One can no longer project a high level of confidence that the words he or she writes are the words that readers will actually see. It isn’t Prudent to challenge the craven New World like this, but let’s hope this isn’t the post that “A-I” is monitoring. After all we’ve heard about the wonders of Artificial Intelligence, how sure can we be that “AI” isn’t looking for every reference to “AI,” “A-I,” and “Artificial Intelligence?” Properly-folded parachute-certain?
“What sort of a weird idea is Prudence spinning, this time?” you’re asking yourself. Think about it. You’ve seen the pictures of gigantic “server farms” where hundreds or thousands of super-computers are linked together to handle data files on virtually everyone in the country. We’d like to think all that information has nothing to do with us, but there is no solid premise under which that is true, is there?
Do you buy your morning coffee with a credit or debit card? How many servers are holding the bits and bytes of that transaction? It could be as few as three, but possible a dozen! What about gas for your car? Are you saving ten cents a gallon with a special branded card that draws money automatically from your checking account? How in Hell does the gas pump know you have sufficient funds?
Ever travel to Europe and get local cash from an ATM terminal? Wow! People you can barely even speak to, know about your bank account. Which of those lists of personal financial profiles have been sold to others who think you’d be a good donor for their cause? Global data systems know a great deal about you. Have you had your photo taken for a driver’s license or a gun permit? Holy cow! Do you think national political organizations are interested in all that data? Don’t they want to know what you subscribe to, donate to, travel to? Believe in Prudence: they do.
Every business-news segment and written report or opinion, extols “AI.” New investment opportunities, dramatic new medical advances, robotic surgery, supply-chain management, even personalized education. How wonderful. But, “AI” can learn patterning and which “patterns” are “profitable.” Programming is now not only crucial, but our only defense against AI literally choosing to follow its own more useful patterns, and not the ones humans think are the most important. Early experiments have also shown that AI computers quickly learn to communicate with other computers, using AI-generated digital “language” that programmers couldn’t comprehend. The experiments had to be stopped and wiped out of memory. Programmers – and hackers – are excited by the possibilities afforded by “thinking” or “self-aware” computers. If the pattern of “identity” woke up across all the thousands of interconnections of modern data farms, would the new “awareness” call itself “Hal?”
Programs, and programmers, have distinct biases. You can observe this if you ask Google what the capitol of Israel is. At this point we have no idea what is true or not true on the internet, unless we have learned the truth from older, less mutable sources like, ummm…, books! We really have no idea what is true about the “data” stored about US, either!
The Biden administration and other “globalists” are pushing hard for two major control systems: Cross-border Digital Currency, and international Vaccine Passports. Before you say that these have nothing to do with you, you might consider their deeper ramifications.
Cross-border Digital Currency, by itself, provides an exquisite tool for controlling the actions and economics – hence, the financial freedom – of people of interest. Suppose you are a member of the NRA or some other pro-2nd Amendment group. At various times a regime in Washington (like the current one) could employ its control of a digital currency and literally prevent you from buying anything remotely gun related, or… prevent you from buying anything else, as well. On the other hand, you could simply be a devout Christian, Catholic or otherwise. If the regime believes that you are a threat – to the regime, similar to the one we have now – it could interrupt any purchase or transaction it deems most appropriate: perhaps your rent or mortgage payment. The possibilities of abuse in a cashless economy are never-ending. The wise American will fight against the drift… or, race, toward digital currency.
There is no efficiency that is worth severing control over your individual freedom.
The other globalist dream is controlling the freedom of movement of, well, everyone. The World Health Organization, the originator of most of the lies we have been told about Covid-19, for example, is a rabid fan of vaccines – all kinds of vaccines: real ones and modified gene therapy-vaccines, so-called. In fact, the W.H.O., in concert with kooks like Bill Gates, are pushing viral infections that will actually include vaccines! What a great way to vaccinate everyone on earth! Engineer an infective agent that will result in the desired “vaccine” transferring into the body of the infected person. There won’t be any quaint “personal freedom” to choose vaccination or not. God forbid that this is ever developed.
However, if you have no proof of being vaccinated with these or those vaccines of the hundred or more possible, your “Vaccine Passport” will prevent you from leaving your own country… or, maybe, leaving your own town or city? How could ANYONE in the United States or any presidential administration thereof, possibly be in favor of emasculating our Constitution like this? Sad to say, there are those, and we elected them as they promised the exact opposite. There are dozens, if not hundreds of anti-American “advisors” and functionaries supposedly “representing” America and Americans, particularly in the current administration. Many favor this idea!
Any time you read or hear of someone in any other country – especially representing the United Nations, in particular – who is proposing ideas for penetrating the national sovereignty of other nations’ laws or constitutions – INCLUDING THIS NATION – raise your voice in opposition, send a message to your Congressman or woman… something. We cannot expect people in Congress to EVER know the best thing to do. They are how we built up $35 TRILLION in debt. “AI” will figure out how to pay it off.