It has been two years since the infamous “2020 elections,” and almost two years since the notorious “January 6th” ahh… riots, assault on democracy, insurrection, deadly attack. Everything about November 3rd, 2020 and January 6th, 2021 must be parsed for truth, opinion and outright lying.
Books have been and will be written about the 2020 Presidential elections… plural. There is no “popular vote” that matters in the selection of a president; there are 50 simultaneous state elections for slates of “electors” who are pledged to one “presidential ticket” or another – usually a choice between two such tickets, although third parties sometimes attempt to perfect our corrupt elections. There are 50 “popular votes” that do matter.
Heading into election day, President Trump appeared to have extraordinary popular support despite 5 years of attacks from Democrats, including two spurious impeachments, the equally baseless “Meuller investigation/report” and a series of media-fed, illegal FBI activities and virtually daily calumny related to Covid-19 and the incipient vaccines. None of it was sticking. On the other hand, candidate Joe Biden spent his time safe in his home in Delaware, barely campaigning at all, making few speeches, usually drawing only a handful of people to his live appearances. Trump, throughout the year, made numerous “rallies” drawing overflow crowds of thousands. People in the campaign industry can state that the amount of popular support needed from which thousands will change their habits to attend a political event, is extraordinary, and reflects very broad support.
Biden, meanwhile, and Democrats in general remained absolutely confident, claiming deep support for good ol’ lunch-bucket Joe. We know that Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg had committed over $400 Million to “aiding” election departments in certain states with close balance between Republicans and Democrats. Almost all of the money was spent increasing Democrat turnout in cities, but never described as campaign contributions. At the same time, Google, whose management had sworn to not allow “2016” to happen again, was shifting information leftward, maximizing positive results of searches favoring Democrats and Biden, while eliminating or making difficult, results to searches that might favor Republicans. Estimates reach into the hundreds of thousands in terms of how many votes could be shifted just by Google.
Even with major cooperative media sources helping, Democrats still had a huge populist force to overcome. Two key strategies were needed: 1) Unconstitutional changes to voting laws and procedures; and, 2) Ways to shift, create, and generate votes regardless of how many legitimate votes were cast. Both seemed to have the desired effects. Before the reader clicks away from Prudence’ report, here, read a bit more and consider what is known with an open mind.
Democrat operatives and lawyers brought suit in numerous states to allow for mail-in ballots and early voting, based on supposed fears of Covid-19. Rather than passing laws through the respective legislatures, as required under the Constitution, these teams brought suit, instead. Time, apparently, was of the essence. Behind the efforts to keep voters “safe” from Covid, and in the background, is the fact that every state does not maintain its voter lists according to federal law. In fact, the Judicial Watch organization has been suing states successfully to require cleaning of voter rolls. The County of Los Angeles, alone, had to remove about one and a half million names of deceased and moved-away citizens (one hopes). But, in the run-up to November there remained SEVERAL MILLION invalid names on states’ voter lists, not least of which were the states targeted by these “Covid” lawsuits for mail-in ballots. Georgia, alone, had 138,000 invalid names still on its rolls. With the entire difference in the electoral college dependent on fewer than 45,000 votes across half a dozen states, that becomes a huge number.
“So what?” you may ask. Well it doesn’t take that large an organization, with knowledge of the invalid names on the rolls, to mail in a few thousands of ballots based on those names, to skew an election. To inadvertently facilitate this fraud, some states actually mailed out ballots to every name on the voter rolls, valid and invalid! Thus, ballots returned from every one of those names were valid. Of course, signatures on those ballot envelopes had to be “compared” to signatures on file but this step was frequently not done at all, or was done through scanning systems that were set to a level of “fuzziness” (in terms of match quality) that there was essentially no checking. Lawsuits had further required that ballots mailed right up to voting day would be accepted and counted up to TWO WEEKS later.
Republicans had seriously fallen down on their end to challenge these ridiculous lawsuits and force, at least, certain provisions to keep the tallies as honest as possible. Throw in some heavy-duty ballot harvesting (illegal, also) and questionable counting procedures, connection of voting machines to the internet and a host of other weak links, and a close election could be easily swayed to the desired side. Trump lost Georgia by fewer than 13,000 votes.
Well, that’s just Georgia, you may be thinking. What you may not realize is that there were patterns of voting IN EVERY STATE that were related to the 2010 census. That is, every county in all the states tested, had similar patterns of voting, a pattern that is so statistically unlikely as to be impossible. Well, you may be thinking, that doesn’t prooove that it didn’t happen. Technically that is true, but when you consider the earthquakes in voting procedures blamed on Covid, there ought to be wide variations in voting patterns as compared to the 2010 census. That is, not compared to 2010 VOTING PATTERNS, but to the census, a set of statistics that has very little to do with even the prediction of voting patterns. Although each state compared to its 2010 census by slightly different percent-rates, every county in each state followed the same rate of difference with the 2010 census! Apparently the census was used as a reasonably reliable set of numbers ON WHICH PRE-DETERMINED VOTE TOTALS COULD BE BASED!
Stealing elections is not new, and typically it’s a matter of benefitting Democrats, particularly in cities… indeed, it has been a matter of humor for 150 years. Urban Democrats have joked about who is going to get the votes in this or that cemetery, and to watch out for the time lost figuring out the ballot questions. The crude efforts of the last century are so much more sophisticated, now.
Did you know that there were more than a million temporarily deceased voters still on the rolls among the many states? Trump lost the electoral college by fewer than 45,000 votes in 5 states, TOTAL.
Did you realize that more than 300 counties in the United States show more voters on the rolls than there are people of voting age resident? Just 500 extra votes from each of those counties (mostly urban) would be 150,000 votes; did we mention that Trump was “defeated” by fewer than 45,000 votes in 5 key states?
Maybe you’ll be a little more nervous about 2020 when you learn that there were dozens of internet connections traced from foreign countries into voting machines during and after election day, 2020, voting machines that the law says must not be connected to the internet. Aside from the anomalies already described, 4 key states stopped their vote counting/reporting between 2 and 4 AM on November 4th, following which huge “dumps” of as many as 100,000 votes per state appeared – another most unusual event.
Some precincts in the urban areas of the 5 most crucial states voted as much as 90% and even more, for Joe Biden, having been thrilled by his rousing campaign speeches. Any voting district that approaches 80% one way catches attention, normally. Every percentage above that raises eyebrows. This anomaly happened in multiple places, a statistical improbability. Trump-haters can easily dismiss these oddities because they aren’t “proof” that anything illicit happened. A case based on the preponderance of evidence, however, could be made. There were a number of instances where votes recorded for Trump at one point in the evening of November 3rd, were magically shifted to Biden some time later. “Oh, those were simple errors,” we’re told. Maybe, but no candidate should be expected to accept that non-explanation, even Donald Trump.
As the last tens of thousands of unverified, unmatched mail-in ballots were added to the total over the following days, more anomalies appeared. Somehow, Joe Biden, (“If you don’t know if you’re voting for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”) a racially insensitive, if not actively racist politician who was not only disliked by Barack Obama, but distrusted by him, apparently received MORE “black” votes than Obama received, himself, the first “black” president in our history! People who really, really hated Trump are willing to believe that, as well. Seems highly unlikely.
For his part, Trump obtained 6 Million more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016, to a total of 75 Million. He is the first President who added to his first term totals significantly who went on to lose re-election. Somehow, due to his colorful and incisive campaign, Joe Biden received not only more black votes but more votes overall than Obama did, and, it says here, more votes than any presidential candidate in history(!): 81 Million to Trump’s huge 75 Million. Any honest observer of elections over any length of time has to suspend disbelief to swallow that.
Imagine the likelihood of a different outcome had the Hunter Biden laptop story not been so carefully suppressed by collusion between the FBI and others, the DNC, Biden campaign, etc., and Twitter, Facebook and Google. Polling indicates that millions of people would have voted against Biden had the crimes revealed in that laptop been publicized.
Mathematicians and statisticians who have taken the time to analyze 2020 have estimated that as many as EIGHT MILLION VOTES were fabricated in 2020. None of this has been adjudicated and the reasons are simple: politics… not honest, good ol’ American politics, but politics.
More than 30 lawsuits were brought among several states. Judges refused to hear them on several bases, mainly lacks of “standing.” That is, the plaintiffs were judged, rather subjectively, as most “standing” rulings are, because they couldn’t prove a satisfactory “interest” in or “damages” resulting from, the allegations they were making. Virtually any of the judges so approached could have declared sufficient public or other interest in the adjudication of those allegations, but they chose not to. This neatly prevented discovery, deposition or other testimony, and sidestepped the need to bring public officials into court.
There is a lot of political pressure on courts in such matters. Attorneys are adept at answering such rejections, but it requires time for appeals to other courts or tribunals who have multiple reasons for avoiding such cases. There is very little time available prior to the step of state “certification” of the vote counts. Again, Republicans were caught flat-footed. Their time should have been spent challenging all the stupid changes to voting laws that were not Constitutional. Sadly, and to their shame, the Roberts Court refused to consider constitutional challenges to the election on the basis of direct wording in the Constitution: Article I, Section 4 – “The Times, Places and Manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such regulations, except as to the Places of chusing (sic) Senators.” With every state using the same regulations to choose Electors (for the Electoral College) as they do for electing representatives and senators, changes to how they do so must, in fact, be made only by the legislatures thereof. This was not done in many states, but, rather, by court rulings, which are prima facie unconstitutional. With the challenges based on precise Constitutional language, the Supreme Court has primary jurisdiction over such cases and should not wait for lower courts to rule and appeal over many months.
The Court could have and should have taken up the cases made on this particular basis, but failed in its duty to do so.
After 5 years of unceasing malevolence, law-breaking and baseless accusations from many sides, it is no wonder that President Trump was rather irked following November 3rd, 2020. His quite rational complaints about our shoddy election mess in 2020, simply became the latest reason Trump haters should hate him even more, like everything else he’s done… except for when he contributed money to democrats.
JANUARY 6th, 2021
After failing, as noted, to engage any state or federal court in ascertaining the legitimacy of the vote count, despite real questions of law and practice, President Trump could see only one opportunity to set the 2020 result right, and that was to halt the counting of electoral votes as certified by the several states, particularly those states with the most egregious anomalies in their vote patterns and practices. It was, however, on very thin grounds that he encouraged Vice-President Pence to refuse the certified electors from those certain questionable states amongst which Trump lost their collective electoral votes by less than 1% of the totals claimed – and certified – to have been legally voted.
The Constitution doesn’t assign more than the counting of the electoral votes to the duties of the “President of the Senate” – the Vice-President – in the matters of the electoral college. Some attorneys read into some precedent cases the possibility that the V.P. had the authority to challenge certain states’ certified results, indeed, the Twentieth Amendment uses the term, “qualified” and “…has qualified” for cases where the election of or the ability to serve of a president is in question, or if he has died before taking office. But neither Article II of the constitution, nor Amendment XII or Amendment XX actually grants much in the way of decisive power to the vice-President when the votes are counted. Trump was clinging to straws.
To be fair, and all of us should be fair in the judgement of such odd circumstances of the Trump presidential experience, the President perceived the 2020 elections as one of the most grotesque electoral crimes in history, and the subsequent installation of Joe Biden as having been duly elected President as a tragedy and part of the theft of his, Trump’s, rightful election. There were, and are, so many, many questions – none adjudicated.
When John F. Kennedy was elected thanks to extensive vote fraud in Chicago in 1960, Nixon lost, on average, by about 1 vote per precinct nationwide. He was strongly urged to demand a recount in Illinois and perhaps Texas, Michigan and Pennsylvania. But fairly quickly he chose to avoid the damage to the nation by so demanding and Kennedy was the “winner.” This is the precedent that Democrats have hung their hats on: always accept the vote count no matter how crooked. Otherwise, you’re an “election denier.”
There isn’t space to analyze the events of January 6th at the Capitol. A lot of it was stupid, most of it quite innocent. Let’s hope the truth is exposed, since it certainly hasn’t been so far. Most of what the “January 6th committee” has reported is only partially true; even more of what the Democrat press reports is less so. Those arrested, some on quite thin, even spurious grounds, have been maltreated worse than murderers, rapists and arsonists. One hopes for justice in all their cases, and for justice for those guards and administrators who have been needlessly brutal and cruel towards them.
Why would Americans act this way? Hatred. Those arrested for any reason related to January 6th, are all perceived in two ways: 1) supporters of Donald Trump, whom we are all taught to hate; and, 2) they are hated as threats to the government – the administrative, hyper-politicized state – for whom all the arresting and jailing powers work. The challenge to the corrupt congress is perceived as a personal threat by government workers. Those who threaten or even murder common citizens, are of far less concern to federal employees, apparently. For shame.
Trump grasped at straws and couldn’t have succeeded, but it’s hard to lay blame after all other avenues of legitimate questioning of the elections were closed to him. He knew the election was rigged against him by people who have years of experience doing exactly that. He was supposed to bow down to the leftists and he didn’t. He was supposed to react like Nixon and he didn’t… nor should he have, although the January 6th rally was not smart.
In Prudence’ view, there are $31 Trillion reasons to storm the Capitol; two dozen Congresses and 11 administrations, at least, have lied to the American people rather steadily and saddled us with virtually permanent debt. The 2020 “derelection” is just the last straw. There is only one “T” in Democratcy.