The United States is a “leading” country whether we like it or not. Terms like “the American dream” are tossed about as though said dream were something everyone on Earth aspires to, yet we who are fortunate enough to be American (U. S.) citizens don’t even understand the meaning of the phrase. We don’t really grasp the meaning of “freedom,” either, yet we bandy the description of our homeland as a “free” country. It is largely a failure of education, steadily abetted by mass media whose employees tend strongly toward hating the U. S. and anyone who professes to love it. The past 12 months have highlighted these dichotomies, and exacerbated the weakness that underlies them.
Do we even know the trouble that awaits us? The accumulation of errors and poor assumptions since the Reagan Administration cannot be wished away; other nations, movements and belief structures have been preparing for our national weakening, and they are closer to taking advantage of us than ever in our history. Sadly, they have placed their allies among us and strengthened those who have come to hate our nation without their help. It could take a while, but let’s take a look at what seems to be “hot” around the world, now.
Ukraine is “hot.” For the conflict to go on for so long is a positive and a negative to both sides, not to mention the additional deaths and billions of added expense. The positive to Ukraine is due to its status as the clear underdog in the conflict. Its ability to hold out for so long, and to inflict huge damages on the invaders, are a significant plus. No one expected this scenario. The severe negative is its sustaining of widespread damage, the fleeing of millions of its citizens and inability to actually defeat Russia or reverse most of its losses to the Russians.
For the Russians, positives are more obscure. The Ukraine matter has hardened some alliances against NATO and the U. S., particularly with China, Belarus and Iran. Turkey, ostensibly a NATO Ally, has been watching how NATO and others are responding to the adventurism of both Russia and Iran. As a fairly close neighbor of both nations, Turkey is looking for any advantage for itself and if the West falters in its resolve and the Russians, in particular, gain strategic advantage, there’s no reason to expect Turkey to be firm in its Western alliance. The negatives for Russia include the exorbitant cost in materiel, men and arms for fairly small gains on the ground. Although Premiere Putin doesn’t see it, frequent reference to nuclear weapons in response to this or that conventional assist to Ukraine, is a sign of weakness, not strength.
Israel is “hot,” now, too, possibly with wider ramifications than the Ukraine conflict… at least in the next 12 months. The Biden administration, under the treasonous tutelage of Barack Obama, (Biden wouldn’t know a treason if he cut one down by accident) has taken sides with the most duplicitous, hateful and untrustworthy regime extant: Iran. Even the average American knows that there are not enough gifts, favors or treasonous pay-offs possible to convince Muslim fundamentalists to love America, freedom or individualism; and certainly not enough to shift attitudes toward Israel. Yet that is the policy path on which we have embarked. God save us.
Part of Iran’s anti-Israel, anti-American jihad is the desire to employ nuclear weapons. President Obama’s intention with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPoA) was to put Iran firmly on the road to building nuclear weapons, and to secure an agreement that freed Europe and other nations to trade with Iran for oil and other products. The worst part was to cause these changes between nations WITHOUT the messy process of ratifying an actual treaty, yet adhering to the terms of the “agreement.” President Trump, very, very wisely, put a stop to the lethal progress of the “JCPoA” and sanctioned Iran significantly, slowing its economy to a point where it could not finance nearly as much terrorism as it wished, nor afford the added investment in centrifuges needed to enrich Uranium sufficiently to enable a nuclear fission explosion. President Biden, unfortunately, has done everything possible, including releasing huge volumes of raw cash to Iran, to restore Iran’s economy, its trade position on oil and its ability to increase uranium enrichment and to finance Hamas and Hezbollah against Israel and the Houthis in Yemen against, well, everyone.
Now, still worse, Biden and his “advisors” are bending the U. S. into knots trying to stop Israel’s proper reaction to Hamas’ vile and deadly attack on October 7th while feeding aid to the “innocent” people of Gaza, whoever they are. His administration has hired activist pro-Hamas, pro-Iran, anti-Israel people and charged them with “negotiating” with Iran and its terrorist surrogates. It’s hard to imagine being further off the pro-American team where one might presume the President of the United States would be. At the same time, an eruption of anti-Zionist / anti-Israel, anti-Jewish hatred has sprung up on campuses and in congested cities coast to coast. Federal response to abundant civil rights violations has been tepid, at best. Here we have a confluence of federal policy and personnel with college administrators who grew up hating the United States, who now “run” school communities beholden to governments that also hate the United States. Foreign countries “donate” billions of dollars to colleges and universities, who then accept thousands of Muslim students who are primed to sow unrest at the sight of a Star of David necklace or a yarmulke.
There appears to be a widespread – although shallow – movement to dissemble the ideas of
America’s founding, even as it serves to set Americans against one another. Hatred has become a serious political strategy, and it is dependent upon managed mendacity. Lies about opponents must be repeated in more and more venues. Sadly, the same strategies are feeding the financial strength of major “news” organizations: America’s vaunted “free press” has largely abandoned its Constitutional role in keeping our divided governments honest. The greatest/worst examples of this dishonesty can be seen in the treatment of Donald Trump and of Joseph Biden, two recent, consecutive one-term presidents.
Joe Biden, almost throughout his long, long Senate career, built a solid reputation of playing loose with the truth. No better example exists than the story about his family that he told during his first campaign for President in 1987. He essentially lifted the story about British politician, Neil Kinnock’s family story of working its way up from poorly-paid mining labor. When this was exposed, earlier stories he had told about college class-standing and other less-than-true bits of his alleged history re-emerged, causing him to drop out of the contest. Michael Dukakis, of Massachusetts, also became embroiled in “misstatements” as he attacked Biden and then tried to deny the attack, resulting in his eventual loss to George H. W. Bush in 1988. Lot’s of lying in politics, evidently. Delawarians were relatively unperturbed by their Senator’s “misstatements,” returning him to the Senate steadily until he ran for President in 2008, earning the position of Vice-President under Barack Obama.
When Trump declared his candidacy in 2015, it was clear that the damages wrought by the Obama administrations, including on the border, with the JCPoA, the loss of Crimea and more, required a distinct change in direction. Hillary Clinton, no fan of the truth, herself, was the presumptive heir to Obama’s awful legacy. Trump won, as we know, and the screams to impeach him began before the inaugural crowds dispersed. Worse, the Clinton campaign, the DNC, CIA and others in the “intelligence” community, and the respected FBI, itself, had concocted the huge fraud of “Russian” collusion with the Trump campaign, resulting in his ability to defeat her. The charges were inflated by the so-called mainstream press and repeated as truth, over and over and over. Congress joined in the fraud(s) and funded the special counsel, former FBI director Robert Mueller, whose two-year “investigation,” which he, himself, may not have read, found, basically, nothing supporting the collusion premise. But it never stopped, and still gets quoted as truth. Both men’s campaigns accuse the other of lying, and there is some truth to both charges. What they lie about, however, creates important distinction.
Lies about the southern border, catch-and-release and the use of “parole” for those claiming asylum, are masking huge threats to national security, for example. Yet the Biden administration has lied repeatedly about the reasons he canceled everything that had been securing the border, the reasons he couldn’t gain control of the border, and even to having his Secretary of DHS lie repeatedly to Congress by claiming that the “border is secure.” A case could be made that the President has acted treasonously by aiding and abetting the illegal acts involved in entering the United States illegally and, worse, subsequently imposing expenses upon the States and their sub-jurisdictions in the care, feeding, housing and education of those illegal entrants. The cumulative effects of these illegal acts has been and continues to be detrimental to the interests and protections guaranteed by the Constitution to the CITIZENS of the United States and to no others. God forbid.
Accusations made against Mr. Trump, both in the press and in various court cases, are accepted and promoted as truths, and repeated as such, even when no evidence of the allegations has been presented; indeed, even when evidence in opposition to the allegations is made known, the repetition of the unfounded allegations as true, continues. The purpose? To manifest ever greater hatred for Trump and, by extension, for anyone who supports him or fails to agree that he is a danger to the nation because of all his lies. Politics has nearly ceased to be a thoughtful analysis of philosophies of governance, economics, taxation and diplomacy: it is now an argument of hatred for the “other” group, making the likelihood of “weaponizing” government against the out-group very high. This is the phenomenon we are experiencing right now with hate-motivated Democrats holding sufficient power to effect it. Our republic is in grave danger.
The means to engineer electoral wins will not be forgotten, either. Once successful, the likelihood that those methods and skills will be used in virtually all subsequent elections is very high. Coupled with the weaponization of government and the immense value of holding political power, the attraction of illegally “guaranteeing” the results of elections is practically irresistible. As the Trump campaign learned in 2020, stopping the certification of a fraudulent electoral win is impossible: everyone associated with the winner(s) is financially committed to protecting their win… including judges.
Those who engineered the Biden presidential certification have much to answer for. Combined with the fraud of Biden’s supposed mental acuity, their actions have placed America in its greatest peril. One fears that millions will die preventing our nation’s demise.