Tag Archives: intolerance

Romancing the Swamp

It is difficult for a thoughtful observer to write about President Trump.  He is at once the most misunderstood man to become president, and at the same time the most mentally undisciplined.  Or so he appears.  He is, of course, accused of so many other negative traits that it is difficult to discuss him and his righteous plans for his term in office.  This means that the first question to answer is how such a brash, uncouth person became president, and the answer to that is barely understood or even heard by the “chattering classes” who inhabit 24-hour news programming, for those are they to whom “ordinary” Americans appear primitive and barely cognizant of the world in which they live.

Trump won because of the breakdown of political parties and of political function.  That is, ordinary, work-a-day citizens perceived – accurately – that neither party could be trusted to do “the right things.”  This perception had been building for decades, back, roughly to the assassination of J.F.K., the tumult of the 60’s, the assassinations of King and R.F.K., and the destructive, hate-filled failures of Vietnam.  Since then the manners and principles of American success have receded as socialism and division shifted the future to one less promising… and less spiritually meaningful.

An unfortunate (for most) result has been a remarkable shift of financial power to both old and new oligarchies, while the hallowed middle-class has shrunk in real terms of its share of total economic power and control.  This alone yields a potent reason for the “great American shift” to continue… and sets limits to that course.  Even the United States can run out of money – the one unsolved fear of socialism.  Trump, imperfectly, represented the only alternative to this shift.

Social de-evolution also reared up in the ‘60s and has accelerated for 50 years: drugs, marriage dissolution, homosexuality in the Catholic Church (What? You’re blaming gays for their problems?  Well, media has been all too careful to euphemize feral homosexuality into “pederasty.”), dilution of public education with social issues, and revival of racialism and division.  There are, now, but two unforgivable sins: so-called racism and intolerance.

The history of America is not all bad nor were the men and women, black, white or “red,” who built its history one action, one child, one thought, one plan, one love and one hate at a time.  Neither is its history all good, nor were the men and women, black, white, or “red,” who built its history one action, one child, one thought, one plan, one love and one hate at a time.  They were human.  But, because of the magic of freedom and personal sovereignty embedded in our Constitution, Americans, good and bad, could take responsibility for, and accept the consequences of, their actions.  It worked, even through the Civil War years and all that led up to them, and thereafter through World War I and the Depression and through World War II and during the initial containment of communism around the world.  That is, it worked until the 1960’s.

It worked because Americans could vote bums out of office when their lies became too large to hide; when their peccadilloes became too blatant; when their thieving aggrandizement became too obvious.  It worked because Americans, good and bad, maintained a rough agreement – conscience if you will – that held to a shared model of right and wrong, good and evil, honesty and mendacity.  Those days are largely behind us.

Prudence shows that honesty fades faster and faster as people fight harder and harder to ignore truth, reality and history.  Mind-altering drugs do this and represent this; the new phenomenon of gender pretense does this and represents this; the utter disconnect of political words and deeds does this and represents this.  Enter Donald Trump – the candidate farthest from the political swamp Americans could choose.

The hatred now condoned against Trump and anyone who voted for him, is so unbalanced that Trump supporters, black, white or “red,” are suddenly the largest out-group since the civil war.  And ever-wilder expressions of hatred and opposition to the first president in 4 generations who promises to unravel the swamp of lies and soft state fascism (sometimes not so soft), actually strengthens his support, however invisible it is to pollsters.  There is no desire to be vilified and mocked for wanting to clean out the nests of vipers that is the federal behemoth – congress included.

Working Americans have watched as the promise of education wilts under political correctness; they watch as the promise of the Bill of Rights has become so foreign to voters that they would not vote for it today; they watch as the promise of sound money and thrift is stolen in broad daylight by a “Federal Reserve” that is neither federal or a reserve; they watch as the Department of Justice blatantly declares that it will not prosecute civil right violations by other than whites; they watch as the Clinton Crime Family pockets tens of millions even as they help weaken the nation internationally; they watch as their erstwhile servant government dictates with whom they must shower and pee; they watch as police power protects incompetent officers who ought to be in jail, while it forces honest bakers out of business, hounded by hate-mongers, and then fines the bakers; they watch as illegal entrants swarm across our borders and then as our own governments coddle them, subsidize them, grant them rights due only citizens, and forgive them even their murderous, drug-dealing trespasses; and they watch in secret delight as the squirming, wailing salamanders of self-aggrandizement display phony horror at uncouth statements the president makes – not untrue, but uncouth.

Yet Hillary and others as mendacious as she still scratch their heads and wonder how Trump could possibly get elected.  How stupid do they think the majority is?





It doesn’t appear that the background belief that the “world” will be beautiful and peaceful if we just all learn to get along with everyone, is valid.  Even in the microcosm, arguing about “partisanship” and worrying ourselves about the lack of “bi-partisanship” fails to illuminate the real basis for disagreement: right principles.

Many of us have principles that we are, if not governed by, at least motivated by.  We used to call them our “conscience.”  We sort-of always know when what we are doing is “right” or “wrong.” Let’s hope.  Still, modern science and technology, and modern anti-religion trends, have brought us to a time of phenomenal toys and enjoyments simultaneous with a culture of drug use and abuse, and hyper-sexuality.  In the face of these multiple assaults on our “principles,” we have clung only to a couple of erstwhile “truths”:

  • The worst sin is “intolerance;” and,
  • Passing judgements is bad.

The automatic corollary, it appears, is that every culture is equally valid and we should not act as though our own were any better.  Nor, it seems, should we make too much of our exceptional comforts, cleanliness and safety, because it’s not “fair” that we have them and so many others don’t.  This leads to so-called “immigrant advocates” who are not advocating for “immigrants,” but for illegal entrants, and to college campuses hosting wild demonstrations fundamentally against the sovereignty and even the Constitution, of the United States.

Is there someone to blame for this?  How did so many citizens of this relatively free, universally educated country, replete with community colleges, colleges, universities, on-line courses and free public libraries in nearly every town and city, come to hate it?  How did a nation so successful and liberal with its anti-poverty and unemployment programs, peppered with Christian churches of many denominations, arrive at a public governance that is virtually at the point of persecuting Christians FOR THEIR BELIEFS?

How did a nation founded on the very highest principles, led by George Washington, James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, come to despise these leaders because of their economics and practices common to the day?  How has so much ignorance and lack of discernment come to motivate large fractions of our citizens to discard every founding principal in favor of socialism, communism and hedonism?

Why are we spending Trillions of dollars on education when the product of that investment is antithetical to our culture, heritage and survival?  How did this, all, happen?

What does it matter, except that we understand how, so as to not continue practices that brought us to this point?  This premise will generate a lot of discussion, some quite heated, but few actual solutions.  Everyone not consumed by the new liberalism and anti-Americanism, will decry education, lack of religious instruction, rewarding mediocrity and even failure, excessive welfare, stupid politicians, high taxes and sugary beverages.  Oh, and drugs… definitely drugs, both bad and good, including too many analgesic pain killers for minor ailments.  All of the above.

But, so what?  Is there some piece of legislation that will “turn things around?”  Maybe it’s a result of too many immigrants or, at the very least, too many illegal entrants!  That must be it.  Just stop immigration for a while and get rid of these Hispanic gangs – and drugs!  Get rid of the drugs!  That’s the ticket.  Maybe we should be deporting these criminal aliens faster… and keep them out.  And the death penalty; bring back the death penalty and make people truly pay for their most heinous crimes.  We’ve got to get judges to stop being soft on criminals.

It’s also not right that so much wealth is concentrated in Wall Street banks and brokerages, and that there is so much collusion between them and federal agencies and politicians.  Look at how they move back and forth between Treasury and Goldman-Sachs.

Do we think we simple Americans are going to fix all of these things?  By voting?  For whom?  Is there one person we might elect who will carry all of our valid concerns forward and “fix” things?  William Jennings Bryan thought he was one such, and things were a Hell of a lot simpler in 1896 and on, until the first World War.

Donald Trump surely believes he is one such, too, as do a majority of States.  The unprecedented opposition to him shows the depth of socialist statism that he wants to confound and undo.  Believe him or not, we should all wish (and pray) for his success.  The sovereignty of the individual, ostensibly (and once) protected by our majestic Constitution, is OUR freedom and YOUR liberty, the two not synonymous.

If you do not understand the distinction, perhaps we can start fixing “things” by learning what it is.