East Room of the White House in Washington, Thursday, Oct. 28, 2021,
as Vice President Kamala Harris looks on. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
Thousands of independent truck drivers in Canada have coalesced to protest their government’s Covid-19 “vaccine” mandate. Many are “vaccinated” (have accepted the weird injections) but are demanding freedom to choose what goes into their bloodstreams. Their Premier, Justin Trudeau, has scurried off to hide from them, claiming exposure to Covid – what else? He’s a heroic figure by his own account. He looks more like an asshole, but that’s subjective.
In all likelihood truckers in the U. S. are going to form their own convoy in protest of our government’s denial of freedom, too. Canada’s convoy was up to 45 miles long as it descended upon Ottowa. The Americans will try to exceed that, one suspects. Either way, the Canadians have inspired working people around the world to organize against the soft, yet hardening, tyrannies of supposed pandemic suppression; this applies mainly to the Biden Administration.
President Joe Biden has imposed an odd case study of how strange, long debunked theories of leftist governance, can screw up a large nation in a matter of months. Still, we have to go back further than January 20, 2021 to appreciate the impact of leftism on a supposedly Constitutionally limited democratic republic, particularly in reaction to a national “health emergency.” Covid-19 was such a perfect foil for destroying freedom and personal responsibility, that leftists have almost rejoiced in the opportunities to show how much better life can be under the firm hands of government control. It has fit their dreams so well that the creation of Covid-19 might appear to be a gift from the great leftist in the sky… or in China – same thing to some.
All of this brings us to contemplating how many left-ward changes POTUS (Poop-head Of The United States) has made in slightly more than one year. Among them are a host of UN-Constitutional, EXTRA-Constitutional and ANTI-Constitutional actions and policies. A number of them will, patriots hope, lead to impeachment and conviction of Mr. Biden. One glaring example is illegal immigration, one of the first “orders” POTUS issued on January 21st, his first full day in office. Biden reversed every Trump administration border policy, stopping virtually all deportations and virtually all arrests of illegal entrants. By so doing he ushered in one of the great travesties in U. S. history.
Since the end of January, 2021, nearly 2 MILLION illegal entrants have crossed the southern border – by the hundreds and thousands – and Joe Biden has forced the Border Patrol and I.C.E. to allow them in and then to provide various articles of clothing, cell-phones, prepaid for a year, hotel rooms and rides, even flights, to wherever the illegals want to go, or wherever Biden wants them to go. This policy requires the specific subversion of U. S. law. It forces expenses upon the sovereign states that created the FEDERAL governing system, completely subverting the Tenth Amendment. There is no pro-American value to it. Indeed, beyond unfettered access to public welfare programs and illegal residence in our country, illegal entrants are afforded more rights and far fewer legal constraints than are U. S. citizens! In fact, the federal government bends over backwards to provide Constitutional rights and protections to illegal aliens, including providing attorneys to every illegal entrant to defend their spurious claims to asylum. Many bleeding-heart liberals consider that it is the duty of the United States to feel sorry for, and provide welfare to, every unhappy person in the world. While that’s a sweet opinion, it has almost nothing to do with the purpose of nationhood: survival.
Every nation on Earth has a reason for being. For some, for most, actually, it is ethnicity. That is, nationhood typically has sprung from tribal identity, although most countries have also been fought for against neighboring tribes, and often expanded thereby. In too many examples nations have been cobbled together through domination and war. Commonality of language and / or religious belief has proven just as nationalizing as ethnic tribalism. Many factors combine to establish – and maintain – successful nations. Only one nation has survived because of a set of principles, almost despite ethnicity. It is exceptional.
To cement its unique reasons for being, the founding Fathers – and Mothers – of the United States of America, established an ageless covenant with the people of their recently fought-for states: The Constitution, the most respected and “copied” foundational document in the world. Every President, commencing with George Washington, and virtually every other elected state and federal official since, has sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. One might think that failing to do so would be justification for removal from office.
Every nation, however it justifies its continued existence, recognizes and passionately defends its borders… and its culture. For a nation to be led by a person or group of people who take actions to NOT defend its borders or even its culture, would seem to honest citizens sufficient reason to remove him or them from power. Back to Covid-19.
There is a large cohort of ostensible Americans who are charged with the vital task of conveying the culture and heritage of the United States to its children – to our future, in fact. Unfortunately, teachers and the overarching public education industry, have, over the past fifty years, been co-opted by ultra-leftists and virtual communists. Teachers’ unions have established themselves as the operators of schools, rather than the parents of children or the local, elected, school committees or boards who, presumably, answer to their constituents. It all results from political – and financial – corruption, with most of the finances being tax dollars… tax dollars extracted from real property owners, primarily, under the threat of police powers.
As a consequence, anti-American ideologies are taught to students in schools of “education” and then taught to elementary school students with the knowledge of their parents. This is changing, but decades of damage have been accomplished, reflected in a general malaise infecting 5 to 21-year-olds, noted in rates of drug use, lack of religious education, hyper-sexualization and suicide rates. Many of our youth believe they prefer socialism to capitalism, and if it’s the form of monopolistic, oligharchic wealth concentration we have allowed to date, they are right. Our Constitutional Republican form of governance and freedom is designed to allow for hope, imagination, joy and attainment. Our schools and attendant politics have produced less and less capable or independent young adults, and a lack of hope so profound as to destroy institutions like marriage, motherhood and fatherhood. If a primary purpose of nationhood is survival, America is failing. Illegal immigration won’t fix what ails us.
Covid provided thousands of incipient fascists with a perfect opportunity to push people around. The three most destructive effects of government “emergency” powers are the destruction of thousands of small businesses and millions of jobs, destruction of what was left of American economic freedom and budgetary strength, and destruction of the education and development of millions of K through 12 students. “Educators,” so-called, in teachers’ unions and administrative positions in virtually every school system, learned to exercise powers they’d only dreamed of prior. Parents, their schedules and economies and their precious offspring could be controlled in ways never imagined under our Constitution. As the truth has been spilling out about actual Covid threats and effects, schools are the largest remaining poisoned well of fascism – including pushing these dangerous injections onto kids as young as five years. It all constitutes a crime against humanity. Australia, New Zealand and, now, Canada, have enjoyed practicing new-found fascistic powers, to the point of mobilizing against freedom. Many of those same teachers are envious.
Naturally, parents have rebelled against the cloying, sticky blob of indoctrinators, and have succeeded many areas. Covid helped to expose the rot. But the lerftist, Democrat power structure will not relinquish its attempts to replace the American system with global socialism, readily or cleanly. Its members are clever and cunning, albeit not wise. The Biden deministration is happy to sic Merrick Garland and his DOJ thugs, so to speak, on parents who resist the wasting of education time on critical race or gender theories. What the Hell are we doing with the American dream bequeathed to us over the centuries?
Americans like to believe that we can work hard to elect this or that person or set of persons, and thereby change the direction of freedom, opportunity and of government, itself. It barely works anymore. Elections come and go, but the direction of government is inexorably toward higher pay and benefits for government officials and employees – higher than for average citizens – toward increasing benefits and rights for non-working welfare recipients, toward increasing benefits and rights for illegal entrants, toward increasing controls over individuals’ rights and freedoms, and toward perpetual, unredeemable debt.
Two things must happen: 1) voters must become smarter, hopefully wiser; and, 2) candidates for office must become smarter and better principled in terms of commitment to our Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence.
Are we wise enough, collectively or individually, to stop electing anti-freedom, anti-American officials and “representatives? Do we actually believe that we can ignore the Constitution and just vote ourselves benefits from government much longer? Please.