Two world-changing events occurred in 2016: the U. K. vote to leave the European Union… and the election of Donald Trump to the U. S. presidency. There are many parallels, both in the respective happenings and in their aftermaths. Both events have exposed flaws in the collectivist trends both nations were in the midst of. Both nations have experienced hate-filled political discourse ever since.
The “UK” – Britain – had taken an economic step away from sovereignty when it joined the “European Community” in1973, and reinforced the decision by referendum two years later. After the Maastricht Treaty in 1992, Britain took a political step away from sovereignty, as well. Now the European Union, The “EU” placed controls and limitations on member “states” regarding citizenship, borders, immigration and judicial decisions, with the avowed intention of forming a “United States of Europe” and subverting cultural distinctions and national rights. Britain has always been restive about the changes to its sovereignty, and public pressure and petitioning finally caused Parliament to create the referendum, yes or no, on leaving the EU: the so-called “Brexit.”
What is interesting is the emergence of hatred as a dominant British political tool, more than even during existential threats of war over Britain’s lengthy warring history. Per usual, all of what Brits call “hooliganism” is laid at the feet of “ultra-right-wingers,” who, apparently, are too stupid to recognize the wonderful future that’s possible with globalization. If anyone objects vociferously to the slippery amalgamation into an ephemeral United States of Europe, he or she is pigeon-holed as a “right-winger” and not worthy of considered attention.
In other words, “nationalism” may be viewed only through the lens of Nazism and racism and all the other “isms” leftists use to end debates. The benefits of national competitiveness in the elevation of living standards of every sort, is carelessly conflated with government’s benign intentions and centralized economic control. Individual liberty is the first victim of centralization. The unholy alliance of history-ignorant education and a leftist press have proven useful in the imposition of this theory.
A similar effect has clearly been evidenced in the rise of Donald Trump. With calls for his impeachment even before his inauguration, there is no surprise that his political opponents are clamoring ever louder for impeachment, now. The only thing missing is an impeachable offense, but they’ll construct one or hire a contractor to create one for them. Why not win at the ballot box by putting the efforts at impeachment to work building an electoral coalition? That’s a good but separate question.
Why the hate across academia and liberal-leftist “communities?” From Antifa on up, the degree of hatred for Mr. Trump and his supporters is indicative of tremendous fear: fear of losing something so dearly held that nothing is too extreme to defend it… even if that means disrupting democratic republicanism and the Constitution, itself. What could that be? That is the question, and a larger question in the U. S. than in the U. K.
Do leftists simply hate all non-leftists? Maybe… they don’t like us, certainly, and think we are stupid for not appreciating their view of history’s inevitable direction. But, hatred? Takes a lot of energy to hate, maybe that’s why they aren’t very cheerful. It could be that they have plans to facilitate the supposedly inevitable direction of human activity (and serfdom) and that those plans are so important that they must destroy everyone who opposes – even by disagreeing with – the idea of a universally socialist future.
Is it as simple as just hating Trump, the man? He has lived a very exposed life and, until deciding to run for president, he enjoyed the benefits of wealth and acceptance in the elite circles of power and influence open to those who appear to not oppose the leftist vision. You might say he exploited those benefits. While not a perfect husband, he has been a good father by all measures, and treats his ex-wives gently. Evidently he married more of his female affair partners than John F. Kennedy did his. He has never had any questionable deaths connected to him or his companies, and no one has had to “take the rap” for him. Is he a sweetheart? No. He’s rather ruthless in business… a requirement in the kinds of businesses he has worked in. He’s a scrapper, willing to fight back when politically punched. He seems quite patriotic. What’s to actually hate so vehemently?
Trump must be a threat to something held very dear by all of those who have reared up to stop his presidency. The measure of his enemies helps us size up the President, no longer simply Mr. Trump. Trump’s life and past business successes and failures, did not include diplomatic niceties, euphemistic half-truths and pretend alliances. Trump, himself, has never tried to present himself very differently than he actually is: brash, defensive, crude and vulgar at times.
He is vulnerable, politically, mainly from being a braggart, from which he slides in and out of embellishing the truth, even small truths. Unlike people in ordinary life, many of whom have the same bad habit of embellishing stories, but for whom it doesn’t make much difference, Trump’s overstatements are described only as lies. Others’ families and acquaintances recognize the habit and live – or work – around it. It may even be a source of humor.
In the position of U. S. President there is no room for it… none, we’re told.
People want to hear the lies they expect. They want to hear about “diplomacy” and “budget cuts” and “working-class” families like Teamsters, and about “working families” with indefinable careers, and the great favorite, “investments” in the future or in our children. Another whopper we like to hear is “religious freedom.” While more liberal leaders are expected to purvey “white” lies that keep America happy and keep secret the daunting business of the executive branch, Trump is pilloried for overstating, he is the worst liar in American history, after all.
Trump’s election, though, has interfered with our worldwide economic position, our military standing, the sanctity of our national borders, our ability to complete or repair relations with many nations, and with our ability to conduct domestic business. Why? Because of something Trump has done? Some action that has hurt our standing everywhere? That doesn’t seem like the Prudent answer.
Hatred of Trump, the man, is the damaging cause. Hatred, stirred by certain leaders in the Democrat party, and continuously stirred up by them, to a degree pushed by international socialists, is the hammer that has been pounding the U. S. domestically and internationally since before he was elected! Hatred. Political action founded on hatred. Trump has awakened and exposed the essential fraud of the socialist, administrative, “deep” state – the statist monster of socialist dreams and the ultimate threat to our constitutional form of government.
When has this phenomenon ever been seen in the United States?
Leading up to and during the second Civil War. Now we are entering the fourth.
Widespread hatred, particularly violent hatred like that exercised by so-called “antifa” gangs, is a symptom of civic breakdown. Political leaders are the very people whom we hire to subdue these effects of social dissatisfaction, or hopelessness, yet many are foregoing their responsibilities or actually encouraging the breakdown.
There are many threats to freedom, the greatest of which from outside, is China. They have permanent interests from which they do not deviate. One of those is to achieve dominance over the United States – everything else is secondary. Yet we, U. S. citizens AND our so-called representatives, are allowing Chinese interests to dominate us internally! Who voted for Nike? Politicians on both sides are profiting mightily – and in cash – from connections to Chinese companies. We keep re-electing them. Trump is trying to stand up to the Chinese and receives bitter domestic resistance for trying. You just can’t gore a single ox, anymore.
Meanwhile, we are doing our best to ignore history, these past few decades, and many seem determined to undermine the American idea from within. A world that is still fundamentally not-free, and dominated by soulless international bankers, is in no way the place for the end of national identities, to be replaced with global socialism – for “climate” reasons or any other. It seems more than Prudent, now – today, to defend and strengthen our Constitutional, democratically-elected republican form of government.