Prudence won’t be watching any Red Sox games in 2020, not because it’s a truncated parody of sport and exemplary of governmental malfeasance and economic ignorance, and not even because the whole team organization besmirched itself by “winning” the World Series by cheating in 2018. Besides, who the Hell is even playing this year?
No American should watch because of that stomach-turning, obscene “BLACK LIVES MATTER” banner draped above the “Green Monster.” Please don’t misunderstand: it is perfectly Prudent to appreciate that black lives certainly matter, just as much, in fact as white, tan, beige, medium brown and swarthy skin-toned people’s lives matter – we are equal in the eyes of God. If that is too scary, consider that we are equal under the law in this country and that anyone who takes away that equality has committed a crime and the law says he or she will be sanctioned appropriately. To our shame this doesn’t always work equally.
Instead of a banner supporting the “BLACK LIVES MATTER” movement and political efforts, the Red Sox might as well have a banner that says, “TEAR DOWN THE UNITED STATES.” Not many people would put up with that crap, yet that is exactly what Black Lives Matter stands for and is fighting for. They are Communists. They hate the United States and everything about it; they hate White people and everything white people have ever done back into history immemorial. Well that should attract a big audience, John Henry, you idiot.
Black Lives Matter also hates Christianity. Quite a lot of Red Sox fans and customers actually ARE Christians, so that’s another brightly illuminated marketing ploy, John. If you put a flashing l.e.d.-lit sign rivaling the “Citgo” sign above the sky-boxes that says, “SATAN CELEBRATED HERE,” you can surely get a lot of Christians to pay outrageous prices to watch your millionaires play ball with the other guy’s millionaires. What a country.
Maybe the Red Sox organization agrees with the purposes of Black Lives Matter. For wealthy people these owners don’t seem to be as bright as their prominence would lead one to think. Most business owners would carefully evaluate any signage, ad messaging, inadvertent imaging – everything. Just look at how quickly social media slugs will turn on a business and attempt to damage it for any racial slight or perceived hetero-normal bias. No intelligent business would spend $3,000 or more for a banner that supports the destruction of the nation that made them rich, would it? Surely not. They would make sure of what that banner’s message is. That would be Prudent, at least.
Lots of private homes display the same signage: “BLACK LIVES MATTER.” They’re very proud of that sign because it shows the less-sensitive population: racists, every one, for sure, that the resident of that house is more loving, sensitive, non-racist and deserving of honor than everyone else who is not awakened to the tragedy of racism in America. Wow! That’s a lot to convey in just 3 words.
Actually, these “woke” self-praising superiors are conveying an entirely different message. They either have no idea what in Hell they are aligning themselves with, at best, or they do know and agree with “BLM” crap, at worst. For shame either way.
If every ostensible Black Lives Matter “supporter” gave enough of a damn to know what he or she is supporting, then minds might change, one hopes. The BLM “Manifesto” is as dishonest as the original Communist Manifesto and contains a host of non-truths and deceptions. Communism, like socialism in lesser forms, cannot be honest about its intentions because it plans to replace human nature and all spiritual values, leaving BLM’s promises doomed to fail without total top-down control by a small group. It has never been otherwise in every attempt at socialism or Communism.
Still, the BLM Manifesto is nothing if not comprehensive. It reads like the step by step annihilation of the Constitution that it is and, therefore, of freedom and our entire heritage and founding. Indeed, the Manifesto’s first section, item D., specifically calls for creation of a 3-year assembly for the express purpose of replacing the U. S. Constitution. What is worse, if you think about it, is item E., where they demand creation of a committee of “experts” who will control and administer the entire U. S. economy. More than one of our neighbors proclaims “Black Lives Matter” along with a bunch of other “woke” platitudes. They seem like nice people and it seems Prudent to assume they haven’t the faintest idea of what they are promoting. Odd, as they seem intelligent, too.
There are lots of ways to align oneself with the concept of the sanctity of life no matter the color or creed. Despite our racialist governments and welfare programs, our society, operated ideally, pays no attention to color – everyone is equal under the law.
BLM intends a government very similar to the soviet, Leninist model, with a few exceptions, one of which is power sharing with anyone who wanders across the ostensible borders. The danger of open borders is that people can escape as easily as others might enter, and that will weaken the power of the central committee of the wokest, so those who swallow that part of the manifesto should be prepared for temporary border closures until the “revolution” is completed and every vestige of white supremacy and racism has been removed from the United States. Prudence’ readers are well aware that racism cannot be expunged by government and “white supremacy” is simply hatred of white civilization, a condition of shifting definition.
BLM is about creating a black-peoples’ dominated international Communist structure. To effect it they have recognized and leveraged the failures of American education and the tendency of a people too comfortable, to feel guilty about their comfort in the presence of poverty. They’ve watched as political America transferred many $trillions through federalized welfare to support restive, non-working blacks in inner-city ghettos. The failure of these decades-long efforts created a willing army of resentment–filled “protesters” ready to explode upon ignition of the right fuse.
Why are Whites bending the knee before Black Lives Matter? What are we collectively guilty of? What have any of us done to deserve the collective hatred of, well… anyone? Did Andrew Jackson own slaves? Why, yes he did. Is there anyone alive today who is actually affected by that fact? Perhaps if one is determined to hate and to spread hate, he or she is “affected,” but that is a choice made to cause reaction today, which cannot change anything Jackson did, believed or smelled like. But, that hatred can create division today. The real question is why are whites falling for it? Have we “decided” that we have no rights? No culture of value? No progress or civilizing improvements, inventions or developments to be proud of? Progress achieved with the phenomenal contributions of blacks and every other race? Nothing to take credit for?
What’s the matter with us? Four assholes in Minneapolis murder a black suspect and western civilization is called into question? Can no one tell the truth anymore? Can no one call out Antifa or BLM terrorists when they operate inside the United States? If those terrorists steal the artifice of white-on-black oppression does that turn crime into protest, murder into justice, destruction into positive change? Does it magically make hatred a basis for something good?
Does anyone besides rabid, committed communists see the destruction of our unique Constitutional system as the path to a “better” future for mankind?
Wake up, America! … all of you!