The general malaise that has infected the United States far more significantly than the Wuhan, China virus, has many markers for human-engineered mutations in its DNA. COVID-19 seems to have just ONE insertion of non-natural protein into its DNA, and look at all the trouble that has caused! It was inserted to make COVID a human-transferrable pathogen not for a good reason, but an evil one.
America, on the other hand, began by the insertion of several new ideas, all for good reason, designed to spread amongst mankind for the betterment of all. The greatest of these was “We the People…” forming a government to protect our liberties and our God-given rights, and to adjudicate injustice among the citizens and between citizens and governments when the latter lose their way. Sadly, dangerously – if one agrees that the loss of the American ideal is a danger to mankind – many, many mutations have been inserted into America’s DNA over the decades, some for good reasons, many for vilely bad ones. The resulting disease, socialist tyranny, is now eating our muscles and brains. There are treatments and ways to build up our immunity against these foul mutations, but they’ll be bitter pills for some.
The most pernicious mutation in our genes was slavery. We were born with it and have fought, quite literally, to remove it and its errors since the very beginning. Even those who depended upon slavery knew it was wrong and out of place, needing a cure. Various forms of compromise, as if we might be happy with a little sickness if it didn’t spread, were tried and failed: too much prosperity was involved. Even those abolitionists who railed against it from the North, happily processed the cotton slaves picked, in their humming mills along rivers large and small. When the bitter pill of secession and civil war was finally swallowed the young nation gave up hundreds of thousands of lives and casualties and nearly all of its treasure to effect a cure. It worked on the grand scale but not the tiny one. Thousands, perhaps millions of Americans still clung to the false premise that inferiority could be discerned by skin color, and fears and hatreds remained for another century, now mostly gone.
Originally, slavery interfered with politics, bringing distrust upon those who lived where it was practiced, and upon their representatives. But the bad gene of organized hatred gained strength under Reconstruction and into the 20th century, and politics learned how to GAIN power with hatred. That gene has not been excised, and indeed has become dominant, now. We have so far refused the bitter pill that could reverse its spread. Indeed, for POLITICAL purposes, we have undermined full equality for blacks, in particular, by wrecking their family structure and making large fractions of their numbers dependent through welfare, always, publicly, for the most compassionate reasons.
We have inserted the unionization gene into public employment, including education, for wonderful POLITICAL and not educational reasons. Once unleashed it metastasized throughout local and state governments and infected the federal behemoth, sapping education itself while cementing incumbents into power they have not earned. There is a cure, but insufficient courage to take its bitter pill. We’ll run out of money and taxpayers before we gulp this one down. Power will remain in the same hands that have prevented a cure for 60 years, however. The pill requires voters to elect those willing to change the laws that cement unions in place, and who will then de-certify those unions. Unfortunately those organizations have successfully changed the definition of “education” and voters think “teachers” and education are synonymous, to the detriment of generations and the future of our nation.
The debt-ignorance gene was inserted in 1913, right after the income tax gene – a bad year for our DNA, 1913. Once the Federal Reserve got its “sea legs,” debt became our friend and the ticket needed to buy votes and to confuse our voters and taxpayers. The “Fed” has become a $28 TRILLION ride… mostly downhill. The pill to reverse the damage this gene has done is so distasteful that its name is almost never mentioned: cutting the budget and ending the borrowing. [Did you know the Fed was created with legislation that makes it legal for it/them to loan “money” to the United States that it/they, the Fed, does not have? Yet we pay interest on it, anyway? It’s wicked cool.]
The debt gene mostly finances bad ideas, like 20 years in Afghanistan, and the dissolution of our national borders. It finances economic shutdown in the face of a communicable disease, instead of analgesic treatments that slow the progress of the disease in individuals, allowing the human body to fight it off without lengthy – or any – hospitalization. It finances incredibly corrupted federal programs like Medicare, Medicaid and the ACA. It finances public transportation that people don’t use. Debt is one of the most debilitating diseases a free people could ever suffer, since it will steadily make them not free. We have to take the pill that fixes it else we’ll have it shoved down our throats in the disappearance of American sovereignty.
We think we’re so smart because we are the only people on Earth who have figured out that our unique nation is the first and only one that will never have to pay its debts – at least the “intelligentsia” of the Democrat party have figured this out, which makes them much smarter than stick-in-the-mud traditionalist Republicans – these are not all Republicans, who tend to be liberal, but the Conservative ones who tend to be the most honest and patriotic. The actual debt gene is paired with another, the dependency gene, which were both inserted into America’s DNA sometime in the 1930’s. They were tickled a few times by the Roosevelt “Brain Trust,” but lay mostly dormant until the U. S. went off the Gold Standard under Richard Nixon. They’ve blossomed since then and would normally have obliterated the debt-ignorance gene, but that pesky ignorance has hung on after the gold window closed and we started borrowing our own currency from the nearly empty vaults at “The Fed,” who pays the U. S. Mint to now print Federal Reserve Notes instead of U. S. Dollars. The debt-ignorance gene enables us to call those notes “money.” Very bitter pill to cure that gene.
The combined actual-debt and dependency gene pair causes a mental disorder that we call liberalism or progressivism. Liberals are convinced, genetically, that their malady actually is a cure, although here and there some sufferers do “snap” out of it and become conservatives. Soon after that they become patriots as well.
The main symptom of the liberalism disease is a belief that people are not individuals and have no individual rights and that, further, a government can make groups of people into better humans by giving them free stuff. Naturally, as any progressive liberal will partially explain in just a few words, certain groups respond better to those free gifts than others, and that is why the others are left on the outs when all the free giving is going on. Makes sense to liberals, anyway, so it is taught in public schools, especially the out-group part, whose attempts to stop the free gifting exposes them as racists, who should be on the outs, everyone agrees. Don’t join THAT group, children.
Ultimately the only cure for liberalism is knowledge of history and a change of beliefs, making the liberalism “symptom” of genetic weakness, the hardest to undo. There is a pill for it, however, containing the essence of Judeo-Christian philosophy and tiny bits of hemoglobin from the Revolution, Civil War and other righteous conflicts men have died to win. Unfortunately, a large fraction of the body politic refuses to consider taking it or even acknowledging it, mainly those who exhibit the disorder known as progressivism or liberalism. Sadly, we may have reached a point of liberal virulence when not enough of the out-groups are praying for the survival of the United States of America and its unique Constitutional Republic, based upon individual independence, responsibility, structural honesty, prosperity and charity. We still have faith, however.
I hope inspired people are working on a real vaccine against our progressive disease – a vaccine that trains the body politic to recognize infection and remove it before it gains strength, again. That pill will taste sweet or, if it takes a shot or more, they won’t sting a bit. America’s health and longevity are worth it.