Tag Archives: covid


Prudence directs the wise thinker to define proper governance, all human interaction, actually, in direct and simple terms… concepts that every citizen can understand and apply to virtually every human circumstance and conflict.  So, here they are:



There.  Those are fairly easy to grasp and apply anywhere.  Let’s consider some examples of how the most untrustworthy among us – often the most clever – endeavor to subvert these simple directions, starting with what’s hot right now at a time of Presidential transition: INFLATION!

There is little clear information being spread about inflation in the news, on news programs, even financial news programs.  Mostly, people describe PRICES of commodities, but those are consequences of inflation – or of deflation – not inflation, itself.  INFLATION (of the money supply) is a government program that, effectively and efficiently, STEALS from all of those whose “money supply” it is.  So, while our governors (small “g”) fulfill the second element of proper governance: equal application, it directly and purposefully subverts the first as it steals the value, purchasing power, investment and savings of every person tied to the economy it was elected to manage and protect.

Unfortunately, given the cleverness of our dully elected “representatives,” when they agree to inflate the money supply they don’t simply print more money – that takes too long.  Instead, they BORROW it and agree (on our behalf of course) to pay interest on the loan.  That is currently about ONE TRILLION dollars per year, which is a theft from the same people who are impacted by the original inflation!  We can’t get more services or national defense for the taxes we pay, since there is now an extra TRILLION going to the banking consortium we borrow from.  Everyone involved in these THEFTS should recommit to the first element of good governance: THOU SHALT NOT STEAL.

But wait… there’s more!  Our governors establish schools, usually with the agreement of subsets of citizens whose children, or whose neighbors’ children, will attend… there to be prepared for adulthood and financial and social success.  Organized cleverness among the teachers and administrators of these schools (often called “Public Schools”) leads those worthy folks to invent ways to socially engineer your or your neighbors’ children to be something they were not born to be.  This would be a phenomenal bargain for the parents if the teachers they pay and pay to teach math, reading, writing, history, civics and the rules of American culture and civility, were ADDING social and bio-engineering for the same price(!).  Unfortunately, and often with no notice, the public school establishment has relaxed the parts that prepare children to become successful adults, and created space for topics that interrupt or destroy normal maturation, eschewing knowledge and skills and even cancelling standard testing that might reveal the lack of educational success for each child.

That alone would show a failure to follow the prime directive: Thou Shalt Not Steal, since the opportunities to reach successive and successful levels of knowledge and maturity have been taken away from children.  By failing to educate, and failing to reveal their failures, “educators” have stolen their salaries and benefits from taxpayers and parents who pay them to succeed at the former.   What a difference might be made if every teacher-prospect were interrogated on the subject of “Thou Shalt Not Steal” and on their personal commitments to succeed at their educational missions.  Then, by teaching every child with equal application of teaching skills and knowledge, each would fulfill the second directive, as well.

Well, okay, perhaps that is not a fair assessment of public schools.  Shame on Prudence.  It might illuminate the concepts better to relate them to health – everyone is impacted by his or her health and the costs of health-CARE.

There is no better example… or set of millions of examples of health-care stealing, than the recent debacle known as the COVID-19 pandemic.  Trump-45 was at the mercy of the so-called National Institutes of Health, “NIH,” which was acting as the National Institutes of Hype.  So were we all.  The NIAID, a subset of the NIH, headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, was on TV virtually every day during the COVID assault, assuring the U. S. and anyone else listening, that the wonderful mRNA shots were the best and only “scientific” response to COVID-19, had most politicians bamboozled while he joked about “the Fauci ouchy,” which was just a little prick, after all.  The first act of stealing was to steal our right to the truth.

The second theft was to besmirch and deny access to better, CHEAPER, drugs that would have both slowed the progression of the virus and not damaged the immune systems of millions of people in and out of the United States.  Pushing the shots in the midst of the pandemic – a very questionable approach had the shots even constituted a “vaccine” – may have killed more people than COVID actually did, itself.  The health, short and long-term, of millions was stolen.  Thou shalt not steal.

Those thefts are continuing today, even as the mRNA shots are being pushed toward children who are not at risk from COVID.  The COVID pandemic was a financial emergency, not a medical one.

Americans possess so much personal property – vital, irreplaceable, hard-won “things” – like the free exercise of religion, the right to bear arms and the right to self-protection that embodies, the right to a jury trial, the right to privacy and security in our possessions and homes against unreasonable search and seizure, the right to speak freely, to seek redress of grievances.  Above all, the right to our beliefs.  These things we own by birth, and we have the right to relinquish them, by choice, in the interests of an orderly society.  The governments we have freely formed, however, conspire and endeavor to steal these possessions in a thousand ways.  It is our obligation to recognize when those thefts are being attempted or executed, and to stop them.

There is a mountain of evidence that the Democratic National Committee – DNC – engineered enough unconstitutional changes to voting practices in 2020 to literally steal re-election from President Trump and hand it to Joe Biden.  Democrats are in no case as sensitive to a suggestion of political malfeasance as they are when “stealing the 2020 election” comes up.  Incredibly sensitive.  Leads a person to think that the suggestion hits very close to home.  Harry Reid, when majority leader in the Senate, accused Mitt Romney of not paying his taxes for 10 years.  It was a total lie and constituted the theft of reputation of Romney and of truth from the minds of those to whom a slavish media dutifully repeated the lie.  When called out on it all Reid would say was, “Well, he lost didn’t he?”  In other words, it was a justifiable act on the part of an influential Democrat.

But it wasn’t, Prudence believes: Thou shalt not steal, Mr. Reid.  The same admonition applies to the entire Democrat party: Thou shalt not steal.  Get it? If only the Republican Party were free of the same flaw.

Every lie is a theft – a stealing of the truth.  Thou shalt not steal.

Law of Learning

A valuable measure of social success is educational advancement, which is to say, steady improvement in student performance in basic skills of reading, mathematics and scientific pursuits.  Since 1980, when the federal Department of Education was created, net educational skill levels have declined, bit by bit, and then more abruptly during “Covid.”

In 2020 and 2021 schools were closed for fear of covid, initially, and for excessive lengths of time after the true nature of covid infection was understood.  The foolish extensions of school closings were largely due to the political influence of national teachers’ unions, and were unbelievably expensive in terms of retrofitting school buildings, and damaging in terms of educational regression for all but the best students.

Since becoming a cabinet-level department in its own right, Education has spent nearly a Trillion Dollars, which is to say, ONE THOUSAND BILLIONS of dollars, for those who matriculated prior to 1980.  There are hundreds of good jobs at good wages, as old socialists like to take pride in, but damned little to show for all the meddling and expenditures over the past 44 years.  The Covid experience had a silver lining, however:  Parents, those pesky, independent-minded nurturers of children forced to attend public schools, could see and hear for the first time, the clap-trap being taught and injected into the cognition of otherwise healthy youngsters.  The curricula of public school now included such topics as: Trans-genderism as a real possibility; the dangers of CO2; the evils of so-called “fossil” fuels and everyone involved in obtaining and refining them; climate change and its effect of making severe weather more frequent or more severe; rejection of classic literature and history; rejection of American history; critical race and gender theories; new theories of word meanings, sentence structure and vocabulary, generally; and a hundred other insinuations of socialist or communist economic theories and benefits.  Hardly anyone learns or understands the U. S. Constitution but, lately, we know how oppressed the people of Gaza are and how undeserving of nationality the Israelis are.

It is the obligation of a society and a culture to impart those same beliefs and inter-personal covenants along to their offspring – at no point is it legitimate for a government of, by and for the people to intentionally upset and dissemble social and cultural norms UNLESS, and only if, practices within that social compact interfere with the rights and personal integrity of other members of society.  A case is easily made for putting a stop to segregation and physical interference in the lives and rights of black citizens, for example, but NOT for indoctrinating schoolchildren with ideologies that interfere with their relationships with parents, grandparents and others, or that interfere with their biological integrity.  Those students are forced into those schools by law and then forced to learn ideas that are mere opinion and lessons that are deviant from fact.  That is, schools have no right to denigrate cultural norms and the social compact derived from historical facts any more than they have the right to avoid or deny historical fact.

The primary purpose of taxation (by force) of the income of citizens for the purpose of education (by force) is to reinforce truth while imparting skills necessary for successful maturation into the social compact and in alignment with cultural norms.  A school committee can be rightly questioned on whether any teacher’s belief system was ascertained before his or her employment to fulfill the primary purpose!  What are we trying to accomplish by hiring and never firing teachers and professors who evidently hate the United States and its founding?  Have we decided that our laws that were conceived from thousands of years of traditional belief in rights, are now, via clever, contorted interpretation, a strait-jacket on our own traditions and founding philosophies?  Did we allow the design of a legalistic suicide pact?

Politics can bring out the best and worst of ideas… and the best and worst of people.  Ms. Kamala Harris built her political career as a prosecutor, a District Attorney in San Francisco and an Attorney General for California.  During those times and during the George Floyd riots in 2020, Ms. Harris seemed to be very concerned for the rights of criminals. First in terms of reducing bail, decriminalizing certain crimes, and, before she was done, failing – refusing – to investigate hundreds of sexual assault claims in the San Francisco Diocese.  As a U. S. Senator she encouraged the continuation of destructive riots and supported a fund to bail out those arrested for the worst riot infractions.  All in all, she has been very sympathetic towards those who break local, state or federal laws.  For nearly 4 years she has cooperated in a policy to facilitate illegal entry into the United States – over 10 Million illegal entrants’ worth.

Another aspect of Ms. Harris’ political pandering is a slavish adherence to the interests of teachers’ unions.  Displayed at its worst during Covid, the influence of teacher unions on local and statewide public school policies – even to the opening or closing of schools – has grown stronger and stronger over the past 60 years, the very period of time when educational progress has reversed, with student proficiencies in basic skills dropping steadily.  The costs per student have risen dramatically across virtually all school systems during that same period.  American history instruction has shrunk to a state of confusion.

Maybe the “prisons” that Ms. Harris wants to keep criminals out of should include the ones we call public schools, in which our children are entrapped.  She could allow school choice, of course, so that trapped public-school prisoners could escaped the failing systems and find real education somewhere else.  Probably not, though.


History is moving a little more quickly in 2024. Despite our constant bathing in 24/7 news coverage and exceptional secrecy, or obfuscation, by our own government: the generator of most “news,” Americans are less and less informed about the matters that do and will define our political systems and actual governance. Those who follow current events and who can recall the years after World War II, can make some sense of the need for secrecy during the war, and the rapid expansion of the “secrecy industry” within our federal government, readily justified by the “Cold War” with nuclear-armed U.S.S.R. and, soon, Red China. Our spies were keeping us safe.

Multiple books, movies and TV shows glorified our heroic spies: how much they had to sacrifice to stay undercover, how they tripped up Soviet spies, in particular, how they convinced “Russians” to switch allegiance and act as “double-agents” as they fed soviet secrets to us. On the other hand, those Americans who fed information to the Russians were portrayed as the most heinous of traitors. The Rosenbergs were executed. It is instructive – and Prudent – to recall President Eisenhower’s warning about the “Military-Industrial complex” and President Kennedy’s deep distrust of the “CIA” following the failed “Bay of Pigs” invasion and the assassination of President Diem of South Vietnam. Both recognized the loss of control over the Executive branch of government. Kennedy paid the ultimate price in November of 1963, for attempting to reverse the “intelligence” coup of the federal government. His brother, Robert, his most trusted advisor, paid the same in 1968. The truth of the two assassinations is still not clear to Americans.

For those who can’t contemplate their own government’s ability to murder a president, it might be well to recall the complete deception / fraud embodied in the statement signed by “51 intelligence experts and 5 former heads of the CIA.” These mendacious frauds were instructed to make the claim that Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop was an example of “Russian disinformation.” This single deception was employed by Joe Biden to divert attention from the evidence of bribery and treason recorded on his son’s laptop – bribery and treason that would have upset Biden’s campaign for president in 2020. Given the hatreds generated about Donald Trump (a new Hitler, a dictator, a philanderer who pays off prostitutes, a threat to democracy, etc., etc., and now, very questionably, convicted felon) is it very much of a leap to simply eliminate such an evil person? Add to the possibility the threat he represents to the intelligence “community” that has conspired against him for years, and the people who removed a president and his brother would seem to have all the excuses they need to remove Trump, too, from the political scene… one way or the other.

History seemed to accelerate just a little when Trump beat Hillary Clinton. The course defined by the powers that were running things in 2016, was upset – diverted – by Trump’s upheaval of nature. The machinery of “Trump derangement syndrome” switched on throughout the “intelligence” community, the leftist media complex, the Clinton campaign and the rest of the Democrat party, a powerful array. Within days the “Russian collusion” claims began and the “Steele Dossier” was generated through a complex scheme involving a major Democrat law firm and a Clinton campaign opposition research contractor. At almost the same time elements of the “intelligence” community began subverting people connected to the Trump campaign or otherwise associated with Donald Trump. Yet Trump beat the odds against him and beat Clinton in the Electoral College. Before he was inaugurated the calls for his impeachment began. It all represented a change in the nature of American events and, in light of the number of unique events associated with the 2016 political activity, it could be described as moving faster, even, than during 9-11 and the Bush administration.

Obama tried to get history to accelerate, too. He dreamed of leaving the ideas of America behind because he, Obama, would “fundamentally transform” the nation… and transform history’s rate of change with it. History slowed down, Prudence could argue, when the worldwide COVID-19 hoax swept over most of our common senses. Medical knowledge – AND PRACTICE – was turned on its head, governments retreated from basic freedoms and small-r republicanism, global governance was promoted in coordination of vaccine and “proper” care for the infected. Economies around the world were stymied by regulatory directives, overriding even the U. S. Constitution, causing hundreds of collateral deaths as people’s lives were torn asunder, including personal economies and professions ruined by extra-legal vaccine mandates.

The advancement of freedom, justice and individuality, that Americans pretend to believe is inexorable, was not only reversed, but shattered by COVID. What has been worse is the hundreds of thousands of deaths that can be laid at the doorstep of the so-called vaccines, themselves. Americans agreed to accept some form of promised “safety” in exchange for their freedoms. Shame on us. We can blame education, generally, for the ignorance of history and of the Constitutionally protected rights citizens are born with. Now, we’re watching the Democrat party subvert the democratic process by removing the PRESIDENT from his own campaign, and replacing him, in effect, with the Vice-President for whom no one has voted in the Democrat primaries. When it comes to upsetting American traditions, the Left has accelerated the flow of history all by itself.

Now we have seen another assassination plot that, Providentially, failed to kill former President Trump. As is the common model, the “shooter” was, supposedly, a troubled young man acting alone, who was killed quickly following his intended kill-shot. No one is going to ask HIM any questions. So many basic protective steps were ignored in preparation for one of Trump’s campaign rallies, one can justifiably wonder whether the Secret Service was directed to be unprofessionally sloppy for this event? Was there a scheme under way to enable the murder of former President Trump?

Mike Adams, who pod-casts as “The Health Ranger” on BRIGHTEON BROADCAST NEWS, analyzed the acoustic signatures of shots fired during the assassination attempt. The sound came from recording at the speaker’s (target’s) microphone. There were at least 3 shooters at different distances away from Trump, with young Mr. Crooks being the closest at 130+ yards. The second was at about twice that distance away, which could include the water tower where Rally-goers observed TWO individuals, ONE OF WHOM WAS OBSERVED BEING SHOT BY A SNIPER, while the second one disappeared. The third acoustic signature indicates a shot taken from several hundred yards away. The “lone gunman” looks more and more like a patsy in a plot.

Here’s a link to a lot of information not being discussed publicly: https://thetruthaboutcancerofficial.substack.com/p/illuminating-inconsistencies-and?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email#media-ab4b2670-b535-4e68-98a5-f6367974e3ce

Maybe the reason Secret Service Director Cheatle couldn’t or wouldn’t give straight answers to Congress on July 22nd is that she actually wants to hide behind a phony report prepared by those who organized the plot to kill Trump in the first place, she actually doesn’t KNOW what the Hell went on and prefers to stay ignorant. Amazingly, Joe Biden gave up on re-election just a few days later and shifted the news engine to other topics, completely. We’ll all watch as the pace of history will slow down markedly in the next couple of weeks.

Finally, Director Cheatle has resigned, which is a good thing, by itself, but it brings into even starker relief why she bothered to show up to “testify” before the House Oversight Committee. Clearly her intention was NOT to convey information to the Congress. She barely changed her demeanor or facial expression throughout the brutal questioning by the Committee from both sides of the aisle. She knew it would be brutal and she knew she wasn’t going to satisfy any questioner. That wasn’t her job on Monday. She was there to draw fire and resign the next day. At the same time, the Kamala geyser was set to erupt and distort the news. The deep state is not done with Donald Trump, yet.

Prudence is, sadly, fairly certain that another attempt on Trump’s life will be made. Be wary, my Friend.


You're ***tting me, right?
You’re ***tting me, right?

Amidst the anxiety, worry, fear and complete inversion of logic that comprises “Climate Change,” a sad failure of the heart is heard as gullible men and women who might create families, declare that they are afraid to bring children into this world which is doomed by the follies of pollution and fossil fuels.  It should be a mental thing, but it’s not: it’s a function of gullibility that is divorced from clear thinking.

America cannot survive gullibility.  Americans, more than citizens of any other nation, are OBLIGATED to study and understand the words, and the meaning of the words, and the philosophies supporting them… in our Constitution and other founding documents.  The United States of America – those are words, too, and we are obligated to understand them just as clearly.  Ours is a country with a role in history unlike every other.  “United” tells us that we are OBLIGATED to share common laws and moral guidance.  “States” tells us that our States are the structure of our nation, and our strength.  Ours is not a national government, it’s a federal one, yet every scrap of legislation that Congress passes EXPANDS national power over the states and the people, when it should be doing only what the states cannot do for themselves.  Words matter.  Whoever – or whatever – attempts to change the meaning of words is announcing its willingness to confuse the polity and steal our ability to discuss, reason and understand.

What American voters have allowed, so far, is an administrative bureaucracy that makes itself appear to be so important – so vital to our ability to remain fed and comfortable – that threats to its power or existence, even of tiny slivers of it, are tantamount to Hitler’s Nazism.  Minor interruptions, like temporary shutdowns until appropriations are approved by Congress, are described as imminent defaults on U. S. obligations and threats to every aspect of life from stocking grocery stores to providing health care and life-saving operations.  Worse, a government shutdown is racist, homophobic, transphobic and misogynist… and no one wants to be any of those things, let alone the whole country!

What illogical nonsense.  Yet, that is the definition of our “democracy,” today.  The “democracy” that we must impoverish ourselves to protect around the world, yet do our best to undermine, here, despite the fact that we are a Republic… that employs democracy.

Are your children gullible?  Possibly.  Once ideological teachers have taught our kids to believe untrue things, the pathways of gullibility are established.  If a first-grader believes the United States was founded upon racism in 1619, he or she can be led to believe that gender can be changed.  Pretty soon they’ll believe that their parents are a threat that cannot be told that their son or daughter is changing to daughter or son.  So, now it’s better to hide truths from parents.  We can’t survive gullibility.

Education, essentially dominated by government schools and unionized teachers and staff, is the fundament of culture and citizenship.  Along with language, math, geography, civics, science and a second language, the success of our nation requires that our children learn about our history, our founding, the ideas behind the Constitution and how it works, and basic economics.  Turning out students who cannot read – at huge expense – puts our nation at risk; filling their heads with untruths and radical theories of race and biology is the opposite of what parents – and our nation – need teachers to do.  Yet, as schools fail to educate, teachers’ unions dictate policies to management that increase costs, compensation and staffing while reducing accountability for teachers’ lack of results.  The incredible refusals to work and teach during “COVID” can never be forgiven.

Have we the intestinal fortitude to correct the direction and OWNERSHIP of our so-called “public” education system?  Can we place the management of public schools back into the hands of those we elect to manage them?  Or will we go to our graves with leftist, virtually communist teachers’ unions operating this huge fraction of our government for their own benefit… not for the advancement of our children?  Government employees should be severely restricted in their abilities to influence elections.  As it is, politicians charged with financial management of all departments rely on unions to get themselves elected.  They (the elected) then “negotiate” with unions for pay and benefits.  Those who are charged with representing citizens wind up basically representing only the unionized, public employees.  What a debilitating economic farce.  Will we continue this?  Or are there politicians with the courage to break it up and restore fairness, balance and honesty to our republican form of government?

We are $33 Trillion in debt.  Clearly the past 6 decades of “representative” government has failed to manage the people’s business.  We are on the path to insolvency and economic ruin when that day comes that other nations will refuse payment in dollars.  This is a system our “representatives” created in our name.  Now we have a poop-head as president who has invited SEVEN MILLION or more new welfare recipients, many of whom are actual criminals and terrorist threats to our nation, to our people.  Shame on him and shame on all of us who voted for him in 2020.  We knew he was a fool from his 40 years of history in the Senate and his 8 years as Obama’s V. P.  We knew he was a public policy and foreign policy idiot, yet we dutifully followed his party’s directions.  Now, we’re the fools.

Are we patriotic enough – still – to make wiser, more sensible, economically aware choices about who will represent us American citizens and who will be our President, representing all of us and our country?  Or, are we so gullible that we will again elect a caricature of a leader and toadies who claim to be our representatives?  How many of our Senators and “Representatives” are receiving money or gifts of some sort from China?  More than one, for sure.  Why do we re-elect them and then cede them power in their respective houses?

American citizens are the most powerful people on Earth.  We can affect both domestic and foreign policies of our powerful government.  Yet we continuously give up our unique rights in exchange for not being called names, and we continuously re-elect relatively ignorant and corrupt people to both state and federal offices – people who soon give up representing we, the People, and then learn to represent their personal interests by cooperating with other corrupt “representatives” who have learned how to steal, legally.  Whenever they actually face their voters, these worthies tend to represent the government to us rather than the other way around, explaining why this or that policy position that got them elected, cannot be accomplished.

Are we awake enough in 2023 to exercise our Constitutional rights and powers to put in place a legislature that will actually force the executive swamp to do the right things?  How is it that we couldn’t even get the border closed with a threat to shut down the government?  How is it that the Biden administration thinks it is “American” to force expenses upon the States in the breaking of federal immigration laws?  We ARE gullible, but, are we crazy?


Progress toward exposing problems we face has been impPrudently slow… and there are so many.  They are interrelated, but it is far too complex to discuss them all at once.  Let’s move forward.


There are valid reasons for otherwise independent, sovereign individuals to put their futures and ability be productive into he hands of others who may or may not share their best interests.  Usually those reasons are related to bad management decisions, but unionism has devolved into monopoly labor, and it’s just as flawed as monopoly capitalism.  The private sector has largely rejected unionism; monopoly labor primarily exists in the “public” sector – government financed and managed work.  The reason for this phenomenon, the dirtiest possible, is the value of rewarding an army of political, re-election workers, be they in construction, policing, firefighting, plumbing, paving or bus-driving.

Most are good people.  It’s never a question of individual people, it’s the power held by a relative few of them who purport to “represent” their membership in obtaining more “fairness” in pay and work rules.  The process of keeping power for union leaders lies in politicians having voted for legal status for unions; it lies in “public” contracting and public employment being required to be unionized.  The unions, as a result these legal requirements, also are obligated to “negotiate” with the same politicians who granted them power and for whom they work at election times.  It is a game in which the politicians always lose when representing “the public” – taxpayers – in determining how much to pay the members of the unions.  On the other hand, the politicians, left mostly, but also many on the right, who “fight” for “working families” usually win on the re-election side of the board.  “Working families” are always union families, and the “fight” is always to pay them more.

It didn’t take long for what union members were paid became the “prevailing wage” and the rate that anyone doing business with town, state or federal governments had to pay in order to bid on “public” contracts.  Unlike business and labor and expenditures in the (dreaded) private sector where all the productive surplus that pays for every public expenditure is earned, virtually no one who negotiates for the “public” represents the interests of the public… not really.  Elected officials who win election and re-election by promising to “fight for working families and the ‘middle class’” only fight to keep things as they are, reliably in favor of government, always at higher pay.

If a single change could be made that was “fair” for every American, it would be for every state to be a right-to-work state with no favoritism in public contracting for unionized companies.  For contractors who could show superior results from their unionized workforce, they would rightly win their share of “public” projects.  Non-union contractors who could show the same, would win theirs.  Until that day, the slope will remain downward, always at higher pay.

 A sad example of the downside of legally sanctioned unionization is the death and destruction that followed the death of George Floyd in 2020.  “Oh, come now Prudence… you’re off the rails with that one,” you might be thinking.  But, you’re looking at the wrong end of the whole sequence.  The man who was convicted for the manslaughter of Floyd before his body was cold, Officer Derek Chauvin of the Minneapolis Police Department, was a dues-paying member of the Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis.  That union had no role in his trial relative to George Floyd, but it had protected Chauvin multiple times relative to complaints about his use of force while an active officer, of which there were many – more than 15.  Chances are that Chauvin ought to have been separated from the police department long before he restrained George Floyd.  He had demonstrated a tendency to use force to restrain detainees past the point when force was needed.  The Federation had argued for him in every case, saving his job.  That’s what unions do and a large part of why members pay union dues.


One of the worst examples of public employee unionization is teachers’ unions – not teachers… teachers’ unions.  Their stranglehold on public policy and purse strings was made clear during the 3 years’ of COVID-19 fear-mongering.  The damage to children and to actual education itself, is nearly immeasurable, the money wasted to appease teacher unions during COVID, is outrageous.  Even the supposed scientists at the CDC were taking orders from the Federation of Teachers as to whether schools could open again or kids stop wearing masks – science be damned.  Teachers pretended to “teach” remotely while students pretended to “learn” from their computer screens.  But, no one learned from the “science” everyone claimed to be following, including the CDC and the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases: guardians of “the science,” every one.  And that’s another post.

Observers of things educational estimate that kids were set back one to two years of development and learning under the COVID regime.  Despite the uselessness of face masks and the increasing understanding of the damage they do to development of the youngest school-children, including socialization and speech and comprehension skills, some school systems, largely pushed by unions, still wanted to mask children at the beginning of the 2022-23 school year!  Because of fear of catching COVID?  Ridiculous.  These are the people we trust to impart knowledge to our children – knowledge that is supposed to prepare them to think on their own, resolve problems and conflicts and to prepare for adulthood.  Yet many school teachers and school committees seem Hell-bent on denying the children with whom they are entrusted for five days a week, a fair chance at growing up intact.  What are we doing?  What are they doing?  What in every matter of education should educators consider their mission and success to be?  Confuse kids about their sexual outlook or fantasy?  Convince kids that their skin color is more important than their abilities to apply themselves?

People who don’t lie to themselves and others about human nature – like socialists and Communists do – will say “No” to those last two questions.


People whom we pay excessively to “manage” our finances, the money supply and economic growth, appear to not have as deep an understanding as we assume when justifying their exalted pay and position.  They are evidently even more ignorant of the majesty of freedom and individual sovereignty; money and freedom are inextricable, after all.  The foolhardy actions of the “Biden” administration, following on the heels of the largely mendacious “COVID Pandemic,” and the deadly inflation that results, illustrate all too clearly the lack of intelligence being applied to economics… and to governance, itself.

Amidst the jungle of banking, finance and investment regulations that have grown up since the Great Depression, a basic truth has been lost within government, itself – including Congress – and among the people of the United States.  Now, with communistic theories being applied thither and yon, we are approaching the cliff’s edge of economic collapse while a crowd of chowderheads is enthralled with its legislative “victories” in the first two years of the Biden regime, basic truth be damned.  And, what truth is this?  Inflation is the result of government actions.  It is not a virus that attacks without warning, or the result of too much exuberance by free people and enterprise.  It refers only to the money (actually, “currency”), supply, something for which the unholy alliance between government and the Federal Reserve are entirely responsible.  Rising prices are not inflation, although inflation results in prices rising.  Inflation (and this is why it is often employed as a matter of policy) reduces the value of currency, both in tangible form and in electronic accounts.  In the short term, it enables government to pay its debts more cheaply, but it also steals from every private person and family, savings and retirement account.  Inflation is a thief unleashed upon the population by government.

Lately, the secretive, highly regulated, yet poorly regulated banking industry, has been shaken to its boots by the severe inflation ignited by the pandemic and the wild, unneeded deficit spending of the Biden administration.  The Federal Reserve Board assumes as part of its role, that it must regulate the money supply, ostensibly to limit inflation.  Contra-indicated is its other assumed role: controlling (limiting) unemployment.  Controlling inflation comes first, always, since the health of the financial/banking system relies on stable rates of inflation and of interest.  In the world of mortgages and large-asset financing and leasing, interest rates – the cost of money over time – needs to be stable or growing very slowly.  Abrupt acceleration in the rate of inflation disturbs both long and short-term financing and, ironically, the availability of cash for daily economic function.  Banks have failed in the past two weeks and other banks are scrambling to save weakened banks.  Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen has repeatedly assured the public and Congress that “the banks” are safe and that depositors will be able to obtain their money when needed.  America’s Gramma Yellen looks so friendly.  She expects to bring our total debt to 50,000,000,000,000 dollars.  That is a difficult number to grasp – maybe FIFTY FRIGGIN’ TRILLION is easier to conceive of.  Her calming words consist of the possibility that the total cost of INTEREST(!) will be a certain relatively small percentage of GROSS FRIGGIN’ DOMESTIC PRODUCT!

Yellen is a committed Keynesian economist, which is to say that she believes in deficit spending as a matter of policy and appropriate government action/response to financial OR social anomalies.  This belief blends in with the socialist view that any problem brought to government’s attention, must be resolved by government action.  “Deficit” spending also fits the modus operandi of the Federal Reserve, itself, since it is enabled by law to lend money to the government that it – the Fed – does not have!  What could go wrong?

Deficit spending, itself, is premised on the vast majority of the population being ignorant of the possible effects of it.  That is, so long as “people” (voters) don’t understand what government is doing to them (“for them” in theory), and it is primarily economic “doing,” the government can do what is good for government and keep voters occupied with a host of social issues, angers, unfairness-es, and fundamentally local grievances.  With enough words in favor of this or that response to these non-federal (non-Constitutional) issues, Congressmen and women and Senators, many of whom don’t understand economics much, either, can keep getting re-elected.  The permanent government and the “experts,” like Yellen, who slide into and out of powerful federal positions, can maintain the direction they want government to go, regardless of the wishes of the citizenry whose power they actually exercise.  Janet Yellen has been influential or powerful in the economic direction of the federal government for three decades – first as one of the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors in the mid ‘90’s, then as Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors for Bill Clinton for two years.  Barack Obama named her Chair of the Federal Reserve – technically a private consortium of banks, not Federal, in fact.  Joe Biden chose her for Treasury Secretary, likely as he chose many of the key people from the Obama Administration: at Obama’s direction.

Despite supposedly favoring low unemployment over inflation control, Yellen has argued for continued “stimulus” during the pandemic, and for higher taxes and lower “retirement” spending to deal with the national debt.  Republicans are routinely lied-about at any suggestion of reducing Social Security or Medicare expenditures like what Janet Yellen suggested.  Doesn’t matter, so long as she is happy to enable and promote Keynesian deficits in the face of “crises,” socialists will be happy to take her advice.

We are in trouble.  Stay tuned for more ways to Prudently analyze or resolve the problems we face.

All Christmas Matters

Boston Rescue Mission

As the Christ Mass approaches we tend to – are obligated to – place our most prized results of our year of labor and multiplication upon the altar, proving our willingness to sacrifice for God and thanks to God.  It’s metaphysical… in a non-computerized sort of way.  God, of course, doesn’t need our sacrifices, he needs the act of sacrificing.  He needs that expression of love, and so do we.

There’s a lot of charity flowing at this time of year, as you surely notice.  Charity is an act of selfless, as in “non-selfish” love; acts of love with no physical benefit in return.  Of course those and their organizations whose appeals we may answer as Christmas nears, do their best to thank all who gave of our supply of time or treasure, but acts of charity don’t require such recognition.  Thanking is certainly good manners, sometimes done to ensure future charity and, truth be known, most humans resent the lack of thanks, but it’s not a true factor in the equation of love or of its charitable expression.

We humans are beings defined, or measured, by economics.  We consistently judge the values of giving and receiving, thanks for a gift… or for charity.  It’s not always a healthy calculation, nor is it part of the love equation.  Or, of the charity equation.  Love, or charity, is an aetheric substance.  What we do here on Earth is a rather crude reflection of the pure, spiritual development that happens to and for our higher selves, our non-physical selves.  Except, we can’t manifest things to and for other humans without being in the physical plane, as it were.  If we are, someday, accepted into the plane where our soul is supposed to be, love is an automatic manifestation, not a choice.  Here, amidst a thousand distractions and evil opportunities, love and charity are a decision – sometimes a difficult one.  If you find it easy to express love for others and to sacrifice for others, count your blessings.

One of the tests we must pass is how to not slip through the diaphanous membrane between love and hate.  Hatred is often expressed towards ourselves, where it is most damaging.  It may be as simple as a mistake, even just dropping something, spilling something… stupid stuff.  Immediately we chastise ourselves in words we’d never apply to another, certainly never towards someone we love.  If our spouse or child experiences something irritating, an accident, a time-consuming error that makes him or her angry, your usual reaction is to sooth and help in resolving the problem.  Yet when we do something similar, ourselves, we immediately express self-hatred for our failing to do something smarter.  Prudence can’t explain why it works this way, but “the force,” God, the Universe, or Life, cannot deliver the best, most fortunate opportunities to you if you are immersed in hatred of yourself, OR, toward others.  It’s an equation: Love fits into it but hatred never does.  Love yourself – you are a product of love and of an investment by your mother and others of love.  You never deserve to be hated.

The greatest gift we can give, whether at Christmas or on any morning, is to review and refresh the love you are giving to yourself and others.  Even in mundane, economic interactions like sales, the advice always is to imagine that you love the stranger you would like to have a sales relationship with, before you pick up the phone or walk into an office.  It seems to make the interaction far more successful.  Prudence can testify to this effect.

How different might all interactions be if every human projected love toward his or her correspondents.  Unfortunately, our society and politics, even our elementary schools and teachers(!), spend much of their efforts at teaching children and grownups alike to hate others.  What a gross distortion of the life opportunities God gives us every year and day.

Children, most sadly, are taught not just hatred of their race or skin color, but hatred of their selves.  If born male, they are taught to forego the responsibilities of manhood and to pretend to be female; if born female, they are taught to forego the majesty of motherhood and to pretend to be male: two special forms of self-hatred.  Part of the self-hatred process involves separation from parents and other relatives who won’t “confirm” their new sexual outlook.  Learning to no longer trust one’s parents is a giant step toward hating them or, at least, hating their roles.

Children can be, and should be, taught to love themselves… not to hate themselves… or others.  Like Critical Gender Theory, Critical Race Theory is an agenda based on hatred. 

Questions of race and slavery generate peculiar ripples of hatred, essentially only in the United States.  Millions are caught up in them, especially politicians of various stripes, who have learned that constant aggravation of these questions can yield political influence.  Such influence is fruitful within a population of people who “enjoy” rubbing hatreds raw, including within themselves.  Foolishly, politicians have figured out that hatred can be not only powerful, but profitable.  Still, the strong feelings do not, and cannot, lead to solutions or transformation into positive feelings, outlooks and cooperation.

There are truths about slavery… and falsehoods.  There are truths about racism… and falsehoods.  Falsehoods seem to prevail, but truths about both subjects are immediately seized upon to draw false conclusions and false premises about what some true piece of history should force upon people of today.  Just the fact of slavery in the past has proven sufficient reason to never stop hating, as evidenced by the renewed, and listened-to demands for “reparations.”  Reparations justify hatred for white-skinned people: apparently whites owe an undying debt to blacks because of slavery.  Whites, it seems, are prone to guilt over having succeeded in mastering so many sciences and skills.  Not all skills, of course, but whites pioneered in many skills that not only have created comfortable standards of living and great wealth, but which have benefitted virtually all peoples on the planet.  Perfectly?  Absolutely not.

If we are waiting to stop feeling guilty until we are perfect, no less, we’ll wait forever.  That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t become better.  But, are the children guilty of the sins of their parents?  Only by choice and training; those who decidedly choose a better path than their ancestors, better ways to treat and interact with everyone else, skin color notwithstanding, should be respected and loved as anyone might be loved.  There’s no guilt appropriate.  Unfortunate and deceitful politics, however, casts all whites into the guilty column because some of their forbears owned slaves or mistreated blacks following slavery.  What is owed to whom, today?

One of whites’ imperfections is an expectation that money can replace sin – the monetization of guilt.  It is the fundament of perpetual welfare and the social welfare state.  Perhaps handing over money for no value will convert hatred for whites into love for whites.  That seems doubtful based on the “success” of the Great Society.  Otherwise, every welfare recipient would run into the street to hug any taxpayer who wanders by their less-than-ideal, welfare-provided home.  Nope.  Giving free stuff makes only the most temporary of friendships and quickly reverts to resentment.  The only “reparations” of any value or consequence to the quality of life for anyone, is teaching a person how to succeed in our culture, perhaps even helping that person to succeed for a limited time.  But locking that person into perpetual victim-hood and welfare-poverty is a system designed to destroy that persons humanity and worth, yet we persist at it, waiting for the miracle socialists promise.

For their part, far too many blacks believe that destroying the society and culture whites have succeeded in, is going to make their lives better and balance the cosmic scales, somehow.  That approach requires perpetual hatred and resentment – there is no love that is part of it.  One doesn’t steal, loot, destroy and burn the work of others out of love.  One doesn’t teach others to hate anyone, let alone a group, or to hate themselves… out of love.  This is why socialism is an abject, deceitful lie: it is premised on the belief of the inability of the individual to elevate him- or herself, improving skills and understandings and esteem while teaching him or her to love the good in everyone and to strive against the bad.  Under socialism, all trust is placed in others, mostly unknown.

Interestingly, America is full of blacks who have raised themselves up by working within the system and then transcending the system, leading the rest of us to better ourselves.  In almost every field, great, accomplished black-skinned Americans have excelled and led.  Why not emulate them instead of hating whites?  Crappy politics, that’s why.  Since the Clintons popped into the White House, hatred has become the overarching driver of political action: not freedom, not justice, not improvement of living standards, not wisdom in foreign policy, not budgeting on behalf of American citizens, not “America first.”  Despite constant accusations from the Democrat left, most of the hatred emanates from Democrats and their allies.  Yes, there are haters on both sides of the divide, but the distinction between left and right is gigantic, culminating in the Communist uprisings in 2020 and the Covid pandemic.  There weren’t “right-wingers” burning America in 2020. 

There weren’t right-wingers creating and pushing Covid across the planet, or creating and pushing ersatz vaccines into every body.  Those were the works of the left.  Why?

It wasn’t to increase individual freedom or to balance the budget; it wasn’t to prevent inflation of the monetary supply or to strengthen energy independence and the U. S. balance of payments with other countries; it wasn’t to solve our weak border enforcement, improve public safety, reduce the rate of drug overdoses and deaths or to strengthen the rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights in any way.  Why would a political movement take significant, even drastic steps that weaken the United States of America?

Well, aside from enrichening its adherents, it would be to, well… weaken the United States.

Love of country makes us stronger; hatred of it makes us weaker.  To govern and legislate in conformity with the warped ideas of the World Economic Forum and with the corrupted, communistic ideas of the United Nations, is to express hatred for the United States.  To promulgate policies, persecutions and punishments that divide Americans into two classes – favored and hated – is to DIS-unite the previously United States: hatred.

This is the time of this most important year, when love of others, of law, of nation, of selves and of God, should be foremost in all of our intentions, yet our politics has failed us, creating problems that our democratic republic can’t solve, while rewarding hatred as the means to power.  Let us pray as we see fit to return ourselves to a transcendent path, not the descendent path we’re on. 


I think we can, I think we can…

On November 8th, a cold day before the first frost, hereabouts, Prudence found the very last Morning Glory blossom on a set of vines that looked dead for more than a couple of weeks.  While it seemed lonely, perhaps forlorn, that blossom faced the sun with purpose.  It was telling its world that even when all doors seemed closed, the spark of life, matched with a strong purpose – or courage – was overcoming almost everything.

We are witnessing the dismantling of the United States as a sovereign nation.  It is sad that no news organization asks questions about it.  It is the only end result that makes sense of Biden’s open-border tragedy and it’s not a new idea: George W. Bush talked about creating a “North American Union” similar to the European Union, where petty local elections would mean less and less and less.  The free flow of peoples is part of it.  Erasing quaint ideas of nationalism and America-first, are parts of it, too.  No wonder Trump was so hated by the anti-nationalists who are in charge.  It’s all globalist crap, and every Democrat supports it, yet not more than two Republicans have spoken of it, much.  American citizens?  Why tell them anything?

The deep state has discussed the concepts of an “NAU” with both Mexico and Canada over the past 20 years and probably more.  There hasn’t been any effort to speak to the United States about it.  President George H. W. Bush spoke of “… a new world order…” in the early 90’s, as though the actions and policies of the United States were somehow leading to that mythical utopia.  You can spot those who share that concept: they looove the United Nations.  They get a thrill from hearing people from less-successful and far more oppressed nations telling the United States what to do.

Barack Obama is a true acolyte in that church.  Not only did he apologize to the world for real and imagined mistakes the U. S. has made… forever, but he couches his basic hatred of his own country in terms of racism: the unassailable condemnation.  There are many like him.  They’ve taken to calling for U. N. oversight of OUR elections!  Yet, there is almost nothing the U. N. does that improves freedom or raises standards of living – except for the standards of living for those that work for the U. N.  It is an horrendously corrupt and wasteful bureaucracy, and the U. S. feels compelled to pay the lion’s share of its many budgets.  Being “woke” began with the U. N. after World War II; supporting the U. N., even over support for the U. S. is one of the greatest virtue-signals possible.

To rush along the “New World Order,” leftists within our own government favor and work for acceptance of U. N. directives.  The fundamental process requires giving up bits and pieces of U. S. sovereignty, which also means discarding our Constitutionally protected, God-given rights.  Within every variation of justification for elevating humanity to become our own gods, there is a constant drumbeat against religion (mostly against Christianity) and no room for God, himself.  Here in one of the few nations founded or premised upon religious freedom, we find numerous CHURCHES and watered-down, rainbow-flagged liturgies, that strongly support the U. N.  Individuality and individual relationships with God and Christ are not preached or honored there, any longer.  Marching toward the new world order is a march to the left, Godless and socialist.

“The New World Order” is not a phrase that’s tossed around of late.  What is dropped often enough is the term, “The Great Reset.”  Everyone in favor of the Great Reset is perfectly happy with the prospects of a new world order, make no mistake.  “Great Reset” is the brain-fart of the self-exalted “World Economic Forum,” led by the chief fart, Klaus Schwab.  No one elected him; he and the rest of those who are “members” of the “Forum,” are self-appointed, very wealthy individuals who have developed significant sway over actual political, elected leaders.  Despite their capitalist origins, they all seem quite comfortable with a socialist, one-world future.  All seem convinced that socialism has failed heretofore only because those attempting to employ it were not as smart as this current gang of utterly secular insurrectionists… insurrection being the overthrow of existing government(s).

The Great Reset received a huge boost from the COVID-19 pandemic.  Incipient global rulers watched the lockdowns and mandating of experimental vaccines with satisfied glee.  Millions of hitherto “sovereign” citizens were accepting extra-legal control of movement, employment, worship and assembly on the premise of stopping an infectious virus.  Constitutions and other statements of rights were set aside with minimal resistance.  To globalists, this behavior showed that tyrannical control is manageable.  God forbid.

Still, among the dying vines of freedom, faith, private property rights and individuality, there are enough living cells to blossom forth in glory.  But, can we protect freedom’s flower from the coming frost of de-population, famine and global communism, under which, according to the benevolent Klaus Schwab, we will “own nothing and be happy?”

Representatives of our own government, including the incredibly corrupt Vice-President, Joseph Robinette Biden, descendant of slave owners and top dog in a corrupt and morally twisted family, have attended and addressed the W. E. F. in its Davos meetings.  Biden’s last speech there, a couple days before Trump’s inauguration, was full of internationalist palaver and platitudes of cooperation salted with anti-Russian, anti-Putin derogation.  As President, however, Biden has governed this country in contravention of his utopian dreams expressed to the W. E. F.  Indeed, he has governed in contravention of his sworn oath upon inauguration: his word is cheap – easily purchased.  With some 150 instances of questionable financial transactions among the several Bidens and foreign countries, it may prove difficult to ascertain who owns the largest portion of good ol’ Joe’s integrity.  Observations – and Biden’s own actions – would indicate that significant ownership of his integrity belongs to Communist China, and not to the citizens of the United States.

“The West” owes to itself and to all mankind a proper regulation / limitation of raw capitalism.  Today’s youth are rightly fed up with the distortions caused by hyper-accumulation of wealth.  Capitalism was the servant of freedom while free-enterprise was possible, encouraged and promoted by republican governments.  It worked while laws and judicial impartiality provided an honest business environment, one of the best in the world.  In other words, free enterprise worked when government was honest, both federal and state.  A hundred aspects of Covid-19 response have shown that our governments and multiple enforcement agencies have become dishonest, with even our largest, most trusted, government-corrupted, medical delivery systems forcing forms of protocols that have increased the death toll from Covid at least 100%.  The “government” provided financial incentives to hospitals to both identify and treat “Covid” patients, including specific treatments and, oddly, lacks thereof.  Thousands have died because normal treatments and checkups for cancers, heart disease and many other conditions, were stopped or avoided by patients.  The crimes are so huge we’ll never have all the statistics.

The fastest way to start stitching the American opportunity society back together, is to return to honesty in government – something that seems anathema to today’s politicians and to the deep state.

All we true Americans need is the single-minded purpose of a Morning Glory blossom, determined to return our glory to the world.


The Gang’s All Here

There are many forms of conspiracy of which average citizens have some inkling or suspicion, despite, or perhaps because of the concerted mendacity of government officials and agencies, including our military bureaucrats.  Particularly since the Biden administration took control, world politics and military relationships have become more dangerous, more conspiratorial and far more difficult to control, let alone understand.  Naturally, Americans are much more nervous and feeling isolated, as we probably should.  With China encroaching on our spheres of influence and on numerous allies like Canada, Columbia, Panama, African nations and Europe, itself… even Hungary, the “world” seems to be ganging up on the U. S.

This is a rather abrupt turn of events.  One has to wonder if it’s all a matter of incompetence and lack of understanding, or if key power centers in the U. S. are executing a plan.  Can these questions be answered?

  1.           Was Covid-19 a strategy or unfortunate accident?
  2.           Is the widespread “legalization” of very dangerous marijuana and the      onslaught of lethal drugs flooding our neighborhoods, just wretched capitalism or an element of intentional weakness that makes sense to some people?
  3.            Is the attack on Ukraine part of an “approved” plan by globalists to weaken NATO and the U. S.?
  4.            Is the “attack” on oil and gas in the U. S. part of the same plan?
  5.            Where did the basic plan to expand “transgenderism” among grade-schoolers originate?
  6.            How is it that major hospitals suddenly coordinated with the LGBTQ+ agenda and public schools to begin performing transgender mutilations and sterilizations?
  7.            Is the pressure to give virtually everyone from age 5 and up the modified RNA injections part of a larger objective of weakening individual freedom, lower general health and possibly population control?
  8.           Who, or what country(ies), actually benefits from the dramatic changes in  U. S. monetary and immigration policies?
  9.           Who, or what country(ies), benefits from election fraud?
  10.  Who, or what country(ies), benefits from soft-on-crime policies in major cities?
  11. Who, or what country(ies), benefits from high inflation in the U. S.?
  12. Who, or what country(ies), benefits from restricting food production – reducing fertilizer use and sequestering productive acreage?

These are all rather sad questions to be able to posit.  How could so many negative policies suddenly descend upon our nation and people?  Can they all be parts of tragic, unavoidable coincidences?  Or, could they be coordinated from… well, somewhere?  Someone?  Some group?

Can we put much credence into the idea that Joe Biden, a man whose mental state requires guides and “handlers” at all times, actually believes in what he says or does, or that he thought up the set of policies he has put into action?

Or, God forbid, but not an impossibility, is it possible that leftists/globalists in the United States’ “deep state” have considered the evolving relationships and power of Red China, the problems and responsibilities of American freedom and nationalism and the blandishments of the World Economic Forum in terms of a financial control model of vastly smaller populations, and decided that the only answer to the possibilities of wars and nuclear conflict is to throw in with the W.E.F. and establish a global government able to negotiate with, and even coerce China into coexistence?  Perhaps systemic treason has been sold to the oligarchy as salvation.

One Lie, Two Lies, Three Lies, Four

One way to look at our current national condition is from the top of the Mountain Of Lies.  It’s a better viewpoint for observing the accumulating effects of dishonesty upon the health and strength of the nation to which it is dished on a literal daily basis.  Sometimes there is illumination provided by organizing lists of items that share one or more parameters.  It will be Prudent to consider the entirety, if not enormity of the following list of lies on which Americans’ lives depend:

LAW.  Our history and culture are replete with real and literary conspiracies based on subversion of laws.  To Prudence, undercutting the law is the worst of all lies.  Peace, safety, freedom and life, itself, depend on honesty in matters of law.  It is still worse when it leaves the individual level and seeps into “official” policy and action – denying or subverting the law, that is.  We can see the scope of damage that official lying can do, by reflecting on the completely fabricated “Russia” conspiracy that politicians and law-enforcement agencies attempted to pin on Donald Trump before he won election as 45th President, and through much of his administration.  Subverting federal laws only expanded after that.

A few people lost their jobs at the FBI, but, so far, not their pensions!  The message is that anything illegal done against Donald Trump is not considered to be nearly as bad as illegal acts taken against some other American citizen.  Yes, you broke the law, but it doesn’t bother us enough to apply legal sanctions – wink, wink.  Subversion of law: one of the worst kinds of lie.

But, unfortunately, the unprecedented crimes against Trump are not the worst in terms of how the citizens of the U. S. are besmirched by government lying.  We have to look at immigration and border policies and practices since Joe Biden signed that stack of executive orders on January 21st, 2021.

U.N. and U.S. rules for “refugee” and “asylum” status are pretty loose, subject to multiple steps of acceptance despite previous errors or even untrue/fraudulent applications.  A judge can always accept some claim of good reasons to submit fraudulent statements in order to obtain safety unavailable in their country of origin.  In other words, it is subjective at almost every step.  Those who hyperventilate over “loopholes” in tax laws are singularly unconcerned about the sieve of loopholes in immigration law.  Interestingly, many of the possible claims for asylum are based on non-binary sexuality.  However, there are laws and regulations that govern the processing of asylum claims and of asylees, themselves.  These are being ignored at the President’s direction, leaving millions of illegal entrants in our country with virtually no way for our erstwhile protectors to monitor or arrest them when they fail to appear for “hearings” required by law.

It’s all part of “Progressives’” intention to dissemble our Constitutional Republic.  Every person connected to the Biden administration who comments on “the border,” has lied about it, and quite consistently.  Those are bad lies, sure enough.

We could also bring forth the mendacity surround “Covid” and ersatz vaccines, but there’s only so much we can include, here. See: http://www.prudenceleadbetter.com/2020/08/26/if-you-knew-covid/

LEGISLATION.  Once upon a time in Washington, representatives of the people and representatives of the states would diligently research and debate, in both Houses of Congress, the federal budget.  Presidential administrations would cook up budgets with their own plans and hopes, including the increased spending inevitably required by each and every one of the 1,000 or so executive departments, offices, agencies and “black” projects.  Congress, politically, would dissect parts of it, replace parts of it, gain hours of news coverage about their essential work, and eventually pass some form of it, including myriad political advantages for the parties holding some level of power: earmarks.  And, always, plenty of “pork.”

The two great sources of power in Congress are 1) Spending; and, 2) Taxing.  No matter how motivated or honest a new congressperson may be, fairly quickly he or she becomes either purposefully corrupt or casually corrupted by the systems of Congress.  The orientation process for newbies includes explaining why it is that what each feels is the right thing to do… cannot be done.  In order to accomplish a small bit of what spurred the campaign to enter Congress, much has to be compromised.  That is the economic dynamic of Congress – not right or wrong, but bartering for good and not-good.  With the number-one goal of everyone in both Houses being re-election, the barter system quickly becomes bartering to gain re-election benefits.  Voting on the so-called “budget” offers dozens of barter opportunities, and so it goes.  It is inherently corrupt and corrupting, which means that our fresh new representatives – House or Senate – must lie to us at their first opportunity.

Then, there are the aggregations of spending and taxing ideas that are given names like, “The Inflation Reduction Act.”  These mountains of malarkey cut and pasted by the “power brokers” who then present a 1,000-page or 3,000-page pile of words with hundreds of new “laws” included and call for a vote within 24 or 48 hours.  No one can read or understand the implications all of it before voting, yet there is a great trumpeting of accomplishment.  Most of the time prior to the vote is spent by each “yea” voter to find something – anything – that he or she can tell constituents was “accomplished” for their benefit, including how their representative “fought” for them against the evils of Washington.  Still, where’s the truth?  There are $31 Trillion in the national debt that display 65 years of great lying to American citizens.

IMMIGRATION:  No country is a greater magnet for emigration than the U. S.  Despite the constant Marxist drumbeat of “systemic” racism, imminent murder of blacks by police and unfair incarceration of pathetic, somewhat innocent or non-responsible prisoners, people of color flock to our southern border by the millions.  Some just walk in and say the magic words claiming asylum.  Our Border Patrol officers spend virtually all of their time “processing” the flood of people from up to 100 countries(!).  In The meantime, about 25% as many as claim asylum escape through our poorly secured border, carrying tons of fentanyl and other drugs (drugs that kill over 100,000 young Americans every year) as well as carrying plans in some of their heads to commit terrorist attacks.

It is one of the prime responsibilities of a President and administration to prevent these very circumstances.  For a government to NOT fulfill this obligation requires two forms of “untruth:” 1) a purpose other than protecting the United States or its citizens; and, 2) a constant barrage of utter lies about the “secure” status of the casually breeched southern border, supporting the pretense of an administration that is fulfilling its vows.  Typically, there is a penalty to pay for lying, much more so if the lie causes injury or cost to the subject(s) of it.  What sort of penalty is appropriate for this grandiose lie?

The upshot of this close-to-the-worst-of-lies is that about 4 MILLION illegal entrants are scattered across the country.  Each of them is a living, breathing, expensive lie.  Along with them are the nearly 1 MILLION “gotaways” who evaded apprehension thanks to President Biden’s utter… no, purposeful… failure to complete the border wall, which would at least have channeled prospective entrants to limited points of entry.  They are all lies, too, whose very presence implies some sort of right to be inside our borders.  That there is no such right for nearly all of the 4 MILLION and the 1 MILLION, simply compounds the grotesque lie this administration has been telling American citizens.

COVID:  This compendium of lies began 10 years ago as the great Dr. Anthony Fauci funneled NIAID grants to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for gain-of-function research on the SARS-2 coronavirus.  He has denied that purpose, of course, which simply shows that lying is common in the federal government’s hundreds of agencies.  Fauci’s NIAID agency of the CDC earned millions in royalties from helping Moderna develop its mRNA “vaccine” (the vaccine that doesn’t prevent infection, doesn’t create immune response and doesn’t prevent contagion), which Moderna was working on in Wuhan months before the world heard of the novel coronavirus, Covid-19.

Interestingly, the only response to Covid infection was – and still is – “vaccination.” All other treatments, some very effective, have been suppressed and discussion of them censored.  Reputable scientists estimate that half a million American deaths can be blamed on failures to treat Covid with known anti-virals, immune boosters and supplements.  Individual personnel within the NIH are allowed to earn royalties from numerous pharmaceuticals they helped to research, including the slickest liar of all, Dr. Anthony Fauci, reportedly the highest-paid employee in the federal swamp.  Lying about Covid must have been the most lucrative scam he’s had.  To really push the mass vaccination program that was part of a tawdry, essentially worldwide scheme, great fear had to be fomented, and locking down the country from most business activity fitted in perfectly with that goal.

First, though, the “Friends of Fauci,” recognized scientists all, conspired to flood medical publications with false opinion papers that claimed, uniformly, that the origin of the ENGINEERED SARS-2 novel coronavirus came from some natural evolution that workers at a “wet market” in Wuhan city were exposed to.  Real virologists, like Fauci, can identify the Furin cleavage site in the viral chain where other genes were added to the original SARS virus.  Yet the papers went forth at Fauci’s direction to confuse politicians and divert attention from the financing of the exact research – begun in the U. S. and shifted to Wuhan – that made COVID-19 so infectious.  Lies have consequences.

COVID killed a lot of people, although far fewer than statistics claim, and nowhere at a higher rate than in the United States!  How could that possibly be?  We certainly have a right to know.

In effect, the pandemic here was handled politically, not medically.  Fauci and others inside the deep state, beholden to big Pharma, and PROFITING from them, advised federal and state governments to impose useless and actually harmful steps, locking down economic and social activities, ruining family economics and, worst of all, forcing protocols on hospitals that ignored known treatments and caused the deaths of thousands who could have survived.  It seems criminal.

As the so-called “vaccines” were introduced, the lies became greater.  The definition of “vaccine” had to be changed to include the weird chemicals that comprise mRNA shots.  Pushing them as vaccines was and still is comforting to the average “emergency use” recipient, now pushed down to infants and children.  Unfortunately, nRNA shots don’t prevent the disease, they don’t prevent infecting others, and they don’t instill normal immune response.   Oh, and they don’t last long in their one effect: mitigating the “severity” of infection.  As one gets into “booster shot” country, the effects dwindle to a month or two.  The shots are utter failures as vaccines and immensely successful as money-transfer agents.

But, wait!  There’s more!… or less.  The shots are dangerous to humans!  You’ve seen the ads, over and over, telling the trusting that COVID vaccine is “effective and safe.”  Some mothers couldn’t wait for them to be available so that their kids could be protected from a disease that is of nearly ZERO threat to them!  Zero as in NO THREAT!  Why force an experimental drug known to damage children to the point that they are at greater risk from the injections than they are from the disease?  I’ll tell you why: FEAR and two years’ of lies from our helpful government.

Other lies… well, let’s talk about IMMIGRATION.  Anyone in this administration or Congressional Democrat who happens to get a question about the “control” of the border with Mexico, lies.  No one stands out as telling the truth about this one issue.

President Biden is virtually never asked about the border – that’s left up to his press flacks: first Jen Psaki and now the incomparable Karinne Jean-Pierre.  On August 29th reporter, Peter Doocy asked “KJP” why tennis star Novak Djokovic cannot enter the United States to play in a tennis tournament because he ‘s not “vaccinated” against Covid, but migrants can just walk into Texas and Arizona unvaccinated and are allowed to stay?

Jean-Pierre’s response was that just walking in was not how it works.  When corrected of that notion she stated that “…it’s not like that you can’t just walk over and…”  And so it goes in the great mendacity machine that is the Biden administration.

Prudence has asked before: Where do we turn when our own government lies to us?


President Joe Biden speaks about his domestic agenda from the
East Room of the White House in Washington, Thursday, Oct. 28, 2021,
as Vice President Kamala Harris looks on. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

Thousands of independent truck drivers in Canada have coalesced to protest their government’s Covid-19 “vaccine” mandate.  Many are “vaccinated” (have accepted the weird injections) but are demanding freedom to choose what goes into their bloodstreams.  Their Premier, Justin Trudeau, has scurried off to hide from them, claiming exposure to Covid – what else?  He’s a heroic figure by his own account.  He looks more like an asshole, but that’s subjective.

In all likelihood truckers in the U. S. are going to form their own convoy in protest of our government’s denial of freedom, too.  Canada’s convoy was up to 45 miles long as it descended upon Ottowa.  The Americans will try to exceed that, one suspects.  Either way, the Canadians have inspired working people around the world to organize against the soft, yet hardening, tyrannies of supposed pandemic suppression; this applies mainly to the Biden Administration.

President Joe Biden has imposed an odd case study of how strange, long debunked theories of leftist governance, can screw up a large nation in a matter of months.  Still, we have to go back further than January 20, 2021 to appreciate the impact of leftism on a supposedly Constitutionally limited democratic republic, particularly in reaction to a national “health emergency.”  Covid-19 was such a perfect foil for destroying freedom and personal responsibility, that leftists have almost rejoiced in the opportunities to show how much better life can be under the firm hands of government control.  It has fit their dreams so well that the creation of Covid-19 might appear to be a gift from the great leftist in the sky… or in China – same thing to some.

All of this brings us to contemplating how many left-ward changes POTUS (Poop-head Of The United States) has made in slightly more than one year.  Among them are a host of UN-Constitutional, EXTRA-Constitutional and ANTI-Constitutional actions and policies.  A number of them will, patriots hope, lead to impeachment and conviction of Mr. Biden.  One glaring example is illegal immigration, one of the first “orders” POTUS issued on January 21st, his first full day in office.  Biden reversed every Trump administration border policy, stopping virtually all deportations and virtually all arrests of illegal entrants.  By so doing he ushered in one of the great travesties in U. S. history.

Since the end of January, 2021, nearly 2 MILLION illegal entrants have crossed the southern border – by the hundreds and thousands – and Joe Biden has forced the Border Patrol and I.C.E. to allow them in and then to provide various articles of clothing, cell-phones, prepaid for a year, hotel rooms and rides, even flights, to wherever the illegals want to go, or wherever Biden wants them to go.  This policy requires the specific subversion of U. S. law.  It forces expenses upon the sovereign states that created the FEDERAL governing system, completely subverting the Tenth Amendment.  There is no pro-American value to it.  Indeed, beyond unfettered access to public welfare programs and illegal residence in our country, illegal entrants are afforded more rights and far fewer legal constraints than are U. S. citizens!  In fact, the federal government bends over backwards to provide Constitutional rights and protections to illegal aliens, including providing attorneys to every illegal entrant to defend their spurious claims to asylum.  Many bleeding-heart liberals consider that it is the duty of the United States to feel sorry for, and provide welfare to, every unhappy person in the world.  While that’s a sweet opinion, it has almost nothing to do with the purpose of nationhood: survival.

Every nation on Earth has a reason for being.  For some, for most, actually, it is ethnicity.  That is, nationhood typically has sprung from tribal identity, although most countries have also been fought for against neighboring tribes, and often expanded thereby. In too many examples nations have been cobbled together through domination and war.  Commonality of language and / or religious belief has proven just as nationalizing as ethnic tribalism.  Many factors combine to establish – and maintain – successful nations.  Only one nation has survived because of a set of principles, almost despite ethnicity.  It is exceptional.

To cement its unique reasons for being, the founding Fathers – and Mothers – of the United States of America, established an ageless covenant with the people of their recently fought-for states: The Constitution, the most respected and “copied” foundational document in the world.  Every President, commencing with George Washington, and virtually every other elected state and federal official since, has sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States.  One might think that failing to do so would be justification for removal from office.

Every nation, however it justifies its continued existence, recognizes and passionately defends its borders… and its culture.  For a nation to be led by a person or group of people who take actions to NOT defend its borders or even its culture, would seem to honest citizens sufficient reason to remove him or them from power.  Back to Covid-19.

There is a large cohort of ostensible Americans who are charged with the vital task of conveying the culture and heritage of the United States to its children – to our future, in fact.  Unfortunately, teachers and the overarching public education industry, have, over the past fifty years, been co-opted by ultra-leftists and virtual communists.  Teachers’ unions have established themselves as the operators of schools, rather than the parents of children or the local, elected, school committees or boards who, presumably, answer to their constituents.  It all results from political – and financial – corruption, with most of the finances being tax dollars… tax dollars extracted from real property owners, primarily, under the threat of police powers.

As a consequence, anti-American ideologies are taught to students in schools of “education” and then taught to elementary school students with the knowledge of their parents.  This is changing, but decades of damage have been accomplished, reflected in a general malaise infecting 5 to 21-year-olds, noted in rates of drug use, lack of religious education, hyper-sexualization and suicide rates.  Many of our youth believe they prefer socialism to capitalism, and if it’s the form of monopolistic, oligharchic wealth concentration we have allowed to date, they are right.  Our Constitutional Republican form of governance and freedom is designed to allow for hope, imagination, joy and attainment.  Our schools and attendant politics have produced less and less capable or independent young adults, and a lack of hope so profound as to destroy institutions like marriage, motherhood and fatherhood.  If a primary purpose of nationhood is survival, America is failing.  Illegal immigration won’t fix what ails us.

Covid provided thousands of incipient fascists with a perfect opportunity to push people around.  The three most destructive effects of government “emergency” powers are the destruction of thousands of small businesses and millions of jobs, destruction of what was left of American economic freedom and budgetary strength, and destruction of the education and development of millions of K through 12 students.  “Educators,” so-called, in teachers’ unions and administrative positions in virtually every school system, learned to exercise powers they’d only dreamed of prior.  Parents, their schedules and economies and their precious offspring could be controlled in ways never imagined under our Constitution.  As the truth has been spilling out about actual Covid threats and effects, schools are the largest remaining poisoned well of fascism – including pushing these dangerous injections onto kids as young as five years.  It all constitutes a crime against humanity.  Australia, New Zealand and, now, Canada, have enjoyed practicing new-found fascistic powers, to the point of mobilizing against freedom.  Many of those same teachers are envious.

Naturally, parents have rebelled against the cloying, sticky blob of indoctrinators, and have succeeded many areas.  Covid helped to expose the rot.  But the lerftist, Democrat power structure will not relinquish its attempts to replace the American system with global socialism, readily or cleanly.  Its members are clever and cunning, albeit not wise.  The Biden deministration is happy to sic Merrick Garland and his DOJ thugs, so to speak, on parents who resist the wasting of education time on critical race or gender theories.  What the Hell are we doing with the American dream bequeathed to us over the centuries?

Americans like to believe that we can work hard to elect this or that person or set of persons, and thereby change the direction of freedom, opportunity and of government, itself.  It barely works anymore.  Elections come and go, but the direction of government is inexorably toward higher pay and benefits for government officials and employees – higher than for average citizens – toward increasing benefits and rights for non-working welfare recipients, toward increasing benefits and rights for illegal entrants, toward increasing controls over individuals’ rights and freedoms, and toward perpetual, unredeemable debt. 

Two things must happen: 1) voters must become smarter, hopefully wiser; and, 2) candidates for office must become smarter and better principled in terms of commitment to our Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence. 

Are we wise enough, collectively or individually, to stop electing anti-freedom, anti-American officials and “representatives?  Do we actually believe that we can ignore the Constitution and just vote ourselves benefits from government much longer?  Please.