Tag Archives: hate

The days dwindle down

Coming closer to the end of one’s tenure in physical life leads that one to consider both past and future and the multiple meanings of both.  There isn’t anything unique to that; millions of people who have gone before and who are in similar periods of contemplation have had such thoughts or are now contemplating what and how to face that transition.  Then there are the thoughts of sadness for those who are prevented from the luxury of contemplation or who are not wise enough to seize the opportunity to contemplate their various lives.

Love is the spiritual force that drives our contemplations and our hopes that we might add something more that is positive to the world and to those we love.  Why is that the motivation?  Merely for kind memories after we’re gone?  Or, is the existence – virtually universal – of love in the “hearts” of those who know us, now, or who remember us from years prior, but even, somehow, of love we have for children too young to know us, really.  Love is more than a vapor that blows this way and that: it is like an abiding, surrounding fluid that is everywhere we look and think.  One cannot wash it off.

It can be repelled with hatred, illustrating the force that is love and its strength and simultaneous fragility.  Each of us has a responsibility – spiritually – to defend love from the nibbling intrusions of hate.  Some become so fearful of the imputed power of hatred that they stop feeling, let alone expressing, love.  Yet love is infinitely stronger.  Religious explanations of love are somewhat confusing since most are complicated by political or financial power over populations.  The confusion has become worse as scientific inquiry has appeared to disprove many religious tenets.  This threat to religious infallibility has caused many branches of Judeo-Christianity to soften scripture and history so that modern social justice may be elevated to something religious.  True Love is largely left behind.  The frequent declaration of God’s love for each of us is disconnected, somewhat, from the universality of love and the earthly, daily battle with hate.

The best expression of love… and the best way to multiply love, is marriage and children.  It is a simple, not quite infallible formula that has worked for millennia.  It is a formula that, like changing water into wine, changes everything in the worlds of the husband, the wife and the souls entrusted to them as co-creators with God.  Love expands in families.

Hatred, on the other hand, usually is not generated inside of families.  It steals into families, perhaps because of drugs or alcohol, or because of some human vector that generates unrequited angers or, worse, self-hatred.  It spreads.  The wise society maintains a social – perhaps religious – infrastructure that can mitigate, if not resolve, familial dysfunction.  It would strengthen everyone.  It would assure that subsequent generations of citizens will be smarter than the last, and well-balanced and nurturing.

If unchecked, hatred becomes a means of judgement, both of acquaintances and friends or family.  Like other addictions, it begins to look for reasons and justifications for itself.  Soon, it’s pleasurable and satisfying.  Those who don’t hate seem less wise than the one who is smart enough to hate those who deserve to be hated.  In short order, correspondence is reduced to only the circle of co-haters – all enjoying the satisfaction of being more discerning than those who float along disregarding the hateful qualities of this or that person, or group, that are so obvious.  Society, the civil, unregulated cooperation that reinforces everyone, can break down at this stage.  The visible and invisible lines of hateful judgement create unbridgeable chasms that advance some at the expense and pain of others.  There is no longer society… only an uneven police state in which most trust very few others.

The aging individual must choose, now, what his frame of mind will be when the hour comes to leave.  Leaving immersed in hatred would seem to be the wrong “way” to face whatever comes next, and this should include self-hatred, possibly the most common form of hate.  Hating oneself leads to a search for confirmation from others, perhaps from society, that the self-hating individual is correct in his outlook.  If he is “confirmed” as a member of a properly hated group, he will then have found a mission to either spread the hate or better define it, or to find a way to correct the reasons or balance the reasons it is hated.  Inevitably this “balance” is perceived as an economic one: forcing people who have nothing to do with why a group is hated today, though long dead, to pay reparations to others alive today, who have virtually nothing to do with the hated people, again, long departed.  It is illogical in its conception and unfair in execution: a reward for hatred.

It appears that hatred is a personal matter, one that individuals can control or reverse.  Historically, however, most starkly described in “1984,” hatred is a political tool.  For many movements, for whom to hate is the sea-anchor that keeps them on course.  It is part and parcel of psychological warfare where repetition and cross-citation becomes “truth,” not because it is true but, because it is believed.  The same process works personally, creating self-hatred.  It is all destructive: from simply feeling like a failure, to rejecting opportunities to triumph… to attempting suicide.  “Satan” wins.

Some are unable to process love, which is one of the most difficult mental states to overcome.  It is the enemy of self-worth or self-esteem.  One should not prepare to die feeling this way.

Nor should a nation die in self-hatred.  Good national “health” and a good future, depend upon knowledge of real history, good and bad, and accepting that the imperfections of humans have happened, are happening and will happen, and that we are willing to apply steps of improvement to how we act.  Nationally, we can do better for ever larger numbers of people… if we believe in our ability to do so.  Hating one another, or our nation, or ourselves, is the recipe for failure.  Do we know better?


Democrats seem to approve of the concept of “Demographics is Destiny.” With their slavish pandering to people of color, Democrats promote excessive worry about any conflict between blacks, as the “oppressed” victims, and whites as the “white supremacist oppressors.” It is an ideal division-mechanism. Politicians like Barack Obama as the prime example, have convinced, if not themselves, millions of others that the United States is “too white.” The solution is to import more black and brown people who will be emotionally compelled to vote for the Democrats who brought them here. Now those pesky, reactionary Republicans will finally be consigned to perpetual minority status in government. Democracy be damned. In the leftist, divisive, anti-white view, white votes against Democrats are not worth as much as black and brown votes against Republicans. Therefore, anything that can multiply the impact of black and brown votes, is worthwhile. Anything, like voter ID and other anti-fraud measures are somehow anti-democratic and probably criminal.

Obama increased illegal immigration as much as he could, ostensibly to fulfill the demographic shift he dreamt of. The “DACA” executive order prevented DHS from deporting the children of illegal entrants (who were brought into the U. S. by parents who were illegal entrants), the parents of whom could certainly not be deported to leave their children here, alone. Despite the unconstitutionality of creating a “law” through executive order, DACA has persisted and been protected in federal courts. There is a great urge on the part of Democrats to provide “amnesty” to DACA protectees and millions of other illegal entrants, to be followed by “a path to citizenship.” Aha! Voters! Was “demographic destiny” true? Joe Biden has taken demographics to a level 20 or 30 times what Obama hoped for. The damage to our nation is yet un-calculated.

With Democrat strongholds pushing automatic voter registration when registering a car or obtaining a driver’s license (to make the roads safer, of course), is it possible that 200,000 of the estimated 10 MILLION illegal entrants since 2021 will vote successfully in the 2024 elections? In the face of widespread distortions in voting laws and practices in 2020, including fraudulent and legally uncountable votes numbering in the hundreds of thousands (estimates range in the millions), Trump lost the presidency due to certifications in five states that were determined by, altogether, fewer than 50,000 votes

Can full citizenship for illegals be far behind if he “loses” again? Will the demographic bomb go off in 2024? Or, will America pull back from self-immolation by ballot box? Maybe four years of sanity will usher in 8 years more and globalism and socialism can be rolled back amidst 100 other course-corrections that must be made to what the “Biden” administration has handed us. Perhaps U. S. citizenship can be returned to its “gold-standard” status among the nations and in the hearts and minds of Americans, ourselves.

Illegal entrants, or “aliens,” are, due to Democrat skulduggery, providing votes of a kind whether they go to the polls or not. Because Democrats have blocked corrections to the decennial Census process, all people resident, legally or illegally, citizen or not, in a State, are counted for determination of Representation, and, therefore, in the number of members of Congress to which a state is entitled. Even though only citizens can rightfully be represented in Congress, non-citizens are included in terms of apportionment, giving states like California, Illinois, New York, Florida and others, false apportionments. In some cases the presence of non-citizens in one state will deny legal representation of citizens in another state, thanks to the set limit on the number of Representatives in Congress. This is the worst form of disenfranchisement and it benefits primarily the Democrat party.

The Census is done on a ten-year cycle, time enough for FIVE Congresses to be seated, that embody distorted, un-Constitutional representation. Shame on the United States, THE nation that ought to be upholding the best of democratic republicanism. Our political process has become so corrupted that neither we nor anyone else wants it. We send our best young men and women overseas to restore or install “Democracy” where they die on foreign soil in the name of one-T-Democratcy.

The greatest shame is our failure to educate our young CITIZENS about our Republic and the Constitution and each citizen’s rights and RESPONSIBILITIES under it. This is why there are widespread, illegal demonstrations against Jews and Israel: those students are easily attracted to pro-Hamas agitators because of stupidity (that education can fix, presumably) and ignorance (that education can fix, presumably.) These students are horribly oblivious to the foolishness of their actions, chants and slavish adherence to lies and fabrications. How sad. How embarrassed their parents and college administrations must – or ought – to be. Laughingstocks, all.

Or is hate for America and all things Judeo-Christian so well ensconced in a large minority of Americans, that the natural next step is publicly demonstrating that hate? Clear-thinking is no part of hate, of course; slavish repetition of rhyming slogans of hate, however, is. Yet, when these profiles in courage are confronted with actual consequences for their ignorance – or stupidity – the masks they wear become even more significant. The demands they make of feckless “administrators” of their respective – not to be confused with respectable – schools always include “amnesty” for protesters, lest their fancy jobs upon graduation be impacted in the slightest. Heroes, all.

One wonders what actually motivates kids to demonstrate as they have, when so much about their persona and future is on the line? How do they think recruiters will perceive them? As brainiacs who will help their employers earn a profit and grow their businesses due to the sharp thinking and fresh ideas of this year’s crop of college graduates? Ehh, not so much. Somehow these students have “learned” a set of hateful falsehoods and become so exercised by these “facts” that they have attempted to upset their schools, their fellow students and tens of thousands of actual working people. What courage… what nonsense. “Hire those kids before our competitors snag them!”

A wise leader would make sure that any students on visas who shout, “Death to Israel! Death to America!” will promptly have their visas canceled and be escorted out of the United States, never to return. It’s a shame that such action isn’t taken, and that the mentality to take it doesn’t hold sway in Washington.

Republicans have a lot to answer for in the immigration mess we find ourselves in. No matter how slim the majority in the house was in 2023 and 2024, the “continuing resolutions” (not budgets, just stupid continuation of Nancy Pelosi’s last spending plan) were the only opportunities to force right action onto the Biden administration. What are Republicans afraid of? Why, not being re-elected… that’s all. The open border and the lies and illegalities that surround it, is the greatest threat to U. S. citizens and national integrity. Letting the government “shut down” to keep the border open would have put pressure where it matters. Republicans were afraid of “losing” the public relations contest: couldn’t take the “blame” the liberal press would have aimed at them. What courage.

Republicans’ plan is only to win the 2024 elections for President and Congress. Meanwhile, enemies of America are flooding across our borders at increasing rates. States, cities and towns are being forced to spend their resources to house and feed illegal aliens, plus to weaken their school systems attempting to accommodate hundreds of non-english-speaking students. Public facilities are being withdrawn from legitimate public use in order to house illegals. What extraordinary stupidity on the part of the Biden government. Thinking Democrats need no other reason to vote against Biden and those who support him.

There is no agency, Department, office or more than a handful of elected officials who should be deemed trustworthy by the American citizenry. $35 Trillion of “debt” placed on Americans’ backs should be proof enough of the mendacity of “the Federal Government.” Substantial changes can save us… tinkering with regulations and press releases will only hasten our demise as a once-great example of better ways to live.

Kneel Down, KNEEL DOWN

How to lead by falling line...

For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, the waves crashing against the shores of America’s understanding ought to be exposing to the wise some of the great fallacies of our corrupt and feckless political power structure.  First, a crucial point: government  cannot “fix” racism, but it does make it worse.  Government… and politicians, can’t even describe what racism is and as a consequence, they attempt to fix something else, leaving no question as to why they have failed so miserably.

Racism is not the government’s business at any level; injustice is.  That is, how individuals ACT against the rights or property of another individual are the only matters that may be adjudicated, for only they may be placed in evidence at trial.  How someone feels  about another individual is inadmissible since it is not provable.  Often it is self-declared or, at least, a matter of others’ feelings.  Brought forth through testimony today, an individual’s feelings may be different tomorrow, if not within the hour.  This is the problem with so-called “hate crimes” and with the laws that purport to make the underlying, adjudicable crime worse in the presence of hate, than otherwise, such as in the presence of neutrality, one supposes.

Our Constitution protects every person under its lawful jurisdiction by the principle of “equal justice under the law.”  Any individual  who interferes with that principle deserves appropriate sanction under the law.  Any individuals of a group who interfere with it to the detriment or damage to any individual or individuals, each deserve equal sanction.  Aside from some sort of executive or threatening force applied to cause an individual to abrogate the rights, freedom, or property of another individual or individuals, the individual perpetrator is responsible for the consequences for his or her actions.  He or she is not absolved of that responsibility by virtue of others also being prosecutable for the same actions.

Our various governments manipulate racial groups and their designations in order to both control “groups” and to acquire their political favor.  In other words, local, state and federal governments constantly distinguish among groups in terms of legislation, special benefits that result, and differential legal sanctions, both good and bad.  That is, equal application of the laws is out the window if there is racially-based political advantage to be gained.  The ideal of a color-blind society is most undercut by the very governments formed in its shadow.  Prudence wouldn’t mind defunding that.

One of the worst consequences of the multi-city insurrection we have endured in late May and early June of 2020, is the obsequious surrenders of mayors, governors and federal politicians, to the well-coordinated mobs that have committed thousands of crimes across the country.  These include murder, assault, arson, theft, insurrection, destruction of public property, incitement to riot and public mayhem.  Yet public officials, sworn to uphold the law, public safety, state’s and our federal Constitutions, have decided to ignore most of it because “people are really angry.”  This philosophy deserves some analysis.

Two weeks ago soft-headed, stiff-necked governors, and mayors, were threatening to fine, if not arrest, law-abiding citizens who dared – dared – to open a barbershop or 20-seat restaurant in the face of the Covid-19 scourge of the century and the requisite lock-down and social-distancing dictates.  “We’re following this week’s CDC recommendations.”  None of the orders were strictly legal but lots of ‘woke’ people were and are afraid to not wear a mask outside.  Some mayors say they,ll fine you up to $300 for not wearing a mask!  Burning out someone’s business should be fined at least $350 by that measure.

Protesters who are upset (as is everyone else) about the excessive force in the arrest of Saint George Floyd, somehow conflate every white person’s white skin with the causes of Floyd’s death.  Guilt by skin color.  People with white skin may say they are glad the police officers involved have been arrested and charged, but it doesn’t count: their skin’s the wrong color.  People who own businesses or private property or both, are guilty of Floyd’s death, too, making the needed “justice” for George Floyd fall upon them, and burning and looting in the wake of George Floyd’s unjust death at the hands of 4 individuals in Minneapolis, can barely begin to balance the scales of racism since time immemorial.  Besides, looters apparently believe, the only way white people are going to respect black people is if they are deathly afraid of them… that part of the plan is working.

They can show respect only by kneeling and apologizing for being white.  Anyone who kneels for that is an idiot… they’re out there.

Lost in all of the riots – as clearly distinguished from “protests” – are the rights of individuals supposedly guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States which every elected official and police officer is sworn to uphold.  These same rights protected  George Floyd throughout his long criminal career and involvements with police, courts, judges, public defenders and prisons.  What are police, mayors and individual, terminally guilty white kids being ”forced” to kneel for?  Being white?  Being elected and somehow responsible for George Floyd’s death – when they clearly aren’t?

Are they being made to kneel before the “Black Lives Matter” organization/movement?  “BLM” is based itself on lies that they repeat over and over.  Every wrongful death is tragic, although not always a crime, per se.  In many cases they occur as a result of a series of grievous errors, not always only by the police personnel in question.    But police are the ones who must operate at a higher level of professionalism.  They can’t react from fear or confusion, else they must be accountable.

The “justice” that legitimate protesters seek has been remarkably swift in the Floyd case –rapid.  That’s justice.  First fired in one day and charged criminally about 2 days later.  A couple of days after that, the other 3 police officers present were also charged in Floyd’s death.  Very swift.  Two autopsies had been performed before the smoke cleared from the first riots.  A go-fund-me operation had raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for Floyd’s family before the funeral services had been scheduled.  That’s a lot of justice.  Derek Chauvin, the officer whose knee caused the death of George Floyd, was served with divorce papers as he sat in jail under suicide watch.  How much more “justice” can the protesters obtain?

None, that’s how much.  So why keep protesting?

The actual protesters are a minority of those marching in the streets.  Indeed, if one were able to interview every “protester,” the majority of them would be hard-pressed to explain what they are actually protesting.  Are they protesting the death of George Floyd?  Well, pretty good, so does every Prudent person.  What do they hope will be the result of their protest?  Better police?  Cool, me too.  The elimination of police?  We part ways on that one because doing the ultimate stupid act isn’t Prudent at all.  Is that really what protesters think they’re doing?  Doubtful.

Rioters, though, are a different group, literally paid to agitate.  They are where most of “Black Lives Matter” personnel are – coordinating riots.  If that means looting, arson and beatings, that’s okay, in their eyes, because justice for George Floyd is not their purpose.  If they cared about black people they’d be agitating to get rid of welfare or, possibly, they’d be protesting the 6,000+ deaths ANNUALLY, of blacks killed by other blacks.  But they seem mainly to be concerned, upset really, about police and police departments.  Regardless of color, black activists want to get rid of police.  This is not a solution to problems shared by all Americans; police, law and order are a problem only for those attempting to destroy belief in our Judeo-Christian mores and America, itself.

“BLM” believes very different philosophies than you or I do, or do the vast majority of Americans.  Their own statement of beliefs is in opposition to the norms of American, Judeo-Christian culture.  In effect, every “victim” class they can identify, including all variants of sexual identity and “trans” sexuality, most particularly non-white, are claimed as equal-status members of the Black global movement.  In this they are largely in opposition to the norms of a majority of American blacks who desire to live far more conservatively.  Like most Christian or Christian-influenced people, Americans are tolerant of the need for political expression and of the redress of grievances, Prudence included of course.  BLM is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, however.

BLM is purely racist.  There is no pejoration in that description.  Blacks, evidently can demand “black-only” this or that, whether a congressional caucus or a college graduation; whites, not so much.  One of the lies that undergirds Black Lives Matter is that only whites can be racist.  That is utter nonsense, of course.  And racism per se, is neither evil nor negative… it is normal.  Only under a regime of group identities and its hand-maiden, socialism, is “racism” a weapon.  Americans are sadly in error, literally in denial of our heritage, if we accept group guilt for “racism.”  Our nation and its founding is based on individual responsibility, not group responsibility.  Every individual could be “racist” in the sense that he or she is uncomfortable with members of another race.  It takes time and education to overcome that uncomfortability, even fear.  But only a handful of individuals will act uncivilly or in a hateful manner toward members of the other “race.”  That action is the only legitimate area of action for government.  Bad actions may be sanctioned under the law, bad thoughts may not be.

Another aspect of what BLM “believes,” is that the “Western” nuclear family model must be undone (that is, thousands of years of Judeo-Christian family structure must be undone).  BLM global wants “village” child-rearing, which is to say, some sort of government child-rearing.  We’ve been drifting toward this model to our social detriment, for 60 years.  As the federal government federalized welfare, removing all moral or any other judgment in the disbursal of “benefits,” black families disintegrated to such a degree that over 60% of black children are born to and raised by a single mother, which means that Headstart, Pre-K and numerous other social support programs often have more time with a child than its mother, let alone its father.

Black Lives matter is a fraud on America, since its concern is not helping black people, but rather the unseating of our nation and constitution.  To communists, which they are, freedom is an affront.  Any politician who accedes to BLM demands, kneels for their blessing or grovels in other ways, is presenting him or herself as the person to vote against in the next election… while elections that so many have died for, are still free.

Corona, corona

Corona beer comes from yeast, not a virus.
there is no connection whatsoever…

There are people who believe that the latest health threat to emanate from China is caused or somehow made contagious by Corona Beer, a well-known health threat from Mexico.  It is on this canvas that the gloppy acrylics of impeachment, economics, presidential politics, petro-dollar monetary policy, Antifa, Hezbollah, North Korea, opioid deaths and suicides, and the real threat of coronavirus must create a picture that is both truthful and meaningful to majorities in dozens of countries including our own.  Whew!  There are 15 national leaders whose views and beliefs about these and other issues, will define the next ten years and beyond: Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, Angela Merkel, Vladimir Putin, Benjamin Netanyahu, Ali Khamenei, Kim Jung Un, Xi Jinping, Ram Nath Kovind, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Volodymyr Zelensky (who at least has a sense of humor), Arif Alvi (who doesn’t), and both last and least, Nicolás Maduro, who is an idiot.

Mixed up in all of their opinions is the existence of American constitutionalism, our ostensible structure of rights and freedoms, and our unbalanced, imperial economy.  Our primary concern must be the survival of the United States and freedom itself.  What presidential politics does every four years is stir us enough to reflect on our beliefs about our nation and our country, not the same things.

Democrat hotheads, committed to control of… well, everything, have impeached Trump to no good end, although his acquittal was never in real doubt.  No good end, certainly, but the disinformation value of, first Mueller, and then impeachment itself, must appear to elected Democrat leaders as a worthy end nevertheless.  Those who now shy away from bottled Corona most assuredly cling to bottled hatreds, known and unknown, but felt viscerally.  So there is the worthiness of relentless hatred of the aforementioned Mr. Trump.

There should be little disagreement with the proposition that hatred is the worst basis for political competition, yet hatred is everywhere employed in the United States, of all places.  Hatred doesn’t develop automatically.  Fear does: it’s pure ethnocentrism, even “racism,” per se.  But racism and fear of difference are not hatred.  Hatred is a visceral desire to kill or destroy the “other.”  To fear or to mistrust a stranger – or a strange “culture” – is instinctive and need not be taught.  To HATE  that person or group requires coaching, teaching, explanation and mythology.  It’s a long-term, methodical process to convert fear to hatred.  Who does crap like that?

Here and there are parents who were, themselves, taught to hate certain others and to varying degrees manage to convince their children to also hate them.  But it’s not as easy to do in the modern era, as public schools, ostensibly, fight the urge to bully or to gang-up on the unusual or most defenseless kids.  To some degree, children receiving messages of hatred at home are going to hear enough lessons countering that prejudice, that fewer and fewer reach early adulthood with firm hatreds.

Yet, now we have a split electorate, fueled by the sweet lies of socialists (people complain about Trump’s looseness with the truth but never a peep about the absolute and historical bullshit spread in the name of socialism).  A virtual communist is at or near the front of the pack in the ostensible “Democrat” party’s campaign for nomination to the presidency, and giddy polls regularly trumpet the acceptance of “socialism” by millenials.  There are reasons to fear Bernie Sanders’ cry for “transformation” of the United States, just as there were for the stated intentions of Barack Obama to “fundamentally transform” the United States.

Consider just the “ACA,” Affordable Care Act, which was not “affordable,” whatever that was hoped to mean, and it wasn’t about “care,” particularly: it was about coverage, the perpetual stumbling bloc to health care.  The nature of every “coverage” entity, whether “insurance” companies and HMO’s or governmental agencies that both regulate and directly pay actual care providers, is to reduce costs.  The main difficulties inherent in the ACA-expanded coverage industry were made worse and more expensive, nearly removing people from decision-making while nearly removing physicians and others from caring about their customers.

These sorts of change ought to be anathema to citizens of a nation with the heritage of the United States.  Our mythos is founded in individualism, self-made success, pioneering advancement into unexplored territories, and homesteads created even where the only building material was prairie turf.  Somehow the steady erosion of socialist promises of “free” safety and comfort have weakened the resolve of Americans to take control of their lives and circumstances, and to do so responsibly.


Obama also made substantial changes to our foreign relations and to our ability to control events to our benefit, rather to enhance the influence and strength of Muslim regimes.  Fundamental transformation.  Here in 2020 these same intentions are voiced repeatedly by Bernie Sanders and others whose vision is not to improve or “perfect” our union, but to replace our form of government by altering Constitutional institutions and original rights.  The “new” goals are not comprised of strengthening liberty, but to “set” everyone’s standard of living so that no one is “above” his fellow residents: ultimate “fairness,” a new form of political organization that removes the interference in individual beliefs by churches, and in which every sort of human pleasure-seeking will be permitted… by benign elites, and, perhaps, taught in public schools.

The struggle of socialism is never-ending.  While “we” in the American, Judeo-Christian traditions of individual liberty and responsibility tend to assume our battle for freedom is won… and done, globalist socialism never rests on its continuum of undermining and destroying liberty and faithfulness.  It is a continuum that extends back to the “Garden of Eden.” 

“What?” you say, “nothing Prudent about that silly claim.”

Well, a few terms we don’t think about enough: Thesis – The Word of God, or the first premise; Antithesis – Direct opposition to the Word of God; Synthesis – Human-generated, pretended, compromise position with the Word of God.  The synthesis becomes the new Premise, no longer the Word of God, something less.  Is this not exactly what the “Serpent” offered to Eve, assuring her that God’s threat to not eat of the tree in the midst (center) of the Garden, or touch it “…,lest thou die.” would not come true.  “thou shalt not surely die.” the serpent told her.  God issued the thesis to Not eat of the tree; Serpent offered the antithesis  that the punishment would not be death (at least not right away) and the rewards of knowledge were worth the chance.  Is this process any more or less than the Hegelian dialectic?  Thesis – Antithesis – Synthesis.  Abortion is no longer murder; socialism will create a better America than God did.

votes to whiplashes

It is not generally Prudent to try to discern historical meaning from quite current events, although the Mueller persecution of the Presidency has been extant long enough to make even some historical judgments without presuming too much.  That Robert Mueller is a career creature of the federal law-enforcement bureaucracy, goes with saying.  Ronald Reagan first appointed him an acting and then actual U. S. Attorney for Massachusetts;  George Bush the elder appointed him and so did Clinton, Bush the younger and even Obama, several positions needing Senate confirmation, including Director of the FBI, a job he held for 11 years.

Mueller is a decorated Viet-Nam veteran and recipient of the Purple Heart, but all of his various public services have not been so honorable.  While in Boston as an Assistant U. S. Attorney in the mid ‘80’s and again when in charge of the FBI in the 2000’s, for example, Mueller ignored, in fact fought, an opportunity to right a criminal wrong perpetrated by the FBI itself in the 1960’s, that left 4 men in prison for a murder they did not commit.  That miscarriage eventually cost taxpayers tens of $Millions in payments to the innocent men’s families.  Mueller’s loyalty was not, then, to the law, but to protecting crooked FBI agents and the FBI itself, from having that rotten, criminal scandal exposed.

Armed with such evidence people should be better prepared to ascribe value to the “work” Mueller has ostensibly done since his appointment as “Special Counsel” in charge of investigating NOT collusion with Russia, particularly, but investigating all related matters, a barn door wide enough to protect the entire Department of Justice.  That Mueller hates Trump is easily discerned, that he was not in charge of his own investigation wasn’t clear until he tried to testify to two Congressional committees.

Mueller, as honorable as he may have been before he got into the DOJ, got his special-counsel appointment based on two different persona:  Robert Mueller, registered Republican, former FBI Director, decorated Vet, well liked in establishment circles, and Robert Mueller deep insider, defender of the “craft” and its practitioners, manipulable loyalist whose titular presence allowed for a hyperpartisan army of Democrat… no, Clinton sycophants… who would attempt the coup Clinton couldn’t pull off.

When Mueller attempted his committee “testimony” in July, it became clear that he had only cursory understanding of the “Mueller” Report and probably didn’t write much, if any, of it.  The grand circumnavigation of Russian collusion, initiated by a hoax, perpetuated by fraudsters with badges for more than 2 years, exposed that the ostensible “head” of the crucial probe was, himself, a hoax, clearly in place for reasons other than guiding a detailed investigation into possibly impeachable crimes.  The great “apolitician” was there for hateful politics.  One of his reputations was damaged.

Trump is an imperfect man – imperfect human.  One need not delve into scripture to grasp that everyone over the age of, maybe, 8 or 9, is imperfect.  Newborns and infants and toddlers, one might call perfect; they are not yet responsible for their actions and reactions.  Still, somewhere around age minus 3 months, parents, especially mothers, but others as well, begin to impart their own views of humanity, love, relationship, truth, justice and revenge, to their gestating innocent. 

The wonderful Michael Johnson song, “There is a Breeze,” includes this prescient phrase:
There Is A Breeze
Michael Johnson, 1973

“You have got to be taught before it’s too late, Before you are six, or seven or eight, To hate all the people your relatives hate…”

… even if the people they hate are themselves.

Mueller seems to hate Trump, and the people he served as Special Counsel all hate him, too.  It isn’t Prudent to construct a governing philosophy based on hate, but those who hate Trump are committed to carefully teaching everyone, everywhere, to hate him.  So far they have failed, but not for lack of trying.

Trump contains and exhibits many good qualities, woven among his flaws, as do we all.  Those who await a perfect person to become President of these United States will die waiting.  They seem obsessed with proving that anyone who gains power under a different philosophy than theirs, must be proven flawed – their flaws magnified to frightening proportions as proof that he, or she, is unfit to have elector-granted power.  Well, then, it becomes clear that everyone who voted for the flawed victor is also flawed and not worth conversation, let alone compromise.  It is a corrosive, dangerous path to tread.

Mueller is caught up in this, diverted from retirement by his loyalty to the deep state: the cadres of smarter-than-average functionaries and true-believers who know that the self-perpetuating structure of control and confiscation that largely subsumes individual sovereignty and electoral “choice,” is by far the rightest possible way to govern, as far removed from religion and independence as possible.  It is like a sickness, an infection, except that the patient believes himself more well than the caregivers who feed and clothe him – and her.

Eventually the “deep” state, having consumed all the wealth obtained while hiding, will have to convert votes to whiplashes as those fabled “sovereign citizens” recognize the horrible hoax of the administrative state and refuse to support it in the style for which it is designed, and the socialism within rears up and stands astride America publicly.  There are hints of this from the socialist left, here in 2019, and the great Robert Mueller has assisted to the best of his ability, following the instructions from the other swells to whom he is most loyal.  Republican, shmepublican… thanks a lot, Mr. Mueller.

(Word)holes, Redux

Many people worthy of trust and respect are seriously upset about the president’s crudeness.  He reportedly asked why “we” should allow people from various so-called “shithole” countries to immigrate to the United States?  For all of its crudeness, offensiveness and vulgarity, it is a very good question – one we should not be afraid to ask.

Well, the circumstance of the comment and the comment itself are both fairly straightforward, even simple.  But the inherent permutations and nuances are profound, sad, and instructive. This requires some parsing and mapping of the “splatter” that has emanated from the splat of a single word into the miasma of politics, hate, government, and the “American Dream… not to mention social media and hate.  Didn’t I already mention “hate?”  We shouldn’t overlook hate as a driver in modern… umm, modern ahhh, well… modern everything: media, news, broadcasting, ‘friend’ships, dialogue, religion, holidays, commerce, advertising, movies, philosophy and casual rumination.  Facebook, too.  Sad.

So, first observation is that every person who has talked about, proclaimed about or even thought about the description of many countries as “shitholes,” could in a few minutes, list a dozen or two dozen countries that fit the description!  Let’s change the term to “backward countries” and each could list three dozen.  What does it mean to make the identification?

It means, generally, that those countries have truly crappy politics.  Our politics are pretty crappy, too, granted, but, as Churchill observed, democracy is the worst form of government ever tried… except for all the others.  Corollary to that gem is this: The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.

Even those who could construct a list of “backward” countries probably cannot describe what is “wrong” with their politics – the system of leaders, laws and lies that govern their populations.  Typically, under the blanket of crappy politics, the economics of these countries are also pretty crappy… sorry, “backward.”  The result is extreme stratification, poor education, low skill levels, limited industrialization and little imagination.  Simultaneously, the BELIEFS of their citizens are likely to be very different from those of the majority of ours.

Changing beliefs is the primal tool for the weakening and subjugation of peoples.

One might reply that “America is the melting pot” and go on to predict that “we” will “make” those unfortunate immigrants “better” and therefore more like ourselves.  Seems like hubris.  This attitude sounds magnanimous and sympathetic but it was never true.  If there is an American myth, that’s it.  We have functioned fairly well as a “salad bowl,” but never as a melting pot.  Americans of every origin and kind learned to live and thrive together, yet they were never forced to change who they were, beyond learning and following our constitution and laws.  But there were very distinct differences about when America “worked” and how things are, now, when so many consider our country and institutions to be “broken.”  The key is a grand misunderstanding of what is “The American Dream.”

The real and enduring “American Dream” can be stated only thus: That all kinds of people can come together in FREEDOM, respective of one another, respective of law and reason, free to follow God as each sees fit, and responsible to themselves and others for the consequences of their actions.  This sentence summarizes the U. S. Constitution’s connection to individuals.  Not connection to groups, cliques, whether religious, emotional or political, but to individuals, much the way that Jesus described individual responsibility to the laws of God.  “America” represents the boundless opportunity offered to every individual to perfect him or her self: the pursuit of happiness.  And no less, or more.

This is not how many view the “American Dream” or “America,” itself, today.  Socialist thought perceives control of individuals as the high point of governance, the exact opposite of the teachings of Christ or of the values and purpose behind the founding of the United States.  To accomplish complete control – and different kinds of socialists have tried many ways to do so – it is essential to place people into groups, or “identities” for whom certain laws will apply, whether to control that group or apply to another group or to all others(!) in order to control THEM.  There is no clearer example than brown-skinned people as an over-group, and African-Americans, as the driving sub-group, and descendants of slaves, the most exalted of the “drivers.”  Barring descent from slaves, having marched in Selma or having stood near Martin Luther King, Jr., suffices.

As with the growth of federal welfare programs, the epithet of “racist” has become almost standard within the belief structure of many black or brown-skinned residents of the U. S.  The charge of “racist” works to control the “other group” of essentially all “Whites,” including modifying their language and actions.  This has yielded political power to the modern kind of socialists: American liberals.  This, in part, explains the immediate descent to charges of racism emanating from one participant of the immigration meeting during which the president spoke so crudely.  But, it doesn’t make it true.

Welfare, itself, is a gigantic difference, since the 1960’s, from when earlier waves of immigrants reached our shores.  Those from Ireland, for example, came to take care of themselves and their families, as did Italians, Poles, Portugese, Norwegians, Swedes, Finns and Germans, Russians, Albanians, Greeks, Turks, Syrians, Lebanese and Egyptians and many others.  Did they come perfectly?  No.  We didn’t send ships or planes to bring them here more quickly, either.  They were strong and self-selected to endure the sacrifice of leaving everything behind to start anew.  This is no longer so.

Immigrants in recent decades have been encouraged and assisted for purposes of “diversity,” the opposite of e pluribus unum.  Immigrants , today, receive fundamental – and generously comforting – public support, benefits, even cash, yet are not required to meet ANY tests applied to earlier generations.  They need not learn English, they need not become citizens (refugees, asylees) they need not assimilate.  Indeed, they need not even follow laws, often being released for offenses that citizens pay dearly for committing.  One might observe that their beliefs are not those of the “American Dream,” but of taking advantage of our official guilts and sympathies… or of selling drugs, or worse.

We are stretching our capacities to accommodate immigrants, including illegal entrants, even to the point of breaking our own laws, local and federal, to make them comfortable.  Yes, we are an “immigrant” nation, by past definition – most assuredly not by the current one.  I am glad someone with authority and sensibility is asking, “Why should we welcome immigrants from the (backward) countries of the world?”  What we have been doing of late is certainly not in the national interest, which is the primary business of a president, one hopes, although it may fulfill the interests of political partisans and of those who wish America to not exist as we know it.  Ask that question again, Mr. President, louder.

A second observation instructs that the president cannot, ever, trust in the confidence or even honesty of anyone from Congress or the “press” and damned few from the executive branch.  Trump failed to take note of the many lessons of the past year and more, when he posed the question everyone in the room, except Mr. Durbin possibly, a mendacious Democrat of proven, documented unreliability, was thinking and should be thinking: Why should we welcome immigrants who are unlikely to contribute to our economy or standards of living, and whose beliefs are antithetical to the fundaments of the U. S. Constitution or of the “American Dream.”

The ridiculous process of “hating” the president (and others) for so many things of which most of us are also guilty, and so readily accusing him of racism, transphobia, Islamophobia or a dozen other awful constructs, is corrosive and intensely destructive of our “unum” for which millions have bled and died, sacrificed and struggled.  If we are seeking perfection in or from our elected leaders we are fools.  They need, like John Kennedy, only to be pure enough to set a course that is pro-American.  The conversations never disclosed, that the Kennedys had then, or that brother Ted ever had, or by ANY other president, would curl our earlobes.  The profanity and privately voiced prejudices of EVERY president, have been, until recently, kept out of the news because their disclosure would have been so destructively irresponsible.  What we didn’t know didn’t hurt us; had we known all of it we’d have been damaged and history made far different.

News outlets of every kind hope to make history by ripping away confidentiality, no matter the damage.  Their hatreds justify the damage… for shame.  Do we think – do I think – that Trump will become perfect in order to avoid that damage?  Hardly.  When I pray about him it is to cause some intercession that will abridge the worst of his impulsive communication.  It is not that he will disappear, leaving leadership to others.  I have no love for him, but no hatred.  I grasp his attitudes, and even share some, not, I hope, the worst of them.  But then, I try to live on purpose and not in comparison, as does he, I suspect.

The Lord works in mysterious ways.  For all of his flaws I believe Trump is on stage exactly when needed by this country.  I want him to succeed where his direction and intention is right and best – or at least better – than where we were heading prior, God willing.




Prudence says that America needs some fresh thinking about race.  Anthropologists can “describe” some 300 “races” using markers like blood-type concentrations, in a process that tries to use physiology to delineate human “types” or races.  It is largely a waste of time for most people since it cannot relate social activities, social actions, with physiological differences.

RACE is a construct for both safety and control within societies.. except, lately, a construct for hatred.  The most visual markers are employed – like skin, facial distinctions, hair, eye-color… virtually meaningless attributes in terms of how people ACT, but crucial when differing groups come together.  No training or understanding is required to distinguish physiognomy.  That is a matter of belief.

Prudence has thought long about the power and dangers of belief.  It can exist and guide the actions of millions of people without paying any heed to reality… to truth.  Just as faith is the engine for maintaining religious traditions, there are many other belief structures to which individuals can adhere that effectively replace reality with constructed, believed paths of action that guide whole lifetimes.  Belief can be so self-fulfilling that it becomes its own evidence of “truth.”  It’s commonplace.

Less common is honesty.  An honest person can be taught the error of his or her beliefs and it is this very effect that has held the United States together through slavery, Manifest Destiny, the Civil War, destruction of Native American culture, waves of immigration and the Great Depression.  Beliefs have changed, honing more closely to reality little by little… until the 1960’s.

It was under the aegis of “The Great Society” that we changed the role of government to one of, essentially, social engineering – unionized social services that Lyndon Johnson and other hubris-laden socialists believed could change the nature of both rich and poor people for the better.  Change has certainly happened.

Blacks, who were making sure, but uneven progress in the 1950’s, have regressed in the inner cities where federal and state policies have re-enslaved them for 3 generations.  Why such conditions continue, even as the drug trade flourishes in that population, seems a great mystery to progressives.  It must be the fault of Republicans.  Our incoming president has mentioned conditions in the inner cities, but no policy changes have been described.

It’s all a matter of belief.  Progressives have long held the belief that the most generous “safety-net” possible, especially now that welfare has been federalized, will cause people WE have taught to be irresponsible for themselves, to become responsible, self-sufficient citizens.  We have placed them in a system where the only way to “get a raise,” requires careful cheating – things like getting two EBT cards or SNAP allowances beyond one’s entitlement.  Or, to sell some drugs, perhaps.  There should be no surprise that blacks hate whites.  They believe that whites have kept them from opportunity, that we discriminate in a thousand ways, that we are racists and on and on.  Some of it is true.  But the policies that have done so are not those of most whites, who feel guilty about black’s condition, and who act a little nutty because of their guilt; they are the policies of progressives who believe socialism will make better humans than God has… despite all reality to the contrary.

One might infer that Prudence indicates that progressives may not be truly honest, else they could learn the error of their beliefs, lo these past 50 years.