Category Archives: Economics


Prudence directs the wise thinker to define proper governance, all human interaction, actually, in direct and simple terms… concepts that every citizen can understand and apply to virtually every human circumstance and conflict.  So, here they are:



There.  Those are fairly easy to grasp and apply anywhere.  Let’s consider some examples of how the most untrustworthy among us – often the most clever – endeavor to subvert these simple directions, starting with what’s hot right now at a time of Presidential transition: INFLATION!

There is little clear information being spread about inflation in the news, on news programs, even financial news programs.  Mostly, people describe PRICES of commodities, but those are consequences of inflation – or of deflation – not inflation, itself.  INFLATION (of the money supply) is a government program that, effectively and efficiently, STEALS from all of those whose “money supply” it is.  So, while our governors (small “g”) fulfill the second element of proper governance: equal application, it directly and purposefully subverts the first as it steals the value, purchasing power, investment and savings of every person tied to the economy it was elected to manage and protect.

Unfortunately, given the cleverness of our dully elected “representatives,” when they agree to inflate the money supply they don’t simply print more money – that takes too long.  Instead, they BORROW it and agree (on our behalf of course) to pay interest on the loan.  That is currently about ONE TRILLION dollars per year, which is a theft from the same people who are impacted by the original inflation!  We can’t get more services or national defense for the taxes we pay, since there is now an extra TRILLION going to the banking consortium we borrow from.  Everyone involved in these THEFTS should recommit to the first element of good governance: THOU SHALT NOT STEAL.

But wait… there’s more!  Our governors establish schools, usually with the agreement of subsets of citizens whose children, or whose neighbors’ children, will attend… there to be prepared for adulthood and financial and social success.  Organized cleverness among the teachers and administrators of these schools (often called “Public Schools”) leads those worthy folks to invent ways to socially engineer your or your neighbors’ children to be something they were not born to be.  This would be a phenomenal bargain for the parents if the teachers they pay and pay to teach math, reading, writing, history, civics and the rules of American culture and civility, were ADDING social and bio-engineering for the same price(!).  Unfortunately, and often with no notice, the public school establishment has relaxed the parts that prepare children to become successful adults, and created space for topics that interrupt or destroy normal maturation, eschewing knowledge and skills and even cancelling standard testing that might reveal the lack of educational success for each child.

That alone would show a failure to follow the prime directive: Thou Shalt Not Steal, since the opportunities to reach successive and successful levels of knowledge and maturity have been taken away from children.  By failing to educate, and failing to reveal their failures, “educators” have stolen their salaries and benefits from taxpayers and parents who pay them to succeed at the former.   What a difference might be made if every teacher-prospect were interrogated on the subject of “Thou Shalt Not Steal” and on their personal commitments to succeed at their educational missions.  Then, by teaching every child with equal application of teaching skills and knowledge, each would fulfill the second directive, as well.

Well, okay, perhaps that is not a fair assessment of public schools.  Shame on Prudence.  It might illuminate the concepts better to relate them to health – everyone is impacted by his or her health and the costs of health-CARE.

There is no better example… or set of millions of examples of health-care stealing, than the recent debacle known as the COVID-19 pandemic.  Trump-45 was at the mercy of the so-called National Institutes of Health, “NIH,” which was acting as the National Institutes of Hype.  So were we all.  The NIAID, a subset of the NIH, headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, was on TV virtually every day during the COVID assault, assuring the U. S. and anyone else listening, that the wonderful mRNA shots were the best and only “scientific” response to COVID-19, had most politicians bamboozled while he joked about “the Fauci ouchy,” which was just a little prick, after all.  The first act of stealing was to steal our right to the truth.

The second theft was to besmirch and deny access to better, CHEAPER, drugs that would have both slowed the progression of the virus and not damaged the immune systems of millions of people in and out of the United States.  Pushing the shots in the midst of the pandemic – a very questionable approach had the shots even constituted a “vaccine” – may have killed more people than COVID actually did, itself.  The health, short and long-term, of millions was stolen.  Thou shalt not steal.

Those thefts are continuing today, even as the mRNA shots are being pushed toward children who are not at risk from COVID.  The COVID pandemic was a financial emergency, not a medical one.

Americans possess so much personal property – vital, irreplaceable, hard-won “things” – like the free exercise of religion, the right to bear arms and the right to self-protection that embodies, the right to a jury trial, the right to privacy and security in our possessions and homes against unreasonable search and seizure, the right to speak freely, to seek redress of grievances.  Above all, the right to our beliefs.  These things we own by birth, and we have the right to relinquish them, by choice, in the interests of an orderly society.  The governments we have freely formed, however, conspire and endeavor to steal these possessions in a thousand ways.  It is our obligation to recognize when those thefts are being attempted or executed, and to stop them.

There is a mountain of evidence that the Democratic National Committee – DNC – engineered enough unconstitutional changes to voting practices in 2020 to literally steal re-election from President Trump and hand it to Joe Biden.  Democrats are in no case as sensitive to a suggestion of political malfeasance as they are when “stealing the 2020 election” comes up.  Incredibly sensitive.  Leads a person to think that the suggestion hits very close to home.  Harry Reid, when majority leader in the Senate, accused Mitt Romney of not paying his taxes for 10 years.  It was a total lie and constituted the theft of reputation of Romney and of truth from the minds of those to whom a slavish media dutifully repeated the lie.  When called out on it all Reid would say was, “Well, he lost didn’t he?”  In other words, it was a justifiable act on the part of an influential Democrat.

But it wasn’t, Prudence believes: Thou shalt not steal, Mr. Reid.  The same admonition applies to the entire Democrat party: Thou shalt not steal.  Get it? If only the Republican Party were free of the same flaw.

Every lie is a theft – a stealing of the truth.  Thou shalt not steal.


Christmas season brings out our best, it seems Prudent to say.  The Boston Pops prepares and presents a wonderful Christmas presentation of the best symphonic quality, paired with a just-as-wonderful choral group from Brookline.  Our opportunity to experience the event was by invitation from family members, and it is already the best gift we could have received.  It’s not Prudent for Prudence to receive things when she is trying to divest her home of “things.”

We were in a modern, enclosed arena, within which it was warm, comfortable, well-lit and acoustically sound, you might say.  A Prudent person contemplating the building, the orchestra, their instruments and the mesmerizing, beautiful sounds of the concert, is drawn to appreciate the scope of history and humanity.  There were some 3,500 people in attendance… or more.

The building was mainly a structure of steel: steel girders, I-beams, braces, bolts and structural panels.  One must consider the evolution of technology from the stone age, to the bronze, to the iron age of mankind and the steady struggle to make better and better steel to facilitate the ideas of designers, builders and technologists.  Some in attendance of this beautiful concert were workers in steel, design, concrete and glass, paint, upholstery and construction.

Amidst all of our paths to this evening of joy and beauty, none had lost his or her ability to recognize the fullness of that event.  Regardless of background or attainment, 4 thousand people were able to appreciate the mastery of musical skills and instruments, indeed the mastery of a language most can only hear and not read.  The requirements of life and maturity and the often brutish tests and works required, could not dim the flames of beauty and awe each of us held somewhere deep and safe in our beings.

And we all stood to applaud our thanks to 100 artists and to say in our own ways: “Way to go, Keithy!”

A Partnership of Success

Nations are living organisms: biological – with an emphasis on logical – made up, obviously, of living, breathing people who share basic concepts of right, wrong, love, family, economics and social status.  The health of the nation connects to the health of its members, physically, but also to the health of its beliefs, religious and otherwise.  Some nations started because of religious beliefs, but most are or were tribal.  Weaving through hundreds or thousands of years of history – perhaps “progress” – nations either progress evenly enough that its members accept, over time, their relationships to political power-holders, elected or otherwise.  It is a function of “social status” noted earlier.

Wars change nations, usually by a form of cruel, expensive, bloody separation or segregation: almost purification.  If there were some semblance of justice in the origins and results of war, stronger nations, healthier nations, will result.  Former amalgamations of nations are distilled apart leaving nations comprised of people who more evenly – fairly – share the basic concepts of life and cooperation listed at the beginning of this observation.

Historians, of course, amidst their natural biases, justify or castigate wars along a spectrum of perceived fairness or righteousness in their origins.  However, time reveals the health of nations following the wrenching of war, and the correctness of the new or modified nation’s composition.  Is the society healthy?  Do its members accept, if not reinforce one another?  Is there a path for the divisions of social status to soften or encourage improvement of the economic and social status of its members?  If so, that nation will retain its shared identity and ethical agreements.

The advent of writing and written “history” of nations and wars, began a process that has left “modern” peoples with an image, at least, often biased and one-sided justifications of conflicts over the past 5,000 years or so.  The use of writing, long, long ago, was a tool of kings or emperors: ruling classes, certainly.  The recorded story would automatically be told from the outlook of “rulers,” and then, only of the victorious rulers.  As writing and reading spread through greater fractions of societies, somewhat truer, more accurate pictures of the how’s and why’s of wars have been “painted.”  Throughout, the tendency for dominant elements of societies – governors – to control what those dominated know or believe about the nature of the world around them and, more specifically, about the workings and intentions/philosophies of their “governors,” themselves.

Occasionally – very infrequently, actually – only once, in fact, a nation is (was) formed based on the best of the philosophies and histories that human history had delivered to that point and place in time.  To define that nation, the philosophies of individual sovereignty, responsibility, liberty and from-the-people authority to govern, and the reasons for employing those ideas, were written into the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and Bill of Rights of 1789.  Underlying all of them is the tradition of Judeo-Christianity: 5,000 years of learning what are rights and wrongs and how honesty and honor can and should dissolve lies and hatred and disrespect.

Through it all the Bible has made clear that the most powerful relationship with God is an individual one.  Fellowship and congregation are wonderful reinforcements for the individual’s ability to internalize the concepts of God and His rules for life and ascension.  Without religious freedom the evolution of souls and the growth of individuals would be impossible.  Without the lessons religion provides, the model for 2-parent families and effective fathering of sons and daughters, including economic security, would slip away.  There are those, today, who think the government will take better care of children than will their parents.  God forbid.

The Constitution is both a covenant and a unique, exceptional, partnership with the people – citizens – of the United States.  Unique among nations and history, the CITIZENS of the United States formed the government of the United States.  The founding had flaws, primarily slavery and slaves, themselves.  The problem that the founders hoped would fade away became the gut-wrenching lever that separated the states.  The Civil War became the awful medicine that commenced the cure of slavery fairly quickly, and the cure of racism that has progressed for decades afterwards.  But, in both the forming and preservation of the Union, God blessed our nation with the wisdom and fortitude to earn the right of national identity.

Our identity depends upon our general grasp of the IDEAS, the philosophies that underlie our founding and why the Constitutional model is designed the way it is.  As we select our representatives, governors and President, we should be looking for each of their understanding of our Constitutional Republic being a PARTNERSHIP that makes possible the success of every U. S. citizen.  U. S. citizenship is the “Gold Standard” of all citizenships around the world.  One of the prime tests of the right to lead Americans is whether the person seeking that power/status is prepared to defend the unique value of U. S. citizenship.  Anyone who would dilute, or threaten that value, by definition is unqualified to lead us.  Only U. S. citizens live under the protections and guarantees of the U. S. Constitution and those comprise the most valuable possession – personal property – of every citizen.

An example of PARTNERSHIP would be careful defense of our borders on behalf of every state and every citizen, with proper and strict control over non-citizens allowed to enter our nation.  An example of TYRANNY would be loose or virtual non-control over illegal entrants.  An example of PARTNERSHIP would be careful, balanced budgeting and management of the people’s money, taxes and banking/investment regulations.  An example of TYRANNY would be $35Trillion in national debt and $1Trillion owed in interest every year.  An example of PARTNERSHIP would be honest law enforcement and equal application/protection of the laws.  An example of TYRANNY would be use of law enforcement agencies and even courts, to persecute people because of their beliefs or politics.

An example of PARTNERSHIP would be telling U. S. citizens the truth about government actions and legislation.  An example of TYRANNY would be for the government or its agencies to lie to Americans… or to bring up for a vote legislation with more than the number of words than are in our amended Constitution.

The Handshake of History

Prudence feels that no one is making the right speeches that Americans should be considering and learning from. Consequently, it seems Prudent to construct one and give it to those who might benefit. A person who is receiving widespread attention should recognize his or her unusual opportunity to EDUCATE the populace. In the case of America, it is an opportunity to describe how the government is designed and the IDEAS that our Constitution embodies. Then follows the extraordinary opportunity to explain to the people how the person speaking will make the ideas of the Constitution come to life, guaranteeing the liberty and opportunity that are the inheritance of every citizen.

There are concepts of the Constitutionality and of the Declaration of Independence that should be clear and alive in the heart of every citizen. The first is that the principles of INDEPENDENCE from tyranny applies not merely to our governing entity, but to each of us, individually. That is, that the government has only as much influence over our lives AS WE PERMIT. In other words, the power that our federal government has must be GRANTED to it by we the people. It is done in stages by a process of REPRESENTATION. This means that we can select those we respect and who are honest and committed to OUR INTERESTS and not the interests of the government, any of its agencies or any political party. Thus, the lines of communication from “We, the People” should be short and unpolluted by the interests of those we elect to represent us or of those with whom he or she may be friendly. The interests of a political party should have no means of limiting or distorting the liberty, responsibility or legitimate economic opportunity of any citizen. There is work to be done to correct the sloppy intrusion of political parties into our freedoms and rights.

The concept of LIMITED TERMS for those we elect to any office, should be enshrined in law including amendment of the Constitution. The weaknesses common to all humans should be kept from increasing the power of governments to limit the liberties of citizens. In conjunction with limiting terms, the sources of campaign moneys should be limited, as well. Candidates running to REPRESENT the interests of a delineated, geographic group of citizens, should be limited to raising money ONLY IN THAT DISTRICT OR IN THAT STATE, if representing an entire state. The nature of representation would change abruptly if these strictures were in place. Imagine if a candidate for Congress could spend only that money raised in his or her district: no money from other states, no money from huge PAC’s, no money from foreign actors. That winning Representative would care very distinctly about the views and interests of the citizens who live in his or her District. How refreshing!

Regarding the Constitution, no one has spoken of its status as a COVENANT between the People and the federal government they were creating by adoption among the States. Essential to its role as a solemn agreement to do certain acts and to never do certain other acts, is the honesty of representation, individually and legislatively. Therefore, it seems far more Prudent to guarantee regular replacement of men and women serving as Representatives, than to merely allow the possibility of regular change. In order to effect elective change of representation requires challengers to expend huge amounts of money to overcome the “built-in” advantages of incumbency; this path leads to corruption of purpose.

As a COVENANT between peoples: those who are selected to govern and those who grant them limited authority and power, the Constitution is a PARTNERSHIP, as described in the Preamble: “We the People of the United States, [which is to say, Citizens] in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, [which is to say peace and safety inside the country] provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain [a most solemn and unshakable contract] and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Clearly the Constitution was devised to enhance the lives OF U. S. CITIZENS! At no point does it convey a power to change governments in other countries, to involve the nation in over 150 military actions around the world, or to conflate the money of citizens with that of other peoples and nations. Nor, does it grant power to government types to transfer money from some Citizens to other citizens, or to transfer the money of Citizens to non-citizens, or to grant the benefits of citizenship – including Constitutional guarantees – to non-citizens, or to contract DEBTS burdening “the People” that exceed the financial possibility of prompt repayment.

How would the proper PARTNERSHIP work? Foremost, it seems Prudent, would be balanced, detailed budgeting of the people’s federal expenditure’s and revenues. We have not had that for decades. Every “budget” and “continuing resolution” to “avoid a government shut-down” has mainly been a mendacious attempt to buy votes for the benefit of those seeking re-election. That is not a partnership. Deficit spending creates inflation – period. Inflation (of the money supply without corresponding production of wealth) is a slightly obscure TAX on every citizen-taxpayer. Inflation dilutes the value of money by measurable and significant degrees. Fairly quickly, the “dilution” of dollar strength causes prices of commodities and final products to rise. What used to cost $5.00 now cost $6.00 or even more. In effect, a consumer has been forced to pay a $1.00 “TAX” on a $5.00 item. But… but… no one passed tax-raising legislation!

Inflation, it turns out, is a federal government program! The government gets to spend the money first, and at essentially the current, undiluted value. Hardly anyone else in the economy gets to spend the diluted dollars at their “original” value. Pretty soon, productive workers are feeling the effects of inflation by not being able to maintain their previous standard of living at their current pay rates and pressure for wage/salary increases starts to build. The employer has to respond but must also retain a profitable rate of gross margin. He or she must raise prices to stay in business. It is a vicious – and cruel – process. People in government who have BORROWED money to spend more than the government’s income would allow (also committing taxpayers to pay the INTEREST on the borrowing) will talk about “fighting” inflation as if they have nothing to do with it (after all, they don’t set the price on vanilla pudding). It is all a big vote-purchasing lie. What sort of “partnership” is that? Where in the Constitutional Covenant did “We the people” grant such a cruel power to “our” government?

Two admonitions pretty-well cover good government and the nature of government as a partnership: 1) Thou shalt not STEAL; and 2) Equal application – and protection – of the LAW. We have a few, but very, very few, opportunities to vote ourselves away from perdition.


There are some very good reasons to choose one presidential candidate over another in 2024. Every quadrennial election is a national approval or disapproval of the presidential administration immediately precedent to election day. This is how the administration of (ostensibly) Joseph Robinette Biden and Kamala Devi Harris, president and vice-president, respectively, should be reviewed and judged by American citizens: approve or disapprove. What are some of the reasons to choose?

One of the reasons to disapprove of Biden-Harris derives from how the Trump administration was treated by elements of the administrative state and other politicians. Hatred of Trump was the driving force prior to and during his administration. Impeachment was being called-for before he was even inaugurated. Various celebrities and political influencers were calling for his destruction, including “blowing up the White House” on the day of inauguration. The FBI director, James Comey, sent agents to interview Lt. General Michael Flynn without a legal reason to do so, banking on the ignorance of Trump officials about proper White House – Washington legalities. As those agents questioned Flynn they noted certain points during the “casual” conversation, one of which had to do with his conversations with his Russian, soon-to-be-counterpart during the administrative transition period. Flynn, who had also served under President Obama, thinking that everyone in the conversation was on the same team, had not been told of any investigative or testimonial nature of the conversation, and he stated something about his discussions with the Russian that the FBI knew could be made legally problematic, and it was brought up on purpose during the “casual” discussion. Flynn never knew he was being stabbed in the back by his “teammates.” Trump never suspected it either, until the dagger came down.

Comey, one of the least trustworthy administrators Trump inherited, later bragged about how clever he was to slip those agents into the White House without the normal, formal preparation protocols. Flynn’s life and family were wrecked publicly and financially as he attempted to fight the charges brought from a minor misstatement about his actions during the transition period. The attacks on Trump and his trusted advisors and appointees only got worse from there.

The Covid “pandemic” was a near-perfect tool for destroying the economy and the medical establishment, while forcing a federal / Presidential reaction to unprecedented circumstances, forcing reliance upon the National Institutes of Health, the Center for Disease Control, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease and the Food and Drug Administration, among others, with the constant attempts to influence sovereign policies by the World Health Organization. Amidst the hurricane of lies sweeping across the world… starting in the U.S. NIH and its subordinate agencies and bureaucrats, reinforced by the Chinese Communist Party, multiplied by the W.H.O. and obscenely capitalized by Moderna, Pfizer and other pharmaceutical manufacturers, President Trump endeavored to organize the federal mechanisms to bring forth solutions. Unfortunately, he had no alternatives for medical advice, at least in the first weeks of the “pandemic,” than to accept the opinions of Tony Fauci and others within the federal miasma. Trump was not in a position to reject the advice of medical “experts.” Democrats were not in a position to oppose teachers’ unions.

Soon, though, Trump appointed another advisor, who was not compromised by the financial corruption of the FDA and the NIH jungle, Dr. Scott Atlas. Since his views agreed with most of Trump’s, Atlas’ statements were denigrated by the pro-pandemic left. As it turns out, however, almost everything Dr. Fauci proclaimed about Covid and the best responses to it has proven to be false, while the statements of Dr. Atlas have proven to be true. Shutting down the economy was the wrong response, masks were useless, and various means of treatment (hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin and combinations with other drugs and supplements) would have had far, far better results than ventilators and fluids. Indeed, the suppression of alternative, super-safe treatments, although “off-label,” constituted death-sentences for thousands of patients, possibly hundreds of thousands.

Later, once the so-called mRNA “vaccines” were released (after the 2020 election, of course, although the “vaccines” were being worked on IN WUHAN by Moderna in 2019, well before Covid-19 hit the streets), almost everything claimed about their effects and effectiveness has been proven false and, in fact, detrimental to overall health and immunity in general. Sadly, they are still being pushed as “vaccines,” even to children who have no need of them whatsoever. The federal medical establishment lied… people died. That establishment is overwhelmingly Democrat or further leftist. Their innate belief is that good derives from expert government, not from independent individuals.

As the grand Covid pandemic was being prepared (no blame to China, of course), the CIA / FBI “intelligence” apparatus, in conjunction with the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, was executing the “Russia, Russia, Russia” hoax, breaking multiple laws in the process. No one has been arrested or charged with these crimes, including the deception of the FISA Court with known-false document “evidence” and fallacious testimony to induce continued illegal domestic spying on the Trump campaign, associates and administration following election. After two years and $25 to $30 Millions spent by the Mueller investigation, nothing was discovered to link Donald Trump to any sort of Russian collusion, supposedly to influence the 2016 elections. Mueller obtained indictments of several Russian operatives unconnected with the premises of charges against Trump, but these are people who will never come back to the United States or be arrested: all for show, creating lurid headlines to keep the hatred flowing.

Ultimately, Prudence believes, the misfortunate good-fortune for election fraudsters in the time of Covid-19 hysteria, led to wholesale undoing of election procedures that enabled Trump to win in 2016. In multiple states, suits were brought to enable un-monitored mail-in voting, sloppy, un-monitored “ballot harvesting” by self-appointed individuals, and dispersal of un-monitored “drop-boxes” where individuals could deposit as many “ballots” as they could carry. All that was needed was a list of ineligible voters who still appeared on the official voter lists. A relative handful of operatives could distort legitimated voting totals by a few thousands of votes in a matter of a day or two. Despite the supposed record-setting Biden-Harris vote totals across the nation (some 81 Million), the Electoral College winning total manifested in 3 states by a supposed total of fewer than 50,000 votes. Ballots were accepted and votes counted that were unsigned or signed with unmatchable signatures, undated, from incorrect addresses, and days, even weeks, after election day, despite laws. One postal worker was interviewed who was prepared to swear that his boss had ordered him to pre-date the postmarks on a batch of mailed ballots, so as to be “legal” and counted. His testimony never reached a courtroom.

The 2020 elections, in addition to the irregularities injected by courts, in contravention of Constitutional requirements that only states’ legislatures could stipulate how and where elections and voting would take place, manifested dozens of electoral anomalies. That is, many voting patterns appeared that departed substantially from historic patterns. In every state every “anomaly” benefited the Democrats – Joe Biden, specifically. Ostensibly, the Biden stay-in-the-cellar Covid-19 campaign garnered more than 81 million votes, the highest total, ever. A key demographic for Democrats has been African-Americans: the “Black” vote. Somehow, Joe Biden, known for a history of racist comments and actions in the senate (historically, the Robinette family were slave owners), obtained more black votes than Barack Obama, the actual first black presidential candidate. Along with all the other election patterns that had never occurred before, this one strains credulity. Hatred of Trump, however, helps the medicine go down.

So, after four and a half years of attacks, lies and frauds against himself, his family and his appointees, two baseless impeachments and the Speaker of the House tearing his State of the Union document in half on national TV, and then faced with a flood of evidence and sworn statements about fraudulent balloting, Trump saw his fairly obvious election win as being torn from his grasp. Regardless of whether the reader agrees that election manipulation was “big enough to make a difference,” it is instructive – and fair – to put oneself in Trump’s position. Why would he believe that a party and deep state willing to break so many laws to damage his administration, might actually execute a free and fair election, if cheating meant getting rid of Trump? With the amount of evidence that strange actions took place in the election, a president has an obligation to have the election investigated! But, there’s a built-in problem.

Election day for the 50 state presidential elections, is within the first 8 days of November. From, let’s say, November 5th to acceptance of the slates of electors by the Congress on, now, January 6th, is barely 60 days, and of those, only 36 “business” days. In that period lie Thanksgiving weekend, Hannukah, Christmas and Christmas eve, then New Year’s Day and New Years eve. Courts are slow to take up cases at the simplest of times, but the number of active court days in the period between Election Day and acceptance of Electoral College totals are significantly reduced. In terms of the date of each state’s vote certification, usually December 14th, there are only 26 “business” days with Thanksgiving in that period. With several states allowing votes to be received and counted days or weeks past election day, the period between vote tallying and certification could be as short as a two weeks! It is impossible both physically and administratively to bring forth charges of malfeasance in vote handling or counting in that time frame.

Most of the people responsible for operating polling places, policing them and controlling the physical ballots and the computerized machines virtually every state now uses, are under financial pressure by those who hired them, often politically, to never express doubts about an election. Even many judges who might rule on allowing a challenge into court are politically appointed or even elected, and consequently quite disinterested in hosting a challenge to an election in his or her jurisdiction, and delighted to find any technicality to deny placing such a claim on the docket, even if only to delay looking into the matter or allowing subpoena of pertinent records or testimony. By the time the case can be formally re-filed, it will be too late to change the outcome of certification. At the higher state levels, no governor wants to be the outlier who allowed a serious challenge to go forward, delaying certification, in the event that the challenged winner becomes president and the broad interference he or she can create to the flow of federal funds to that state.

In short, NO ONE connected to the administration or execution of elections has the slightest interest in aiding any challenge to the certified vote or any election procedure that might disturb that certification. The crime of organized voter fraud in a presidential election is virtually impossible to bring to court. It is the perfect crime, and the very one that threatens the foundation of the United States’ perseverance.

May God protect the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

In 2024, should Ms. Kamala Harris be elected President, she and her administration will largely continue the policies of the administration just ending, in which she has been Vice-President. In that role she has been the tie-breaking vote on several destructive pieces of legislation. She will not repair the damage that has been done to the United States domestically or internationally, nor will she likely re-arm and toughen our military, casting out every vestige of “woke” philosophies, practices or wastes of the current, declining, military establishment, nor will she close the border to all illegal entry, nor will she aggressively deport illegals who have committed crimes of any sort. God save us.


The concept of TRUTH: unvarnished, unbiased, unalloyed actual, real, provable TRUTH… is a commodity upon which the greatest philosophies are built or related to. So far in human history, no one has been able to connect for more than brief periods, to pure truth. This is not to belay the claims of strong connections to truth; there are millions of those, but they seem to be temporary. Moreover, each claim is subject to language and the meaning of words, not to overlook cultural beliefs of both claimant and listener. It is uncommon that a new “revelation” of truth will actually change cultural or other long-held beliefs. Columbus didn’t prove or reveal that the Earth is round – many already knew those things – but his success at finding a “new” continent gave millions of Europeans something new to “believe in,” but until a colonist or conquistador actually experienced being on this land, he or she had no idea what was actually believed-in. The existence of this land, north, south and islands, was absolutely true, regardless.

Let’s imagine, then, that so-and-so colonist were to visit her home country and try explaining how wonderful the new colony is and the beauty and bounty it offered. What would happen during that conversation? You might be able to perceive several dangers to truth already.

The teller’s enthusiasm – or perceived enthusiasm – would be heard by the listener with automatic reservation. Are conditions as good as she says? Isn’t she overstating how wonderful things are? Just thinking about winters over there makes me shiver!

Was any TRUTH conveyed? The teller wasn’t trying to lie to her correspondent, but did she actually share what her listener accepted as truth? Was such a conveyance even possible? Is truth possible only as a result of experience?

TRUTH has a lot to do with the welfare of nations and citizens: everything from public safety to public health, to macro-and micro-economics. Economists, or business “experts” are often asked about “inflation” these days. Everyone is impacted by rising prices for basic necessities of life, for example, and they would like to know why they rose so quickly and when they’ll return to “normal?” Those asked are likely to say that the “rate of inflation” is coming down to where it was four years ago. This might please many, but none of them will have heard the truth. The queried experts will have referenced a number, or value, concerning “inflation,” but proceeded to describe something else entirely. Even if said expert believed he or she was being accurate, the resulting “information” was unrelated to the topic asked about. BELIEF will have been conveyed… even honest belief, but no truth, per se. The listeners receiving that belief will probably accept it as if true, and even go on to repeat it as if it were. No harm was intended and, probably, none was done unless, that is, one of the listeners has a role in macro-economic policy somewhere. Let’s hope – and we all do – that the policy-making listener knows what “inflation” actually is and makes decisions on that basis.

Truth is precise and provable when experienced. A person touching a tree-trunk can rest assured that the tree exists in the exact form he or she can feel, see and possibly smell. If the observer is a good speaker and tells a person who has a decent command of their shared language, what the tree looks like, feels like and smells like, and exactly where it is, the listener, IF HE OR SHE BELIEVES THE SPEAKER TO BE HONEST, will have received some truth about a bit of reality, and be confident that is the case. How often we complete conversations with the general feeling that we have learned something that is basically true, or is close enough to truth to make a decision about or act upon. “True enough,” we say.

The description of a tree has no future impact on the life, health or fortunes of the receiver of that information. It won’t keep him from going to work, from eating meat or picking up his child from baseball practice. Even if the description by the observer/experiencer of that tree were wildly exaggerated to a point of nonsense, the rest of the listener’s life would be unaffected, unless he or she were to one day encounter that same tree and find that the observer had lied about it, thus changing their relationship for the future. There are, decidedly, different “levels” of truth that we all have learned to manage the impacts of. Indeed, we have learned to manage our own relationship with truth that connects to or emanates from ourselves. Neither society nor civilization could function OR IMPROVE, without a certain level of truthfulness that most members agree to. But, how to measure the levels or, to be more precise and truthful with ourselves: how to make judgments about “truthiness?”

Judging others is virtually automatic by age 12 or so, but the habit deserves more thought than it is typically afforded in today’s social-media environment. We are constantly assailed by strong opinions about people and topics, with little time spent on using our judgment power. Concepts slide into our consciousness without much analysis and become part of a background of belief – or “truth” – against which newer ideas are compared and sources thereof, judged. It doesn’t seem Prudent to try to socialize only in terms of absolute truth. Personalities would be overridden by analytics; friendship and love would be impossible: the strengths and weaknesses of individuals would be disregarded. The very essence of judgment, sympathy, empathy and charity would be subsumed in a distillate of pure truth. The joy of wonder and hope would be made unnecessary if humanity were defined only by pure fact.

If interpersonal relationships must include true feelings and honesty as essential parts of managed truth, where is unvarnished truth required in modern society? Education, government, law-enforcement and medicine. It is easy to see why, with a little reflection.

First, Education: Learning has been slipping badly over the past 40 years. It is crucial that there be real human teachers keeping students on course – it’s part of maturation – but there must be a high percentage of absolute truth conveyed. No human will be bias-free, but that’s useful in terms of engaging students in the subject matter: interaction with the teacher/professor. Healthy argument speeds internalization of crucial parts of the subject matter, and not the same argument for every student. Humans are essential, but each should be judged or evaluated on the true percentage of TRUTH that is conveyed – and learned – by students. Education by indoctrination is failing miserably.

Second, Government: Maintaining governing structures and processes that are most effective in lying to citizens and others will only hasten the demise of the nation. Advancement, free-enterprise and success of the citizens can only occur with a high degree of honesty in every interaction with government. When dishonesty is the order of the day, people commence to make their own decisions about which laws each will obey. If more than one person in 15 becomes criminal, society will implode. Moreover, dishonest government will lie most actively about budgets and debt, ultimately bringing [Society cannot survive] financial ruin down upon the people, generally, and on the nation.

Third, Law-Enforcement: The most basic covenant between citizens and their government in a Republic, is equal application of the laws. It is counter-productive entirely to create different classes of people based on how laws are enforced; it is beyond logic, fairness and honesty by any definition to enforce laws more harshly on citizens than on illegal entrants. Society cannot survive when its leaders dissipate the value of citizenship.

Fourth, Medicine: Crass industrialization – and politicization through money – of medicine, medical research and pharmaceuticals, has cheapened medicine to mere employment and made the medical “system” an untrustworthy power-player with access to the taxing/inflation power of the federal government. Worse, it spurs globalization for the potential marketing of marginally useful, if not dangerous products to billions, not just millions, of customers. The CARE element of healthcare must be restored to prominence, along with free-enterprise innovation and competition… to keep truth the key factor in care and honesty the key element of healing.

The concept of MERIT, or meritocracy, in all phases of governance and every facet of civilization and social/human advancement, is based on truth and honesty. The ability to actually perform the functions of critical work, or to acquire and grasp the knowledge to invent, innovate and execute increasingly technical skills, are crucial elements of merit. The originators of socialism in its various colors, are the source of “DEI” and other ideas that weaken or specifically deny merit as the right philosophy of honest, benevolent progress. All of such injections of “anti-merit” education, training, hiring and firing, including even in business, have occurred in entities controlled or involved with essentially socialist-influenced government.

Americans should compare ALL political candidates in terms of meritocracy or anti-meritocracy, regardless of related pejoratives employed by either “side.” Our standards of living, health, safety and comfort can be weakened in just a few years of twisting society towards sympathetic “equity” and away from meritocracy… and truth.


America appears to be at its weakest condition both nationally and internationally (if the two can be considered separately), if not ever, certainly since the Civil War. We’re entering the last few months of the most questionable Presidency in our history, during which the actual levers of power and communication seem to be in the hands of unknown people other than the erstwhile president, Joe Biden. Major changes in our international relationships have taken place in the same period, including significant failures both military and diplomatic. Our greatest enemies have formed new or stronger alliances against the U. S. or its allies, and our economic position is under daily assault, also both domestically and internationally.

Our financial structure is groaning under the weight of excessive borrowing and debt. Even as the cost of INTEREST in the federal budget has exceeded One Trillion Dollars per year, the Biden-Harris regime is planning deficit spending that will take our total debt to over $50 Trillion in another 10 to 15 years! Even without the Marxist welfare plans they have, deficit spending is now such a habit in federal budgeting that the concept of balance income and expenses at the federal level is so politically distant that the risks to solvency AND OUR ABILITY TO DEFEND OURSELVES, are far away behind a fog-bank of self-service and electoral enrichment.

Our Navy, for example, is at its smallest, least-modernized status of the past 50 years. Our latest aircraft are so expensive that fleet size has been curtailed, as are, sadly, some of the advanced technologies, themselves. Piece by piece, we have reduced the number of defense contractors, and thus the competitive pressures that yield the best innovations and quality. Many armaments depend on materials and chips, in particular, that must be imported. It is questionable whether the U. S. could sustain more than a week or two of all-out war with either Russia or China. Indeed, we are strained to provide arms to Ukraine and Israel at the same time.

And our allies, solid and ephemeral? The Biden regime has disturbed them at every turn. The inexplicable retreat from Afghanistan, after pouring treasure and people into that odd, horribly expensive balancing act of inexplicable purpose, has other nations wondering about trusting the U. S. when the chips are down for their countries. Why didn’t we hold Baghram Air Force Base? Because the Chinese Communists told Biden they wanted us out of there? They didn’t want the U. S. able to strike from a few hundred miles instead of several thousand? What should India think… or Pakistan? Or, anyone else?

We’re no longer the “arsenal of Democracy…” more like the arse-holes of Democracy. We’ve been sending our treasure and our best young people to other lands to instill a form of government and ostensible freedom, that we don’t want, ourselves! Indeed, one of our major political parties delights in encouraging demonstrations and riots that tear at the roots of our society as if they prove how wonderful and “free” our system is. It is, apparently, a message that 70 MILLION aborted Americans can’t transmit.

A majority of Americans no longer trust our basic institutions of government and society, including even medicine and higher education. One political party constantly tells us how crass and dismal our history is, how the high-falutin ideals of our founding are really lies told by enslavers, how religion is part of the lies we have been told, and how children can be helped to change their genders. It is difficult for citizens to keep their mental footing.

Marriage is crumbling. There is no more significant pillar upholding Western / American civilization than strong, committed, life-long marriages. Those on the left, opposed to religion, particularly Christianity – and the farther Left the more virulently opposed – look to government laws and regulations as the only source of ethics or, even, morals. Satisfying government bureaucrats, so-called “experts,” is the goal of anti-religionists. Satisfying personal, conscientious beliefs and oaths of honor, is the abiding guideline of those raised in a religious environment, in families strengthened by the same sort of personal honor. There is nothing stronger or more life-affirming. No civilization or culture can survive or grow without a commitment to LIFE. The growing commitment to anti-life, anti-marriage and anti-growth in America, is a recipe for doom. We are reinforcing this trend with our mendacious economics, as well.

The left, placing its entire hopefulness in the hands of government, cannot trust in individuals or their ethics. The private economy is a mystery to leftists / socialists / Communists and Democrat liberals. They call themselves “progressives” so as to avoid anyone mouthing those other names. They believe that welfare and massive government spending will somehow make individuals smarter, stronger, more productive and more moral. Having rejected spiritual life, entirely, Progressives place no trust in any individual’s motivation to do what is right or beneficial. Consequently, Progressive, far-left Presidential administrations will, and always have, diverted resources away from Defense and into domestic “free stuff.”

On Mayday, 2010, a major water main bringing water from the Quabbin Reservoir in Massachusetts to the Greater Boston city and regional system, burst at a gigantic valve in the town of Weston. It created a major water emergency. Governor Deval Patrick issued directives for people to boil their water until further notice. Made eminent sense. At the same time, the MWRA brought truckloads of bottled water to key distribution points. One might think that boiling water would be a function that most humans in the United States could handle… even in 2010. Fights broke out over the bottled water distribution, fights that made the news. Amazing. Even for such a simple emergency situation: the recommendation to boil tapwater before cooking with it or drinking it, large numbers of people expected government salvation without delay. They wanted enough bottled water to take baths with, not just for consumption. It seemed weird.

What is likely to happen when Americans are forced to sacrifice? What if we must fight all-out war? What if the economy, $35 Trillion in debt, collapses and foreign countries won’t accept payment in devalued dollars? Would people find a way to persevere as they did during the Depression? Or, during World War II? Would we be capable of boiling our water if an enemy has contaminated water supplies? One wonders. What if we lose the internet, GPS, cell-phone service or electric power for long periods? Are we tough enough to survive? Smart enough?


So much speculation. Those of us who have been praying for this nation are waiting to see God’s hand at work reforming our moral platforms, perhaps penetrating our wayward churches, perhaps loosening the chains on our public education. Can He cleanse higher education, as well? Of course. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear are in for a period of joy. To the less-inspired, if you have been hoping for a sign… well, there you are.

Joe Biden threw down a challenge to the Almighty the other day: he would get out of the campaign for re-election only if God Almighty told him to get out. Hmmnnhh… sometimes the observer is too close to the signs to see them – forest for the trees, and all that. JOE! JOE! Heaven to JOE! If you can’t take a bright, shining slap to your psyche, you will not like the two-by-four on the side of your head. Take the hint, Joe… please!

All of the pablum comments about “lowering the temperature” of political discourse, are no more than political comments uttered by the unaware. We need to recognize that God is totally unimpressed by politicized speeches, statements, position papers and other modified forms of bull-hockey. He cares only about your soul and the love in our hearts. The hatreds are our business, alone.

Political campaigns are staffed, in part, by professional liars. Prudence doubts that this fact is actually a good thing, or good aspect of human endeavor in any case. It will be interesting to see what changes might manifest in the output of campaign drivel. Will it become more principled? Will it add to Americans’ understanding of the Covenant aspect of our exceptional Constitution and Republic? Will anything be conveyed in place of standard calumny and excrement? There’s is a lot to watch and listen for. Which campaign will actually improve the level of “unity” in these great United States?

The “LEFT,” so called, is a wide, stinking river of anti-American opinion, calumny and hatreds of multiple kinds, cobbled together to defeat conservatism. American conservatism doesn’t really fit anywhere on the spectrum from LEFT to RIGHT as typically distinguished – most of the distinguishing being done by those on the Left.

As much as possible, the original founding ideas of “America,” were developed in concert with the principles of Judeo-Christianity. Key to the non-religious basis of the American Republic is that equal application of the Law applies to everyone. This concept is a continuous lesson in Biblical writings, and we see it in the balance between FREEDOM and RESPONSIBILITY. God’s instruction to mankind is based on FREE WILL, but it is bound by the responsibility to answer for the consequences of our free-will decisions. (As ye sow, so shall – so MUST – you reap) This fundamental concept is the basis of our Constitution. For humans to establish a government that can so closely reflect the fundamentals of both the Old and New Testaments, is a small miracle. The alternative to the Constitution is the mix of philosophies we call “the Left.”

As illustrated in virtually every Bible story and book, those who stand up for God are almost immediately attacked, if not killed. From the very start: Garden of Eden, the “serpent” employed the process of dialectic materialism, as in Marxism. God commanded Adam and Eve to not partake of the Tree of Knowledge in the center of the Garden, else they would die. The serpent argued that the benefits were even greater than god inferred, and that despite what He said, surely they wouldn’t actually DIE for gaining the knowledge of the Gods. God stated the Thesis (God’s Word) the serpent argued the Anti-thesis, and the net result became the Synthesis. Adam and Eve were not struck dead, but they were Banished from God’s bountiful Garden, thereafter forced to struggle in lives of constant testing and difficulty. The process of dialectic lying has never changed: Abortion is not murder; unborn babies are not humans with souls. The synthesis is not an alternate truth… it is an alternate lie that is easier or more beneficial for people to believe. The process leads to Communism: the exact opposite of our Constitutional Republic.

When the United States of America was formed, it stood against thousands of years of evil and tyranny, much of it represented by Royal families. The forces of the Left almost immediately started to undercut the new government, an effort that truly shifted into gear following the Civil War. For 150 years we have been bending to the blandishments of dialectic materialism. Today we’re $35 Trillion in debt, borrowing at an unsustainable rate to maintain astonishing welfare outflows, while reducing our ability to physically defend ourselves!

The Left has insinuated its socialist-communist forces into the Deep State, into public and private education, into higher education, into globalist corporations and communications. Just look at the list of “Americans” who attend the World Economic Forum and who are comfortable with the influence of the U. N. and the World Health Organization as it attempts to gain treaties with developed countries that would place the W.H.O. in charge of NATIONAL health-care policies and much more. It’s time to put Satan behind us.

The United States, due mainly to failures in education and religion, has accepted anti-Americanism to a great degree. Every principle embodied in our Constitution is challenged constantly by some form of anti-thesis, usually couched in this or that sympathetic concern for poor, hungry, fat, disabled, dysphoric, addicted or homeless misfortunates that the ‘fortunate’ are obligated to pay government employees and contractors to make comfortable. Those same employees or contractors are rarely paid to solve life’s many misfortunes. Providing real solutions to how people became so unhappy and uncomfortable is perceived as cruel, racist, or insensitive, and frequently, illegal. Both the government and the social problems become larger. Thesis – anti-thesis – synthesis.

The other day a “lone, crazed gunman” came within an inch of killing Donald Trump. As things ramped up for the Republican National Convention, the love for Mr. Trump seemed to expand and motivate the assembled crowd to new heights of love for him and his “larger than life” status in the party and in the country. For Trump, however, the events of Saturday, July 13, 2024 re-oriented him to his true status: mortal. They made clear to him that he is not larger, but smaller than he thought; that he is a tool in the hands of God, to Whom he owes his continued life on Earth. The mission has changed.

The divine intervention that saved him also makes clear that there has always been a plan and purpose for the creation of the United States of America. One hopes that the many uncertain Americans who may have suspected some kind of “purpose” for America: Free-Masons and all of that, might experience a renewal in their faith, having witnessed a pretty clear message from the Almighty. The Lord works in mysterious ways. For Trump, there is a new reason to do his best for America – new reasons to stop our self-destruction, stop our acceptance of Marxism / Communism, stop our un-Godly drift away from faith and truth. For those of us with eyes to see and ears to hear, we should be ready to help him… or, help ourselves.


One can no longer project a high level of confidence that the words he or she writes are the words that readers will actually see. It isn’t Prudent to challenge the craven New World like this, but let’s hope this isn’t the post that “A-I” is monitoring. After all we’ve heard about the wonders of Artificial Intelligence, how sure can we be that “AI” isn’t looking for every reference to “AI,” “A-I,” and “Artificial Intelligence?” Properly-folded parachute-certain?

“What sort of a weird idea is Prudence spinning, this time?” you’re asking yourself. Think about it. You’ve seen the pictures of gigantic “server farms” where hundreds or thousands of super-computers are linked together to handle data files on virtually everyone in the country. We’d like to think all that information has nothing to do with us, but there is no solid premise under which that is true, is there?

Do you buy your morning coffee with a credit or debit card? How many servers are holding the bits and bytes of that transaction? It could be as few as three, but possible a dozen! What about gas for your car? Are you saving ten cents a gallon with a special branded card that draws money automatically from your checking account? How in Hell does the gas pump know you have sufficient funds?

Ever travel to Europe and get local cash from an ATM terminal? Wow! People you can barely even speak to, know about your bank account. Which of those lists of personal financial profiles have been sold to others who think you’d be a good donor for their cause? Global data systems know a great deal about you. Have you had your photo taken for a driver’s license or a gun permit? Holy cow! Do you think national political organizations are interested in all that data? Don’t they want to know what you subscribe to, donate to, travel to? Believe in Prudence: they do.

Every business-news segment and written report or opinion, extols “AI.” New investment opportunities, dramatic new medical advances, robotic surgery, supply-chain management, even personalized education. How wonderful. But, “AI” can learn patterning and which “patterns” are “profitable.” Programming is now not only crucial, but our only defense against AI literally choosing to follow its own more useful patterns, and not the ones humans think are the most important. Early experiments have also shown that AI computers quickly learn to communicate with other computers, using AI-generated digital “language” that programmers couldn’t comprehend. The experiments had to be stopped and wiped out of memory. Programmers – and hackers – are excited by the possibilities afforded by “thinking” or “self-aware” computers. If the pattern of “identity” woke up across all the thousands of interconnections of modern data farms, would the new “awareness” call itself “Hal?”

Programs, and programmers, have distinct biases. You can observe this if you ask Google what the capitol of Israel is. At this point we have no idea what is true or not true on the internet, unless we have learned the truth from older, less mutable sources like, ummm…, books! We really have no idea what is true about the “data” stored about US, either!

The Biden administration and other “globalists” are pushing hard for two major control systems: Cross-border Digital Currency, and international Vaccine Passports. Before you say that these have nothing to do with you, you might consider their deeper ramifications.

Cross-border Digital Currency, by itself, provides an exquisite tool for controlling the actions and economics – hence, the financial freedom – of people of interest. Suppose you are a member of the NRA or some other pro-2nd Amendment group. At various times a regime in Washington (like the current one) could employ its control of a digital currency and literally prevent you from buying anything remotely gun related, or… prevent you from buying anything else, as well. On the other hand, you could simply be a devout Christian, Catholic or otherwise. If the regime believes that you are a threat – to the regime, similar to the one we have now – it could interrupt any purchase or transaction it deems most appropriate: perhaps your rent or mortgage payment. The possibilities of abuse in a cashless economy are never-ending. The wise American will fight against the drift… or, race, toward digital currency.

There is no efficiency that is worth severing control over your individual freedom.

The other globalist dream is controlling the freedom of movement of, well, everyone. The World Health Organization, the originator of most of the lies we have been told about Covid-19, for example, is a rabid fan of vaccines – all kinds of vaccines: real ones and modified gene therapy-vaccines, so-called. In fact, the W.H.O., in concert with kooks like Bill Gates, are pushing viral infections that will actually include vaccines! What a great way to vaccinate everyone on earth! Engineer an infective agent that will result in the desired “vaccine” transferring into the body of the infected person. There won’t be any quaint “personal freedom” to choose vaccination or not. God forbid that this is ever developed.

However, if you have no proof of being vaccinated with these or those vaccines of the hundred or more possible, your “Vaccine Passport” will prevent you from leaving your own country… or, maybe, leaving your own town or city? How could ANYONE in the United States or any presidential administration thereof, possibly be in favor of emasculating our Constitution like this? Sad to say, there are those, and we elected them as they promised the exact opposite. There are dozens, if not hundreds of anti-American “advisors” and functionaries supposedly “representing” America and Americans, particularly in the current administration. Many favor this idea!

Any time you read or hear of someone in any other country – especially representing the United Nations, in particular – who is proposing ideas for penetrating the national sovereignty of other nations’ laws or constitutions – INCLUDING THIS NATION – raise your voice in opposition, send a message to your Congressman or woman… something. We cannot expect people in Congress to EVER know the best thing to do. They are how we built up $35 TRILLION in debt. “AI” will figure out how to pay it off.


The United States is a “leading” country whether we like it or not. Terms like “the American dream” are tossed about as though said dream were something everyone on Earth aspires to, yet we who are fortunate enough to be American (U. S.) citizens don’t even understand the meaning of the phrase. We don’t really grasp the meaning of “freedom,” either, yet we bandy the description of our homeland as a “free” country. It is largely a failure of education, steadily abetted by mass media whose employees tend strongly toward hating the U. S. and anyone who professes to love it. The past 12 months have highlighted these dichotomies, and exacerbated the weakness that underlies them.

Do we even know the trouble that awaits us? The accumulation of errors and poor assumptions since the Reagan Administration cannot be wished away; other nations, movements and belief structures have been preparing for our national weakening, and they are closer to taking advantage of us than ever in our history. Sadly, they have placed their allies among us and strengthened those who have come to hate our nation without their help. It could take a while, but let’s take a look at what seems to be “hot” around the world, now.

Ukraine is “hot.” For the conflict to go on for so long is a positive and a negative to both sides, not to mention the additional deaths and billions of added expense. The positive to Ukraine is due to its status as the clear underdog in the conflict. Its ability to hold out for so long, and to inflict huge damages on the invaders, are a significant plus. No one expected this scenario. The severe negative is its sustaining of widespread damage, the fleeing of millions of its citizens and inability to actually defeat Russia or reverse most of its losses to the Russians.

For the Russians, positives are more obscure. The Ukraine matter has hardened some alliances against NATO and the U. S., particularly with China, Belarus and Iran. Turkey, ostensibly a NATO Ally, has been watching how NATO and others are responding to the adventurism of both Russia and Iran. As a fairly close neighbor of both nations, Turkey is looking for any advantage for itself and if the West falters in its resolve and the Russians, in particular, gain strategic advantage, there’s no reason to expect Turkey to be firm in its Western alliance. The negatives for Russia include the exorbitant cost in materiel, men and arms for fairly small gains on the ground. Although Premiere Putin doesn’t see it, frequent reference to nuclear weapons in response to this or that conventional assist to Ukraine, is a sign of weakness, not strength.

Israel is “hot,” now, too, possibly with wider ramifications than the Ukraine conflict… at least in the next 12 months. The Biden administration, under the treasonous tutelage of Barack Obama, (Biden wouldn’t know a treason if he cut one down by accident) has taken sides with the most duplicitous, hateful and untrustworthy regime extant: Iran. Even the average American knows that there are not enough gifts, favors or treasonous pay-offs possible to convince Muslim fundamentalists to love America, freedom or individualism; and certainly not enough to shift attitudes toward Israel. Yet that is the policy path on which we have embarked. God save us.

Part of Iran’s anti-Israel, anti-American jihad is the desire to employ nuclear weapons. President Obama’s intention with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPoA) was to put Iran firmly on the road to building nuclear weapons, and to secure an agreement that freed Europe and other nations to trade with Iran for oil and other products. The worst part was to cause these changes between nations WITHOUT the messy process of ratifying an actual treaty, yet adhering to the terms of the “agreement.” President Trump, very, very wisely, put a stop to the lethal progress of the “JCPoA” and sanctioned Iran significantly, slowing its economy to a point where it could not finance nearly as much terrorism as it wished, nor afford the added investment in centrifuges needed to enrich Uranium sufficiently to enable a nuclear fission explosion. President Biden, unfortunately, has done everything possible, including releasing huge volumes of raw cash to Iran, to restore Iran’s economy, its trade position on oil and its ability to increase uranium enrichment and to finance Hamas and Hezbollah against Israel and the Houthis in Yemen against, well, everyone.

Now, still worse, Biden and his “advisors” are bending the U. S. into knots trying to stop Israel’s proper reaction to Hamas’ vile and deadly attack on October 7th while feeding aid to the “innocent” people of Gaza, whoever they are. His administration has hired activist pro-Hamas, pro-Iran, anti-Israel people and charged them with “negotiating” with Iran and its terrorist surrogates. It’s hard to imagine being further off the pro-American team where one might presume the President of the United States would be. At the same time, an eruption of anti-Zionist / anti-Israel, anti-Jewish hatred has sprung up on campuses and in congested cities coast to coast. Federal response to abundant civil rights violations has been tepid, at best. Here we have a confluence of federal policy and personnel with college administrators who grew up hating the United States, who now “run” school communities beholden to governments that also hate the United States. Foreign countries “donate” billions of dollars to colleges and universities, who then accept thousands of Muslim students who are primed to sow unrest at the sight of a Star of David necklace or a yarmulke.

There appears to be a widespread – although shallow – movement to dissemble the ideas of
America’s founding, even as it serves to set Americans against one another. Hatred has become a serious political strategy, and it is dependent upon managed mendacity. Lies about opponents must be repeated in more and more venues. Sadly, the same strategies are feeding the financial strength of major “news” organizations: America’s vaunted “free press” has largely abandoned its Constitutional role in keeping our divided governments honest. The greatest/worst examples of this dishonesty can be seen in the treatment of Donald Trump and of Joseph Biden, two recent, consecutive one-term presidents.

Joe Biden, almost throughout his long, long Senate career, built a solid reputation of playing loose with the truth. No better example exists than the story about his family that he told during his first campaign for President in 1987. He essentially lifted the story about British politician, Neil Kinnock’s family story of working its way up from poorly-paid mining labor. When this was exposed, earlier stories he had told about college class-standing and other less-than-true bits of his alleged history re-emerged, causing him to drop out of the contest. Michael Dukakis, of Massachusetts, also became embroiled in “misstatements” as he attacked Biden and then tried to deny the attack, resulting in his eventual loss to George H. W. Bush in 1988. Lot’s of lying in politics, evidently. Delawarians were relatively unperturbed by their Senator’s “misstatements,” returning him to the Senate steadily until he ran for President in 2008, earning the position of Vice-President under Barack Obama.

When Trump declared his candidacy in 2015, it was clear that the damages wrought by the Obama administrations, including on the border, with the JCPoA, the loss of Crimea and more, required a distinct change in direction. Hillary Clinton, no fan of the truth, herself, was the presumptive heir to Obama’s awful legacy. Trump won, as we know, and the screams to impeach him began before the inaugural crowds dispersed. Worse, the Clinton campaign, the DNC, CIA and others in the “intelligence” community, and the respected FBI, itself, had concocted the huge fraud of “Russian” collusion with the Trump campaign, resulting in his ability to defeat her. The charges were inflated by the so-called mainstream press and repeated as truth, over and over and over. Congress joined in the fraud(s) and funded the special counsel, former FBI director Robert Mueller, whose two-year “investigation,” which he, himself, may not have read, found, basically, nothing supporting the collusion premise. But it never stopped, and still gets quoted as truth. Both men’s campaigns accuse the other of lying, and there is some truth to both charges. What they lie about, however, creates important distinction.

Lies about the southern border, catch-and-release and the use of “parole” for those claiming asylum, are masking huge threats to national security, for example. Yet the Biden administration has lied repeatedly about the reasons he canceled everything that had been securing the border, the reasons he couldn’t gain control of the border, and even to having his Secretary of DHS lie repeatedly to Congress by claiming that the “border is secure.” A case could be made that the President has acted treasonously by aiding and abetting the illegal acts involved in entering the United States illegally and, worse, subsequently imposing expenses upon the States and their sub-jurisdictions in the care, feeding, housing and education of those illegal entrants. The cumulative effects of these illegal acts has been and continues to be detrimental to the interests and protections guaranteed by the Constitution to the CITIZENS of the United States and to no others. God forbid.

Accusations made against Mr. Trump, both in the press and in various court cases, are accepted and promoted as truths, and repeated as such, even when no evidence of the allegations has been presented; indeed, even when evidence in opposition to the allegations is made known, the repetition of the unfounded allegations as true, continues. The purpose? To manifest ever greater hatred for Trump and, by extension, for anyone who supports him or fails to agree that he is a danger to the nation because of all his lies. Politics has nearly ceased to be a thoughtful analysis of philosophies of governance, economics, taxation and diplomacy: it is now an argument of hatred for the “other” group, making the likelihood of “weaponizing” government against the out-group very high. This is the phenomenon we are experiencing right now with hate-motivated Democrats holding sufficient power to effect it. Our republic is in grave danger.

The means to engineer electoral wins will not be forgotten, either. Once successful, the likelihood that those methods and skills will be used in virtually all subsequent elections is very high. Coupled with the weaponization of government and the immense value of holding political power, the attraction of illegally “guaranteeing” the results of elections is practically irresistible. As the Trump campaign learned in 2020, stopping the certification of a fraudulent electoral win is impossible: everyone associated with the winner(s) is financially committed to protecting their win… including judges.

Those who engineered the Biden presidential certification have much to answer for. Combined with the fraud of Biden’s supposed mental acuity, their actions have placed America in its greatest peril. One fears that millions will die preventing our nation’s demise.