It is becoming ever more clear that there are good, solid, society-strengthening, family-strengthening and tribe- or nation-strengthening reasons to NOT sink into hyper-sexuality and debauchery.
“Oh, come on, you damned Republican prude, sex is fun and ‘empowering’ for individuals that didn’t like themselves before learning to translate everything about life and economics into sexuality. Don’t be such a Donnie Downer.” And, if one steps back from identity politics far enough to see the forest AND the trees, that one can see the point being made in that reactive statement.
Now, now, now… calm down, there. America and the West have tried a 60-year experiment in immorality and sexual depravity, all couched in terms of “love,” “freedom,” “rights,” and “health care.” It has proven extremely confusing, mainly because all the things the experiment was supposed to make better, have proven to become worse.
Of course, the prime target of the acids produced (and “dropped”) by the experiment has been morality, primarily Christianity. REGARDLESS of your opinion of “the Church” or any reformation thereof, or of “the Bible,” the rules for living contained in both Testaments, are far, far better than the pack of “rights” and re-defined words we attempt to operate society with, today. There is plenty of evidence of the breakdown of “Western” civilization, here in 2022, not least of which is the installation of an American administration controlled by mostly traitors and liars, and the “root cause” of this breakdown is mirrored by, or caused by, the spread of hyper-sexuality, mainly, but not exclusively, in forms of “non-binary” expressions.
“Oh, you hateful homophobic trans-phobe! You can’t say that, you hater. Next you’ll say you’re opposed to gay marriage. Hummphh!”
It is not Prudence’ intent to use broad-brush half, or even smaller fractional truths to express feelings about others’ partial truths. She intends to make very pointed statements about them. Some examples might help.
Let’s consider pornography. No one talks about it anymore. In the 1950’s and 60’s pornographic photography came of age, or so people thought, in part thanks to Polaroid technology whereby film negatives didn’t have to be shared with any third parties in order to be shareable. Of course there were always hidden, secretive “foreign” magazines from “Sweden” or some other exotic place, but, for the most part, “porn” was under-the-counter or back-room stuff in sleazy joints that most honorable, upright citizens would never frequent. And then came “Playboy.”
With Playboy numerous barriers were breeched: a new envelope was created, as it were, and ever more prurient publications pushed to stretch it. Our own Constitution was unprepared for it. The First Amendment had to be applied in some way to keep porn under wraps… and it couldn’t. Judges, themselves, couldn’t agree on what constituted pornography or obscenity. Pictures, and full-color, high-definition videos, of course, of naked bodies in the midst of various activities, are “protected speech” according to clever attorneys and agreed-to by judges, including supreme court justices. Somewhere along the line, unlike the strict definitions of words usually applied to the Constitution, “speech” has been stretched to include “expression” which is automatically stretched to include bodily movement and exposure, all sorts of cursing and verbal attack. One can almost hear the arguments.
“Freedom of Speech” now means any form of observable or audible activity detectable by another. So, what, you ask? Well, how about skewing life and sexuality toward unreality? Do you not see the damage to marriage, families and morality? And, now that what used to be hidden in various ways is quite public (any “Gay Pride parade), in movies and on television and a raft of advertising campaigns, can we even define morality?
“Morality?” you scream… “You mean that Christianity stuff? Separation of church and state, pal!” Hyper-sexuality has become the most effective weapon against true religion, most particularly, Christianity. Just count the rainbow flags and laws that are closing in on what pastors and priest can even SAY within the liturgy. What good has over-sexualizing everything from elementary school to church services actually done for America?
“Well, we can have more and innovative forms of sexual pleasure, so there… besides, it’s a free country and she can always have an abortion if something happens.” Something. And, it makes health care busier.
Let’s consider another example: the “trans-gender explosion.”
Hyper-sex has become a tool of the left – perhaps it always was. We can define the left as always attempting to erode freedom and responsibility, turning both over to some form of tyranny, camouflaged or not. Federalizing every personal unhappiness is a clear marker, making tyranny stronger and individuals weaker. Ultimately, spirituality and religion are weakened or lost altogether, as we are experiencing, now. Back to “trans.”
Public schools, so-called, are increasingly federal, government schools, with “the public,” whose offspring are the reasons for their and their teaching staffs’ existence, increasingly excluded from participation or influence. Children, from the age of 5, and even earlier in “pre-schools,” are carefully prepared to distrust their parents, prepared to ignore their own realities, like physical features and even names, IN SCHOOL! Teachers, to whom the kiddos are entrusted for 3, 4, 5, 6 hours a day and more, and who are clear authority figures and sources of wisdom – which every child is attempting to gain – are spending less time educating the kids in preparation for adulthood, and more time guiding, or grooming them, for early-onset sexual experimentation and experience. “Do you feel like a boy or a girl, today?”
“You can feel like both, if you want. We’ll call you by a name you like better and we’ll use the pronouns that fit how you feel.”
“Don’t tell your parents about your new name; they’ll be mad at you. You can change into different clothes when you get to school – to match your new name. It will be our secret.”
Can you imagine such conversations? … from TEACHERS? These are your tax dollars at work. When the kids are older, the boys are taught how to tuck their penises into certain underwear so that they’ll look like girls in their underpants rather than boys. What the Hell do “underpants appearances” have to do with school?
Girls are taught to bind their breasts so they’ll look more like boys. Both are offered drugs to prevent development in puberty, risking permanent physical damage and developmental retardation and likely sterility. Is that the point? To prevent more children? Or is it simply, and cruelly, designed to dissolve tradition and normalcy and family bonds?
Who, or what “institution” benefits from the breakdown of chastity? Casting about in all directions reveals only a single beneficiary: government… and Satan, one might say, often indistinguishable. And as it expands, it is not a government of benign partnership in the success of its citizens; it is a government that almost automatically divides its population against one another, increasing dependence upon… you guessed it, not freedom, but increasingly tyrannical government.
Government of, by and for the government. 87,000 new, armed, IRS agents will do that. None of their purpose is to enhance freedom – it’s to vacuum money from we the serfs.
Interestingly, the strongest political force against this foul creep of foul creeps, is parents, fighting to keep their families intact and their children as pure as possible.
Why the hyper-sexualization of kids, though? There is an overarching control-meme pushing otherwise professional and ostensibly educated people to adopt Critical Gender and Race theories. We can encapsulate it with the term, “ideology,” but that’s the same charge these groomers use against religion: ideology, a belief system without empirical proof. And, they are the first to shout the loudest about “impose your religious mumbo-jumbo on my body…” Yet, the only “proof” that has emitted from Critical Gender Theory is the destruction of lives, families, suicides and lifelong regrets in all but the rarest of cases. And WE’RE the haters?
Dear friends, we are fighting the Anti-Christ, pure Marxism. Marx, who believed in God, believed also that he would go to Hell for his philosophies. He knew what he was doing and advocating. We need to know, also, and reverse the tide on Marxist hatred that seems to have infected much of our American governance. Those who are its advocates have adopted the anti-life, anti-freedom philosophies for the crassest, crappiest political advantage and wealth. For shame.