Tag Archives: LBJ


There is no solution or resolution to the new racism America is “enjoying” in 2021, unless we dramatically change course in multiple key areas: Education, Religious freedom, Health care, Monopoly capitalism, Municipal government, Police theory, Government budgeting, Taxation, Border integrity, Cabinet-level policies, Judicial theory, FBI/DOJ practice, Foreign policy, and, if current events allow, a few others.  What constitutes this “new” racism?

To leftists the new racism is the same as the “old” racism, and, given that definition, is the “fault” of the descendants of “old” racists, back to 1619, if not earlier, like 1492, maybe.  But, it’s not the same, is it?  The United States has painfully advanced from white slavery of non-whites over a span of 200 years, in no small part due to the advocacy and non-violent protest-education that led to the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and Affirmative Action in all of its misguided intentions.  The process cost many blacks in beatings and even deaths as the tentacles of “KKK-like” racism tried to cling desperately to the old ways and old hatreds.  As a nation we have rejected those old ways legally, officially, judicially.

Unfortunately, under Lyndon Johnson, we created, simultaneously with the new legal civil rights platform, a federalized welfare structure that has most efficiently deconstructed black families and black success.  As Johnson described the bill-signing, he remarked, “I’ll have those niggers (sic) voting Democratic for generations.”  To that degree he was completely honest, unlike most of his political career.  In fact, federal responsibility for family support is the basis of the “new” racism.  Since federal checks follow, there has been a distinctly muted effort to reverse federal welfare despite decades of evidence of its worst corrosive effect: fatherless children.

The coincident weakening of religious teaching, especially of Christianity, even if only one day a week for a couple of hours, is a second, very large factor eroding our Republic.  Our Constitutional system of, ostensibly, limited government, has worked, and can work, ONLY if the individuals who ratified the Constitution and who swear allegiance to the nation it defines, are honest, morally straight and responsible to themselves and their families.  Without that quality of citizens, the U. S. of A. will not survive for long, something global leftists are working for.

U. S. leftists seem to be working for the same thing.

We cannot make much progress toward a more honest, more moral nation while the Congress and the bureaucratic state are the most influential liars.  Here and there are some Representatives or Senators who appear to be somewhat honest, but they cannot stem the mendacity tide.  Now Capitol Hill has joined its lies with the White House’s extraordinary disingenuousness, leaving honest citizens with nowhere to turn.  The history of the 46th president’s public positions is disturbing enough; his abrupt change of beliefs – if that’s what has happened – is more concerning.  Mr. Biden became a self-made Manchurian Candidate, yet lots of confused Americans are cheering him on.  He has also adopted the new racism as he claims to be “uniting” the country.  Most people who are really strong for Biden, are also those who were taught to hate Trump the most.

While Biden dissembles on virtually everything, especially on domestic and foreign policies, Trump, for all his braggadocio and embellishment – mostly to enhance his own image – never lied about policies he would pursue.  There’s some difference.

The new racism isn’t aimed at “solving” racism.  The new racism is simply a crass, cynical tool for social destruction.  White liberals… and brown liberals, actually think that by forcing whites to “admit” to racists attitudes and to berate one another for our unthinking, “systemic” racism, that every American will finally, regardless of ALL other efforts since our founding, become anti-racist.  Since the underlying premise is false, most of what is said about it is also false.  Racism is normal.  What is not normal, or acceptable, is twisting normal suspicions into hatreds, unjust actions and, sadly, illegal actions.

America is founded on PERSONAL responsibility and personal morality.  Our freedoms are INDIVIDUAL, not grouped.  As John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people”. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

If for no other reason, Socialism’s first goal is always to separate people from religion and faith in God, thereby making government far more necessary to maintain order in society.  Scottish historian, Lord Tytler, is reputed to have said the following:

“The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependence; from dependence back into bondage.”

Books have been written on that very same theme.  Some describe the phases differently, seeing a shift from liberty into a society dominated by “high priests, experts and judges.”  In America’s case, Prudence can describe that phase as beginning about the time of World War II, simultaneous with the rise of data digitization.  Many of the “high priests” were now identified – since Roosevelt – with government types, the bureaucratic state and academia.  Then, with the foul-minded president, Lyndon Baines Johnson, the explosion of regulation swamped the ability of individuals to manage their own affairs, their own families or their own businesses.  Leftists, as part of the long, long march toward the emasculation of the United States and its eventual demise, saw doors opening throughout the 1960’s through which they could insert levers to separate Americans from the traditions that made the U. S. the strongest nation in the world, and the leader among nations.  Separating us from our traditions has reached a fever pitch.

The new racism is similar in purpose to the old racism: keeping one group down and unable to affect the freedoms… or whims, of the dominant group.  But, it’s not the same.  The new racism defines groups not simply by skin color or other immutable traits, ethnic origin and the like, but by politics and economics; in other words, according to the tenets of Karl Marx.  Lo and behold, the loudest agitators for the new racism are, in fact, Marxists.  Many who join hands and voices with them are oblivious (one hopes) to the Marxist kernel.  Like Joe Biden and some other Democrats, they repeat indefinable phrases like “social justice,” “equity,” and “systemic racism.”  The only “systemic” anything is adherence to the founding documents like the Declaration of Independence and the ratified Constitution of 1789, the principles enumerated in the Northwest Ordinance, the Bill of rights and the best of Amendments to the Constitution.  These same are the targets of the new racists: our Marxist brethren in “BLM,” most colleges and universities, the public education industry and unions, and the most “progressive” leftists in the Democrat party.

The simple view is that the new racism is anti-white, but it is even more virulently the enemy of blacks and other minorities who agree with whites or even any white, singular, based on what that white person THINKS.  The new racism is based on hatred, not fear of difference or even economics, per se, although the current economics has to be destroyed in their view.  Everyone who thinks he or she can state agreement with “Black Lives Matter” loud enough to be safe from their racism (Marxism), is deeply confused… for they are Marxists.  And, they seem proud of that and, evidently, proud of their ability to use racism against the white majority.  The latter requiring a special version of hate.  We who are sympathetic to the plight of some minority citizens must be vigilant that we aren’t digging the grave of the United States with BLM shovels.

Along with the never-ending political hatreds associated with (ostensibly) slavery, today’s professional racists have gathered up the LGBTQ “community” as if those people were another “race” as well, equally discriminated against and equally prevented from pursuing happiness.  The theory doesn’t hold water, of course, but it’s good politics… for both groups.  The fear and guilt elicited by “Black Lives Matter” has enhanced the influence of “LGBTQ” demands far beyond simple numbers would indicate.  White liberals can chastise themselves for almost anything brought to their attention.

“BLM” and other communist types don’t seem smart enough to have decided on the 2020 election year as the year they could shift the conscience of a nation using lies about racial animus among police.  There are no statistics that support their hollow claims; indeed, they support the opposite.  Trump, maligned for more than four years, was making progress on many fronts including the economy, defense of our borders and foreign policy.  All indicators showed his popularity soaring and that he was likely to cruise to a resounding re-election.  It would take a confluence of negativity to stop his momentum.

Democrats threw everything at him, including the kitchen sink and a baseless impeachment and he was still holding a substantial polling lead heading in to 2020.  Moreover, his efforts were starting to dig deeper into the “deep state,” the depths of which few had grasped.  The left and subservient media had to unsettle the American people and change the landscape enough to revamp all voting practices so as to mask the “greatest voter fraud operation in our history,” as Democrat candidate Joe Biden, himself, described it.

Enter Covid-19.  There appears to be some history, including funding, between the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, under the direction of the renowned Dr. Fauci, and the Wuhan Laboratory for Viral Diseases.  One might naturally question the value of researching “bat” viruses, but, far, far worse, why would an American lab PATENT the SARS2 coronavirus after having “engineered” it sufficiently that it was no longer a natural life form, which is legally unpatentable?  And then, why would that same NIAID lab transfer the research to Wuhan when it appeared the American lab was skirting the laws against working with potential bio-weapons?  Finally, why would China aggressively spread the “new” or “novel” coronavirus around the world at the beginning of 2020?  Covid-19, in the eyes of this old conspiracist, was part of a perfect storm damaging the first non-deep-state President in a generation… and his nation, at the primary benefit of China, itself.  What a horrible thought, given the history of civilization as a panoply of conspiracies.  One would be stirred to question why any hint of “conspiracy” regarding the past 60 years, or so, is so abruptly shut down and ridiculed.  Perhaps the anti-conspiracists protest too much.

Is the new racism a conspiracy?  Since there is evidence of the most horrible coordination of bad events, it seems feasible.  Proof?  Not so much, but when multiple enemies of the same man and movement are at the hearts of multiple attacks against him… and us, one is entitled to wonder.  Still, Americans are not used to such speculation; we have grown soft in our expectation of good in most people – even politicians.  It is too much to digest the possibility that multiple anti-American forces worked together in our Covid-besmirched year of Marxist terrorism.  To see that year end with a clearly questionable election, marked by the unlikeliest set of anomalies benefitting one candidate, has, at last, caused many Americans to go, “Hmmnnhh.”

In 2007 we were not a racist country.  Since then one party and one global, leftist movement has worked tirelessly to turn us into one.  They have had some success.  May God forbid they have any more.


There’s no such thing as a free lunch: sounds Prudent – someone, somewhere, is paying for it.  There’s no free racism, either, since someone is or soon will be, paying for it.  Nation-wise, it’s damned expensive.

The ‘racism!’ accusation is pretty expensive, too, yet it’s tossed around like racism grows on trees.  Wait, wait, wait… that advice comes from the old “… it’s not like money grows on trees, you know.”  Usually it’s thrown up to someone who needs a lesson in economics.  And, it’s good advice, too.  Money has to be related to a value exchange; all it can be is a way to measure value, denoted in the fungible currency of the day.

Prudence advises us that racism doesn’t grow on trees, either, but it’s tossed around as if it does.  Nothing backs it in terms of value except in the rarest of instances.  Sadly, ‘Racism!” has become the currency of the day.  It’s a little like the relative who opens every gift with the question, “How much did this cost?  Do you have the receipt?”  She (don’t ask, it’s always a she) also gives gifts with the price tag still attached or packed inside.  The only way that person can judge or appreciate value is in terms of currency.

More and more, people – more and more people – cannot judge any other person without determining what level of racism, or anti-racism, adheres to that person.  The value of the epithet is now so low that one might think that racism grows on trees.  The trouble with racism, though, is that it’s a form of hatred: the more you give the more you get.

People who consider themselves “liberal” have suddenly become fully invested in racism currency, not because there is a tangible “R.O.I.,” but because the return is a thick coating of purity… of innocence.  Those same declared “anti-racists” are, evidently, easily educated as to the widespread nature of racism among people who are not as anti-racist as themselves.  In a mild form of “snitching” on racists around them, the anti-racists have begun to advertise their declared “anti-racism.”  One can see the “Black Lives Matter” placards and the “Hate Has No Home Here” signs that imply that the homes without those advertised attitudes must be housing latent or actual racists.

The declared / advertised anti-racist, anti-homophobic, anti-transphobic, anti-Islamophobic attitudes are, in fact, an attempt at the fabled “free lunch.”  Primarily posted by white liberals, they contain an unspoken hope that when riots reach their street, their house will be safe… or their business, or their cars.  Little do they realize that the racism they claim to be opposed to with all their hearts, is already being directed straight at them: their skin is the wrong color.

“But, but… I’ve got a ‘BLM’ placard in my window!  We’re of the same heart and mind as you.  We hate whites, too!”  What?  Don’t they know there’s no such thing as a free lunch?  Next thing you know, white liberals are voting for any politician with brown skin, donating money to “BLM” and other black/brown-centered charities, and holding signs protesting “systemic” racism that they knew was lurking out there, even on their own streets: look at all the houses that don’t proclaim anti-racism.  Racism became a mirror.

Politically, and that is ALL that is truly on the table, here, “racism” means power.  That is the currency that eventually exacts a very high price for the proverbial “free lunch.”  There is no such thing as a non-racist society anywhere in the world.  Actual racists, who have manipulated soft Americans into believing racism is rampant here, are holding out a gaseous premise that racism can be “fixed” or “eliminated” by a universal hatred of whites.  In their view – we’re talking “Black Lives Matter,” here – any rules or standards that whites attempt to live by, are so racist that black and brown people don’t have to abide by them.

Maybe that last paragraph got by you without a lot of reflection or thought.  “BLM,” a communist-inspired, anti-white, anti-Christian, anti-Jewish and anti-family terrorist organization, is saying that any part of current social-cultural structure that is comfortable for white people, is so racist and foul, that it cannot be reformed and must be torn down – burned down if convenient – and replaced with the global communist dream, dominated by black and brown people.  Prudence isn’t making this up – they’ve said virtually these words.  There’s no free lunch, or anti-racism, in any currency.

All the placards and rainbow flags a house or yard has room for will not insulate any avowed “anti-racist” from that change.  Moreover, since they are white, the spoils of “BLM’s” victory, should we stupidly permit it to come to that, will not be shared equally with anyone who is the wrong color. 

Racism is normal.  It’s not equitable, per se; “equity” is unrelated to racism.  The only value a Constitutional republic can offer is equality: equality of opportunity.  No one, as in not any person or official of any sort – no teacher, no coach, no drill instructor… not even any parent or pair of parents, can cause even two people to produce or earn or perform EQUALLY.  No one.  Equity implies that the results of equal opportunity are unequal because of racism, and not just crappy racism embodied in hatred of someone of one race by someone of another – bad enough – but, no, the results are unequal because of systemic racism, a blight that not only cannot be defined, but cannot be reformed. 

Some truly innovative fantasies – lies, we call them – must be sold to a lot of people in order to even begin to approach the nirvana of a world without racism.  Fantastic because such a world is impossible, has never existed and at the cost of millions of lives, has only been set aside temporarily except… except where people are free to worship as they wish and to perfect themselves as their individual happiness leads them.  Only one place on earth has ever formed a government intended to create and maintain such a place of freedom and of equality… of opportunity.

The problem is, we haven’t fulfilled our own founding, at least, not completely.  We were well on our way in the fities and sixties, but the rotten hand of leftism-socialism, often a problem for freedom in our middle century, but a threat to it only since LBJ, has almost completely shredded the fabric of freedom and responsibility, attainment and merit and even of morality.  Certainly it has shredded Judeo-Christianity.  Now it has weakened our ability to resist so carefully that the United States can barely afford to defend itself should it come to that.  For shame, Nancy, Chuck, Barack and the rest of you, demons.

Has anything they espouse resolved racism?  Not in the slightest, for they are employing hated-filled racism to fight unthinking racism.  Not that racism can be eliminated.  Martin Luther King, Jr. once said in a speech to the Massachusetts Great and General Court, that “…no law can make a man love me, but it can keep him from killing me.”  He summed it up nicely.  Government can enforce only civility, and it may adjudicate only injustice – it cannot “create” justice or enforce “fairness.”  Nor are those its duties.  However, an assault on one’s person, interference with his or her civil rights (including rights enumerated in the Constitution), theft or destruction of his or her property, various frauds, libels and so forth, provide a more than adequate basis for enforcing and protecting civil order.  No American citizen, for any reason, should be made to bow down or kneel before anyone else, or be forced by threats of violence or loss, to swear to any idea he or she does not believe.  How can people elected to lead in the United States, twist their beliefs to the extent that they can approve of or encourage the blatant subjugation of one race by another?

With hate now a political tool, principles and beliefs can be discarded, apparently.  Ask our 46th “president.”  Every principle he has espoused throughout his “campaign” and since winning the certifications by enough states to claim the presidency, is new.  Over the nearly 4 decades he became wealthy in the House and Senate, Joe Biden stated, repeatedly, completely opposite principles to those he now governs by.  It seems Prudent to wonder what sort of a man can completely change his beliefs after age, 60, say, or even after 50 years of age?  An unusual one, to say the least, if not a scurrilous bastard.

Joe Biden embodies the high cost of anti-racism as government policy.  Since it is impossible to achieve an anti-racist society, increasing levels of government are needed to pursue it and impose it.  That is to say, fascist socialism, which has nowhere to go but to communism.  Scratch an anti-racist agitator and the next layer reveals a fascist.

There is no free lunch.