Americans aren’t stupid. Some are a lot more clever, or educated, or skillful, or depraved than others, however. Some, who have seen their greatest personal opportunity within a legalized government employee union environment, now tightly – and politically – protected by law, eventually gain both economic freedom and inordinate influence. Most Americans, perhaps 98% of us, never gain similar advantage and, until the Covid “plan-demic,” never grasped what we have allowed to happen. Our subservient position is becoming clearer.
There are multiple tyrannies at issue.
Not only taxpayers but every parent and other providers of product to “public” school systems, has awakened to the tyrannies of public employee unionization, made sharply clear by the machinations of teachers’ unions. We who PAY for public schools, by law and state police powers, have learned that we have no control whatsoever, personally or through our elected “representatives” or through the “experts” we have hired to “manage” “our” governments. It’s humbling. The people “we” have hired and pay lavishly to “educate” our children, are exposed as our education “rulers.” They, not we, will determine both curricula and process. No longer shall our children be reinforced in the best of life’s lessons as we impart at home; they will learn what odd theories of social reformation and anti-American psychology that they, our education rulers, agree with. No longer will the routines of school and vacation be followed if we, your education rulers, don’t like them. No longer will your children be permitted into the same rooms that we inhabit if we, on our own, decide that there may be the slightest threat to our health or safety… and you will pay us according to our negotiated contract, including scheduled raises, while we ponder our next demands.
Well, that’s a fine “how do you do?”
Suddenly, teachers have become more powerful than our elected “representatives,” so-called, and the government created by we the people, is powerless to correct this destructive imbalance. To whom can an economically assaulted citizen/parent turn for redress of grievance? Well, no one.
Let us imagine, then, an actually representative government. Can you imagine what such a rare construct might do on our behalf? Can you imagine what it might do with regards to “public” education?
First, (and one can only dream of any government in the United States today, having the testicular fortitude) such a government representing the values and interests of its citizens, would arbitrarily de-certify its local teachers union on the basis of an undeclared and illegal strike. That is, since the jurisdiction had not failed to uphold the terms, financial and otherwise, of the existing contract with teachers, it had within its inherent rights the power to suspend a collective contract and offer individual contracts to teachers who were prepared to go to work at the next earliest opportunity. That jurisdiction would also have an obligation to fulfill state laws requiring a set number of days of school attendance by every school-age child in residence. At the same time, the jurisdiction would assume the obligation to protect any individual and family thereof from retribution in any form under the guise of a negotiated “contract” that was abrogated by union-enforced action.
In the event that not enough formerly contracted teachers agree to go back to work to fill basic minimum teaching slots, the jurisdiction could temporarily open up teaching slots to anyone with sufficient background in or love of subject matters to enable a temporary fulfillment of educational minimums as part of an emergency declaration. Meanwhile students would return to classroom instruction, do homework, pass tests and matriculate as able. Between school “years,” certified teachers could be hired individually to round out the teaching staff as appropriate. A lot would be expected of a highly compensated Superintendent and his or her staff to make sure that proper education was accomplished, but, but… just imagine.
Superintendents and other supervisors who are incapable of managing the system without kow-towing to a teachers union, could be replaced.
Then, we might imagine that every student would be taught to read, comprehend, write logical, well-constructed sentences and coherent essays in legible longhand, and to calculate and reason algebraically. Simultaneously those same potential adults would learn American and World History, civics and citizenship and the truth, good and bad, about our exceptional Constitutional limits on central government.
Unfortunately, that last paragraph is a dream too far.
Disappointing even to most of his “supporters,” Joe Biden’s administration has undertaken to separate Americans from our heritage and founding – even the founding principles – at a rate that frightens every non-communist, which is to say, most of us. Communism and other shades of leftism never rests. It has a single enemy as old as time, God, and with equal enmity the left fights a single permutation of God, manifested in Jesus Christ: Freedom. To the left – many democrats included – freedom is achievable only by “freeing” ourselves FROM God. It’s a twisted belief, but an obvious one.
Biden, himself, Ol’ Lunch-Bucket Joe – father was a miner from hard-scrabble Scranton, PA (which he wasn’t despite Joe’s campaign speech to that effect in his first try for President) – that Joe, fancies himself a Catholic… like the Pope. He could be right about that, although Joe lies for a living and Pope Francis, one hopes, is merely confused about socialism and Jesus’ teachings. Yet President Joe signs “executive orders” willy-nilly and endorses legislation that is as anti-religious, specifically anti-Christian, as one might imagine. His handlers in the White House close Joe’s fingers around the pen and place documents before him and, like a lifetime Capitol Hill parasite who has never been particularly responsible for the consequences of bills he’s voted for, he signs them and smiles as someone arrives to guide him to the most appropriate doorway.
Fortunately, President Biden hasn’t wet his pants in public, yet, but one can sense that inevitability. On the other hand, he may have access to official “Depends” undergarments with the Presidential Seal on them.
Joe’s friends and supporters don’t like Christians. They see them as potential insurrectionists and racists, homophobes and science-deniers. On the other hand, his people have a high tolerance for fallen Catholics like Joe and Nancy Pelosi and many, many others who have swallowed the grand lies of abortion as a Constitutional right, and sermons as potential hate-speech. The Bible is about how to live and protect life as the chalice of the soul, suggesting appropriate punishments for those who take life or damage it. Erasing new life hasn’t any connection to God’s Word… or to His Son. Like Saint John Lennon sang, “All you need is love, love…” – a song best appreciated after a couple of soul-numbing tokes.
Joe is big on solutions to the BIG problems, like Covid-19 and vaccinations and face masks and lock-downs. He couldn’t give a tinker’s dam about peaceful protests, fires, looting, assaults, murders, destroyed businesses or businesses lost due to ineffective lockdowns, especially lockdowns of church services. The issue is stopping Covid at literally every cost. Tearing down statues of historically significant personages, including Jesus, Mary, priests and abolitionists is nothing to the greatest vote-getter in American history. Besides it’s anti-racist, so there.
We are watching an unprecedented – not to mention un-Presidented – tragic-comic play on the Washington stage. It’s comic because of the frequent gaffs and mental lapses evinced by our erstwhile 46th president. Watching it play out one quickly transcends the sense of comedy to one of shame at having made fun of a senile old man; then one begins to sympathize, if not pity, the circumstances of this poor individual, as he is propped up for purposes too dark to contemplate, by a relative handful of people placed in positions of influence not so much by Biden, himself, but by someone else attempting to guide the direction of the entire United States: tragedy.
And we have all been part of this intense weakening of the United States, for shame. In the immediate sense the voters – and election officials – of Georgia, have the most to answer for. Donald Trump shares their blame for the very questionable loss of the last two Senate seats of the 2020 elections. It is hard to imagine that the fate of the “free” world lay in the hands of just two flawed Senate candidates whose election would have formed a bulwark against Communism and the death of a nation. Two scoundrels were elected, instead. Trump irritated Republicans who may have provided enough votes to overcome the voting-fraud machine of Stacey Abrams and the host of her confederates who employed the same criminal election thievery they’d employed in the general election. Shame on all of us for not fighting the impending thievery long before November 3rd.
In any case, we are now staring into the barrel of an anti-Christian cannon loaded with explosive ideas from the pits of Marxism, which is to say, Satanism. Sadly, the cannon is loaded and aimed by our own government… the one the justifying documents of which promises We the People religious freedom, freedom to assemble, a free press and freedom of speech, along with a host of other rights and freedoms in a document replete with “negative freedoms,” as so-called “Constitutional professor,” Barack Obama referred to them. He was lamenting the fact that our constitution failed to promise gifts from the government, mainly because his viewpoint was twisted by Communism at an early age. Then “we” elected him president, sworn to uphold that same Constitution, twice. That he didn’t uphold it, particularly, we let slide, since his skin was the most approved shade.
So many disappointments, so few ways for Americans to control the course of freedom. Fixing our system that now injects tyranny as the solution to every named problem, names limited only by the imagination of assholes, becomes more complex by the hour. Mildly courageous Republicans think we can “fix” our election processes so that they can’t be stolen. The rest of them will accept any system that keeps them in comfortable positions. Democrats have figured out how complicated it can be to undo a stolen election and they are filing legislation to make theft of elections the “law of the land.”
Meanwhile, haters have taken over our public schools, displaying their hatred by refusing to work anyplace that might not be pristine enough for their fragile butts. Damn the lot of them. Yet no one has had the strength to de-certify the teacher union that’s got the public by the throat in their town. It would be Prudent to fire them all, institute an America-loving curriculum, teach kids to read, write and calculate, along with fair and thorough history, and open up the teaching positions to any non-abuser who knows or loves a subject area. If necessary, the municipality could deputize gun owners to stand guard against ANY authority, including courts, that would attempt to force the town to back down on decently educating its children. Fat chance, but it would be nice.
Finally, what do we do about the interlopers now squatting in the White House? The “election” should be reversed. Egregious thievery cannot be rewarded, although our gutless “Supreme” Court is afraid to say so, even on clear Constitutional questions. Who can kick them out? All the ceremonies in the world can’t change the underlying dishonesty of the Biden gang’s claim of presidential authority. Do we have to accept this fraud? If the miracle occurs, what would be the status of any actions “President” Biden has taken? Does America have to accept fraud-based decision-making and live under changes we didn’t legitimately vote for? Are we a Republic of Thieves?
Poor Joe Biden and his cruel wife have about 2 to 3 months to go before he “retires” for health reasons. Communists will say he is a hero of the Revolution; Black Lives Matter will spit on his legacy because way back the Robinette family owned slaves. Then, since we had a ceremony that claimed Joe was a real president, Kamala Harris will claim to be a real President, too. One might advise that we should “hold on to our freedoms” when that happens, but we don’t seem interested any longer. God save America.
It appears that not only the idiots who stormed the Capitol but Trump, himself, were suckered into exactly the reactions the Democrats wanted. They have been convinced for years that conservatives and anyone who agrees with a strong defense of the Constitution and Bill of Rights are all, secretly, neo-Nazis and other caricatures of knuckle-dragging troglodytes. And all racists, of course, every last one. One can see this attitude displayed in the virtuous signage supporting “Black Lives Matter” and “Science” and “Love is Love” and “Hate Has No Home Here” since, by their lacking such declarative advertising on their own lawns, everyone that homeowner already knew was barely human, is admitting to that condition.
The trouble is, they teach this stuff in school, to the point of children apologizing for being born white. Undefined guilt works best if started at an early age. What rot.
There were some idiots in Washington on January 6th, and not all were part of the rally / protest. Many work there… many on Capitol Hill, in fact. Their erstwhile president-elect was quick to declare that the breeching of Capitol security could not be referenced as a ”protest,” no, no, no; it was an insurrection! A threat to and an attack on “democracy!” “Don’t you dare call this a protest,” he stated with great passion.
This of course denies the presence of tens of thousands of protesters who have, it seems Prudent to say, hundreds of things to protest. They came at great cost, since virtually all of them work for a living, and came with some discomfort and trouble, TO PROTEST! The left, including Democrats and their subservient media, perceive the election of a Democrat as a fresh confirmation of purity and light; only the disruption of that outcome is subject to protest. Republicans and conservatives are merely tolerated for their value as a common enemy of “progress,” whom all good and virtuous people should dislike, if not more, and shun if possible.
Trump changed their reactions, as he did those of most Republicans, because he actually said what he believed and then put it into action, policy and legislation. Worse, millions of people – the aforementioned troglodytes – loved the change, loved the brashness, loved the heartfelt defense of America. The “real” rulers of America had to up… errr, lower their game. The worst “official” behavior in our history became normal for more than four years, as those sworn to uphold the constitution connived to destroy the most dangerous interloper they’d seen. For shame.
Now, with the attack on the Capitol, the left has a more perfect common enemy than they could conjure up with constant lying: “Look what they did! See? They’re as bad as we’ve been telling you for decades!”
The Capitol, itself, will become a virtual armed citadel, with new defensive barriers, more police carrying long guns, maybe some hate-sniffing dogs. Why, you citizens can’t protest what we do up here. We don’t work for you scum, you work for US! Oh, wait, is it too early to say that? We meant to say, “We work our fingers to the bone for all Americans, and we’re happy to scrimp and sacrifice for each and every one of you, especially minorities and members of the LGBTQx community and women and the downtrodden and those streaming to our country for a better life and more government checks, and for Amazon, Google, Facebook, Twitter and Disney and CNN and the Washington Post. But, we must be safe as we go about our august duties… for you. And you must be safe, too, so keep your stupid masks on.”
No one opposed to the steady march leftward has a right to protest, since to do so is to oppose “progress.” That such progress replaces and suppresses the guarantees of the Constitution and disabuses us of the points of the Declaration of Independence, is being obscured and dissipated by educational avoidance. A generation of children are amenable to socialism in the mistaken belief that it will somehow end racism and “inequality.” The premise, riotously hammered home in city after city during 2020, is that we cannot repair the problems in the U. S., we must destroy the United States and start fresh. God forbid.
The people leading the riots that burned, destroyed and looted, and assaulted and killed totally innocent people, are financed and led by espoused Marxists and communists. Yet the “woke” left and Democrats were sympathetic to them and to their supposed grievances however illogical, and even to their destruction of public property. Theirs were “mostly peaceful” protests and represented an exercise of “fundamental rights.” Those who lost their businesses – and the THIRTY people who died – were probably part of the protested problems…, they were capitalists, after all.
What on Earth could motivate hundreds of people to be so angry that they’d break the law to protest something the Congress was in the midst of? What could have possibly been so important? An election? Really?
Without fail, every Democratic source and nearly all media instantly declared that there was no evidence of voting fraud or irregularities or illegalities. By definition, then, anyone who thinks there were is a right-wing nut and not worth listening to. Unfortunately there are hundreds of statements, affidavits eye-witnesses and analyses that strongly indicate that a lot went wrong in the handful of states, counties and cities where sufficient unlawful votes could guarantee a Biden electoral college win. None of those deniers of electoral hanky-panky has been interested in actually investigating the charges since doing so would add to the possibility of something wrong and they uniformly deny that. It’s actually fairly easy to make a strong case based on data analysis, sworn statements, and similarity of irregularities and tactics in the half-dozen “battleground states.” The defense of what happened in each state comes from the election officials who may be culpable for what may have gone wrong, if so. To whom can we turn for redress of these grievances? No one has an answer for that question.
Courts have rejected every appeal, and in more than one instance – including the Supreme Court – the fear of riots… err, “protests” like those that destroyed cities and monuments, was part of why no hearings would be entertained. For shame.
The respective states’ legislatures, Constitutionally defined as responsible for selecting electors, did attempt action in some states, but the executive branch of their governments had already “certified” the results of the election as reported. The Biden juggernaut was almost at the pier and the political pressures to conform were intense. No state was interested in actually investigating “itself,” particularly if it were the only one to change its results, winding up on the ‘outs’ with the new Biden administration. Our corrupt intermingling of financial responsibilities between supposedly sovereign states and the ostensibly Federal government, could cost a state a lot of “federal” dollars if that state appeared to oppose the new disbursers of those increasingly hollow “dollars.” see:
There was a flood of complaints and subsequent sworn testimony. There were observations of illegal internet connections, photocopied ballots being scanned, observers being prevented from doing their legal jobs, observers being illegally removed from their posts, false justifications for “stopping” counts simultaneously in four of the battleground states, followed by statistically impossible “spikes” for Biden, every time. At one point, in Georgia, following an abrupt spike for Biden that erased Trump’s substantial lead, the following FIFTY THREE batches of votes showed exact rates of 50.5% for Biden and 49.5% for Trump – an impossibility. “Nothing to see here, everybody. We can explain how everything you saw happen, never happened.”
So, was the giant Washington protest and the smaller ones across the country, just because of this election? For many, yes, but for many more, the election is simply the straw that broke the camel’s back. Congress, particularly the leadership in both houses, has been lying to us for decades. Almost every piece of legislation is a pack of lies, in that almost every one has a high-falutin’ title that purports to describe what making that bill law, will do. Yet every one contains pieces of spending that couldn’t pass otherwise. The worst deceptions are the so-called “budget” bills that spend hundreds of billions at once. Not even leadership know what such “omnibus” bills include. Partisans argue over details for publicity purposes, but under various deadline threats, these piles of crap are passed and sent to a president who is also under timely pressure usually because the bill, itself, was passed at the last minute and the defense of the country or the checks to Social Security recipients or, as of late, Covid relief checks are already late. The pile of dishonesty becomes the law of the land. Then the big lie kicks in.
The U. S. can’t afford the cost of its standard of living. Congress – and most other government types – pretend this is nothing to worry about. They pass spending bills as if we had the money, or revenue, to pay for them. But these are really borrowing bills. Up to a third – even 40%(!) – of our budgets for the past 20 years have been covered by borrowing money through the Federal Reserve, a private banking consortium that can legally lend the government money that it doesn’t have. The U. S. Treasury also sells bonds, which is to say, borrows money from thousands or millions of lenders / investors to keep enough cash in the bank to cover daily outflows. Consequently, whether to holders of “treasuries” or to the “FED,” Americans pay a ton of interest every month and year. When we can’t afford to pay the interest, why we just borrow that, too! What a hoax.
We’ve all heard the stock lie about how closing the government over a spending dispute will cause us to “default” on our loans. This has never been true, but it sure upsets the less-informed, and mendacious news outlets repeat the same nonsense.
Americans like to believe that the people we elect are watching out for us and keeping us “safe.” How safe are we with $27 Trillion of debt? Are we not obligated to our lenders? How “free” can we be with that burden? Have our elected representatives been pulling the wool over our eyes all these years? Are any of them watching out for this nation or for us? No wonder people are restless. Fake news makes it even worse, and it all came to a head with the shady voting of 2020, following a year of lies about Covid and lies about the dangers of voting in person. Partisan news organizations support all of those untruths and add personal attacks and calumny aimed at Trump supporters who agree wholeheartedly with “America First.” Who argues with that philosophy? One can tell a great deal about those who do.
After the Viet-Nam war and the following 45 years, who can we complain to? We have the right to peaceably assemble and to appeal to “the government” for redress of our grievances. Who would that be? Who has power over the budget, over the rates of taxation, over the disbursement of funds to which agencies, over the amounts and recipients of “foreign aid, over the confirmation of judges, over the laws governing federal elections, over the policies governing public education, and over the kinds of lightbulbs we can buy? And over thousands of other daily, personal and business decisions? Why, the very Congress who has sold us out to China and to international bankers, that’s who.
They are the same charlatans who haven’t been listening to the Americans they purport to represent. One wonders if they heard anything on January 6th.
What did they hear all Summer as cities burned and insurrection was declared in Seattle? What did they hear as Marxists burned out the businesses of private citizens and companies? Apparently, their perceived message was telling them that enough fear in the streets will prevent any serious investigation into the theft of a presidential election.
They did hear something on the sixth, too: “Now is our opportunity, with the connivance of media and social media, to destroy those who disagree with our socialist plans.” For shame.
Unfortunately, on January 6th, there were some truly odd characters who infiltrated the crowds close to the Capitol building itself. Many have commented on the very different attitudes of men in camouflage outfits, and how things “felt” as they got closer to the Capitol. Some evidence indicates that Antifa’s paid thugs were also at the head of the line as the Capitol lines were breeched. With the new administration, no investigation of that possibility is likely. As for the odd ducks who may be white supremacists, there is no need to investigate that, because Democrats believe that EVERY Trump supporter is only a shade above troglodyte status and very probably a white supremacist, even if he or she doesn’t know it. No investigation.
Our new, quite old President, is staffing his administration with people about as different as possible from those who have done a remarkably good job under Trump… and they’ve been selected not for merit or skill, necessarily, but for gender and skin color. Biden’s “dark winter” could extend for years. God save us.
We have developed, in our vapid superficiality, a habit of judging politicians and one another on the basis of who our secular judges are, most particularly who are on the Supreme Court. What escapes most of us is that those judgments extend to ourselves.
President Trump has taken perhaps the best step in his first term in the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to our highest court. One can learn from the reactions to her new status… and likelihood that she will help decide the course of America’s future. The nation that became the United States was formed by religious people – mostly Christians and some Jews – men, and probably more importantly, women: their hands rocked the cradles.
While our comprehension of Biblical and other somewhat contemporaneous texts has certainly changed, the essential value of religious morality to the strength and success of the U. S. of A., can be denied only in ignorance. Ignorance, sadly, doesn’t inhibit that class of “deniers” to any great degree. In other words, a strong moral code, passed from generation to generation, is both crucial and comforting.
Enter Amy Coney Barrett, who has attracted vitriol – not political difference, vitriol – for what those somewhat aligned with her worldview can see no justification in the slightest. Where does it come from? How is it that half of the polity apparently distrusts or resents – if not hates – a thoroughly moral and honest person?
A large component of that vitriol comes from women. Those like Senators Diane Feinstein, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris and the legendary Masi Hirono, are unable to avoid nonsensical, disdain-laden questions or comments that leads one to deduce, it is Prudent to say, that they not only hate her politically, but are, in fact, envious of her. But, envy aimed at what, exactly?
Moral rectitude. Females who have spent decades denying their crucial roles of both civilizing – moralizing – their men, and of keeping their children on a morally straight path as they (ostensibly) learn to become adults in charge of cultural norms applied to economics, commerce, production and defense of family and community, find themselves so uncomfortable with the responsibilities of woman-hood, that a woman who has no reason for such discomfort is to be deeply resented.
Inherently there is a threat to many women that Amy Barrett, and not they, will be a best example of American woman- and mother-hood. Even her college sorority has virtually disavowed her and her extraordinary success. The “sisterhood” apparently depends not on gender, a reactionary concept, but on the purity of one’s rejection of religious-based morals.
Barrett doesn’t waver; her moral pillar requires neither comparison nor negotiation. It need not be measured against fads or trends or popular opinion. Whether one shares her complete philosophy or not, he or she ought to have the wisdom to respect it… and her. That sort of respect has not been – and is not being – inculcated through the institutions of society that are its only source: parents (mothers AND fathers), churches and, as reinforcement, schools. Barrett exemplifies and makes real, the superiority of the two-parent, responsible family model… and it is frightening.
If a society wished, freely and collectively, to restore and strengthen the one form of foundational social engineering proven successful: two-parent, economically independent families, that society would formalize through government and every reinforcing institution, every possible encouragement of that structure. The question, automatically posed by the stark and living color example of Amy Coney Barrett’s family, to those who wonder about the future of the United States, is whether we have the collective sense to shift our policies toward her model of success?
We’ll have to cleanse our education and purge public schools of socialist teachers and administrators. We’ll have to teach our children all of American history, both bad and good, and pass along the best of our founding philosophy so that our next generations recognize how to repair, adjust correct, improve the application of those ideals to inevitable problems of complex civilization.
We’ll have to change our entire approach and process of delivering public assistance such that the worst tendencies of human nature are not rewarded, and the desire – or ability – to attain to better lives is rewarded. By itself, this change to public policy holds the greatest promise for the quality of life and continuation of the American dream for ourselves and all other nations who aspire to freedom and the end of poverty.
Trump has placed the American success model at center stage. One hopes those who feel badly or resentful can examine their own philosophies, perhaps to reform them.
The encroaching divide of America into “Constitutionalist” and “Socialist” camps, is proceeding apace. At no time in our history has the nation and its culture been so threatened, not even at the time of the secession of the Confederacy. Then both “North” and “South” shared nearly all moral beliefs and religious ones, economic practices, and the honesty in contracts that underpins our ability to cooperate as a civilization. The exception, alone, was on the matters of slavery and racial differences and prejudice.
Wrenchingly, courageously, the slavery error has been solved. During the civil War, reconstruction and segregation, the nation held together and made progress on virtually all fronts, including for the economic success and educational advancement of non-white peoples within the United States. Black families were strong and growing stronger all the way through “Jim Crow” laws and post-war awakening and struggles, as was the nation as a whole. This, only because the moral values and their religious underpinnings were widely shared across all strata of American society.
Today, not so much. The first 60 years of socialist, globalist intrusion had paved a path but few were taking to it… at least until Lyndon Johnson took over from JFK. Under the guise of “fulfilling Kennedy’s dream,” the Great Society was foisted on a relatively balanced government, federalizing welfare for “the poor” and “minorities,” mainly blacks. Johnson’s famous prediction, “…I’ll have those n***ers voting Democrat for 100 years” exposed the cynical plantation-mentality of Johnson’s Democrats, and the base, gutter-snipe qualities of Johnson, himself.
At the same time Johnson plunged the U. S. into a meaningless war… er, U.N.-sanctioned conflict, in Viet-Nam, that split the nation politically and for the first time, split youth from parents. With the advent of drugs and drug-infected music, the revolution was under way: “the Sixties.” Nixon was our last attempt to reign in alien culture, and they got rid of him in the most politically destructive way. Meanwhile, welfare was corroding black families and dissociating old morals from “modernity.” Feminism aggressively began to destroy both manhood and motherhood and education commenced to dissolve Christian thought as rapidly as new socialist-trained and unionized teachers could be installed in supposedly “public” schools. Clever lawyers, psychologists, judges and justices found ways to parse common sense and conscientiousness into never-imagined “constitutional” rights.
Even so, with Ronald Reagan’s election patriotic Americans were renewed in belief in the “American Way:” that together, with right leadership, Americans could restore the nation they loved and pull back from the rot that was slipping past common sense everywhere. We even vanquished Soviet Communism without a nuclear war; “History is over,” pundits declared. Even Bill Clinton seemed rational for a while as his Alinskyite wife plotted “communitarianism” and socialized medicine. Rational people seemed to be back in control of our freedom-loving destiny. But the left never rests.
Gore almost pulled it off. The Democratic party was, haltingly, inquiringly trying not just voting for the temporarily deceased, but here and there, voting for the imaginary. Bush stopped them in Florida and waltzed into the September 11th attacks. For a few hours the congress was unified and appeared to be patriotic. We’ll be damned if some backward Islamists are going to attack us on our home turf! That’s OUR job, after all.
Americans still largely believe that we can “fix” things. Problems are solvable and resolvable in fair and rational ways or, as we’ve shown the world for 300 years, with technical skill and innovation. Along the way we have spread wealth to more poor people than any other society on earth or in history. But, we’re slipping: concerted efforts to change our shared beliefs have taught millions of us to distrust and even hate, our own nation. The most effective poison? Charges of racism… and hateful or just confused racism, itself.
The source of these changes is Marxism-socialism. Those of you who are not willing to correct the flaws of poorly regulated capitalists, and who believe that distorting history and historic figures will somehow make life better in 2020, should step away from the next planned “protest” and consider your own role in the destruction of the best system yet devised for the betterment of the most lives possible. To reach back to the only governing system that has NEVER succeeded to replace the Constitutional democratic republic that always has, is to prove yourself a fool. Please wake up.
Nevertheless, the plan to divide and dissolve the United States is working. States are now practicing what then-future Confederate states employed prior to secession: “nullification.” With “Sanctuary” status being self-declared by cities and states, the federal system is under assault. Politically useful illegal immigration is used as a “humanitarian” reason to disavow proper immigration regulations and restrictions, while still accepting federal welfare payments to even illegal recipients. To date, the political will to stop this trend and restore primacy of federal law over international border control, has not been found. Division.
Covid-19 has played neatly into the hands of socialist control-agents. Economic and religious lock-downs both fit their innate desires to impose superior ways of living and doing than those chosen by free citizens. Dictating how many free citizens can buy the services and products of other free citizens is a reach of executive whim that would seem impossible in an individual-freedom-and-responsibility, Constitutionally limited governance system. Yet we have acquiesced to it rather sheepishly. But, not everyone, by a wide margin. Division is the greatest impact of the 2020 lock-downs. Disease-prevention is a far-distant secondary effect. The United States and China are the only major industrialized nations still hampered by this misguided theory. The United States, ostensibly a “free” nation, is the only one damaged by it. Division.
The tools of division are mostly forms of lying, whether about the efficacy of Covid lockdowns or of switching America’s high-energy-density economy to a low-energy-density one based on sunlight and windmills, or of “systemic” racism or tremendous racial progress and tolerance. Those who would divide us are, practically speaking, anti-Christian and anti-Judaic. Those who would divide our peoples wish most of all to divide us from our past… at least from the good parts. In their views all that came before right now is so rotten as to be worthless, including the people and philosophies that created it. Their Marxism is the only true philosophy (religion) and there shall be no other religions before it.
One wonders if they ever listen to the things they say. Do you?
We live in interesting times… and dangerous. Living in our nation are, incredibly, thousands of parents who managed either through active inculcation of an utter hatred of the United States by their children, or of white people, or of capitalism, or of Christianity or of anyone who is succeeding within our system… or of all these aspects of “Western civilization,” or through utter disregard of what their children were being taught by socialist, even Marxist teachers and/or college professors. However the hate-filled mindset was acquired, it took a lot of work over many years of formative growth.
No one is born with such distorted emotions, ideas, hatreds. Hatred takes a lot of energy – much more than love or even acceptance or tolerance. It doesn’t get developed by accident. Educating innocent children into modes of hatred needs planning and programming. A single mistake or poor choice of words won’t cause virulent hatred. One must be guided to belief of the worst possible injustices and that those who commit said injustices are going without punishment or “justice.” Takes intentional work.
So to all you parents and educators (terms used loosely), you succeeded beyond your wildest dreams… or beyond your vapid ignorance. Your offspring have become active, hate-filled “enemies of the state,” so to speak, and enemies of thousands of innocent individuals and businesses and those employed by or served by those businesses. Some are arsonists or simple (term used accurately) thugs, rioters, vandals and racists of the worst order. Congratulations.
Some of these knuckleheads think they are “Marxists.” This single claim indicts their ignorance better than any litany of sociopathic acts. Marx was a virulent racist and anti-Semite, and a Satanist of sorts, who hated religion – sound familiar? Are your kids talking like this? Are they caught up in “protesting” police brutality against hundreds of innocent, unarmed young black people? Do you, parents, have the foggiest idea of what in Hell your own children are doing? How unfortunately sad.
Some blacks have abandoned processes built into our legal and political systems. They have also accumulated abundant hatreds for “white” society for, primarily, economic, welfare-fueled reasons. These same are susceptible to the lying blandishments of Marxists, that the miracle of social justice may be realized only by destroying capitalism and the hated white power structure with it. We can start with burning down local businesses.
At the same time, burn those hated police who are all racists ready at the drop of a hat to kill an innocent black man. Seeking social justice will never succeed while police are defending the capitalist, white power structure. We must defund police departments as we demoralize them and make them quit. Concentrate on ultra-liberal cities where politicians already agree with us.
Failed parents of America, your sons and daughters, mostly white it turns out, are maximizing the useless college educations you sacrificed for, by helping Black Lives Matter tear down your standards of living, destroying the business you own or work for, if not your house, itself. Sounds like a big fat “L” in the loss column.
A presidential election isn’t going to fix this racist, corrosive mindset – no election is. But, an election, the very next and imminent one, can make it a Hell of a lot worse. Your vote matters.
Joe Biden is not a candidate for president, nor is he a “shoo-in,” as some might hope, but he is a shoe-HORN, able to slip the actual next president – currently known as Vice-Presidential candidate, Kamala Harris – into office when she doesn’t actually fit very well. If Biden, that erstwhile “moderate” bag of partial memories, does manage to win in November, a countdown will commence: how many weeks, if not days, until he is declared non-compos mentis and eased into retirement as a hero – the public servant who never gave up the fight for the average guy, the middle class, the working families. Thanks, Joe, so sad to see it end this way; don’t let the iron gate onto West Executive Avenue hit your ass. There are pools ready to start selling squares on November 4th.
Kamala Harris is not like the other children: she’s a communist at heart, and a nihilist, ready to tear down our democratic republic and all of the practices and ethics of western civilization. Sound familiar? She agrees with “Black Lives Matter,” the Marxist organization, not the lives of black people that matter as much as any other. She is remarkably fluid in her stated beliefs, which is how she got to where her rock-hard beliefs could place her in the White House. Your vote, and your innate suspicions, matter. People don’t really like her fluid nature very much, as could be seen in her paltry support in the primaries for president. George Soros likes her, and here we are.
Anyone who likes or accepts support from George Soros is anti-American and deserves a vote from no one who loves this country. Lots of Democrats – and Antifa, and Black Lives Matter – solicit his financial support; they’re fellow travelers on the hate-America-train. Soros is an international socialist, using his mysterious billions to foment anti-freedom movements in dozens of countries. He never rests. Like others on the left, including our strange Democrat bedfellows, he doesn’t recognize the legitimacy of a “NO!” from any plebiscite, election, ballot question or referendum; “NO!” simply means “later.”
Any democratic or judicial decision against the far left is simply an instruction as to how the same goal may be achieved with an alternate fight; any such decision in favor of the left, may never be questioned by anyone. Heads, we win; tails, you lose. Your vote matters.
Donald Trump and a relative handful of allies AND YOU, are the only patriots standing in the way of the most foul socialist takeover the world could experience. There is no one to our west who will send troops to restore our freedom.
In Methuen, Massachusetts a young woman is trying to prepare for a very early death. It’s not her fault; she’s done nothing wrong in her nearly 27 years. Indeed, from the very first she has been a bright, delightful person, quick to learn, quick to love pretty much everybody.
Inside her genes, however, something is not the same as most people’s. She can’t fight off dysfunctional cell growth. Her first cancer arrived when she was about 6, it’s not completely certain when, but she had been complaining of “back pain” for months before her mom finally got her to a “pediatric gastroenterologist” whose connections at Tufts Floating Hospital for Children found and diagnosed neuroblastoma. There can be no worse day for a mother, unless it’s the one approaching inexorably, almost exactly 20 years afterwards.
That’s a short dash, 27 years. In between those dates were 5 big battles with cancer, excellence in school, swim team, graduation from High School, excellence in college that included trips to New Orleans to help repair Katrina-damaged homes, trips to England and Ireland, visit to Paris through the Chunnel, Graduation from Wheelock College, Masters degree through Merrimack College, friends’ weddings, even one she coordinated, a trip to Peru and Machu Picchu only to run headlong into the fifth cancer struggle, now stretching into the last. Loving teaching, early childhood and special needs, was not enough. There never will be the full-time teaching position of which she dreamed.
How does one prepare for death? I don’t know. My good friend, Tony Fusco, prepared for his when an undiagnosed tumor in his brain stem proved inoperable, impossible to biopsy and ultimately fatal. I got to sit with him the last Sunday afternoon before he re-entered the hospital to try some other treatments multiple neurologists had only the faintest idea might help. I’d brought some nice scotch thinking we might enjoy a sip together but his gag reflex was so impaired he dared to sip only water. It was a good afternoon and I expected he’d be home again.
When the only option of a feeding tube was offered, Tony realized – decided – that it was a tube too far: no further treatments, thank you. His world shrank to a room at a beautiful hospice facility that was always busy with visitors and family. He had a huge heart; it took a couple of weeks for it to go to sleep.
Clearly he’d prepared for the end. He was 71. At his funeral I told him that I knew where to hide a flask for when I’d join him on a porch where he now lived, where we could enjoy a sip and analyze the world situation. He was a year younger than me.
How does one prepare at age twenty-six and three-quarters? Without an abiding religious faith it is hard to imagine. She believes in God, but hasn’t had a lot of religious education. I try to explain, but it is uncomfortable, certainly it was a year ago when the lung cancer appeared. It represented a third kind of cancer, and her tiny body could tolerate no chemotherapy. They operated and radiated, but the treatment was still a variation of repair and destroy with the overarching hope that the cancerous cells might be killed before the patient, herself. Her breathing hasn’t been very good – or comfortable – since then. Within a couple of months lesions were found in multiple places: brain, bones, pancreas and more. Now at Dana Farber, they’ve radiated as many places as possible and she’s been taking an oral chemo pill with side effects. It tended to slow down the growth, but never stopped it and now isn’t slowing it much, either.
There’s only one door open to her… to a place where the weaknesses of her body will no longer be a problem – a place where her health will become perfect. One needs a reason to hope in order to contemplate passing through that door, alone. Observers might say that she has no choice so “…she just has to deal with it.”
What does that mean: deal with it? If one has any trust in God it should be clear that trying to pass through when angry and bitter is probably not the right approach. One school of thought is that when you pass you’ll find exactly what you believed you’d find. If that is a fade-to-black scenario, and hopeless, then that is what it will appear to be. I believe that there is an eventual judgment, an audit if you will, of how well your tests were passed – tests you knew were coming when you agreed to accept the lifetime just ending. Your “you” or your soul, may or may not have aced everything. The life just ended may or may not be the last one you need to make your ascension, but Redemption is the unfailing lesson of the Bible. It doesn’t make sense that in the matter of life and death itself, that the opportunity to redeem oneself would be absent.
For the soul, the agreement to accept a new life that includes the needed tests, is the greatest act of love expressable.
Another path of spiritual guidance says that not only are we responsible for our un-passed tests, or “karma,” but also for our reason for being, our “dharma.” Both are part of judgment. The more aware we are while on this side of that door, the more likely we are to meet and exceed the reasons for this life. Life is not a knife-edge: Hell on one side and the gift of Heaven on the other; it is a path made broad by our free will. The choices we make have meaning.
When someone passes very young, there has been little time to make bad choices, which is to say, few sins have been committed. At the same time, few opportunities have presented for passing tests. Maybe a life that ends in youth is lived sacrificially so that those around you can pass their tests. Living that life is your test: a unique expression of love.
From the limited, somewhat fuzzy understandings of a human lifetime, this is my most comforting perception of the young lady’s life: one of sacrifice. Neither I nor anyone else on this side of the door is privy to the purposes of the lives of others, and barely able to grasp the meanings of our own. Still, this observer has recorded no imperfections in our young patient’s life.
Is she comforted thereby? Does she perceive the success of her life? Or does she feel she’s been punished or singled out for “bad luck?” I try to tell her to not fall into those ideas, but to approach the door with an open heart and mind, accepting of the possibilities of immense love on the other side.
We live in an age of what is called, REASON. Supposedly we have become so very smart that there is no longer a need for faith in any God or gods, no need for superstition or even wishful thinking. We have the handmaid of reason: SCIENCE. No one can confuse us with un-testable “mumbo-jumbo.” We can rely on science, and science is based on evidence, experimentation and repeatable observations. No mysteries for us; all of our beliefs and decisions are science-based, evidence-based, expert-based. Since we aren’t all scientists or mathematicians, EXPERTS hold an important place in our reason-fed society.
Yes, we still honor some religious leaders and we still respect the ancient founders of religions… well, some of them: the ones that science can prove actually existed. And we still revere the great teachings of these ancient religion-founders… at least the ones that science can prove were actually taught by the scientifically-accepted founders. Reason teaches all of us that questioning the fables that surround Mohammed could result in damages or death. Muslims not only believe but take offense, too.
In any case, we don’t have to accept the mythologies of other religions, especially Christianity, until science confirms them.
Science, one can easily see, is connected intimately with TRUTH. This makes so much sense that reasonable people think that science and truth are obviously the same thing. Basing our decisions, our votes, our very governance on truth will certainly avoid a host of problems that derive from lies and myths and false ideas. We’ve seen a whole lot of that in our political history. The political movement that is based on truth, evidence and science is unquestionably the one to follow and support.
Truth, however, has proven elusive, science notwithstanding. How can this be so? People who believe in science and truth would never lie, would they? The fly in that ointment is that science, during its best efforts, can only approach truth. Truthful scientists never claim to understand absolute truth; science is the quest for truth. Granted, there are a lot of things scientists are pretty sure of, sometimes so much so that very little additional research is done on those matters. But, every day, and particularly when a new disease is encountered, there are more questions than answers, and scientists are generally very careful to not proclaim answers that may soon be rendered untrue. Lies can creep in. Well, there are advantages to lying, as humans have learned, and this truth has found its way into political planning and campaigns… and even into science. Who knew?
The basic difference between individual freedom and responsibility as a governing philosophy, and all the other governing models, is that the alternatives to freedom can only gain ascendancy by convincing people of lies. The greatest of these is the fundament of what we know as socialism: that controlled people will be MORE free if they can shuck off the burdens of responsibility, merit, attainment and, interestingly, religion.
The above is a bold claim. There had better be some proven truth that backs up such a claim. All that defenders of freedom have is the history of socialism since it appeared. It always fails and, in every case, manifests the deaths of millions of people it controls in order to install ever-“purer” forms of the revolution that installed socialists into power. Only then will the planned future the people were promised, be possible. Unfortunately, socialist regimes never run out of enemies of the “people” who are preventing the completion of the revolution. This is due, in no small part, to the inability of planned economies to produce sufficient productive surplus to finance the growth and improved standards of living necessary to serve everyone and defend the nation. There is always too little surplus to destroy debt – also known as “investment in the future” – as well.
Eventually, socialism consumes all of its people’s money and a lot of other people’s money. This, unfortunately, is where the United States is, now. We have swallowed a lot of socialist bull-bleep and find ourselves $27 Trillion in debt. As we argue over Covid-19, our time is spent expanding the socialist aspects of government, and expanding that debt. Fortunately, there is still enough freedom in the American system to encourage and allow substantial productive surplus. In theory our economy can destroy that debt. Unfortunately, we are politically unable to stop outspending our productive surplus… socialistically.
Truth exists, known or not, and science, if honestly applied, will keep approaching it. The rest of us will, according to those so enamored, keep running our lives, our personal economics and our government accordingly. That scenario is superior to how we do those things, now. It’s because of competing belief structures. Truth… reality… is dashed on the rocks of belief every day. Worse, we seem to be able to consider COMPETING TRUTHS!
A perfect example is the current fascination and promulgation of trans-genderism. Our august politicians have created legal structures around the theory that believing in transgenderism makes it true, or real in some way. It is not, of course, although the feelings – emotions – that cause someone to deny the responsibilities of his or her biology are certainly real. Yet those who oppose encouraging transgenderism are held to be “deny-ers” and literally on the wrong side of the law. The same happens with socialism and anti-Americanism. Both modes of belief are replete with untruths and distortions so skewed as to be utter lies. Yet their adherents believe their “facts” (beliefs) are true.
There is no compromise. We have cleverly talked ourselves into legislating official defense of competing “truths.”
Politicians, elected mayors, governors, district attorneys, certain presidential and vice-presidential candidates and more, defend anarchists’ “right” to riot in proclamation of their “truths.” It’s a stretch, and illegal. The destruction of civil rights now defends civil rights of certain others. These same bemoan the “fact” that the Trump administration failed to follow “the science” at the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis.
And so, the left has managed to weaponize truth. Once abortion was converted from ending the life of a baby to promoting the lives of women, we were solidly on this path. Our tax dollars pay for much of it and the wealthiest people and corporations in the world “donate” huge sums to subsidize the only movements who ACT on hatreds, and who promote the destruction of America and of the idea of America.
What is wrong with this picture? What is wrong with us?
Prudence has often commented on the casual mendacity of politicians, and that quality of theirs is troubling enough. New depths are plumbed, however, when hundreds of appointed, elected and hired “officials” agree to lie together for some tawdry political purpose. Many lie without knowing what that purpose even is. Suffice to say that the greatest power on Earth is unified belief, including evil belief.
Like the man or not, honest observers, liberals included, have to agree that hatred of Donald Trump inspired some of the most virulent and congruent political lying our nation has ever experienced. Virtually all of the lies have been exposed for what they were. Dishonest observers retain belief in many of those lies and have convinced themselves that because of what they perceive as true there is no possibility of compromise or even courtesy towards those who believe that the lies were, in fact, falsities. This mish-mash of lies and truths and the distrust of so many for so many others, provided the perfect breeding ground for the most widespread political lying yet: the Covid-19 pandemic.
It appears that only in the United States, where Donald Trump is running for re-election, has the Covid-19 epidemic played a significant part in the unseating of a government. Many countries have been hit hard by the initial attacks of the new, somewhat engineered, coronavirus that China spread across the world, but only in the United States has this medical threat been politicized. At the same time, and again, only in the U. S., leftist thugs have chosen the same moment to riot in dozens of cities. That resulted from a completely different set of lies from those told about Covid-19, and this isn’t the place to recount them, but the confluence of the two, essentially unique events, is itself unique and conveniently coincident in a political sense.
But “Covid” provided – and provides – a rich harvest of public policies – all left-leaning and largely unconstitutional – that are serving to twist electoral politics and sway votes based – on – half-truths – and outright lies. Everything from business and religious lockdowns, intrusions into personal properties and lives, and the enforcement of personal actions like mask-wearing, are based on half-truths at best, complete untruths at mid-range, or utter falsehoods at worst.
Americans have been misled. We hear constantly how many of us have died… DIED, from this awful scourge, now totaling some 169,000… THOUSAND(!) poor souls struck down by a disease that the Trump administration practically spread on purpose because all those people who work for Trump hate the rest of us. Remove the silliness from that sentence and we’re left with a statistic that is meaningless. The CDC counts “deaths” as people who died WITH Covid, not FROM Covid. Why would bureaucrats count such a serious phenomenon in such a flaccid way? Even people who died in accidents but who happened to test positive for Covid, are counted as Covid deaths. What good is a “statistic” like this?
Well, this half-truth serves erstwhile dictators who need to induce fear to gain compliance. There were reasons for fear in late February and March of this year. First, the virus protein was altered in a laboratory in Wuhan, China, from a corona (shaped) virus that existed in weird, ugly bats! Few of us know much about bats in the first place, and most of us are a little fearful of them, thanks to various horror movies. A wonderment for the average person was: “Who the Hell cares what kind of viruses exist in Chinese bats?” Fair question. It was totally rational to be afraid of the entry of a bat virus into humans, especially from such ugly creatures as Chinese horseshoe bats. The researchers who first discovered the bat-source of the SARS-like novel coronavirus, were certainly frightened.
Another reason for fear, then, was China-caused rapid spread of the new virus around the world, especially in the middle East and Europe, areas where China had developed intensive trade relationships and to where Chinese personnel were traveling in large numbers. Scary numbers of cases. A third reason for fear… then, was that the U. S. was not sure what to do or how to do it to contain or prevent the disease, and all kinds of directives were being issued and soon abandoned in favor of other directives. People, officials, with no medical background were creating public policy on the fly upon the advice of medicos who were often wrong. But recommendations quickly became economic shutdown dictates. Americans’ private properties were being stripped from them without compensation in the hopes that stopping commerce would stop the virus.
It certainly stopped commerce.
Oddly, maybe, the most Democrat-controlled jurisdictions have imposed the tightest restrictions on business. Despite improving knowledge from Europe and Scandinavia, governors and mayors insisted on ever-tighter lockdowns. Amazingly, State and Municipal employees didn’t lose their incomes, nor were they forced onto unemployment or furloughed or, simply, fired. When a governor said “We’re all in this together,” he was really saying, “YOU’RE all in this together. I and everyone else who is paid by the state, we’re pretty much divorced from your problems, especially if you lose your business or your job. We will borrow some money – from YOU – to pretend to care about you today.”
So who is benefitting from tight, anti-business and anti-religious lockdowns? Certainly not the people who own or work at those businesses, nor the ministers, priests, choir directors or secretaries who work at places of worship, certainly not the believers whose unfettered right to worship has been soundly fettered without debate or legislation, and certainly not all the people who depended upon those shuttered businesses for their daily living, health, recreation, library services or exercise routines. So, who, exactly?
Is it all to keep healthy people from coming down with Covid? Maybe… that’s what we are told to justify forcing everyone to wear masks when outdoors at pain of monetary fines and even apprehension should we ‘fail to follow the law.’ Except that it’s not a law, it’s a gubernatorial impulse or, sometimes worse, a mayoral one. If asked, those worthies would declare adherence to “CDC” advice and the implied fulfillment of “science” because of that connection. Of course there is no science that informs us of the efficacy of masks or other face coverings, although you’d think there must be because elected officials clearly care so much about saving lives. Indeed, they care so much that they are willing to implore us to endure the discomfort of masks and, even better, to distrust anyone who isn’t wearing a mask. In fact, we should no longer trust anyone to not be about to spray us with Covid-laden spittle.
Did you know that hospitals are rewarded, in a sense, by up to $25,000 for treating a Covid-19 patient who dies in the hospital? That accident victim who died WITH Covid was worth $25 Grand if the right box was checked for C.O.D. Follow the money for the outrageous total of Covid deaths. China, our far-eastern friend who blessed the world with Covid-19, has 4.34 times as many people as the United States and about 5 times the population density. Yet, miracle of miracles, the U.S. has THIRTY-SIX AND A HALF TIMES as many Covid deaths. Ignorant governors… and malevolent ones, have been making rules to barely live by, based on BS statistics designed to hurt the President of the United States: an odd way to execute public policy.
Now the big battle is re-opening schools… because of the need to protect the children, don’t you see? School-age children, say, 5 to 17 years, are so slightly impacted by Covid that it is nearly impossible to state their Covid death rate in terms of percentage: the decimal point is too many places to the left. But despite the desire of most teachers to teach, their unions have hamstrung craven politicians into “hybrid” schooling (some education / some goofing off) for the Fall and beyond in some cases, or long delays in re-opening, as if they’d only just heard of Covid-19. Teachers are all college educated and it would be reasonable to expect them to know and follow the latest approximations of “science” in judging the safety of schools reopening with real teachers and real students. But, apparently not.
In Montgomery County, Maryland, not only did the teachers’ union force delays in reopening, they forced the county to prevent private schools from reopening, as well, all of which, essentially, were prepared to open safely. The county refused to even examine their reopening plans, citing the fact that public schools weren’t going to open, as if it mattered. Private schools are generally smaller, more lightly staffed and better able to enforce social distancing and other rules, and, it seems, more committed to real education.
The more one sees the tactics of various “public” employee unions – particularly teachers’ unions, one sees that worries about Covid are largely political and financial. Between home-schooling and private schools, the grand government school monopolies are threatened as never before, as is the hyper-sexualized, white evil oppression, bull-bleep they spend so much class time on as if educating. The Lord works in mysterious ways.
What will come of nightly riots and mayhem in major cities? Would the changes demanded by the anarchists and BLM Marxists make America stronger, fairer or more beautiful? Not a chance. If police departments closed down, incarcerations ended and white people gave up their homes to black screamers and haters, would the demands for the relinquishing of all white possessions end? No. Kow-towing to rioters or other thugs has never ended the thuggery… it simply increases the level of demands and changes the targets. In fact, changing public policy on the terms of rioters instead of on society’s carefully considered terms, is the stupidest path any responsible leader could follow. The stupidest.
How is it that so many people are holding office at this moment whose decisions to respond to public mayhem are all the stupidest of available choices? Have these mayors and governors always hated the United States or are they mere cowards? We know how several District Attorneys got elected with the help of socialist money – anti-American money, but are there no “lawmakers” who can craft legislation that will provide for their removal if they fail to prosecute criminals? Or even laws that require that EVERY case be brought to court even if unenthusiastically? Or shall public safety and the fulfillment of the Fifth and Sixth Amendments be at the whim of a single person without constraint of law?
What do we actually believe about our civil rights? It’s silly enough to wear masks outdoors, please don’t put on blinders, too.
There is an unusual opportunity presenting if we have but sufficient vision to recognize it; indeed there are dozens of opportunities forced upon us this August of 2020. The Chinese communists have done their damnedest to destroy the United States both from within and without with their spying, stealing of intellectual property, cyber warfare and financial subversion of political leaders and key administrative personnel, and, now, with the unleashing – carefully leveraged – of the Covid-19 virus strain. What an odd way to be handed so many opportunities. Where do we start?
“Covid,” defined as all of the partially wise and partially stupid effects of reactions to it, has stripped away the façade – perhaps “veneer” is more apt – of wisdom and legitimacy claimed by whole swaths of elected leadership. From Andrew (and Chris) Cuomo, Bill DiBlasio, Phil Murphy, Janet Mills and Muriel Bowser in the East, to Lori Lightfoot and Gretchen Witmer in the upper Midwest, to Jenny Durkan, Ted Wheeler, Gil Garcetti, Gavin Newsom, Kate Brown and Jay Inslee on the left coast, many city and state leaders – people who have real responsibilities to their populations – have exposed themselves as fools and worse, people who believe that criminals are forced into crime by society (which is to say white oppressors) and that it is merely further oppression to arrest and incarcerate them: they’re all innocent.
Police on the other hand, in this (can’t say “school” of thought, maybe cesspool of thought) mindset are all guilty and should be disbanded. After all, the very existence, never mind presence of police actually causes more crime. Every one of these elected executive officers swore to uphold their state constitutions and the U. S. Constitution, but they have apparently not read those written formalities. What they have sworn to ultimately do is tear down the United States and western civilization with them. This attitude helps them when it’s time to bow down so very, very low to the banner of Black Lives Matter: a communist front group. Can you say, “treason?”
We’ve spoken of the dangers of unionism in the past, and one of those is the tendency of police unions (call them what you will) virtually universally, to protect their members whenever there are public complaints, or departmental sanctions against them. Lost in the minutiae of municipal employment contracts are numerous, arcane ways to delay, compromise, trade or plead down reprimands for everything up to and including fatal events. Defense of members is understandable and a large part of union justification, but it is safe to say that many of the officers sanctioned for the death of an unarmed suspect, regardless of skin color, were sanctioned previously for failing to follow accepted, prescribed “rules of engagement,” as it were… and their unions protected them, keeping them on the job when they should never have access to the official umbrella again.
Unionism for municipal employees, so-called, “public” employees, is a bad idea in general, were it not for so many examples of poor municipal executive management. Another terrible example is teachers’ unions, poor school department management notwithstanding. Along with police and fire employment, education employment is where excellence is needed and should be rewarded, and where mediocrity or worse should never be tolerated. In most cities and towns, even with some mediocre or poor members, police and fire departments have long records of success, often marked by dramatic lifesaving. Their unions seem to encourage selflessness, even heroism, in service to others.
Education unions, on the other hand, are mere budget manipulators. Exceptional educational work outside of contracted hours and duties is frowned upon and discouraged, else other teachers may suffer in comparison. There seems to be little concern for the positive effects on children who are blessed with some of that exceptionalism. Covid-19 has provided an opportunity for communities to rearrange the nature of education in the face of teachers’ (unions) unwillingness to go back to work after the spring Covid disinformation campaign. Science makes clear that the risks are minimal for almost all school personnel and for students, while emphasizing the damages done by the absence of daily school attendance. Doesn’t seem to matter.
Some “School Committee” could have done its actual job and utilized the past 5 months or so to de-certify its local teacher union and replace those who refused to work without a union. Lots of people would be happy to teach if imparting knowledge were to become the goal of public education. Each could be interviewed and hired on the basis of their honest appreciation for the United States’ history, the theorems and facts of mathematics, the proper usage of English grammar, the ability and value of proper spelling, the meaning of words and the responsibilities of citizenship. And some serious science, of course.
Instead these 5 months have been wasted, barely utilized to advance education at all. In a way, the students have been safe from hyper-sexualized, socialistic content for 5 months. We should rejoice that so many teachers on the payrolls are so uncaring. This is an opportunity for parents to do what that hypothetical school committee might have done: Clean house and return to an education system rather than a propaganda system. The opportunity is here.
What other opportunities might there be? Perhaps there is an opportunity to replace political party leadership – both parties. Clearly both parties need to step back from lies, calumny and focus-grouped accusations. Clearly, the American people are entitled – ENTITLED – to honesty about our government, budgeting and success rates for a multiplicity of “social” programs.
We are entitled to the defense of our nation, to the clarity and defense of our borders, and to the safety of our streets, properties and persons. We are entitled to the education of our children in the history, heritage, culture and CITIZENSHIP of OUR COUNTRY.
Are these things too much to ask?
Aren’t we also entitled to honesty about communist, anti-American domestic subversion? We are in the midst of the greatest opportunity for our nation: to expose the insinuation of communist operatives into key bureaucratic points of power… and into even elected and political positions, including municipal, county, state and federal levels. Are we not entitled to leadership committed to the strength and defense of our country? Can there be no test of loyalty and patriotism? What are we afraid of?
Do American freedom and the Bill of Rights provide a process of cultural suicide? Doesn’t seem very Prudent.