Forty years ago a local newspaper asked its readers about the coming millennium and what each thought would be the great progress, or major changes, that might be made in the next century. Prudence wrote back – long before she realized how Prudent she was – that the next 100 years would be based on China and everyone’s reaction to or accommodation of, China. In the mid-‘80’s the United States was feeling pretty good about itself: strong, prosperous, winning against the Soviet Union and mostly at peace. People were proud of being American.
Starting with the Carter administration, followed by a period of clear thinking in the Reagan administration, and then under full steam in the Clinton administration, the United States has followed policies that have enriched and built-up Communist China. Carter changed our policy regarding Taiwan’s independence. Clinton accepted millions of “campaign” funds from Chinese sources and weakened restrictions on technology transfers. It was a transfer from the “Loral Space” corporation that enabled China to accurately launch and control missiles. Supercomputer technology was allowed to transfer in the late ‘90’s, after overriding Defense Department objections and rules. A lot of money moved toward the Clintons during the two presidential campaigns; dozens of Chinese operators accepted plea deals or fled the country to avoid prosecution. Almost singlehandedly, Bill Clinton – with unknown levels of action by Hillary Clinton in the background – relinquished U. S. superiority in missile and space technologies, perhaps 20 years or more of advantage over the Chinese. Everybody has a price… well, not everyone, but definitely that couple does. It is beyond the scope of Prudence’ recollections to plumb the extent of influence selling through the Clinton Global Initiative: Hillary’s bribery laundering mechanism.
For more than a century the “West” treated China as a football, kicked around and taken advantage-of by multiple European countries and by the U. S. Communism, starting with the Soviets and spreading aggressively, finally began to focus American attention on the most populous country. Japan went to war in China long before it attacked Pearl Harbor. Their presence and brutality solidified the division of China into Nationalists and Communists China suffered as many as 20 million deaths and multiple millions of other casualties. The uneasy alliance of the Nationalists and the Communists against Japan held until Japan was forced by the U. S. to retreat. The corrupt Nationalists, saddled with terrible, deadly decisions they had made during the war with Japan, wound up with their only “friends” being the U. S., who protected them as they fled to Formosa Island, later called Taiwan, a de-facto independent nation, but only because the U. S. maintains its “defense” of Taiwan.
China has matured under communism, but, thankfully, large fractions of the population still understand when they’re being tyrannized, as recent demonstrations have shown. Unlike Americans, Chinese citizens are acutely aware of their government’s lies and how dangerous acquiescence to Communist dictates actually is. Americans seem to be divided over whether one recognizes government lies or accepts them as true. The latter are largely Biden voters and, earlier, Obama voters. They also become very angry when events like the 2020 elections are questioned, probably out of fear that the questioners may be right. Fortunately, every “good work” President Biden has done has reinforced their belief that he really did earn the highest presidential vote total in history. China is actively and fairly successfully taking advantage of this American gullibility: enough trade and McDonald’s restaurants can convert anyone into an honest ally.
America has a bad habit of absorbing the first blow… even telling its adversaries where to land it and then, how to obtain American financing for their expenses. It’s not clear that we will rise up and demand victory over our enemies in the absence of a Pearl-Harbor-like attack. Such it is with so-called climate change and the Paris Accords that are a guilt-laden means of extracting reparations from us while we hurt ourselves economically to save the planet. We are not alone in the west in cutting our energy use, raising its costs and reducing our productivity and prosperity, all to reduce CO2 emissions.
But, did you know, China, in the Paris “accords,” agreed only to top out its estimated peak CO2 emissions by 2030? Did you know China will still be building coal-fired generating plants until then… or that it will bring on line more coal-fired plants in 2023 than the U.S. has altogether? All the Western industrialized nations COMBINED don’t emit as much CO2 as China does, now – by about HALF – yet we are flagellating ourselves with ideological restrictions on energy use, restrictions that won’t change the temperature of the Earth by one whit, 80 or 100 years from now. What in God’s name are we agreeing to? And, why? Is it just to make it easier for China and its Communist tyranny to de-construct the U. S. while they become the dominant economy and military power?
We, Americans, the conscientious ones, at least, tend to look for good in everyone. It is a weakness that could, one day, leave us under tyranny. China has brought to bear numerous weapons of “war” that are daily undercutting America’s strength, alliances, economics, education – right down to kindergarten and throughout higher education – Chinese millions and billions of dollars are buying our philosophies. Surely we don’t expect education establishments that bend to woke demands from young, unaccomplished students, with speech codes and lists of allowable pronouns, to stand up for America against China, do we? We must wonder why the Biden administration cancelled enforcement of reporting requirements for universities to reveal how much in foreign grants and investments they accept. We know that the University of Pennsylvania, for example, created the “Penn-Biden” center – sort of a think-tank – with tens of millions of Chinese dollars. Following his vice-presidency, Joe Biden was paid nearly $1 Million for a single speech / seminar in at least one year. That’s a nice gig… makes one wonder how they chose Joe Biden to pay that high fee to for little work. Perhaps they were paying for the opportunity to review classified documents that Biden stored there.
Without American technology, China would be a much smaller economy and far less militarily developed. Yet our own tax policies made it profitable to move manufacturing to China and then ship the products back to the U. S. Unfortunately, China doesn’t allow manufacturers to operate unless they share their technology with the Chinese. This form of unfair trade practice soon produced planes and weapons that look a lot like the latest developments inside the U. S. We are not smart about our relationship with China. Sadly, many, many people in permanent government are satisfied to get paid off by China no matter what the cost is to our security. Chinese spies make certain to get close to a number of House and Senate members to keep legislation dormant that might put a stop to Chinese intrigues.
When one reads or hears enough bad news about the international stupidity the White House, Intelligence agencies and our State, Defense, Commerce, Homeland Security and even Transportation departments put forth for policy in the name of the American people, it’s enough to depress even the sunniest of optimists. Then we look at our solid-looking cities, highways, airports and shopping centers and we try to imagine that no one could ever defeat us or ever force us into subjugation. After all, this is such a nice country and such nice people, nobody would even try to take us over… we’re the United States of America for Heaven’s sake! Still…..
Still, China is a serious, uncompromising threat to the nature and value of the United States. What can the individual American do? First, learn the truth of The Biden administration’s relations and relationships with China and its dozens of tentacles that are reaching directly into our government, business and financial institutions, for indeed they are. Then prepare yourself and as many as you can influence, to vote against those who ignore or accept or even encourage greater business connection to China. If you get to speak to an elected official, locally, state-level or federal, ask what he or she is doing about disassociating our nation and economy from China and from the Communist Party of China. Ask about the crucial products that we depend upon that are sourced only from China. What is she or he going to do to change that? We still have enough power and freedom to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Our historic weakness toward China is a genuine grievance.
Then, publicize what you have learned about that official’s position and encourage all you can to VOTE for America First policies. What? There’s some better policy than America First? Are you nuts?