes a nation strong.
We have a culture… supported by thousands of years of philosophical and economic evolution including, most emphatically, Judaism, Christianity and the heritage of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. What became “American” is a result of some of the greatest human advances in science, engineering and philosophy. It is nothing to be ashamed of, nor is all the history that led humankind here. There is no point, or stage, or precursor society or culture that may be adjudged perfect. There is no population, each a mixture of many others, by virtue of war or proximity, that was either pure or perfect in its own right, however it may have been judged by its successors. Each, in another sense, was perfect. Based upon its more or less rigid philosophies and shared beliefs, every stage of human existence and advancement was “perfectly” human. It was what it could be; each ended as it did in ways we can smugly judge to be “good” or “bad,” from our supercilious and lofty positions of hyper-technology and hyper-sexuality. Our own greatest limitation may be severely limited humility.
We are the wrong people to be judging ourselves unless it is to improve our honesty, philosophy, charity, economy and humility so that we might, as a culture edge closer to our more perfect ideals. It does not seem that this could possibly succeed without shared beliefs, shared morals, shared trust in honesty and truth, and shared respect for our individual worths. We know the forces that hurt and hobble our culture, and that interfere with the strengthening of family structure and with the raising and maturation of children. We know these things. Yet the number of our co-culturists who champion the weakening of these aspects of cultural success, is growing with only limited opposition. Even our legal and penal systems fail to slow the increase of weakening efforts. Those with eyes to see can observe what amounts to a suicide of our society and culture.
Will we collapse for lack of understanding of what our defense must consist of? Have we talked ourselves into accepting evil as a partner in our culture? Because it’s fair? Or, just?
Has our system of justice earned a legal rightto protect evil in contravention of ten thousands years of advancement? We cannot seem to even agree on what is good or bad for ourselves and our “American” culture. Must we accept that what is tearing away at our culture is a valid part of it? Is freedom no more than a right to kill ourselves and our homeland?
Will those who follow us be guided by our best traditions and ideals… or will they spit on the grave of liberty?
Currently we seem to be as concerned about inflation and the “consumer price index” as we are about any other nationwide issue. “Inflation,” of course, refers only to the inflation of the money supply, something that is only partly affected by the actions of people in the day-to-day economy… what we call, “Main Street.” This reference is usually juxtaposed to “Wall Street,” where the wizards of finance operate at, supposedly, an entirely different level of economics than the rest of us. Though Wall Street money machinations are more arcane, they are not so very different from the decisions we all make regarding the presence or lack of “money” and the affordability of things we’d like to buy.
“Wall Street” is a combine of INTERNATIONAL money manipulators, and they are tied to many governments, especially that of the United States, where finance involves multi-Billions and even Trillions of dollars; financing shopping centers, small businesses and residences is not their particular concern. They, like Federal socialists, are delighted to mess with 10’s and 100’s of thousands of mortgages, including selling “options” and “futures” contracts based on their supposed flow of billions and hundreds of billions of future mortgage payments – delighted, that is, until their phony financial instruments caused the destruction of several of their own pack, like Lehman Brothers. At that point, thanks to their financial entanglements with “our” federal government and governors, they felt free to compel the taxpayers of America to bail them out. Otherwise, they’re just like us.
In either case, “money” is defined as instruments of real worth or value: a dollar once was exchangeable for a dollar’s worth of silver or, in theory, of gold. People – and banks and governments – around the world, recognize precious metals and true weights and purity thereof, as items of intrinsic value. Right now, the “dollar” bill we are familiar with is no longer even tied to the United States directly; it is a “Federal Reserve Note” that the U. S. Federal Government declares must be accepted as “legal tender” for all debts public and private. But, all you can get at a Federal Reserve Bank (neither federal nor a reserve) in exchange for a one-dollar Federal Reserve Note is another Federal Reserve Note. So, our “currency” today is only “tender,” not actual money. Others accept it in exchange for real goods and services and as long as this is true we can function economically.
Our good and trusted Representatives, however, legislating in “The People’s House” on our behalf, have decided over many decades to spend more “money” than we can actually afford to pay in taxes. Our Federal “budgets,” such as they have been since 1960 or so, have been out of “balance,” now accumulating some $32 Trillion of DEBT, which has placed an obligation on the backs of all of us, thank them very much. This occurred at an accelerated rate over the past two years of the Biden administration and the last year of the Trump administration, thanks, ostensibly, to a COVID-19 pandemic, and this has both distorted our employment, wages and sense of responsibility, and caused tremendous INFLATION of the money supply. Well, actually, it’s not money that it has inflated, but our “legal tender” or “currency.” Keep in mind that it is not “money” that gets inflated – that supply only grows by the quantities of goods and fixed assets that increase thanks to PRODUCTION of those goods, goods that have intrinsic value. That “intrinsic value” is the closest thing to “money” that we have.
Unfortunately, as fascistic leftists shut down our economy and started paying newly locked-out workers to stay home as their jobs evaporated, PRODUCTION, oddly enough, declined! Suddenly we had trillions of new bits of legal tender floating around with fewer goods – or SERVICES – available to buy! This logically caused prices to rise. That’s not “inflation,” regardless of how often we call it that, it is PRICE INCREASE derived largely from supply and demand. In our foolishness we lowered supply while we multiplied demand. Indeed, our decades-long transfer of production to China, where it was also restricted by COVID (including screw-ups in the supply chain, keeping what products were made out of our marketplaces) made our own inflation-generated price increases even worse. Anyone who calls rising prices, “inflation,” is simply ignorant. The Federal Government and the current administration are the most frequent mis-staters of what “inflation” is, but it helps to confuse – or lie to – the American people, one of which is always a Federal goal.
Consequently, President Biden and his tight tether to the truth, loves to claim that “inflation” has “come down” for the past 6 consecutive months. How wonderful that sounds, as though his spendthrift administration were responsible for improving the economy for average folks. But what is reality? Do Biden’s truths have any congruence with reality?
Prices are still high and getting higher. What does Biden’s claim of slowing “inflation” have to do with that? Well, when we recognize what his “inflation” really is: price increases, Biden is patting himself on the back for slower price increases. Swell. What he hopes to obscure is the painful fact that all the price increase that has already taken place IS STILL THERE, and those prices are STILL GOING UP, just a little slower. That is not a victory. Factually it is a sloppy admission that the pain he has inflicted on Americans with his dumb-ass policies is as bad as ever and getting worse. Congratulations, you old dope.
Add to the damage being done the fact that the rate of price increases (so-called inflation) is no longer honestly stated to begin with, thanks to Federal political calculations, since they no longer include ENERGY or FOOD! What a hoax. That lets the Department of Commerce claim that “inflation” is only 6 or 7 or 8 percent, when it’s actually 12 or 13 percent! People might really vote against someone who presided over an economy with 13 percent inflation (whatever that is). As Ralph Waldo Emerson famously said, “The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons.”
So, Prudent readers, inflation isn’t the same as price increases, but it is a significant cause of them. It isn’t something people cause; it is a tool of government that performs as a relatively slow devaluation of the currency. Unfortunately, that is the same legal tender that we, all, depend upon for affording our means of living. Don’t vote for politicians or erstwhile “leaders” who willingly devalue the money you have earned and the wealth you have accumulated over years. Who the Hell do they think they are, to steal from every citizen? Indeed. Check out:
Things just aren’t the same, anymore… have you noticed? On the other hand, it’s not Prudent to say
they ever were – the same I mean. Strong
societies like the United States, remain strong because some things are the
same, in fact; to protect ourselves, our grandchildren and their grandchildren,
the strong fibers in our culture must be defended and inculcated in our
children as well as in ourselves. There
are too many who should understand their presence and purpose but appear
ignorant of them.
One such fiber is our Constitution. Conservatives revere it; leftists unceasingly
circumvent it. Since its adoption the
Constitution has held strong, but has no effect on national direction when
governance simply steps into the shadows and ignores it. Most of that determined ignorance includes
big tax-funded payoffs to politically significant segments of the citizenry,
cementing the synthesis, into the new
thesis that the Constitutional limitation on this or
that governing act actually could be interpreted in a different (socialistic)
way. Later there is always the new antithesis that, couched in terms of “equal protection
under the law” and “non-discrimination,” must, “constitutionally” be applied to
still more segments until there’s a permanent acceptance of that much socialism
by the very conservatives who believe they are defending the Constitution! It’s a strong, inelastic fiber that’s been
stretched, nevertheless, over the past 150 years.
Conservatives believe that pulling back from the severe
strains on the Constitutional fiber, is the only long-term solution to the
survival of the American idea.
Religion, churches (church-communities) and religious
education form a fiber that is perceived as “quaint” by the leftist elements on
the East and West coasts and urban pockets in between. Anti-religion is strong on college campuses,
as it is in public grade and high schools.
Being at least agnostic, if not atheistic, is worn as a badge of
intellectual status, certainly since the 1960’s; those still attending are being taught that
the Bible and the words of Jesus somehow fit socialism. In response, churches are failing to define
the difference between worldly comforts and holy purposes of life. Government, under a Constitutional guarantee
of non-interference in and by religion itself, has proven feckless and works
harder to divest itself of moral responsibility at every level. This “fiber” is threadbare and undependable.
Family cohesiveness is the core strength of any society. In no culture has the strength and identity of mores and traditions been separated from widespread, if not complete, adherence to the family “pattern,” until the degradation of “Western,” culture, now entering its seventh decade. It is quickly becoming America’s greatest weakness and we have repeatedly elected representatives who facilitate it with misguided welfare programs. Without succeeding generations of “America”-acculturated citizens, there will be no “nation” and worse, there will be no one to defend it. Electronics and computerized health-care are not substitutes for strong, morally straight families, for only they form the “fiber” of freedom and self-government enabled through the Constitution.
Public education is the second greatest acculturation
mechanism and process we have. By
default public schools and teachers are charged with the responsibility to
educate succeeding members of our society and culture: new “Americans,” in truth. Since the 1970’s, certainly, teachers and
their unions have cemented themselves into codified bailiwicks where they can
teach almost anything without fear of being fired, while rewarding those
elected “representatives” who protect their “bailiwicks,” with solid political
support. Unthinking – or lightly
thinking – citizens vote for said “representatives” and vote further to
“support” public education with tax increases and overrides to prove their
great morality in defense of an American tradition. Meanwhile, “teachers” are increasingly
producing less-literate graduates who distrust, if not hate, the United States
and the true traditions of sacrifice, thrift, personal responsibility and
Judeo-Christianity, while embracing socialism, of all things the most
antithetical to American success and strength.
As a culture we are failing miserably to make the fabric of our nation
stronger, and we grin as we reward those who facilitate our internal
weakness. This “fiber” is now almost
invisible, maintained mostly in private, church-connected schools, and not all
of those.
Finance and wealth creation have been, and should be, strong
fibers in the fabric of industrialized societies, of which the United States is
one, like it or not. Both are tightly
connected to honesty in our legal structures, honesty in our contracts, honesty
in our “money,” fair debt creation and destruction, and private property. In short, the economics of the Bible, both
old and new testaments, like it or not.
Proto-socialists rail against “unfair” wealth “distribution.” They are simultaneously right and wrong. Wealth is not “distributable,” per se, and
“fairness” is irrelevant, but the accumulation and possession of “wealth,” is
certainly uneven, leading to strong feelings of envy and raw hatred of the “greedy.” These feelings are political minefields and
rich fodder for politicians whose beliefs are fundamentally anti-American… or
anti-family: same thing. But back to
Financially, the federal government is a failure, unable to maintain its own household within a budget and even to create an honest budget through anything close to honest legislation. Because the Congress can, and the U. S. is in a global position to enable it, the federal government borrows more than it can (ever) repay, every fiscal year. Despite these well-known facts of financial incompetence, American voters continue to elect “representatives” who believe – and require by legislation – that more and more of every American’s personal financial security should depend upon or be in the hands of, the federal government. This “fiber” is a misconstrual of the “strings” that federal intrusion always includes – strings that could strangle us.
Debt is a tool of growth, investment, liquidity, defense, achievement, construction, infrastructure, public health and more, much more. Yet it is also a weapon, threatening and weakening whole nations, indeed, every nation. Instead of leading the world economically, proving the superiority of free enterprise and freedom itself, the United States has succumbed to banking globalism and to the blandishments of socialism, under which “investments” are made in daily necessities for large fractions of our population. Economically there is no “R.O.I” – return on investment – where debt is incurred in the furthering of dependency. The U. S. carries a “current” debt liability that is approaching annual G.D.P. Our productivity cannot generate sufficient surplus to even “service” that debt (pay the interest on it) without borrowing other debt to do so, given the nature of our entitlement budget and bloated pension commitments. Weapon-wise, debt allows international banking to FORCE the U. S. to borrow to meet its commitments for interest payments. Every dollar of debt is a dollar of weakness, not strength; of obligation, not freedom. Our “representatives” are doing this type of budgeting “for” us since it’s too complicated for us to understand.
Money is real. That is, “money” has intrinsic value: gold, silver, platinum or other “hard” currencies, or the notes that stand for a set value of real money so long as those notes may be traded for real money on demand. We don’t have “money” any longer, although we have currency that we are still willing to work for, sell for, buy with and “save up” for those rainy days. Written on the notes in our pockets are official dictates that this or that piece of paper shall be accepted as “legal tender” in all transactions, public or private. Someone famous and/or important has his or her name printed nearby affirming the quality of the banknotes we hold. They are no longer U. S. Notes, they are Federal Reserve Notes, a private bank with a public name. Instead of having the U. S. Mint simply print U. S. Notes when we need more liquidity in the economy, we incur a debt to the Federal Reserve bank, and others, including foreign countries – debts we have no hope of repaying in principal, while our obligation to “service” those debts is unending. The government prints U. S. Bonds, however, which are accepted as good instruments for the loans their purchasers are making to the United States. The question, is, therefore, if the bonds are good, why not skip the growing interest cost and just print our own money? Hmmmnnnhh.
So, our money is not honest. It is, instead, merely confidence notes that we and most of the world, accept. Federal Reserve Notes may be exchanged at any so-called bank only for other Federal Reserve Notes… not for gold or silver or anything of intrinsic value except, if inclined, for modern pennies, the content of which cost more than 1 cent. Melting them down for the intrinsic metal value is a crime, of course. More and more we exchange our “cash” for magnetic bubbles on a hard drive, trusting the federally regulated “bank” to protect the record so that we may access it at gasoline pumps, hardware stores and websites that will trade books and electronic gizmos for a share of those magnetic records. We are now a couple of layers of separation from real-value-money and yet fully confident that “our” money is both safe and safely “ours.”
Our entire economy is based on, and priced on, debts and interest. Think about it. Our rush to “cashless” commerce carries a very high price, whether one makes use of credit cards or not. First, the merchant/ restaurateur who accepts your card, must pay the transfer or remitting agent a fee for that privilege – a fee based on a percentage of the transaction amount, including taxes. This may be 1.5%, 2%, 3% and occasionally more depending on total flow of “credit” transactions for that single location or for the total transactions for a chain of locations. Many card-holders use “Rewards” cards to obtain fractional cash-back or “miles” or other goodies marketed as though free, simply as a thank-you for using the card. In reality those “rewards” raise the fees to the vendor/merchant for the privilege of accepting the card. Those costs are recouped entirely from the cost of goods sold – there is no free lunch. Later, the card-holder receives a bill from the “credit-card company” (bank) for all the stupid latte’s, Big Macs and smoothies he or she has enjoyed during the month preceding. Smart card-holders pay that bill in total the minute they receive it, but a large and growing percentage do not, allowing some of the balance to carry over to the next billing cycle, incurring upwards of 20% or more interest! Some even pay only the minimum suggested to keep the collection process at bay – this figure leads to maximization of the total interest the cardholder will eventually pay to the bank that has, in effect, loaned him or her enough money to buy lunch… or gas… or movie tickets… or even subway rides. As above, so below, when it comes to debt-consciousness. In effect then, our entire retail economy and large segments of wholesale purchases carries a “vig” of 2% or more on average; that is, 2%, say, on about $6 Trillion in retail sales and 25% or more than that in wholesale/raw-materials sales. The interest cost on costs of goods, is approaching $200 Billion. Where does that money go, one wonders? We’re all paying for it.
The once-strong thread of thrift and sacrifice has
disappeared, leaving all of us – and our supposedly “rich” nation, indebted for
life, our children’s lives, their children’s lives and the lives of further
generations than they. What an
Suffice to say that our nation is adrift. One political party/movement: liberal,
progressive, socialist, Democrat, is prostrating itself before the twin altars
of unrestricted abortion and legalizing drugs and other crimes, and the altar
of outsiders: non-citizens unwilling to provide for themselves or to follow our
most basic national laws. The other is
tripping over its shoelaces trying to remain relevant to media that share the
liberal, progressive, socialist, Democrat viewpoints – and philosophies – while
trying to overcome 60 years of feckless education (also liberal, progressive,
socialist, Democrat-leaning) that has separated 3 generations of Americans from
their history, heritage and founding majesty.
Politicizing, even codifying, every feeling and hatred, has
not rendered ours a happier or more cohesive society. Indeed, it is not even “fairer.” Politics that channels hatreds requires the
aggravation of envy and jealousy; it requires the accentuation of differences
between groups rather than between individuals.
So-called “identity politics” leads to identifying each group’s enemies
and resisting, if not attacking them.
Civility as a tool for nation-building is not simply unemployed, it is
When differences between individuals is dealt with – usually
in small, civil steps – what usually develops is an understanding of how much
more similar they/we are, than different. Individuals don’t usually hurl epithets at
unrelated, unconnected individuals, it takes a mob mentality to do so, and then
it is done in order to or because of some perceived membership in a mob-hated group.
Civility, and civilization itself, takes work, commonality, leadership,
both individual and social. A
Constitutional Republic like the United States is based on individual, not
group responsibility; it is based on self-control and individual
responsibility, not group control or group responsibility. Keep this distinction in mind. One need not be Christian to appreciate that
the New Testament was a covenant with individuals and not with tribes or
peoples. Ours is a “Christian” nation in
that our Constitution enables individual success and failure, and individual
responsibility to one’s community, family and self for the consequences of
one’s actions… and, perhaps, to God.