Category Archives: Abortion


America appears to be at its weakest condition both nationally and internationally (if the two can be considered separately), if not ever, certainly since the Civil War. We’re entering the last few months of the most questionable Presidency in our history, during which the actual levers of power and communication seem to be in the hands of unknown people other than the erstwhile president, Joe Biden. Major changes in our international relationships have taken place in the same period, including significant failures both military and diplomatic. Our greatest enemies have formed new or stronger alliances against the U. S. or its allies, and our economic position is under daily assault, also both domestically and internationally.

Our financial structure is groaning under the weight of excessive borrowing and debt. Even as the cost of INTEREST in the federal budget has exceeded One Trillion Dollars per year, the Biden-Harris regime is planning deficit spending that will take our total debt to over $50 Trillion in another 10 to 15 years! Even without the Marxist welfare plans they have, deficit spending is now such a habit in federal budgeting that the concept of balance income and expenses at the federal level is so politically distant that the risks to solvency AND OUR ABILITY TO DEFEND OURSELVES, are far away behind a fog-bank of self-service and electoral enrichment.

Our Navy, for example, is at its smallest, least-modernized status of the past 50 years. Our latest aircraft are so expensive that fleet size has been curtailed, as are, sadly, some of the advanced technologies, themselves. Piece by piece, we have reduced the number of defense contractors, and thus the competitive pressures that yield the best innovations and quality. Many armaments depend on materials and chips, in particular, that must be imported. It is questionable whether the U. S. could sustain more than a week or two of all-out war with either Russia or China. Indeed, we are strained to provide arms to Ukraine and Israel at the same time.

And our allies, solid and ephemeral? The Biden regime has disturbed them at every turn. The inexplicable retreat from Afghanistan, after pouring treasure and people into that odd, horribly expensive balancing act of inexplicable purpose, has other nations wondering about trusting the U. S. when the chips are down for their countries. Why didn’t we hold Baghram Air Force Base? Because the Chinese Communists told Biden they wanted us out of there? They didn’t want the U. S. able to strike from a few hundred miles instead of several thousand? What should India think… or Pakistan? Or, anyone else?

We’re no longer the “arsenal of Democracy…” more like the arse-holes of Democracy. We’ve been sending our treasure and our best young people to other lands to instill a form of government and ostensible freedom, that we don’t want, ourselves! Indeed, one of our major political parties delights in encouraging demonstrations and riots that tear at the roots of our society as if they prove how wonderful and “free” our system is. It is, apparently, a message that 70 MILLION aborted Americans can’t transmit.

A majority of Americans no longer trust our basic institutions of government and society, including even medicine and higher education. One political party constantly tells us how crass and dismal our history is, how the high-falutin ideals of our founding are really lies told by enslavers, how religion is part of the lies we have been told, and how children can be helped to change their genders. It is difficult for citizens to keep their mental footing.

Marriage is crumbling. There is no more significant pillar upholding Western / American civilization than strong, committed, life-long marriages. Those on the left, opposed to religion, particularly Christianity – and the farther Left the more virulently opposed – look to government laws and regulations as the only source of ethics or, even, morals. Satisfying government bureaucrats, so-called “experts,” is the goal of anti-religionists. Satisfying personal, conscientious beliefs and oaths of honor, is the abiding guideline of those raised in a religious environment, in families strengthened by the same sort of personal honor. There is nothing stronger or more life-affirming. No civilization or culture can survive or grow without a commitment to LIFE. The growing commitment to anti-life, anti-marriage and anti-growth in America, is a recipe for doom. We are reinforcing this trend with our mendacious economics, as well.

The left, placing its entire hopefulness in the hands of government, cannot trust in individuals or their ethics. The private economy is a mystery to leftists / socialists / Communists and Democrat liberals. They call themselves “progressives” so as to avoid anyone mouthing those other names. They believe that welfare and massive government spending will somehow make individuals smarter, stronger, more productive and more moral. Having rejected spiritual life, entirely, Progressives place no trust in any individual’s motivation to do what is right or beneficial. Consequently, Progressive, far-left Presidential administrations will, and always have, diverted resources away from Defense and into domestic “free stuff.”

On Mayday, 2010, a major water main bringing water from the Quabbin Reservoir in Massachusetts to the Greater Boston city and regional system, burst at a gigantic valve in the town of Weston. It created a major water emergency. Governor Deval Patrick issued directives for people to boil their water until further notice. Made eminent sense. At the same time, the MWRA brought truckloads of bottled water to key distribution points. One might think that boiling water would be a function that most humans in the United States could handle… even in 2010. Fights broke out over the bottled water distribution, fights that made the news. Amazing. Even for such a simple emergency situation: the recommendation to boil tapwater before cooking with it or drinking it, large numbers of people expected government salvation without delay. They wanted enough bottled water to take baths with, not just for consumption. It seemed weird.

What is likely to happen when Americans are forced to sacrifice? What if we must fight all-out war? What if the economy, $35 Trillion in debt, collapses and foreign countries won’t accept payment in devalued dollars? Would people find a way to persevere as they did during the Depression? Or, during World War II? Would we be capable of boiling our water if an enemy has contaminated water supplies? One wonders. What if we lose the internet, GPS, cell-phone service or electric power for long periods? Are we tough enough to survive? Smart enough?


Americans – citizens, let’s hope – are approaching the 2024 elections as though similar to elections in prior presidential years. Some, not yet a majority, are all-too-aware of the presence of the “third party” to our ostensibly free choice of National Executive. This third party is not Robert Kennedy, Jr., Cornel West or Peter Sonski or any of the several others who are “running.” It is the SURVEILLANCE and enforcement state, or what some call the “deep state,” or “the swamp.” Many speak softly of “the Intelligence Community” – not to be confused with an Intelligent community, but the community term is used so as not to make oneself a target of that shadowy bunch, a completely anti-Constitutional, anti-American consortium that perceives itself as the “real” government, holding the U. S. together in spite of any temporary choices made by “We, the People.” “We” do, however, nurture them and rely on them to inform the executive and the military departments of what “America” should do in the face of this or that threat.

Now and then a Representative or Senator will acknowledge (expose?) their presence and, so far, unbridled power, but never in a way that threatens them or their budgets or enabling legislation: other elements of government serve in fear of the “Intelligence Community.” As Senator Schumer of New York once observed, “… they have six ways to Sunday of getting back at (you)”

It is a “community” whose purpose is not “democracy.” Democracy is simply their lever. The party called “Democratic,” which daily proposes un-democratic and anti-democratic ideas, laws and regulations, has moved to identify with the “surv-ints” of the “Intelligence Community” as tightly as possible. The hidden powers of the “surv-ints” have been a great boon to tipping electoral scales in favor of Democrats, most clearly in matters related to disenfranchisement of Constitutionalists. This has proceeded to the degree that in their minds, Democratcy is spelled, now, with just one “T.”

Democratcy doesn’t mean power in the hands of “the people,” no sir-ee, except that “the people” clearly are all Democrats: all the rest are “MAGA extremists” in whose hands power should never be held.

Donald Trump is the tip of the Constitutionalist spear, such as it is. He is a nine-year target of the “surv-ints” and has become a real threat to that permanent, anti-American power bloc… and they have marshaled forces to stop him.

So far those forces appear legal, but in a “keystone kops” kind of way. They are not yet conclusive. When our “surv-ints” perceive that the “Kops” will not jail him, the next level of tools will be employed: watch out for those. Until now ruining lives, reputations and careers has proven to not be a hindrance to the surv-ints purposes. One can recall that JFK and RFK were great threats too, and “lone gunmen” solved those problems with no splash-back onto the surv-ints. The splash gets buried with the body.

It seems Prudent to consider that Trump is at increasing risk of assassination as Election Day approaches. The forces that Trump is committed to “drain” or “clean out” are more powerful than any others “in” government, depending upon individuals’ Constitutional courage. To Democrats this question must be posed: After the “termination” of 65 MILLION Americans, is the unlimited right to apply abortion to your babies, worth the demise of America?

It is sad to be alive at a time in history when either the re-election of Joe Biden or the death of Donald Trump are plausible. May God preserve us.