Tag Archives: heroism

From Trump to America, First

Button, button, who’s got the button…?

Trump was a phenomenon in politics and in our history.  It seems Prudent to recognize that the greatest good he could possibly do… has already been done.  Not everyone who gains center stage will be a King, someday.  Some will merely be President of the United States, and then retire.

Aside from his extraordinary rise to the presidency, the most extraordinary aspect of Trump’s political chapter in his own life and in ours, was the unprecedented attacks he drew from the corrupt “leaders” who burrow into Washington and try never to leave.  Self-service is nearly the only service that City knows… or recognizes.  It stains and erodes everything, there.

In what can fairly be described as a sacrificial role, Trump exposed the nature and breadth of the rot we call the administrative state.  He took the slings and arrows for all of us who supported him, and for those who didn’t, in fact.  Like a lightning rod on a fragile, wooden barn, we are glad – thankful – that Trump was there during the storms.  Yet we recognize that we should not get too close when the next storm threatens, for he also draws the lightning bolts that could injure us as well as him.  It’s a real dichotomy, and grossly unfair.

Comfortably blind Democrats and leftists who may still pledge allegiance to this amazing nation, are certainly blind to the sacrifice Trump made to even run for president, and to accept the burden of election.  His fortune shrank and he relinquished control of businesses that bear his name.  We need not cry for him, but America owes him an historic debt of gratitude: he may have saved the Republic.  Unlike most in Congress and in the 1200, or so, agencies, departments, offices and programs, The Donald did not go to Washington to become rich by hook or crook.

Like nearly every true leader, Trump has human flaws and among them are an outsized impression of his irreplaceability.  He is vain and narcissistic and hates to not be the center of attention.  Prudence does not envy him his retirement.  Those flaws are damaging his legacy, now, and damaging the nation he deeply loves and served.  To a great extent, his anger over a very questionable 2020 election hurt Republicans’ ability to win the Senate in 2020, and it is poised to hurt the same opportunity, again.

Unfortunately, Donald Trump’s need to be the center of attention and authority keeps him from playing on a team – only if it’s HIS team.  For this reason, Prudence recommends that Mr. Trump actually retire from seeking office.  He is a huge influencer, and that power can be put to good work to keep politics and leadership fighting for “America First.”

There is a very painful effect for someone in Trump’s position, to stop pushing to get revenge on political enemies who have lied and conspired to tear him down.  Other Republicans will do well to sit down with him to map out how they will eventually bring down those who have broken numerous laws in their false accusations and fraudulent uses of federal power.  It can take the “Trump Wars” off of the front pages and let local political battles be won by other conservatives.  There are better, more unifying candidates for President, as hard as that is for Trump to accept.

So, Trump can be an heroic figure in history… or, he can be seen as a vindictive man who faded from importance, squabbling and lashing out at those who, genuinely, distorted the truth – even committed blatant, illegal fraud – to hurt him, personally and the country as a whole.  Prudence recommends heroism.

As for other Republicans, honesty, morality and dedicated “America First” policies are the pathways to power and American restoration.  We must re-frame the abortion issue with truth and pro-American views.  The pre-born are Americans.  It is time to make “pro-choice” the free choice to have sex, not to kill the baby.  Our long-term success as a nation requires guaranteeing the rights enumerated in our constitution, including LIFE.  We must restore the meaning of words and biological truth at the same time.  Republicans must stand for life and define the pro-death attitudes of the left, for they include the death of the United States of America.

Republicans must stand for honesty, integrity and honor in education, including reasonable limits on the power of education unions.  Among those must be political actions or donations on behalf of any officials able to affect or effect financial advantage for union members.  The same should be true for all public employee unions.

No laws should be signed into effect if they are based on self-declared feelings, absent empirical evidence.  Smart Republicans can create anti-discrimination protections for everyone that are not based on feelings, but on actions against the person of any American.

Criminal penalties must not be affected or distorted based on race or gender or gender-identity, only on the severity of the criminal acts, themselves.  Citizens understand the difference between honest and equal application of the laws, and political favoritism that distorts public safety.  Republicans must be clearly identified with public safety, and making clear the distinction between real safety and faux enforcement distorted by the left.

American foreign policy needs clarity and unquestioned pro-American patriotism.  We must strengthen our alliances with British commonwealth countries and a handful of others who share our philosophies and anti-communism.  At the same time we must be clear in our own anti-communism.  Our military behemoth needs strict reform and reallocation of resources.  There is too much General staff and not enough troops or hardware, or training.  The next president must be especially tough with the 6 branches, making them lean and effective.  All vestiges of “wokeism” and “social justice” must be weeded out of the academies and the ranks, right up to General staff level.  Only then will foreign policy mean very much and will diplomacy achieve very much.

Fiscally, the federal budget must be cut, including welfare of every sort.  The debt ceiling should be reduced every year until we are in balance, no exceptions.  Every Department and agency should have its budget and cost / performance rating reviewed separately: no more “omnibus” budget bills and no more continuing resolutions.  If ANY politician truly desired to reduce the federal budget / “money disposer,” he or she could put some brains together to create a campaign to sell the idea to Americans.  We are doomed if no one does.

There is a reason America became great.  The ideas that made it possible are so old they are new again.  However, it will take a disciplined political force to make them attractive to Americans, themselves.  Given the crass, petty squandering of political opportunity so sadly displayed in 2022, another party is needed, it seems Prudent to say.