In case you’ve been locked away from the world for the past 3 weeks, the big story is that a 20-year old idiot from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, south of Pittsburgh, came within fractions of an inch from assassinating Donald Trump at an outdoor rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, north of Pittsburgh. Most of the left-leaning media outlets think that the big story is Kamala Harris’ ascendancy to Democrat Presidential nominee. Perhaps, for them and most Democrats, Kamala is the big story, but having a presidential candidate under fire is a bigger story because the entire relationship of Americans to our federal government was under fire when the supposed lone, crazed gunman pulled the trigger.
The Secret Service, singularly responsible to protect Trump and other presidential candidates, is unable, 17 days later, to answer logical, basic questions about how this amateur assassin managed to get bullets downrange nearly killing the candidate. They claim he fired 8 bullets, but have offered no proof of that claim: no acoustic tracking, no map of the other 7 bullets or comparative ballistics for them. They have said that they collected 8 shell casings from the roof where he ostensibly fired those 8 shots, but those are not proof: it’s easy to drop a few extra casings, especially if you know the caliber of the rifle in question.
Secret Service has not established that there was only one, inexperienced shooter; nor, to Prudence’ recollection, has any congress-person asked how many shooters there were. The only acoustic tracking we’ve seen seems to indicate 3 separate shooters at 3 different distances, and fewer than 8 shots altogether.
Somehow or other, one of the “counter-snipers” positioned on the sloped roofs of large sheds behind the bleachers closest to Mr. Trump’s podium, shot and killed Thomas Crooks within seconds of his first shot – ostensibly the one that nearly killed the former president. It has not been explained how the shooter, obviously a very good shot at the range between himself and Mr. Trump’s head, would have time to pull the trigger 7 more times. Maybe he did. But, it would dispel many obvious questions if ballistics information about the bullet fired through Trump’s ear and those that wounded two other men and killed a third, were released. If they all came from a single weapon, why not make that information public? Is that a conspiratorial question?
In three public hearings and, evidently, closed-door hearings in Congress, very little solid information has been presented to questioners, whether by the offensively obtuse Ms. Cheatle, or her deputy, now acting head of the Secret Service, Ronald Rowe, Jr. who, at least LOOKS like a Secret Service agent. Nor has the FBI been especially helpful, even though they are doing the “investigation” into what went wrong and how the first-time shooter evaded Secret Service “professionalism.”
Supposedly, the SS agent in charge of the protection planning and laying out the security for the rally, and for coordination with critical local police assets, is the single, most responsible person who failed in his mission resulting in the near assassination. The new acting Director of the Secret Service refused to name that person since he is still on the job somewhere, still cooperating with the investigation… yada, yada, yada… and possibly still a nice guy. No, the new acting Director couldn’t explain how that person made so many mistakes and oversights, but, by golly, he intends to thoroughly figure out what happened “… so that it never happens again!” He couldn’t predict when that incompetent boob will be relieved of duty, either.
Every person who has testified in Congress has referred to “the shooter,” the weird Mr. Crooks. “The shooter,” “the shooter,” “the shooter.” Are they simply cementing the concept of a single, lone, independent individual who cooked-up the plan to kill Donald Trump for undiscoverable reasons? Any day, now, the cyber-might of the FBI will crack into Thomas Crooks’ encrypted websites and learn of his motives and whether he was involved with foreign interests. Go for it, guys! You’re the best there are!
A picture has emerged over the past 18 days of “investigation” that portrays near-total incompetence on the part of the Secret Service in preparing for this outdoor rally and the “protection” of a former President. But, that’s only one image that might be developed from the evidence testified-to, gathered and recorded by rally-goers and professional photographers. The other image is that of a plot to kill Trump, whom most of the deep state hates. There were simply too many gaps in “normal” security… too many ways, particularly in communications with local and county police assets, that standard protection protocols were skipped, ignored or thwarted. Indeed, the only LOGICAL pattern to that day’s failures (July 13th) is that there was an intention to facilitate Trump’s assassination. Such would have solved the deep state’s biggest threat. Hmmnnhh.