At 71 inches the risk is unbearable.

Americans aren’t stupid.  Some are a lot more clever, or educated, or skillful, or depraved than others, however.  Some, who have seen their greatest personal opportunity within a legalized government employee union environment, now tightly – and politically – protected by law, eventually gain both economic freedom and inordinate influence.  Most Americans, perhaps 98% of us, never gain similar advantage and, until the Covid “plan-demic,” never grasped what we have allowed to happen.  Our subservient position is becoming clearer.

There are multiple tyrannies at issue.

Not only taxpayers but every parent and other providers of product to “public” school systems, has awakened to the tyrannies of public employee unionization, made sharply clear by the machinations of teachers’ unions.  We who PAY for public schools, by law and state police powers, have learned that we have no control whatsoever, personally or through our elected “representatives” or through the “experts” we have hired to “manage” “our” governments.  It’s humbling.  The people “we” have hired and pay lavishly to “educate” our children, are exposed as our education “rulers.”  They, not we, will determine both curricula and process.  No longer shall our children be reinforced in the best of life’s lessons as we impart at home; they will learn what odd theories of social reformation and anti-American psychology that they, our education rulers, agree with.  No longer will the routines of school and vacation be followed if we, your education rulers, don’t like them.  No longer will your children be permitted into the same rooms that we inhabit if we, on our own, decide that there may be the slightest threat to our health or safety… and you will pay us according to our negotiated contract, including scheduled raises, while we ponder our next demands.

Well, that’s a fine “how do you do?”

Suddenly, teachers have become more powerful than our elected “representatives,” so-called, and the government created by we the people, is powerless to correct this destructive imbalance.  To whom can an economically assaulted citizen/parent turn for redress of grievance?  Well, no one.

Let us imagine, then, an actually representative government.  Can you imagine what such a rare construct might do on our behalf?  Can you imagine what it might do with regards to “public” education?

First, (and one can only dream of any government in the United States today, having the testicular fortitude) such a government representing the values and interests of its citizens, would arbitrarily de-certify its local teachers union on the basis of an undeclared and illegal strike.  That is, since the jurisdiction had not failed to uphold the terms, financial and otherwise, of the existing contract with teachers, it had within its inherent rights the power to suspend a collective contract and offer individual contracts to teachers who were prepared to go to work at the next earliest opportunity.  That jurisdiction would also have an obligation to fulfill state laws requiring a set number of days of school attendance by every school-age child in residence.  At the same time, the jurisdiction would assume the obligation to protect any individual and family thereof from retribution in any form under the guise of a negotiated “contract” that was abrogated by union-enforced action.

In the event that not enough formerly contracted teachers agree to go back to work to fill basic minimum teaching slots, the jurisdiction could temporarily open up teaching slots to anyone with sufficient background in or love of subject matters to enable a temporary fulfillment of educational minimums as part of an emergency declaration.  Meanwhile students would return to classroom instruction, do homework, pass tests and matriculate as able.  Between school “years,” certified teachers could be hired individually to round out the teaching staff as appropriate.  A lot would be expected of a highly compensated Superintendent and his or her staff to make sure that proper education was accomplished, but, but… just imagine.

Superintendents and other supervisors who are incapable of managing the system without kow-towing to a teachers union, could be replaced.

Then, we might imagine that every student would be taught to read, comprehend, write logical, well-constructed sentences and coherent essays in legible longhand, and to calculate and reason algebraically.  Simultaneously those same potential adults would learn American and World History, civics and citizenship and the truth, good and bad, about our exceptional Constitutional limits on central government.

Unfortunately, that last paragraph is a dream too far.


U.S. President-elect Joe Biden removes his face mask to speak about the U.S. economy after attending a briefing in Wilmington, Delaware, U.S., November 16, 2020. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

Disappointing even to most of his “supporters,” Joe Biden’s administration has undertaken to separate Americans from our heritage and founding – even the founding principles – at  a rate that frightens every non-communist, which is to say, most of us.  Communism and other shades of leftism never rests.  It has a single enemy as old as time, God, and with equal enmity the left fights a single permutation of God, manifested in Jesus Christ: Freedom.  To the left – many democrats included – freedom is achievable only by “freeing” ourselves FROM God.  It’s a twisted belief, but an obvious one.

Biden, himself, Ol’ Lunch-Bucket Joe – father was a miner from hard-scrabble Scranton, PA (which he wasn’t despite Joe’s campaign speech to that effect in his first try for President) – that Joe, fancies himself a Catholic… like the Pope.  He could be right about that, although Joe lies for a living and Pope Francis, one hopes, is merely confused about socialism and Jesus’ teachings.  Yet President Joe signs “executive orders” willy-nilly and endorses legislation that is as anti-religious, specifically anti-Christian, as one might imagine.  His handlers in the White House close Joe’s fingers around the pen and place documents before him and, like a lifetime Capitol Hill parasite who has never been particularly responsible for the consequences of bills he’s voted for, he signs them and smiles as someone arrives to guide him to the most appropriate doorway.

Fortunately, President Biden hasn’t wet his pants in public, yet, but one can sense that inevitability.  On the other hand, he may have access to official “Depends” undergarments with the Presidential Seal on them.

Joe’s friends and supporters don’t like Christians.  They see them as potential insurrectionists and racists, homophobes and science-deniers.  On the other hand, his people have a high tolerance for fallen Catholics like Joe and Nancy Pelosi and many, many others who have swallowed the grand lies of abortion as a Constitutional right, and sermons as potential hate-speech.  The Bible is about how to live and protect life as the chalice of the soul, suggesting appropriate punishments for those who take life or damage it.  Erasing new life hasn’t any connection to God’s Word… or to His Son.  Like Saint John Lennon sang, “All you need is love, love…” – a song best appreciated after a couple of soul-numbing tokes.

Joe is big on solutions to the BIG problems, like Covid-19 and vaccinations and face masks and lock-downs.  He couldn’t give a tinker’s dam about peaceful protests, fires, looting, assaults, murders, destroyed businesses or businesses lost due to ineffective lockdowns, especially lockdowns of church services.  The issue is stopping Covid at literally every cost.  Tearing down statues of historically significant personages, including Jesus, Mary, priests and abolitionists is nothing to the greatest vote-getter in American history.  Besides it’s anti-racist, so there.

We are watching an unprecedented – not to mention un-Presidented – tragic-comic play on the Washington stage.  It’s comic because of the frequent gaffs and mental lapses evinced by our erstwhile 46th president.  Watching it play out one quickly transcends the sense of comedy to one of shame at having made fun of a senile old man; then one begins to sympathize, if not pity, the circumstances of this poor individual, as he is propped up for purposes too dark to contemplate, by a relative handful of people placed in positions of influence not so much by Biden, himself, but by someone else attempting to guide the direction of the entire United States: tragedy. 

And we have all been part of this intense weakening of the United States, for shame.  In the immediate sense the voters – and election officials – of Georgia, have the most to answer for.  Donald Trump shares their blame for the very questionable loss of the last two Senate seats of the 2020 elections.  It is hard to imagine that the fate of the “free” world lay in the hands of just two flawed Senate candidates whose election would have formed a bulwark against Communism and the death of a nation.  Two scoundrels were elected, instead.  Trump irritated Republicans who may have provided enough votes to overcome the voting-fraud machine of Stacey Abrams and the host of her confederates who employed the same criminal election thievery they’d employed in the general election.   Shame on all of us for not fighting the impending thievery long before November 3rd.

In any case, we are now staring into the barrel of an anti-Christian cannon loaded with explosive ideas from the pits of Marxism, which is to say, Satanism.  Sadly, the cannon is loaded and aimed by our own government… the one the justifying documents of which promises We the People  religious freedom, freedom to assemble, a free press and freedom of speech, along with a host of other rights and freedoms in a document replete with  “negative freedoms,”  as so-called “Constitutional professor,” Barack Obama referred to them.  He was lamenting the fact that our constitution failed to promise gifts from the government, mainly because his viewpoint was twisted by Communism at an early age.  Then “we” elected him president, sworn to uphold that same Constitution, twice.  That he didn’t uphold it, particularly, we let slide, since his skin was the most approved shade.

So many disappointments, so few ways for Americans to control the course of freedom.  Fixing our system that now injects tyranny as the solution to every named problem, names limited only by the imagination of assholes, becomes more complex by the hour.  Mildly courageous Republicans think we can “fix” our election processes so that they can’t be stolen.  The rest of them will accept any system that keeps them in comfortable positions.  Democrats have figured out how complicated it can be to undo a stolen election and they are filing legislation to make theft of elections the “law of the land.”

Meanwhile, haters have taken over our public schools, displaying their hatred by refusing to work anyplace that might not be pristine enough for their fragile butts.  Damn the lot of them.  Yet no one has had the strength to de-certify the teacher union that’s got the public by the throat in their town.  It would be Prudent to fire them all, institute an America-loving curriculum, teach kids to read, write and calculate, along with fair and thorough history, and open up the teaching positions to any non-abuser who knows or loves a subject area.  If necessary, the municipality could deputize gun owners to stand guard against ANY authority, including courts, that would attempt to force the town to back down on decently educating its children.  Fat chance, but it would be nice.

Finally, what do we do about the interlopers now squatting in the White House?  The “election” should be reversed.  Egregious thievery cannot be rewarded, although our gutless “Supreme” Court is afraid to say so, even on clear Constitutional questions.  Who can kick them out?  All the ceremonies in the world can’t change the underlying dishonesty of the Biden gang’s claim of presidential authority.  Do we have to accept this fraud?  If the miracle occurs, what would be the status of any actions “President” Biden has taken?  Does America have to accept fraud-based decision-making and live under changes we didn’t legitimately vote for?  Are we a Republic of Thieves?

Poor Joe Biden and his cruel wife have about 2 to 3 months to go before he “retires” for health reasons.  Communists will say he is a hero of the Revolution; Black Lives Matter will spit on his legacy because way back the Robinette family owned slaves.  Then, since we had a ceremony that claimed Joe was a real president, Kamala Harris will claim to be a real President, too.  One might advise that we should “hold on to our freedoms” when that happens, but we don’t seem interested any longer.  God save America.


Land of the Free


January 6, 2021 was a day in the life of freedom, our fragile system of human self-perfection and responsibility, that exposed not the risk to America from conservatives, but from established leftist vipers.  That establishment was and is represented – publicly – by Speaker of the U. S. House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, a strange person to say the most.

What happened?  American citizens, convinced by the flood of evidence of astounding election fraud engineered within and without the United States, primarily by China, massed in Washington, D. C. to protest the imminent congressional certification / acceptance of fraudulent election results that were about to award the presidency and vice-presidency to the Joe Biden, Kamala Harris team.  The U. S. has sunk to its lowest point.

Evidently, groups of actual troublemakers had fulfilled their long-intercepted plans to attack the Capitol under the guise of disappointed Trump supporters.  The help requested by the chief of the Capitol police – the same help President Trump had offered to provide well in advance of the January 6th rally, had been denied by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, under whose office the security of the Capitol rests.  Why would someone in her exalted position deny guarantees of safety for those who rely upon her for protection?

One theory is that the thrilling possibility of an event like the breach of the Capitol had such future political  value for those like Mrs. Pelosi who are happy to demonize anyone who clings to the promise and premise of the United States.  First, Trump provided a focus for hatred – a revolting, dangerous political energy – and the opportunity to tie Trump derangement syndrome to “insurrection” was worth the risks from facilitating the breach.  That’s just a theory, of course that neatly associates all the odd circumstances.

People at the rally report that the closer they got to the Capitol the less the crowd felt like the rally crowd.  People, men, mostly, in camouflage outfits and wearing vests and helmets were agitating for an attack.  Some had pro-Trump hats but seemed more interested in assault than in protest.  At least a few, it has been revealed, were connected to “Antifa,” an organization whose views are closer to Nancy Pelosi’s than to Donald Trump’s… or to Prudence Leadbetter’s for that matter. Indeed, those worthies had begun the assault on the Capitol long before Trump had finished his rally speech.  No matter.

The resulting media storm, cries of “insurrection!” and “murder” of a Capitol Police officer who died of natural causes well after the assault, and the death of an actual unarmed – like every other entrant – Trump supporter who followed the crowd into the building and was shot by an officer who had likely never been in as stressful a situation as was allowed to develop by Nancy Pelosi for the foulest reasons an American could imagine, was utterly predictable.  And it was all Trump’s fault, requiring his impeachment.

It’s only a theory, but once the machinations, intrigue, subterfuge, lies and treason needed to subvert a presidential election were proven successful, and virtually impossible to overturn, investigate or correct, then the opportunity to completely take over the future of the United States was made clear to the radical left, and to Mrs. Pelosi who will lie down with any suitor who proclaims her to be a great leader.  The razor-wire-topped fence around her Capitol is a fitting symbol of the new American order.  Here and there a smattering of logic and justice may appear, like the “acquittal” vote, but it is not of much concern to our new masters.

No longer a Capitol of a free, self-governing people, the complex of outrageously costly buildings atop Capitol Hill is, in fact, a citadel from which our Democrat dictators will rule in safety.  Theoretically, we may have voted in the last election and the façade of the Republic will fall off in pieces , exposing the ugliness about to hatch.

It’s only a theory that ties together all the evidence, but real Americans can pray that it is proven wrong.


(Photo by JIM LO SCALZO / POOL / AFP) (Photo by JIM LO SCALZO/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

The once and nevermore defenders of average Americans, laborers and factory workers, and rock-solid, patriotic citizens, ready to sacrifice for their country when the call came to do so, are shedding their snakes’ clothing. With the burying of a most questionable set of elections for presidential electors in 2020, the once-proud Democrat Party has shown itself capable of undermining everything it once stood for, while actively denigrating those very principles, and of forming the most tawdry allegiances with uber-wealthy technology companies and Wall Street globalists… all in the name of “social justice” and “equity.”  To make it all work, much like the National Socialists did in post-Weimar Germany, they have needed a universal hate-focus, a common enemy to the poor and oppressed for whom Democrats will fight to the last fetus.

Fairly described as the party of death, Democrats have set forth on a long march toward socialist Godlessness, convinced that Communism executed by those as clever as they will finally work to the benefit of “the masses,” with whom we all shall identify as soon as power is delivered to Democrats’ hands.  There will be many deaths along the way, should defenders of the American idea stopping fighting for the life and lives of our wonderful experiment in freedom.

The most obvious, however mis-identified deaths, are those of millions of aborted babies, of which the largest losses per capita are sustained by black and brown people.  “Black Lives Matter,” which are believed by Democrats to be allies of theirs, whereas the opposite relationship is believed to be the case by “BLM” Marxists, care only for headline deaths, numbering fewer than 20 each year, where Blacks fatally encounter police officers.  Those events justify killing other police of whatever skin color or ethnicity, along with those killed in the course of peaceful protests.  The hundreds killed each year in major cities by other blacks are of no concern of theirs: no headlines, no “racist” angle to milk.

The tens of thousands killed by Planned Parenthood (major Democrat donors, they) and a few other “clinics” each year, are invisible to “BLM.”  At the same time, “BLM” is solidly behind opening the borders to unrestricted immigration, despite its clearly negative impacts on the lives of black workers and families.  We should follow these boobs… question mark.

Patriotism has become the wearing of masks, the mistrust of every other human and twisted sexual identities.  So-called immigrants are somehow more valuable than Americans or their ability to earn a living without government help.  We are literally borrowing the so-called money to purchase our new slaveholding masters.  Conservatism is being shut out of the public square as it has been for years at our institutions of so-called learning.  A new administration is wasting no time in stripping away “America first” and replacing it with the American province, just one in the great big global family.  Joe Biden doesn’t know whether to salute or get off the pot.  We should follow that boob, too.

Our feckless “free press” can barely catch its breath between slobbering sycophancies, so caught up in their revelry over the defeat of America first-ness and that gauche making-America-greatness stuff.  If they can possibly help Senator Schumer convict Trump of whatever he did that Democrats don’t like, all extra-constitutional-like, they certainly will, touting the tiny statistics of the storming of the practically unprotected Capitol, over and over, inversely to their ignorance of the Antifa/BLM riots of the past 10 months.  We’ll be living in strange times for a couple of years, if not decades, boys and girls.

Every one of you, and you all know exactly who you are and what you did to make it appear that Biden won the election, will fade into history memorialized as the people who brought America to its knees, electing a crime family and a communist to the most powerful job on earth, not that it will be that for long.  When China takes Taiwan and Ol’ Uncle Joe puts his mask on to mumble some crap about it always having been part of China, anyway, democracy be damned, you all can congratulate one another, you Quislings.

As the Harris-Biden administration completes its overturning of justice and Constitutionality to keep any pesky Patriots from ever gaining power again, everyone who rioted or packed ballots counts in 2020 and on January 5th 2021, can take solace, as America ceases to matter much, that you did your part.

We had a good run, we crazy Americans, believing that we could govern ourselves by Constitutionally limiting the powers of the Federal government that We the People created.  You, all, don’t even recognize the truckloads of socialist crap we’ve already accepted, perhaps worshipped.  That $26,000,000,000,000 debt should keep it fresh in your minds.  If Democrats succeed in adding on a couple of Trillions or more to that total, everything will suddenly become better, fairer, greener and egalitarian.  Anyone in the new Administration who can financially walk and chew gum at the same time, is much lauded by the “press” as a breath of fresh air compared to those awful troglodytes in the awful Trump awful administration.  This doesn’t include the president or vice-president; it is Prudent that they don’t allow Good Ol’ Joe Biden to chew gum, anyway.

There is quite a crackdown on conservatives and anything they might say or agree with.  Communists are intensely consistent with their plans and steps to subdue dissent: never allow it – the Party is infallible.  This quaint viewpoint doesn’t allow much wiggle room for religions, scriptures or individual sovereignty.  The Chinese, whom the new administration intends to emulate, have proven that society runs so much more smoothly with just one party holding power.  And, none of that checks and balances baloney, either.  No “power-sharing with states; no independent judiciary; no trying to set an example of honesty, freedom or democracy for other nations.  That last is nearly abolished through mis-education.  Society runs so much more smoothly with just one party in one country  holding power.  That country won’t be the United States, one party or not.  Most of the “free” world has borrowed into China’s hegemony… what in God’s name are we holding out for?  Bigger TV’s?  Green energy?

Lunchbucket Joe from the dingy mines of Scranton, PA isn’t wasting his limited time leaving “America First” in the dustbin of history.  He knows his days and weeks are numbered.  They’ll retire him a hero of the working ”Joe” who always “fought” (is that incitement?) for the little guy against the big, bad, anti-union corporations like…, well, like, like Amazon!  And Twitter and…, and… Google, for crying out loud!  [Ahh, Joe…, umm, those  are our friends… the ones that suppressed Hunter’s laptop story and gave us all that money and hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of vote suppression.  Joe gets that steely, hard look in his eyes, furrows his mighty brow and leans in closer.  “Hunter had sex with a laptop?” he asks.]

In any event, lots of leftists / Democrats / well-known reporters and anchor-people, have been asking the tough questions – mostly of one another: “How could we start the necessary de-programming / re-education of Trump supporters?”  The 60% of the United States, including the 20% that normally don’t care much, who are opposed to such gulag tactics, think we are poking fun at the jackasses who ask and ponder questions like that.  But there is no fun connected to them, at all.  Those people are seriously asking and Lord knows they have many sympathizers among the weirdo’s Biden is naming to various posts of power.

The Trump Impeachment Show is perfectly situated to divert attention from Uncle Joe’s daily executive orders.  Technically – and legally – executive orders have force only in the arena of directing Federal agencies and employees in the means and methods of carrying out Federal laws.  Legally, the President no matter how popular or senile, cannot CHANGE laws or effectively create any.  These quaint facts have long been ignored, but very gingerly until President Obama.  Just in the imposition of the A. C. A., Obamacare, he changed the law(s) that were passed by Congress, as they were offending various voter blocs Mr. Obama liked.  He changed those laws, a big “No… no!”

Chief Justice (in name only), John Roberts, saw how easily it could be done and changed the law himself in order to keep that pile of A. C.r A.p from collapsing constitutionally.

Now Ol’ Lunch-bucket Joe has issued some 40 “Executive Orders” that one might safely assume he hasn’t read despite his wholehearted agreement with their contents.  The one on rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement is 7,600 words by itself.  Joe would have read a mid-length novel since taking office to fully grasp everything he’s signed.  Seems doubtful.

Keeping Trump and those 75 Million or so troglodyte Republicans on the front pages allows for a lot of attention over here while the “transformation” is happening over there.  Sort of like a street magician working a little sleight of hand on the credulous crowd, except it’s more likely sleight of mind.

Don’t be surprised if, along with the exhaust from right-wing lawnmowers, the smoke from firing guns at a practice range is made a climate crime, punishable by confiscation.

A citadel of Lies

Supporters of US President Donald Trump enter the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, in Washington, DC. – Demonstrators breeched security and entered the Capitol as Congress debated the a 2020 presidential election Electoral Vote Certification. (Photo by Saul LOEB / AFP) (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)


It appears that not only the idiots who stormed the Capitol but Trump, himself, were suckered into exactly the reactions the Democrats wanted.  They have been convinced for years that conservatives and anyone who agrees with a strong defense of the Constitution and Bill of Rights are all, secretly, neo-Nazis and other caricatures of knuckle-dragging troglodytes.  And all racists, of course, every last one.  One can see this attitude displayed in the virtuous signage supporting “Black Lives Matter” and “Science” and “Love is Love” and “Hate Has No Home Here” since, by their lacking such declarative advertising on their own lawns, everyone that homeowner already knew was barely human, is admitting to that condition.

The trouble is, they teach this stuff in school, to the point of children apologizing for being born white.  Undefined guilt works best if started at an early age.  What rot.

There were some idiots in Washington on January 6th, and not all were part of the rally / protest.  Many work there… many on Capitol Hill, in fact.  Their erstwhile president-elect was quick to declare that the breeching of Capitol security could not be referenced as a ”protest,” no, no, no; it was an insurrection!  A threat to and an attack on “democracy!”  “Don’t you dare call this a protest,” he stated with great passion.

This of course denies the presence of tens of thousands of protesters who have, it seems Prudent to say, hundreds of things to protest.  They came at great cost, since virtually all of them work for a living, and came with some discomfort and trouble, TO PROTEST!  The left, including Democrats and their subservient media, perceive the election of a Democrat as a fresh confirmation of purity and light; only the disruption of that outcome is subject to protest.  Republicans and conservatives are merely tolerated for their value as a common enemy of “progress,” whom all good and virtuous people should dislike, if not more, and shun if possible.

Trump changed their reactions, as he did those of most Republicans, because he actually said what he believed and then put it into action, policy and legislation.  Worse, millions of people – the aforementioned troglodytes – loved the change, loved the brashness, loved the heartfelt defense of America.  The “real” rulers of America had to up… errr, lower their game.  The worst “official” behavior in our history became normal for more than four years, as those sworn to uphold the constitution connived to destroy the most dangerous interloper they’d seen.  For shame.

Now, with the attack on the Capitol, the left has a more perfect common enemy than they could conjure up with constant lying: “Look what they did!  See?  They’re as bad as we’ve been telling you for decades!” 

The Capitol, itself, will become a virtual armed citadel, with new defensive barriers, more police carrying long guns, maybe some hate-sniffing dogs.  Why, you citizens can’t protest what we do up here.  We don’t work for you scum, you work for US!  Oh, wait, is it too early to say that?  We meant to say, “We work our fingers to the bone for all Americans, and we’re happy to scrimp and sacrifice for each and every one of you, especially minorities and members of the LGBTQx community and women and the downtrodden and those streaming to our country for a better life and more government checks, and for Amazon, Google, Facebook, Twitter and Disney and CNN and the Washington Post.  But, we must be safe as we go about our august duties… for you.  And you must be safe, too, so keep your stupid masks on.”

No one opposed to the steady march leftward has a right to protest, since to do so is to oppose “progress.”  That such progress replaces and suppresses the guarantees of the Constitution and disabuses us of the points of the Declaration of Independence, is being obscured and dissipated by educational avoidance.  A generation of children are amenable to socialism in the mistaken belief that it will somehow end racism and “inequality.”  The premise, riotously hammered home in city after city during 2020, is that we cannot repair the problems in the U. S., we must destroy the United States and start fresh.  God forbid.

The people leading the riots that burned, destroyed and looted, and assaulted and killed totally innocent people, are financed and led by espoused Marxists and communists.  Yet the “woke” left and Democrats were sympathetic to them and to their supposed grievances however illogical, and even to their destruction of public property.  Theirs were “mostly peaceful” protests and represented an exercise of “fundamental rights.”  Those who lost their businesses – and the THIRTY people who died – were probably part of the protested problems…, they were capitalists, after all.

What on Earth could motivate hundreds of people to be so angry that they’d break the law to protest something the Congress was in the midst of?  What could have possibly been so important?  An election?  Really?

Without fail, every Democratic source and nearly all media instantly declared that there was no evidence of voting fraud or irregularities or illegalities.  By definition, then, anyone who thinks there were is a right-wing nut and not worth listening to.  Unfortunately there are hundreds of statements, affidavits eye-witnesses and analyses that strongly indicate that a lot went wrong in the handful of states, counties and cities where sufficient unlawful votes could guarantee a Biden electoral college win.  None of those deniers of electoral hanky-panky has been interested in actually investigating the charges since doing so would add to the possibility of something wrong and they uniformly deny that.  It’s actually fairly easy to make a strong case based on data analysis, sworn statements, and similarity of irregularities and tactics in the half-dozen “battleground states.”  The defense of what happened in each state comes from the election officials who may be culpable for what may have gone wrong, if so.  To whom can we turn for redress of these grievances?  No one has an answer for that question.

Courts have rejected every appeal, and in more than one instance – including the Supreme Court – the fear of riots… err, “protests” like those that destroyed cities and monuments, was part of why no hearings would be entertained.  For shame.

The respective states’ legislatures, Constitutionally defined as responsible for selecting electors, did attempt action in some states, but the executive branch of their governments had already “certified” the results of the election as reported.  The Biden juggernaut was almost at the pier and the political pressures to conform were intense.  No state was interested in actually investigating “itself,” particularly if it were the only one to change its results, winding up on the ‘outs’ with the new Biden administration.  Our corrupt intermingling of financial responsibilities between supposedly sovereign states and the ostensibly Federal  government, could cost a state a lot of “federal” dollars if that state appeared to oppose the new disbursers of those increasingly hollow “dollars.”  see:

There was a flood of complaints and subsequent sworn testimony.  There were observations of illegal internet connections, photocopied ballots being scanned, observers being prevented from doing their legal jobs, observers being illegally removed from their posts, false justifications for “stopping” counts simultaneously in four of the battleground states, followed by statistically impossible “spikes” for Biden, every time.  At one point, in Georgia, following an abrupt spike for Biden that erased Trump’s substantial lead, the following FIFTY THREE batches of votes showed exact rates of 50.5% for Biden and 49.5% for Trump – an impossibility.  “Nothing to see here, everybody.  We can explain how everything you saw happen, never happened.”

So, was the giant Washington protest and the smaller ones across the country, just because of this election?  For many, yes, but for many more, the election is simply the straw that broke the camel’s back.  Congress, particularly the leadership in both houses, has been lying to us for decades.  Almost every piece of legislation is a pack of lies, in that almost every one has a high-falutin’ title that purports to describe what making that bill law, will do.  Yet every one contains pieces of spending that couldn’t pass otherwise.  The worst deceptions are the so-called “budget” bills that spend hundreds of billions at once.  Not even leadership know what such “omnibus” bills include.  Partisans argue over details for publicity purposes, but under various deadline threats, these piles of crap are passed and sent to a president who is also under timely pressure usually because the bill, itself, was passed at the last minute and the defense of the country or the checks to Social Security recipients or, as of late, Covid relief checks are already late.  The pile of dishonesty becomes the law of the land.  Then the big lie kicks in.

The U. S. can’t afford the cost of its standard of living.  Congress – and most other government types – pretend this is nothing to worry about.  They pass spending bills as if we had the money, or revenue, to pay for them.  But these are really borrowing bills.  Up to a third – even 40%(!) – of our budgets for the past 20 years have been covered by borrowing money through the Federal Reserve, a private banking consortium that can legally lend the government money that it doesn’t have.  The U. S. Treasury also sells bonds, which is to say, borrows money from thousands or millions of lenders / investors to keep enough cash in the bank to cover daily outflows.  Consequently, whether to holders of “treasuries” or to the “FED,” Americans pay a ton of interest every month and year.  When we can’t afford to pay the interest, why we just borrow that, too!  What a hoax.

We’ve all heard the stock lie about how closing the government over a spending dispute will cause us to “default” on our loans.  This has never been true, but it sure upsets the less-informed, and mendacious news outlets repeat the same nonsense.

Americans like to believe that the people we elect are watching out for us and keeping us “safe.”  How safe are we with $27 Trillion of debt?  Are we not obligated to our lenders?  How “free” can we be with that burden?  Have our elected representatives been pulling the wool over our eyes all these years?  Are any of them watching out for this nation or for us?  No wonder people are restless.  Fake news makes it even worse, and it all came to a head with the shady voting of 2020, following a year of lies about Covid and lies about the dangers of voting in person.  Partisan news organizations support all of those untruths and add personal attacks and calumny aimed at Trump supporters who agree wholeheartedly with “America First.”  Who argues with that philosophy?  One can tell a great deal about those who do.

After the Viet-Nam war and the following 45 years, who can we complain to?  We have the right to peaceably assemble and to appeal to “the government” for redress of our grievances.  Who would that be?  Who has power over the budget, over the rates of taxation, over the disbursement of funds to which agencies, over the amounts and recipients of “foreign aid, over the confirmation of judges, over the laws governing federal elections, over the policies governing public education, and over the kinds of lightbulbs we can buy?  And over thousands of other daily, personal and business decisions?  Why, the very Congress who has sold us out to China and to international bankers, that’s who.

They are the same charlatans who haven’t been listening to the Americans they purport to represent.  One wonders if they heard anything on January 6th.

What did they hear all Summer as cities burned and insurrection was declared in Seattle?  What did they hear as Marxists burned out the businesses of private citizens and companies?  Apparently, their perceived message was telling them that enough fear in the streets will prevent any serious investigation into the theft of a presidential election.

They did hear something on the sixth, too: “Now is our opportunity, with the connivance of media and social media, to destroy those who disagree with our socialist plans.”  For shame.

Unfortunately, on January 6th, there were some truly odd characters who infiltrated the crowds close to the Capitol building itself.  Many have commented on the very different attitudes of men in camouflage outfits, and how things “felt” as they got closer to the Capitol.  Some evidence indicates that Antifa’s paid thugs were also at the head of the line as the Capitol lines were breeched.  With the new administration, no investigation of that possibility is likely.  As for the odd ducks who may be white supremacists, there is no need to investigate that, because Democrats believe that EVERY Trump supporter is only a shade above troglodyte status and very probably a white supremacist, even if he or she doesn’t know it.  No investigation.

Our new, quite old President, is staffing his administration with people about as different as possible from those who have done a remarkably good job under Trump… and they’ve been selected not for merit or skill, necessarily, but for gender and skin color.  Biden’s “dark winter” could extend for years.  God save us.


          Your quick rejection of voting problems has made me think… your comments and views always do.  I consider you an inherently honest person in that you are true to your beliefs.  Truly, that is the only measure of honesty that humans can apply.  Reality is dashed on the rocks of belief all the time, for everyone.  About the highest level of human honesty that we can obtain occurs where believers maintain a rational skepticism about everyone’s beliefs, including their own, and then constantly examine bits of information that don’t perfectly fit belief structures. 

          One must also be prepared to alter beliefs when new facts require it.  This would be wonderful in a generic sense, but some beliefs are already based on hard reality and should not be questioned.  An honest discussion might ensue at the end of which the questioner of reality-based beliefs should change his or her own.

          Many beliefs are perceived by their holders to be unassailable, such as matters of faith, including moral codes and things spiritual, and honesty as a functional reference, itself.  Evidence for such things varies from historic to emotional to community-shared beliefs as evidence.  Arguments, even in historical realms are unrewarding, threatening and worth avoiding.  But beliefs derived from more recent news: incomplete facts, unproven evidence (in the mind of the recipient) deserve some continuity of skepticism until reality can be more firmly grounded in support or disproof of outside opinions not personally experienced.  I believe that you are more liberal in political views than am I and of a different faith, yet we respect one another’s views enough to change our own if either might reveal bits of reality to the other.  I try to be an honest conservative and you are an honest liberal; I voted for George McGovern, after all.

          And so, evidence is the key to any discussion about political shenanigans, one of the least honesty-based areas of argument in human history.  But, even here, there is reality, however difficult it may be to pry evidence from the hands of those who may be the perpetrators of voting irregularities, which is where it all resides.  At the very least I trust you can agree that there is some evidence of voting anomalies in the 2020 elections (plural; there being 50 state elections held on the same day).  In opposing virtually every charge of voting irregularities, media observers, not quite exclusively patisan, immediately state that “You have no proof of fraud.”  This is true in a definitive sense since, again, all the hard evidence is in the possession of those who are being accused of perpetrating or allowing said irregularities; there is abundant circumstantial  evidence, however.  In most cases of civil crimes, circumstantial evidence constitutes “reasonable suspicion” and grand juries have little else to go on unless there is sworn testimony that tends to support the circumstances of possible criminality, from which indictments often derive.  Correct me if I misunderstand that.

          There is a trap for many when considering political  crimes.  “It’s just politics as usual.”  “This has been going on since Tammany Hall.”  “It’s nothing new; charges were leveled in 2016 so it’s just tit for tat politics.”  A crime is a crime…                             (ref: )               and we are all besmirched if crime is not sanctioned in a nation of laws, not of men… and women.

          Judgment is twisted when hatreds form part of beliefs, and there are hatreds on all sides of the 2020 elections.  These are guarded against firmly by honest observers… and debaters, and certainly, we hope, by judges, attorneys and sworn public officials.  They are embraced by those who fail to meet standards of honesty, and they’re out there.

          One could posit a scenario, based on the past 4 years of unrelenting attempts to politically destroy President Trump, having failed his removal by those means, that the unfulfilled hatred for Mr. Trump by the Democrat Party and the “deep state” denizens, would be concentrated on guaranteeing that Trump lost re-election.  To do so required controlling the results in 5 or 6 states, only – the states Hillary was counting on and didn’t nail down in 2016.  Attempting to effect a guarantee meant organizing hyper-partisans in only a few cities or counties: just a few parts of those few states.  Given this hypothesis, is there any evidence that indicates such a plan may have been put into play?

          Why, yes, yes there is!  Like what, the skeptical questioner asks?  Are there unusual patterns of vote counts in historically strong Democratic counties, cities or even precincts?

          Georgia being on everyone’s mind, right now, let’s look there.  Georgia’s voting and tabulation procedures have vulnerabilities, as do most states’.  To generate a “certified count” for any single vote to be part of the count (assuming a legally-cast vote, disregarding temporarily deceased voters, out-of-state – non-resident voters, or “harvested” absentee votes), the ballot is first marked by the voter and scanned into an electronic file/database: safe so far.  Absentee ballots, assuming each is marked by the legitimate voter who requested it, enter the system through a different “door,” but once scanned are also converted to specific pieces of data, safely entered. (A large number of ballots were mailed without a corresponding request, hopefully to be destroyed by the honest voter or person who sees it first.  Some voters received more than one with slight variations in the addressee name.  If there were a desire to skew the votes, floating quantities of unrequested ballots would be a simple way, particularly where a state has not purged its voter lists for years.)

          So, vote intentions are converted to sacred data, one could say, which data is deserving of every possible protection and maintenance of accuracy as humanly possible.  Each represents the most fundamental civil right we have.  For weeks, absentee, mail-in and in-person early votes have been accumulating, each to be converted to a sacred datum.

          Once counting is completed in each precinct / polling place, the compact flash cards holding the images from each “machine’ (scanner-computer) are physically driven by courier to a drop-off point for that jurisdiction, be it a precinct, city or county.  From there they are escorted by police to the central tabulation center for the larger jurisdiction-County.  Again, assuming that every ballot has been marked and recorded in the name of a legitimate voter, the data are still “safe,” one is assured by elections officials.  Unfortunately, signature verification on mail-in and absentee ballots turned out to be a haphazard process in Georgia, largely unmonitored.  For mail-in ballots, it was essentially ignored, according to sworn witnesses.

          Up to this point the data are passed from machine to machine with no opportunity to manipulate the totals.  However, once at the tabulation center, poll workers could exploit wide open vulnerabilities in “RTR” software, including deleting batches of votes, creating batches or replacing batches with new ones.  From these tabulation centers across the state, the data is then sent to the SCYTL system that reports totals to the Secretary of State and to the Edison data aggregators who report to the media.  If fraud has occurred at the input side or at the tabulation center, it is that fraudulent data that is being reported and relied upon by the Secretary of State and by the media.  Is there evidence of these potential frauds?

          A team of data analysts looked at only the numbers and the patterns of changes in vote totals along the timeline of the count.  Different counties had similar problems and anomalies, most peculiarly sudden NEGATIVE vote movements.  That is, in a system that increments  votes as reported, there appeared huge decrements of Trump votes.  In Gwinnett county, for example, Trump had 29, 391 votes to Biden’s 17,218, reported at 9:11 PM.  Eight minutes later, the report was exactly switched, and Trump had 17,218 while Biden had 29,391, a decline of 12,173 for Trump, an identical gain for Biden.  Trump ostensibly lost Georgia by only 12,670 votes.

          In Putnam County one of those odd “decrements” erased 5,935 votes from Trump – gone altogether.   Dougherty County saw 17,650 Trump votes disappeared.  Dodge, Daltrey and Fulton Counties, together, saw some 30,000 votes removed from Trump.  These are changes: negative vote counts, that cannot happen in an election tabulation that sees votes increasing (incrementing) in varying quantities for all candidates as totals come in.  How much cleaner it is for all concerned if the machines are programmed, or intruded upon over the internet, to change totals – plausible ignorance of everything.

          In Fulton County (Atlanta) the Elections Director, Richard Barron, announced that of 113,130 ballots counted at one point, over 106 THOUSAND had been adjudicated due to some sort of errors in the scanning/reading of them.  The problem with adjudication is that the original ballot image is replaced with a new one, and the original image-data is lost forever.  During adjudication the “vote review panel” evaluates the ballot and imputes the voter’s intent, and then enters the new information in replacement of the original.  This is a great way to defraud voters and send corrupt data downstream for publication.  This was a greater than 94% error rate.  The logs from past elections show rates in the 1% or less range; THE LOGS FROM 2020 ARE MISSING.

          More glaring, and perhaps more understandable, are anomalies in vote ratios.  In most instances, historically, vote ratios of 75%/25% are considered outliers and cause for investigation.  This year in Georgia, DeKalb County showed 94 polling places where votes came in at 90% or greater for Biden, a statistical impossibility.  Fulton County had more than 150 polling places at 90% or more for Biden.  These patterns are anomalous with regard to ANY past presidential elections, and exceed results for Barack Obama in 2008.

          There is testimony, lots of it.  Those who have come forward are not all Republicans, as if being one meant an inability to tell the truth, and they all have sworn affidavits about what they observed.  Many testify to active harassment and intimidation whenever they tried to question obviously questionable votes.  Votes by mail, for example, whose ballots had no corresponding registered voter on the qualified voter list, were still counted and challengers were intimidated for suggesting a challenge.

          Some 138,000 mail in ballots were received ostensibly from people who had moved out of state, yet were counted without question.  It is not possible that 138,000 former Georgia residents are all duplicitous; much more likely it is that these names were known from careful data mining over many months prior to the election, and purposely voted by third parties who knew the voter rolls were not “cleaned” of these ineligible voters. 

          The famous video of the Fulton County State Farm Convention center shows how observers and press were removed from the center at about 10:30 on the false premise that counting was done for the night.  Once they were gone 5 remaining employees resumed counting without observers (illegal) and continued for almost 2.5 hours.  In that time they scanned more ballots than the winning difference (12,670 statewide).  In short, more than 200,000 votes are questionable in the Georgia election.  Exorbitant vote totals from just a handful of counties – totals that exceed all previous voting patterns and statistical probabilities – overcame Trump’s substantial lead during the early morning hours, including “Biden spikes” similar to those in 4 other battleground states.

          It is interesting that EVERY single anomaly in vote patterns and in illicit handling of ballots, and every batch of ballots of dubious origin (including photocopied ballots being scanned and stacks of hundreds of pristine, just-Biden votes) benefited Joe Biden.  None benefited Trump which, statistically, if honest errors or “glitches,” some percentage would have.

          Additional circumstantial doubts are raised by unusual differences between Biden totals and Democrat Senate candidates’ totals in the same key swing states.  Pew Research did polling of likely voters in both parties, who overwhelmingly agreed that they would vote for the Senate candidate of the same party whose Presidential candidate they would likely vote for – not 100%, but close, as is the historic pattern in all presidential elections.  Oddly, Biden polled 69,000 more votes than did Senate candidate, Greg Peters in Michigan.  Compare that to Trump’s difference of just 7,131 over John James in the Republican party.  Trump’s is a “normal” differential; Biden’s is 10 times that.

          More striking is Biden’s outpolling of Senate candidate John Ossoff (the scheduled 6th year senate race) by 95,800 votes, 117 times Trump’s difference of just 818 votes over David Purdue.  Both cases reflect huge quantities of Biden-only votes where no down-ticket choices were made, a very unusual pattern that happened, apparently, only in the “swing” states.

          Does any of this constitute the “evidence” or the “proof” that media pundits keep asking for or denying the existence of?  Those inclined to believe such an effort to guarantee Trump’s loss is possible, are likely to think it is, albeit not quite courtroom “quality.”  Those inclined to dismiss Trump as never classy enough to sit in the oval office, or who may hate Trump for whatever reason, would naturally deny that anything besides Trump’s lack of civility, crude language and embarrassing Tweets were required to secure his defeat.  In fact, every aspect of Trump’s campaign, political operation and instincts, and every aspect of historic precedent, numeric, social and cultural indicators… every aspect except just one, Biden’s apparent vote totals in 6 states, predicted a massive Trump landslide.  How is it that every predictor of election outcome was wrong for the first time – in some cases for 150 years – and wrong together?  That the Biden vote totals were such outliers in the political history of the United States, should at least increase skepticism regardless of partisanship, especially given the near lack of a campaign on the part of Joe Biden.

          Donald Trump gained more than 10 Million votes compared to his 2016 totals.  By itself this fact should guarantee his win.  Historically, such a resounding increase has meant re-election.  But, miracle of miracles, not this year.  Obama, himself, won in 2012 with 3.5 Million FEWER votes than in 2008.  Biden actually received fewer black votes than Obama did everywhere in the United States EXCEPT in the relative handful of cities and counties where ALL the anomalies occurred and from where all the questions derive.  Such a pattern deserves some scrutiny, even more so when EVERY anomaly benefits only one candidate.

          Okay, enough of this.  There are just a couple of final points you should consider.  One is that through a couple of obscure corporate steps, a Chinese investment house, UBS Beijing Co., Ltd. owns Dominion voting systems and, through side connections, Smartmatic software, both of which companies have taken part in election fraud in several countries prior to our elections.

          The other is that the CCP funds and guides a huge voter registration campaign under the Chinese Progressive Association in San Francisco, whose head brags of his coordination with the Chinese consulate.  China has made no secret of its preference for Biden as president.  Trump is the first president to resist the Communist Chinese in 50 years.  The Biden family is deeply enmeshed with Chinese investment companies tightly connected to the CCP.  Biden in the Oval Office is our worst nightmare.  The people he has suggested as his appointees to cabinet and other positions all seem to be globalists who are “soft” on China.  God save us.

          I don’t believe that anyone using Dominion voting systems has any idea what the actual democrat vote totals were on November 3rd (28 states and most of their counties) or else has chosen Dominion precisely because the machines are easily programmed to slice or switch votes.  There is evidence of both capabilities.  God forbid.

          I urge you, as an American citizen, to review this video:


UPDATE:  The events of January 6th are gruesome to watch and heartbreaking.  Every true conservative hates them, especially Trump’s urging people to go to the Capitol and his son’s encouraging adoption of the tactics of the left.  “To what end,” we cry out, Mr. President?  Stopping the inevitable? 

          To be suspicious of very suspicious actions and irregularities on November 3rd, is Prudent.  There was a point in Mid-December where the vitriol about what appears to be coordinated fraud should have simply stopped.  It was time to be cool and to continue such legal challenges as remained.  It was time to listen to cooler voices.  It doesn’t mean that Trump needs to concede; his refusal is understandable, believing as he and many others do. 

          It does mean that January 6th could have easily been avoided.  A terrible miscalculation, Mr. Trump.  That would have been real leadership of a movement that had the potential to expose the rot in Washington.  It will be a while before conservatism can wield as strong a lever again.  Certainly it must.  The nation won’t withstand much further drift leftward; China’s tentacles are already inverting and subverting our highest ideals with the active connivance of many politicians.  Money and re-election are their compass, regardless of source.  For shame.

          “Globalism,” tightly enmeshed in banking and Wall Street, is antithetical to a Constitutional republic.  Some prefer to ignore this truth and its consequence, because working with it makes them wealthy or temporarily powerful.  When the ideas of America crash down, many of those who are helping may escape the new order; many hundreds of millions will not.


After following the flood of evidence of election thievery in 2020, Prudence leads one to wonder many things, posit many questions.  These are questions to Americans who love our nation, our history, our traditions and the ideals embraced by the Constitution.  Asking the same questions of people who are willing to riot, loot, burn and destroy the properties of others, or who are so consumed by hatred for any individual or group that they are unable to consider any ideas with which the objects of their hatreds may agree, or of those who think they are communists and Marxists or fundamentalist Muslims or anyone else whose core beliefs and loyalties are antithetical to our constitutionally limited democratic republic, will result not in thoughtful response or discussion, but in restated hatreds.  Let us not waste that time.  Prudence dictates that we place these concerns before those who want to strengthen our present, defend our heritage and who will build a better future than what appears to be gathering force, as I write, against our highest ideals.

With these caveats in mind, then, a question:  given the growing list of sworn witnesses to malfeasance in the prosecution of elections of presidential electors in multiple states, and given the corollary existence, therefore, of dozens or hundreds of electoral criminals, should not the worst and most significant bad actors be prosecuted?

In other words, crimes against state, county and federal interests – defined by laws at each level – and against states’ and the U. S. Constitutions, were committed.  This fact means that there are criminals guilty of committing those crimes.  Neither Jonah Goldberg nor Joe Biden nor Chief Justice, John Roberts can deny those simple facts.  By some sleight of magic, however, the three Jays and a host of lower-court judges, elected and appointed, are able to determine without reviewing evidentiary specifics, that none of the witnessed crimes – civil rights violations of the highest order – were of sufficient consequence to matter to the declared outcomes of the states’ electoral votes.  Maybe there is a perspective to this that escapes the hapless U. S. citizen who trusts the upholding of his or her Constitution, state or federal.

It’s Friday at 3:00 PM  in downtown Philadelphia (or Milwaukee, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, Las Vegas, Phoenix or Raleigh) and people are streaming out of the city for the weekend.  A well-planned robbery of the Republic Bank branch at 1601 Walnut Street is executed with the perpetrators making off with six bags of cash just delivered by the armored-car service at 2:54.  They exit by a rear door, setting off alarms, and they casually drive away in a sedan, changing cars at Franklin Hospital visitors’ parking and disappear.  Total take: $510,000, all insured.

City police and the Philadelphia FBI “SAC” are all over the case.  The Bank, which handles several millions of dollars every week, is deeply concerned and cooperates in every way possible, sharing video tape and testimony from every person who witnessed anything of the event.  Bank personnel are carefully questioned, since these crimes often have an “inside” component.  Newspapers publish articles and photos, local radio and TV decry the ease with which the terrible criminals made off with, well… money.  By 6:00 PM the insurance carrier has been alerted, coverage processes begun and it sends its own investigator to check out the nature of the incident.  For a while, the whole city seems concerned.

On Monday morning, however, the FBI and City police make a joint statement that since the acquisition of the cash was so very important to the thieves, and since the amount of money is not enough to threaten the continuation of the bank, itself, they have decided to drop the case and congratulate the criminals.

Another question: What sort of reaction would other banks, the Department of Justice, the FBI Director and the governor of Pennsylvania have to that announcement? Do you think they would accept that since the investigators didn’t have all the evidence or “proof” necessary to win a case in court, that the matter should be dropped and the thieves congratulated for such a smooth operation?  Do you suppose that someone, a Republic Bank depositor, say, could file suit in state court demanding that the various investigatory authorities be enjoined from dropping the case?

Another question: If tens of thousands of votes, not dollars, were questioned by witnesses to their tabulation being performed illegally, possibly disenfranchising the same number of legal voters – effectively stealing their fundamental, unalienable right – is not an investigation that might restore their rights and provide the evidence for a trial of criminals who stole them be justified?  Should not the co-conspirators be enjoined from destroying evidence or from dropping the investigation, the theft being so well-executed, after all?

And, if the bank robbers were to use their ill-gotten gains to buy a beautiful, white house with servants, do you think they should be allowed to keep it?  No?

So, if dishonest people steal money we will chase them to the ends of the earth and convict them, but if dishonest people steal as many as a Million votes in an election we should let them keep them and enjoy all the fruits of their crime?

Tell me again, about what the Constitution means.

THe Allison Effect

We wished Allison Paige Hawkes Godspeed, yesterday.  Pollard’s Funeral Home, Methuen, Massachusetts, U. S. A., planet Earth, Milky Way, was very good to our family and to all who came to commiserate with us and to celebrate the wonderful and wonder-filled life of Allie Hawkes.  She passed on Sunday, the sixth of December, less than a week ago.  It was  just after 8 in the morning.  Her mother held her as she slept.  She stirred enough to struggle to tell Christen that she loved her.  Christen had her hand upon Allie’s heart as she left the painful, cancerous bonds of Earth.  There could be no better way to finish one’s journey.

We compiled our photos, and Allie’s, and all the newspaper articles that Christen had saved.  There were thousands of the former, dozens of the latter, and millions of memories.  Christen, Allie’s dad, Gavin Hawkes, her sister-in-law, Kim Andon (brother Joe Wescott’s wife for 20+ years), Kim’s daughter, Sarah, “Grammie” Gretchen Wescott and I, her “Grampa” Bob, sorted and printed and distilled hundreds of photo’s to display during funeral services.  Allie’s girlfriends created yet another “photo-board.”  We were researching someone known more by others than by us; the breadth and depth of her people-rich life was, in part, news to all of us, even to her most-connected mother, Christen.

During Allie’s brief life, many days, weeks and months were consumed by cancer treatments and effects.  Virtually all of those hours were shared, in person, by the world’s greatest mother.  Christen became Allie’s primary nurse and watchful angel, more than once conveying the instructions of physicians and the applications of potent drugs, more accurately than nurses, themselves, remembered.  Allie and her mother built a bond of mother-daughter love that is rare.  Christen had not a burden, but an opportunity to do more mothering than most mothers have.  We all tried to be involved, but it was truly a matter of learning from Christen what Allie had just gone through or, thankfully, what she had just done.  She was a do-er, most effectively as a creator of friends.

At the funeral home most of the three families gathered to greet the hundreds of friends on whom Allie had left her impact.  She didn’t have any casual friends, it seemed, but hundreds of good ones.  They, and we, all felt a loss when her light faded out.  Indeed, as her Camp Otter, YMCA, Wheelock, Marsh School, Methuen High and, so heartbreakingly, many of her nurses from the Floating Hospital, Children’s Hospital and Dana Farber explained, she was nowhere “just” another student, another friend or another patient.  The “Allison Effect” is large on everyone she knew. 

Ostensibly, funeral preparations included having her cousin, Sarah Wescott, speak about her lifetime friend.  Sarah worked hard to get her words and feelings exactly as she wished to express them.  I, Grampa Bob, was also going to say a few words, and though mine were not written in advance, I too had prepared what I wanted to say.  In fact, my erstwhile comments were much modified as the afternoon of meeting so many of those who also loved Allie Hawkes.  They changed what I knew about my granddaughter.  So, I want to share what I had decided to say Friday evening, though could not.

Good evening and thank you all for sharing your love for Allie Hawkes.  Before she died I thought I knew her pretty well.  You, all, have told me so much more about her; culling the hundreds and hundreds of photos she and others took of the many places she went and events she attended, has made her even more wondrous in my heart and my memories so much richer.

When she was first diagnosed my first reaction was to tell her mother that she would be okay, and I believed it.  For the following 19 years that belief was justified as she beat cancer back again, again and again… until she could not.  My second reaction, as I would walk each morning, was to pray for a miracle essentially every day, and often, twice a day.  I was trying to tell God what the correct miracle for Him to effect was, and exactly when to manifest it.  I realize that a lot of our prayers are like that: giving God and Jesus instructions… as if we knew.

What I should have prayed for is mercy and understanding.

Each time our relatively crude medical tools brought her back to remission my conviction that I was issuing the correct instructions was reinforced.  Every time cancer came back, I would feel that my miracle-instructions were flawed, somehow, or not specific enough, and I would redouble my efforts and word my supplications to be much more specific as to what I wanted God to do.  I hope that what I did helped Allie in some way.  I know that as the end approached she became more of a believer, ready to pass through that awesome door alone, always part of my prayers.

So, I had been praying for a miracle for most of her life rather blindly, it turns out.  But I recognize, now, that the miracle was right here with us, all along.


Chinese money is another collar…


There are many words that once were in more common parlance – back when schoolchildren had to learn English and how to read and write in that very language – and readers of Prudence’ thoughts are all too aware that those “old fashioned” words are a great strength when expressing thoughts deeper than MSNBC commenters like to share.  Ooops, hold on a moment, there was a Prudent word right there: commenter.  A commenter is a person who comments.  Somehow we’ve all adopted the habit of saying, “commentator” instead of commenter because it sounds as if the speaker might be perceived as just a little smarter for using an extra syllable.  In the opinion of your correspondent, not many commenters achieve the erudite status of commentator, unless they come from Idaho. 

Anyway, in the “old” days one might encounter a word like “scurrilous,” a gem of an adjective.  It really means to describe someone foul-mouthed and coarse in language.  But it came to be used to describe someone of the lowest morals, particularly in terms of failing to live up to one’s promises.  Scurrilous.  Often there are overtones of hypocrisy relative to the person who is described as scurrilous, since he or she probably held a position of some prominence, pretending to be among our betters.

Mendacious is another good one, and its cousin, mendacity.  In a simple way it means untruthful, or the quality of telling lies, yet it is so much more robust than simple lying.  Everyone tells lies at some level: “How’s everything at home?” a close friend might ask, to which you answer, “Oh fine, fine.  Thanks for asking.”  Or, the querulous, “Does this pant-suit make me look fat?”  “Absolutely not,” is the answer, in case you weren’t sure.  Still, a ‘mendacious’ person is not just telling lies, he or she is adjudged to be virtually unable to tell the truth.

The British used to make common use of the epithet, “knave:” a deceitful, untrustworthy person.  We rarely use it in American English as it doesn’t sound bad enough to convey the hatred or derogation required to belittle the object of one’s contempt.  Americans of late are wont to include the ever-popular eff-word, variously applied as adverb, adjective, verb, or noun.  There is no need to further define “the eff-word.”  Even women, erstwhile civilizers of us, all, are fully aware and conversant with it.  ‘Knave,’ however, does convey a patine of intended depravity to the person so targeted.

Let’s summarize: scurrilous, mendacious knave.  Such a person really must be the worst in any group.  But, wait!  There’s more!

A fairly common, but somewhat underappreciated personification is that of “degenerate.”  It implies a person who is not only useless to others or to society, but who interferes with the advancement of others.  In other words, a person no right-thinking person would want to engage with at any level.  Indeed, such a person, a ‘degenerate,’ often appears to have regressed in his or her own humanity.  Not even “reprobate” conveys those depths.

We could go on and on but it wouldn’t be Prudent.  Most readers will process no more than four or five descriptives at the very most, some balking at just three.  So our last pejorative is a bit less obscure, the sharp and finely pointed: “odious.”  To be considered odious is to be considered offensive and even disgusting.  Thankfully, few are such, but when deserved, the term is also obvious in its application.

When so many calumnies are applicable to one person, it is rare that Prudence would waste our collective minutes in order to apply them.  Today however, there is a special case.  Imagine, if you can, referring to an individual as follows: “____ ______ is no more than a scurrilous, mendacious knave, degenerate in his personal character and odious to those who know his practices.”  Gracious!  What must someone do to earn such an uniquely low status?

In Prudence view, he would have to hold a public trust and totally besmirch it by enriching himself and his family thereby and, subsequently, with unbridled mendacity toward that public, engage in treasonous behavior in the form of altering his nation’s foreign policy for still greater personal emoluments obtained from potential enemies in exchange for that action.  In the processes of those thefts of trust and monies, he would also have to suborn depravity within his family in furtherance of financial greed.  That person would earn all of the above outlined contempts and that person has been found.  Indeed he is spoken of commonly in both high and low regard although lately, the latter has gained the greater frequency.  Simply place the name, “Joe Biden” in the blanks and the fulfillment of every accusation will be achieved.


We’ve all come to look for America….


We have developed, in our vapid superficiality, a habit of judging politicians and one another on the basis of who our secular  judges are, most particularly who are on the Supreme Court.  What escapes most of us is that those judgments extend to ourselves.

President Trump has taken perhaps the best step in his first term in the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to our highest court.  One can learn from the reactions  to her new status… and likelihood that she will help decide the course of America’s future.  The nation that became the United States was formed by religious people – mostly Christians and some Jews – men, and probably more importantly, women: their hands rocked the cradles.

While our comprehension of Biblical and other somewhat contemporaneous texts has certainly changed, the essential value of religious morality to the strength and success of the U. S. of A., can be denied only in ignorance.  Ignorance, sadly, doesn’t inhibit that class of “deniers” to any great degree.  In other words, a strong moral code, passed from generation to generation, is both crucial and comforting.

Enter Amy Coney Barrett, who has attracted vitriol – not political difference, vitriol – for what those somewhat aligned with her worldview can see no justification in the slightest.  Where does it come from?  How is it that half of the polity apparently distrusts or resents – if not hates – a thoroughly moral and honest person?

A large component of that vitriol comes from women.  Those like Senators Diane Feinstein, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris and the legendary Masi Hirono, are unable to avoid nonsensical, disdain-laden questions or comments that leads one to deduce, it is Prudent to say, that they not only hate her politically, but are, in fact, envious of her.  But, envy aimed at what, exactly?

Moral rectitude.  Females who have spent decades denying their crucial roles of both civilizing – moralizing – their men, and of keeping their children on a morally straight path as they (ostensibly) learn to become adults in charge of cultural norms applied to economics, commerce, production and defense of family and community, find themselves so uncomfortable with the responsibilities of woman-hood, that a woman who has no reason for such discomfort is to be deeply resented.

Inherently there is a threat to many women that Amy Barrett, and not they, will be a best example of American woman- and mother-hood.  Even her college sorority has virtually disavowed her and her extraordinary success.  The “sisterhood” apparently depends not on gender, a reactionary concept, but on the purity of one’s rejection of religious-based morals.

Barrett doesn’t waver; her moral pillar requires neither comparison nor negotiation.  It need not be measured against fads or trends or popular opinion.  Whether one shares her complete philosophy or not, he or she ought to have the wisdom to respect it… and her.  That sort of respect has not been – and is not being – inculcated through the institutions of society that are its only source: parents (mothers AND fathers), churches and, as reinforcement, schools.  Barrett exemplifies and makes real, the superiority of the two-parent, responsible family model… and it is frightening.

If a society wished, freely and collectively, to restore and strengthen the one form of foundational social engineering proven successful: two-parent, economically independent families, that society would formalize through government and every reinforcing institution, every possible encouragement of that structure.  The question, automatically posed by the stark and living color example of Amy Coney Barrett’s family, to those who wonder about the future of the United States, is whether we have the collective sense to shift our policies toward her model of success?

We’ll have to cleanse our education and purge public schools of socialist teachers and administrators.  We’ll have to teach our children all of American history, both bad and good, and pass along the best of our founding philosophy so that our next generations recognize how to repair, adjust correct, improve the application of those ideals to inevitable problems of complex civilization.

We’ll have to change our entire approach and process of delivering public assistance such that the worst tendencies of human nature are not rewarded, and the desire – or ability – to attain to better lives is rewarded.  By itself, this change to public policy holds the greatest promise for the quality of life and continuation of the American dream for ourselves and all other nations who aspire to freedom and the end of poverty.

Trump has placed the American success model at center stage.  One hopes those who feel badly or resentful can examine their own philosophies, perhaps to reform them.