Category Archives: Governance


Tyranny by any other name…

Tyranny crept in on little cat feet.  You may have been too busy – or frightened – to have noticed what happened to our nation and to our attitudes over the past 60 years.  So, ummnnh, let’s see… 2021 minus 60 years, well, that would be, ahh… 1961!  All right!  I got it.  Don’t ask, it’s a white supremacist thing.  Nineteen-sixty-one: Kennedy was president; the United States had achieved its pinnacle of average standard of living for all races and classes of people.  Black families were making economic progress at a higher rate than whites.  We were starting to tickle the edge of space and gearing up scientifically, technologically and educationally to defeat the Soviet Union.  People everywhere respected, envied, the United States’ obviously superior political and economic system: Freedom… even Americans themselves!

There were rumblings, for sure.  It was fairly obvious that Kennedy’s election was the result of vote fraud in Chicago among other cities, but particularly the Mayor Daley machine that delivered Illinois to Kennedy.  Kennedy won by a “national” margin of about ONE VOTE per precinct.  Nixon, to his credit, decided to not challenge or call for recounts, even in Illinois, believing that doing so would be bad for the country, a foreign concept in 2021.

Kennedy squelched the “Bay of Pigs” invasion of Communist Cuba by denying U. S. air support for the C.I.A. –trained and encouraged army of anti-Castro Cubans.  It was a project hatched under Eisenhower, possibly without Eisenhower’s own awareness.  An unholy alliance of the Mafia and shadowy C.I.A. operatives, the invasion was inherited by Kennedy, who was already skeptical of the latitude of operations arrogated by that secretive agency.  To Kennedy’s credit, he took responsibility, publicly, for the failure of the “invasion.”  It is widely perceived that the same unholy alliance that wanted to re-establish pre-Castro Cuba ultimately had Kennedy assassinated in 1963.  The slide from America’s pinnacle had begun.

Lyndon Johnson, a racist, shepherded Kennedy’s Civil Rights Act through Congress, relying on substantial Republican support and widespread sympathy for Kennedy.  More significantly, he acquiesced to another C.I.A. scheme in French Indo-China where, following the French defeat at Dien Bien Phu in May of 1954, French colonialism in Southeast Asia ended.  The U. S. had helped France fight the Viet Minh communists to no avail.   Truman’s policy of “containment” of international Communism was threatened.  Viet Nam was divided into North and South and U. S. “advisors” attempted to build up South Vietnam’s resistance to takeover by the North, viewing South Korea as a shining model.  The C.I.A., as an armed tool of the State Department, basically set policy for America’s role, there, ultimately engineering the assassination of South Vietnam Premiere, Ngo Dinh Diem and his much disliked brother and sister-in-law.

Theories have swirled about Kennedy’s assassination being linked to his supposed desire to pull away from involvement in South Vietnam, but facts don’t support such a course.  Anti-Castro Cubans, Mafia leaders and the C.I.A. are the more likely perpetrators.  Once Kennedy was eliminated (There were about 16,000 American troops assisting ARVN efforts against the Viet Cong when Kennedy died.) Johnson fell for the ridiculous “Gulf of Tonkin” incident report and committed major ground forces to the Vietnam “Conflict.”

With daily broadcast of bad news from Vietnam and revelation of the “Pentagon Papers,” Americans began to lose faith in our government and our military, while the existence of a “Deep State” within our own government became apparent.  Politics, and the future of the United States had become clouded.

The Press and the Democrats took down Richard Nixon.  In the process they had even Republicans believing that the crimes Nixon had apparently done in covering up stupid political stuff were so threatening to our Constitutional Republic that he had to go.  Maybe, but there was a lot of theatre.  Numerous characters saw their careers secured by working to expose the President or working to sabotage him.  Some were right… about the career part.  But “the press” has never been the same.  No longer are journalism majors directed to learn how to report the truth; now they all intend to change the world from their digital pulpits from which they preach about others than the God of Truth.  Fake news is a mark of pride, today, if the result fulfills intention.

The loss of a free press and of free speech is a key stepping stone to tyranny.  An “agenda-press” will protect crimes by people whose philosophy comforts it, while it works to erode and corrode those with whom it disagrees… truth be damned.  Readers, watchers, listeners are misled through misinformation, and by the rat-a-tat-tat repetition of lies spread by philosophers the organs of information agree with.  Soon whole beliefs are addled and worse philosophers and philosophies, become “mainstream.”

Public employee unionism, especially applied to the education industries, public and private, has in recent decades, gained control of teacher qualification and certification, all with 90+% leftist attitudes.  Students seeking a path out of poverty, often a path away from failed families, are fully malleable by prevailing philosophies in schools of education.  They all seem to want to change the world, as well.  Trusting parents are trusting the wrong institutions to reinforce their philosophies of life, truth, honesty, religion and responsibility.

Since the 2000 elections the concept of government by litigation has grown beyond rational bounds.  When the Supreme Court ended the charade of selective recounts in Florida the politics of hate gelled into a real means of acquiring power: first, destroy the opponent(s) personally, then destroy his or her followers and supporters.  “The politics of personal destruction.”  It’s not an “American” thing.

For whatever reason, Republicans posted two weak candidates in a row against Barack Hussein Obama.  McCain had a shot in 2008 with Palin as V.P., but her conservatism was carefully constrained by McCain’s handlers.  Then the financial crisis hit.  What a fortuitous coincidence for the Obama campaign.  Eight or ten key money people demanded settlement simultaneously and dominoes began to tumble.  President Bush was out of his league, deferring completely to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, a product of Wall Street and Goldman Sachs.  As the FED and emergency legislation started a flood of hollow dollars to bail out the very investment banks that precipitated the crisis, McCain appeared helpless while Obama remained simply concerned, saying little.  Goldman Sachs got a goodly share.  Others did less well, places like Lehman Brothers, and AIG, the re-insurance company.  General Motors took plenty, as did Chrysler, but Ford declined.

As a result of it all, McCain lost respect, Obama got elected to “transform” the United States, and the financial system became more tightly controlled by – or integrated into – the federal government.  The near-collapse was global, exposing the dangerous (to self-government) interconnectedness of banking, particularly of central banks.  The ease of controlling populations is multiplied by control of their personal money and finances.  Legislation that reacted to the 2006-2007-2008 banking crisis, like Dodd-Frank, define certain financial institutions as “too big to fail.”  American taxpayers, indeed, American short-term financial health altogether is now tied to propping up what are essentially international institutions.  The loss of financial sovereignty is a keystone to collapsing national sovereignty, the worst element of tyranny when that nation is the United States.

It should be growing clearer how seemingly unrelated events provide facilities for imposing Fascism or worse should a government be controlled by people who believe that top-down imposition is the best way to organize a nation or a people.  Constitutional limitations interfere with that form of thinking.  The American Constitution serves as an obstacle to global, transnational tyranny of every type, but its strength depends on leadership that agrees with its principles.  The Constitution, itself, provides very limited tools to counter the political power of anti-American leadership.  It is one of the contingencies of self government that the founders could not conceive of: that the electorate would be so twisted in its thinking that it would elect – and re-elect repeatedly – representatives who were decidedly UN-Constitutional, or anti-Constitutional – which is to be anti-American – in their thinking.

Obviously the effects of two or more generations of public education could sway enough voters to misunderstand their roles in self-government, and to misunderstand the roles of the institutions of government to be not defenders of individual rights and responsibilities and of private property, but rather dispensers of welfare in various forms so as to provide comfort to citizens.  In order to provide that much welfare the government entities must take the money from those who have earned it and to whom it belongs.  If people are constantly being taught, or encouraged to think that it’s not FAIR for some people to have more wealth, the political will to take more from “the rich” is easy to find and hard to oppose.  Undreamed of debt, weakening the nation’s ability to defend itself or to perform its Constitutional duties, becomes a threat to everyone.  As resources begin to fail, more government, and more tyrannical government will appear to be the only answer for literal survival of large fractions of the population.

Government types have encouraged media conglomerates to tilt, then embellish and finally create “news” that has political value and, now, actual control value of nearly the whole country.  This has been the greatest “end-run” around representative government and inalienable rights, ever.  A generation of Americans has been convinced that its country is so imperfect as to be indefensible.  In effect, patriotism for the United States has been made negative, something espoused only by ”white supremacists” and other sorts of obvious racists.  Even the U. S. flag is viewed negatively by some – those who are in agreement with Black Lives Matter, that the whole American culture, history and success must be torn asunder and replaced with communism, the direct route to tyranny.  For shame.

The Biden regime openly colludes with Google, Facebook, Twitter and others to censor ideas and speech it doesn’t want heard.  For the government to be involved with that corrupt and twisted role, assumed by those companies, is utterly unconstitutional, but the Congress is unable to convince itself that the political advantage those organs provide is not worth the damage to the Republic.  With representatives like those, who needs tyrants?  There are, potentially, institutions and limits that could be created to prevent this form of Fascism from becoming rooted, but we have yet to find the courage to create them.  At the present time there are about a dozen courageous members of both houses combined, and 523 sheep who are most involved with re-election and not with the defense of America or even with citizenship.  For shame.

The engineered diseases that result from COVID-19 have exposed the weak-mindedness of a large number of Americans , and the tendency toward Fascism of many of the rest, mostly government types and other authoritarians, even in private business.  A supposedly “free” people has been exposed as unable to make thoughtful judgments about where personal sovereignty ends and government control begins.  In the American Constitutional system the individual citizen is sovereign, relinquishing only enough freedom as to enable the “federal,” not “national” government to provide what individuals and local governments, even state governments, cannot.  The system is virtually backwards, or upside-down, today.  The supposedly federal government has arrogated powers to dictate everything from lightbulb design to grade-school curriculum, even the meaning of words and content of religious faith.  Forcing free citizens to wear masks or receive injections of barely understood concoctions falsely called “vaccines,” while lying publicly about the nature of and origin of the latest, new, viral disease, was a relatively small step.

That same government has succeeded in dividing Americans against one another over relative rates of conformity to false premises – even to restricting everyday freedoms for failing to conform to federal “Covid” dictates.  America, awake!… please.

Major corporations are in league with proto-tyrants in subverting Constitutional limitations and in subverting freedom, itself.  While an individual artist baker or web designer is punished by the courts for refusing to employ his or her artistry for morally or religiously objectionable activities, airlines, sports team, employers of 100 or more and many others, are empowered to refuse service or entry to those refusing the injection of phony and proven remarkably harmful, “vaccines.”  It’s how Hitler built the Wehrmacht.

“And you tell me, over and over and over again, my friends, that you don’t believe we’re on the eve of destruction…”


A few Americans included.

And now we can turn the page, our experiment in culture-replacement having been soundly dissipated by coordinated, though relatively primitive fighters whose efforts to remove infidels from their land never wavered or converted to unrelated purposes.  The once-great American empire could learn a thing or two from our bearded, religious opponents.

For two decades American soldiers have sacrificed for a series of missions unrelated to the original, military task: destroying the ability of Taliban and Al Queda forces to fuel and train terrorist cells to fulfill their desires to kill Americans, if not America itself.  Orders have been followed, social services dispensed, friends made and abandoned, missions morphed into whatever new purposes, named and unnamed, to excuse or justify continuation of the United States’ most costly foreign foolishness ever.  Some $2 Trillion have been expended in military costs, mostly expended here, or distributed, there, into the most corrupt cesspool of governance in South Asia.

A military that prides itself, unceasingly, for its ability to justify militarily unrelated expenditures as vital, defense-of-the-homeland investments, managed to find the blackest financial hole it could, deeper, even, than Viet Nam.  Careers were enhanced, Stars and Bars added, and amazing new spin invented as be-ribboned military “experts” dissembled for most of those 20 years, telling Americans that their wonderful soldiers were making wonderful progress pacifying Afghanistan, education Afghanis, training the Afghan “Army” and teaching everyone but the Taliban holdouts that American democracy and republicanism was the best possible way to organize their nation.

In the past two months the lie has been put to all of it: the education, the social niceties, the friendships, the governance, the military successes – all of it.  Not the hardware and weaponry parts, no, those are definitely among the world’s best, and the Taliban holdouts who now run Afghanistan are suitably appreciative of the $80 Billion or so of our weapons and vehicles that we gifted to them.  They trusted us to fail and we trusted them to protect our withdrawal / retreat… whatever.  We certainly kept our side of the bargain, failing on schedule.  We’ll have to assess the murder rate to determine the upholding of the Taliban’s side of the deal.

What have we learned?  Perhaps we had not fully appreciated the lessons of Viet Nam, it having been only 26 years since the last helicopter left Saigon.  The lead-butted brass throughout our military-industrial complex, from the Pentagon on up, are nothing if not thorough in their careful evaluations of the most recent military conflict.  Unfortunately that was the air campaign against Serbia to free Kosovo.  There was no national interest or advantage for doing so, but by God we did it, and showed Muslims everywhere how dependable the United States is and what good friends we are.

Yet, our Muslim buds saw fit to attack us on 9-11-2001 before we had even begun to question whether we had done the best thing in the Balkans.  The “military” had yet to catch up to evaluating Kosovo when the Trade Center fell and that caused us to lose our minds a little bit.  Ultimately, after winning the only victories available in Afghanistan and Iraq, “we” decided that the worst punishment we could inflict on both nations was to make their politics more like our own – a system few Americans want, themselves!

For immediate – very immediate – past-President of Afghanistan, Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, once a member of the U. N. inspired Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor, who managed to slip away with $160 Million or more, the American attempts to transform Afghanistan to the tune of some $2 Trillion empowered at least one Afghani to cease being poor.  Chances are that a fair number of other “officials” and friends thereof have also managed to avoid impoverishment in the “fall” of their beloved nation.

It seems Prudent to anticipate the dribbling out of revelations about a large number of Americans who also skirted the depths of poverty by selling arms and ordnance to the U. S. military.  Those are they whose first thought when the news of how much terrific stuff was being left to the Taliban, was “Well, we’re going to need (to make, manufacture, sell) more of (those)…” and then, “Too bad about those poor bastards still stuck in country.  Shoud’a left sooner.”

We’re told, of course, that things went according to plan and were so well executed that the President can describe it only as “… an extraordinary success.”  Ol’ Joe loves to give credit where credit is due – it’s good management.  A few hundred Americans, families, individuals and students are more or less stuck, but we “… got every American out who wanted to leave.”  That statement is based upon… mired in, rather… a mixture of horse, cow, goat, sheep ‘doo,’ and excrement deposited by politicians.  On the other hand, and in keeping with the leftist slogan: “Never let a crisis go to waste,” the Biden administration saw a sweet opportunity to fulfill the larger objective of transforming the demographics of the United States by using the debacle in Afghanistan to relocate many thousands of Afghan Muslims whose history and status are unknown, into the U. S.  These are people whose cultural norms, ethics and core beliefs are as foreign to Americans’ as possible.  We have no plans or systems in place to acculturate them.  Many are relative savages, bound by Shari’a Law.  Many are criminal.  Who cares?  The left is not trying to create more patriotic Americans for our beautiful nation; they are most interested in displacing Christianity and the rights and responsibilities of our founding documents and principles so that the United States of America will, as soon as possible, cease to be a bastion of freedom and a stumbling block for global Communism… “…according to plan.”

There is no accidental explanation for how we left Afghanistan, or how we “saved” tens of thousands of Afghanis while abandoning hundreds of Americans and arming the most ruthless Muslim fundamentalists better than they have ever been.  There is no pro-American explanation for anything the Biden regime has done since taking control, domestically or internationally; no accidental one, there, either.

The explanation that remains when all other possibilities are eliminated, is sickening: TREASON.

American virus

For the children… their children… their children… their children…

The general malaise that has infected the United States far more significantly than the Wuhan, China virus, has many markers for human-engineered mutations in its DNA.  COVID-19 seems to have just ONE insertion of non-natural protein into its DNA, and look at all the trouble that has caused!  It was inserted to make COVID a human-transferrable pathogen not for a good reason, but an evil one. 

America, on the other hand, began by the insertion of several new ideas, all for good reason, designed to spread amongst mankind for the betterment of all.  The greatest of these was “We the People…” forming a government to protect our liberties and our God-given rights, and to adjudicate injustice among the citizens and between citizens and governments when the latter lose their way.  Sadly, dangerously – if one agrees that the loss of the American ideal is a danger to mankind – many, many mutations have been inserted into America’s DNA over the decades, some for good reasons, many for vilely bad ones.  The resulting disease, socialist tyranny, is now eating our muscles and brains.  There are treatments and ways to build up our immunity against these foul mutations, but they’ll be bitter pills for some.

The most pernicious mutation in our genes was slavery.  We were born with it and have fought, quite literally, to remove it and its errors since the very beginning.  Even those who depended upon slavery knew it was wrong and out of place, needing a cure.  Various forms of compromise, as if we might be happy with a little sickness if it didn’t spread, were tried and failed: too much prosperity was involved.  Even those abolitionists who railed against it from the North, happily processed the cotton slaves picked, in their humming mills along rivers large and small.  When the bitter pill of secession and civil war was finally swallowed the young nation gave up hundreds of thousands of lives and casualties and nearly all of its treasure to effect a cure.  It worked on the grand scale but not the tiny one.  Thousands, perhaps millions of Americans still clung to the false premise that inferiority could be discerned by skin color, and fears and hatreds remained for another century, now mostly gone.

Originally, slavery interfered with politics, bringing distrust upon those who lived where it was practiced, and upon their representatives.  But the bad gene of organized hatred gained strength under Reconstruction and into the 20th century, and politics learned how to GAIN power with hatred.  That gene has not been excised, and indeed has become dominant, now.  We have so far refused the bitter pill that could reverse its spread.  Indeed, for POLITICAL purposes, we have undermined full equality for blacks, in particular, by wrecking their family structure and making large fractions of their numbers dependent through welfare, always, publicly, for the most compassionate reasons. 

We have inserted the unionization gene into public employment, including education, for wonderful POLITICAL and not educational reasons.  Once unleashed it metastasized throughout local and state governments and infected the federal behemoth, sapping education itself while cementing incumbents into power they have not earned.  There is a cure, but insufficient courage to take its bitter pill.  We’ll run out of money and taxpayers before we gulp this one down.  Power will remain in the same hands that have prevented a cure for 60 years, however.  The pill requires voters to elect those willing to change the laws that cement unions in place, and who will then de-certify those unions.  Unfortunately those organizations have successfully changed the definition of “education” and voters think “teachers” and education are synonymous, to the detriment of generations and the future of our nation.

The debt-ignorance gene was inserted in 1913, right after the income tax gene – a bad year for our DNA, 1913.  Once the Federal Reserve got its “sea legs,” debt became our friend and the ticket needed to buy votes and to confuse our voters and taxpayers.  The “Fed” has become a $28 TRILLION ride… mostly downhill.  The pill to reverse the damage this gene has done is so distasteful that its name is almost never mentioned: cutting the budget and ending the borrowing.  [Did you know the Fed was created with legislation that makes it legal for it/them to loan “money” to the United States that it/they, the Fed, does not have?  Yet we pay interest on it, anyway?  It’s wicked cool.]

The debt gene mostly finances bad ideas, like 20 years in Afghanistan, and the dissolution of our national borders.  It finances economic shutdown in the face of a communicable disease, instead of analgesic treatments that slow the progress of the disease in individuals, allowing the human body to fight it off without lengthy – or any – hospitalization.  It finances incredibly corrupted federal programs like Medicare, Medicaid and the ACA.  It finances public transportation that people don’t use.  Debt is one of the most debilitating diseases a free people could ever suffer, since it will steadily make them not free.  We have to take the pill that fixes it else we’ll have it shoved down our throats in the disappearance of American sovereignty.

We think we’re so smart because we are the only people on Earth who have figured out that our unique nation is the first and only one that will never have to pay its debts – at least the “intelligentsia” of the Democrat party have figured this out, which makes them much smarter than stick-in-the-mud traditionalist Republicans – these are not all Republicans, who tend to be liberal, but the Conservative ones who tend to be the most honest and patriotic.  The actual debt gene is paired with another, the dependency gene, which were both inserted into America’s DNA sometime in the 1930’s.  They were tickled a few times by the Roosevelt “Brain Trust,” but lay mostly dormant until the U. S. went off the Gold Standard under Richard Nixon.  They’ve blossomed since then and would normally have obliterated the debt-ignorance gene, but that pesky ignorance has hung on after the gold window closed and we started borrowing our own currency from the nearly empty vaults at “The Fed,” who pays the U. S. Mint to now print Federal Reserve Notes instead of U. S. Dollars.  The debt-ignorance gene enables us to call those notes “money.”  Very bitter pill to cure that gene.

The combined actual-debt and dependency gene pair causes a mental disorder that we call liberalism or progressivism.  Liberals are convinced, genetically, that their malady actually is a cure, although here and there some sufferers do “snap” out of it and become conservatives.  Soon after that they become patriots as well.

The main symptom of the liberalism disease is a belief that people are not individuals and have no individual rights and that, further, a government can make groups of people into better humans by giving them free stuff.  Naturally, as any progressive liberal will partially explain in just a few words, certain groups respond better to those free gifts than others, and that is why the others are left on the outs when all the free giving is going on.  Makes sense to liberals, anyway, so it is taught in public schools, especially the out-group part, whose attempts to stop the free gifting exposes them as racists, who should be on the outs, everyone agrees.  Don’t join THAT group, children.

Ultimately the only cure for liberalism is knowledge of history and a change of beliefs, making the liberalism “symptom” of genetic weakness, the hardest to undo.  There is a pill for it, however, containing the essence of Judeo-Christian philosophy and tiny bits of hemoglobin from the Revolution, Civil War and other righteous conflicts men have died to win.  Unfortunately, a large fraction of the body politic refuses to consider taking it or even acknowledging it, mainly those who exhibit the disorder known as progressivism or liberalism.  Sadly, we may have reached a point of liberal virulence when not enough of the out-groups are praying for the survival of the United States of America and its unique Constitutional Republic, based upon individual independence, responsibility, structural honesty, prosperity and charity.  We still have faith, however.

I hope inspired people are working on a real vaccine against our progressive disease – a vaccine that trains the body politic to recognize infection and remove it before it gains strength, again.  That pill will taste sweet or, if it takes a shot or more, they won’t sting a bit.  America’s health and longevity are worth it.


Biden lied… people died.


To the best of the Biden Administration’s ability, the United States – the gullible third, anyway – is being pushed into a fear of Covid at least the equal of the preposterous terrors of 2020.  The Delta Variant, so-called, comes not only from India, a place of murky religions and filthy rivers, but also from… uhhhooh… South AFRICA – what could be worse?  Africa and India combined into a fearsome strain of a disease we never even heard of 20 months ago!

“Delta” will surely be followed up by the global-warming-enhanced, “I-Swelta Variant,” and then that by the Climate-Changed “I-Melta Variant.”  None will be as loathsome as the Albany, New York strain, the “I-Felta Variant.”  If the DNC and global Communism can hold things together long enough, these variants, alone, might keep the White House in the hands of the anal sphincters who control it now, in 2024.  If things seem to be heading “South” they can pull off another “victory” as breathtaking as the last one with the help of the BLM variant, “Helta-Skelta.”

These stages of control are all made possible by the national infection known as the Biden Variant.  Although we’ve had an infection in the federal bureaucracy (and state bureaucracies… and county, city and town bureaucracies) for decades, greatly accelerated during the depression, it’s an infection the only symptoms of which is shameless mendacity and personal wealth.  Since the Johnson administration the spoors of the disease have found fertile, manure-enriched soil in the Congress to the point, now, that there are hardly any anti-fungal treatments sitting in the House or the Senate that can look out for American constituencies who elect them and pay them very handsomely.  Worse, the houses of Congress – the wealthy long-termers and the freshmen –  have done their very best to become their own bureaucracy which is acting exactly as needed for the mendacity infection to spread and take deep root there.  The mushrooms are the same.

Biden will go down… in history, for elevating mendacity to a governing philosophy.  No more of that individual liberty jazz or stupid personal responsibility stuff – Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Durbin, Cortez, Tlaib, Omar and fellow travelers like Obama, Rice and some other enemies of the State, are determined to punish anyone who likes those quaint, racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, trans-phobic and genetic manipulation-phobic, science-denying errors in thinking.  Their best camouflage is “bi-partisanship.”  They need to show their own depraved souls that it’s not just they who believe the crap they’re espousing, but those 19 RINO’s accept the crap, also.  So, it must be valid.

In the Trump years the leftist “press” fact-checked every utterance he provided and, lo! … almost everything he said was a partial or complete lie, especially about Hydrochloroquine among other COVID treatments.  Everything he said about the “vaccines” we would have in a year or less was also not true. Even Kamala Harris said she wouldn’t trust any vaccine that Trump was involved with.  Well.  Trump’s promises made as a candidate were carried through to a remarkable degree, but whatever he said about them was all questioned.  His claims about the most robust economy and levels of employment participation in decades, despite the facts that bore him out, were put down as mere bragging and, mostly judged not true or ignored, lest some Democrat voters hear the truth about anything Trump had done.

Meanwhile the “Mueller” Report, that the namesake, himself, had probably not read, initiated on the falsest of false premises and abuse of the FISA process, produced lots of theatrical opinion, but no facts with which to besmirch Trump.  Then a proper and legitimate phone call with the Premiere of Ukraine spawned weeks of calumny and literal fake news as Democrats attempted to impeach Trump for doing what Joe Biden had so recently bragged about doing, himself: “quid pro quo.”  This all by the masters of quid pro quo in the Congress of the United States: “You repeat my bull-hockey and I’ll repeat yours.” 

Then, based on hatred, again, not evidence, the House impeached Trump a second time for “Inciting a riot” or, worse even than 9-11 or the Civil War, “Inciting an insurrection.”  The only evidence of Trump’s “incitement” were the opinions and accusations hurled against him.  The Capitol was certainly breached, but not by Trump’s rally-attendees, for he was still speaking to them near the White House when the breach occurred.  The federal assistance to protect the Capitol buildings that Trump had offered two days earlier having been refused by Speaker Pelosi, the under-manned Capitol Hill Police were unable to stem the flow of people, in most cases guiding them into the building to avoid confrontations.  There are few 3-hour periods in history that have spawned more fake news – some still repeated 8 months later – than this unarmed “insurrection.”

There has been no greater loss of civil liberties than the aftermath of January 6th, either.  Virtually every rioter caught burning or looting central cities in 2020, the “Socialist Spring” as it were, has been released, most with charges dropped.  Dozens of so-called “insurrectionists” still languish in federal jails without the option of bail, some in solitary confinement, those same 8 months later.  Frankly, with the serial mendacity spewing from the Congress for decades, there were plenty of very good reasons to storm the Capitol and unseat the entire population of its two houses, election theft be damned.

Enter the mildly, sometimes seriously, confused Mr. Biden, who has apparently agreed to take direction from some America-Last haters.  Nearly every action he has taken, starting with his stack of policy-reversing “Executive Orders,” has damaged the United States domestically, economically and internationally.  Yet he and his cohorts are happily prattling on about how the “border is closed,” massive unfunded spending will reduce inflation, and that he meant every word when he swore to faithfully execute the laws of the U. S. and when he swore to uphold the Constitution.  Thank goodness he promised to not raise taxes – not a dime – on anyone making less than $400,000 per year.

To their credit, his supporters in Big Tech and the leftward press have agreed to not fact-check Biden, else there would be no time to “dig for the truth” and report it to the American People.

Now the world is watching as the United States, mis-led by a President whose legitimacy in terms of electoral honesty is seriously in question, a president whose elected career is marked by not-very-creative lying, and whose views on virtually every foreign policy challenge we’ve encountered over the past 45 years or so are completely wrong, just as completely and utterly screws up a planned withdrawal from Afghanistan.  He claims to be president of the United States.  We have the capability, militarily and in terms of logistic support, to do virtually anything we decide to do.  Our intention to subdue a backward nation – even 8,000 miles away – may be physically effected if our decision-making matches our intentions.  Whatever waste, corruption and failure we effected during our occupation, must have fulfilled our actual policies: it was what we wanted to have happen!

Whatever tragic loss and stupid-seeming actions the U. S. has suffered and done in our “withdrawal,” are also exactly what people in charge wanted to happen!  Think about that.

Then let’s think about the plethora of disconnected lies our “President” has told about the withdrawal.  The biggest of all is that there was no other way to withdraw that wouldn’t have yielded chaos… and yielded abandonment of billions of dollars worth of armaments, including some of our latest technology in helicopters and other big hardware, one must suppose.  What a traitor he has proven to be.  Was this outcome a big accident… this arming of the Taliban and, soon, many other terrorist groups with superb weapons?  Was the automatic transfer of technology into the hands of the Chinese, Russians and Iranians also an accident?  That defies logic.  So many drastic, costly, traitorous errors including risks to the lives of thousands of Americans and tens of thousands of Afghan allies, would take careful planning!  It would require precise intention!  It would have value to those who executed them.  It would require absolute rejection of the best advice available from military and intelligence agencies – advice that we now know Biden received.  What a shit he has proven to be.

May God save us from ourselves.


Free thinkers….

Whether it’s baloney or just heat, much of it is spewed about the preference for “socialism” over “capitalism” among a large fraction of young Americans.  Few are responding with the right counter-arguments.  The debate has typically conflated socialism, which is fundamentally a GOVERNING/control system, using economic control to control groups of people, with capitalism, which is 1) human nature; and 2) a means of wealth creation AND RETENTION that is individual.  The real enemy of socialism is CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLICANISM, not capitalism, per se… socialism simply destroys capitalism.  In the United States we utilize democratic selection to choose our representatives and executives, BUT WE ARE NOT A DEMOCRACY!  Those who insist on referring to the United States as “our democracy” and similar phrases, are those who wish it were.

Government by “democracy” is a ticket to ride into the tunnel of tyranny – tyranny by the majority.  In the new era of instant communication and widespread ignorance of history, civics and economics, tyranny sometimes takes only a few tens of minutes to destroy peoples’ lives, livelihoods and reputations.  Imagine if every public policy were promulgated the same way.  Temporary “majorities” could strip hated groups of rights and empower preferred majorities with privilege and wealth.  Imagine what it could do to tax policies and welfare.  Democracy is a scorpion in the digital bottle, requiring sophisticated and unbreakable controls in order for it to serve a free people.  An educated person can appreciate the sublime protections against unbridled democracy that are built into the Constitution; he or she will also recognize the changes that must be amended to that sacred document to stop the unbridled theft of representation under which we suffer, now.

The real contenders for the future of mankind are socialism morphing into communism, and Americanism, including all that set of concepts means.

Right now we are not enjoying the miraculous advantages of individual capitalism, responsibility and morality.  We are being crushed, inch by inch, by OLIGARCHY, which is a horrible, though impressive, perversion of capitalism: a concentration of financial power in the hands of a tiny, tiny number of people, to whom flow political and even intellectual power.  That is, obscenely wealthy people have come to believe they are not only smart in business and finance, but, since all their minions and obsequious politicians repeatedly tell them so, that they are also WISE – a grievously dangerous belief.  One need only investigate the actions and beliefs of the odd Bill Gates to see the dangers possible.

These oligarchs are not patriots – not a single one of them.  Oligarchs are insatiable: there are never sufficient “markets” in which to sell, there is never enough revenue, never enough power in their hands.  Their abiding fears all are based on the loss – even slightly – of any portion of any of those aspects of their existence.  This forces them to purchase, as it were, unlimited political influence so as to protect their levels of accomplishment in markets, revenue, and power.  Political philosophy is none of their concern.  They are just as happy to deal with communist and other dictators, probably more so, than with elected, representative governments, the latter being hard to control and, occasionally, “suffering” changes of leadership.

The U. S. has acted as the “world’s policeman” since World War II.  Despite forming the “United” Nations, most of the “policing” fell to the U. S. – most of the waste of treasure and sacrifice of young men and women has also been borne by us.  All the while, the global leftist pressure has infected the American body politic and the institutions designed by our founders and those added by both good- and bad-intentioned politicians.  Those who think we are not socialist already, are blind.  Socialism is not about to sweep in and improve our system… our system is already fouled up by socialism.  The likelihood is that we will become MORE of what the ‘woke’ generation rails against.

Conservatives – traditionalists – have no love for the corrupt, partially socialist mess we survive in.  Our problems stem not from a lack of socialism but from a lack of Americanism.  We have literally voted-in our own destruction.  There is a narrow window of freedom left, but the Biden administration has chosen to accelerate the damage instead of beginning to repair freedom and individual responsibility.

If nothing else, every American patriot should stop listening to or sympathizing with the gross, broad-brush claims made by Communists in our midst (like “BLM”) or by committed “socialists.”  By those irrational statements those anti-American fellow-travelers are advertising their ignorance – largely willful ignorance – of history and of the basis for the creation of our founding documents and principles.  They don’t deserve our attempts to understand nor will they debate or analyze the views of any other “side.”  America used to work quite well for the maximum number of people, here and across the world.  However, since the “Great Society” and the Viet-Nam loss, our system has become corrupted by socialists and, with the closing of the “gold window,” by the insatiable creation of debt to buy ever more and more votes.

Monopoly Capitalism is not the model for freedom, it is the antithesis.  Wise people, educated and informed, should, through their representatives in Congress, refine our institutions to break up monopolies and to prevent new ones.  Unfortunately our ruling elites have shifted closer and closer to Fascism, where huge, monopolistic and global companies, no longer American companies, are “bribed” in effect, BY THE GOVERNMENT, to carry out control policies the government lacks the legal ability to effect: socialism by corporate proxy. 

America, awake!


Uncertain? Wear a mask.

The Biden administration, if that’s the name of it, “Soros Administration” being more likely, exposes its true nature daily, if not hourly, most exemplary in its attempts to prevent Cubans from fleeing Communism to enter the United States.  Combined with dozens of nation-weakening moves Biden has put his name and pen to, this one middle finger salute to the premise and promise of the United States, shows how historically blind and ignorant one 50-year suckling at the federal nipple can be.  It takes concerted effort to be so stupid.  To protect himself from even his own party, he has also chosen a running mate, now Vice-President, who is less intelligent and less competent even than himself in his addled, doddering state.  They will invoke the 25th Amendment before long, and then what?  President Harris?

It is difficult to discern the motivations of this gang of proto-tyrants, at least at first, but examining each of the members reveals a fuzzy, frightening shape to all of their actions, not the least of which is a 50-year-old crackhead finding a market for his odd artwork that would never see the light of day were he not the son of Joe Biden.  One wonders who cooked up (sorry) the scheme?  The crack-head?  If his “success” encourages numerous other drug-addicts to obtain space at other galleries, the crack-head art market could soften dramatically.  There is no other administration imaginable where such a scheme could even be tried, let alone be protected from inquiry.  Whatever else the Biden family dynamics may include, R. Hunter Biden has increased its net worth substantially through payments and bribes from oligarchs great and small, for years.  There may be a certain wisdom to “going domestic,” as it were.

In Weimar-Republic Germany, the National Socialist party with Adolph Hitler as its leader, was voted into power.  This might be an object lesson to those Americans, living and dead, who voted the Biden regime into power, but not too many parallels should be drawn, since the Nazis were much smarter than our erstwhile U. S. socialist tyrants.  Hitler, at least, partnered with capitalists to rebuild his nation, to no good end, but, still.  Biden is partnering with stateless oligarchs who give not a tinker’s dam about “their” nation; these are globalists who see national status as impediments to sales.  Non-monopoly capitalism and competition are anachronisms best left to die, in their views, nor do they care who actually is in charge so long as all markets are within reach.  “We don’t need no stinkin’ Constitution,” they may as well say.  There is a perverse cheering section for these (crap)-heads, who celebrate free shipping on all orders… to get vaccinated, for instance.

How could their parents let them grow up in that frame of mind?

Back in government-town, Biden is taking direction as best he can.  His first actions were to simply do the opposite of whatever President Trump had done.  There’s a difference between remaining ignorant of how the world works and purposely refusing to learn much of anything about it; it’s called stupid.  When what works is handed to you already working and you refuse to acknowledge the evidence surrounding you, it’s no longer a case of being stupid… it’s something else.  The guiding force behind willful ignorance of reality seems to be Barack Obama, 44th U. S. president and Biden’s former “boss” during those years.  President Obama promised – or threatened – to “transform” the United States of America.  His whole background had been comprised of finding fault with everything America represented and promised through its Constitutional “We, the people” model of self-government.

Obama placed his trust not in the success of the “American way” but in the failure of socialism.  His erstwhile protégé – perhaps puppet – the confused Mr. Biden, is hop-scotching as fast as his handlers can carry him into socialism without even knowing where he’s headed.  It certainly isn’t to “America first” –land.  God save us.


Vaccine is a comforting word… concept.  Inject some serum, or drink it, depends, and one will become safe from a serious, if not existential, threat.  What a concept.  What could go wrong?  Some of the most profitable industries in the world have accepted billions of dollars of “aid” from the federal government so that development of a “vaccine” that promises to protect everybody from COVID-19, could be accelerated.  Numerous regulations were relaxed to permit development and testing to proceed together, there being no time to waste!

Miraculously, the first two, then three vaccines were all phenomenally effective and safe, safe, safe.  Hurry, everyone, and get your shot or shots or jabs; they’re FREE!  Oh, here and there some rare reaction or “allergy” to the serums was reported, but when you compare the millions and millions of doses, a few thousand hospitalizations, disabilities and deaths are a small price to pay to defeat the worst virus since the last one, regardless of how it was engineered or spread across the world in record time.  Hurry!  They’re safe, effective and FREE, say the pharmaceutical giants who produce the serums, as do the government functionaries and politicians that financed their development and rendered them available for “emergency” use, despite their connections to the very companies producing them.

“FREE” is a relative term in matters of emergency vaccines.  Aside from the $billions to accelerate their availability, every single, damned shot and jab is being paid for by Uncle Sam, our benevolent government, on the arm, so to speak.  Some of the top medical agencies of our friend, the federal government, helped to engineer COVID-19 both in this country and in China with our funding, to make it more communicable to humans, it being a virus in bats, after all and very unlikely to infect humans, it turns out, without the engineering.  But, glory be, we have the vaccines!  We’re saved.

Unless we aren’t.  These vaccines are still experimental drugs that have received emergency-use authorization because there are no alternative treatments for COVID-19.  Our thoughtful and benign government-types have made sure we are as safe as humanly possible by creating laws that protect us from being forced to take experimental drugs unless there are “no alternative treatments” available.  How good of them.  Not.

There are alternative, effective, inexpensive drugs available that have remarkably good effects on COVID-19 both in early treatment and even in preventive (prophylactic) uses.  In many countries one or another of these drugs are readily available, even over-the-counter-available, and people have taken them and benefitted.  Even some late-treatment uses have reversed “hopeless” disease trajectories.

“But, they can’t prescribe off-label!” critics and talking heads on television say.  Well, duh, every friggin’ drug in the world is off-label for a brand new virus, now, isn’t it?  When people are dying and standard procedures are failing to save them, why not try drugs that have worked for thousands of cases?  Because it’s off label?  No, because Donald Trump recommended that we try them.  Shame on us.  Doctors, actual practicing medical DOCTORS who had copious evidence of effectiveness of Ivermectin, for example, were not praised but cancelled.  Twitter and Google suppressed their opinions.  Why?

“We don’t know how safe they are!” worry the heads.

Let’s consider that we don’t know how actually safe the “vaccines” are, either, do we?  In fact, let’s consider that thousands of people have died or suffered life-changing reactions to these experimental drugs – drugs the manufacturers are promoting for children and even infants!  Some authorities are forcing children to be vaccinated, when there is no evidence that these vaccines afford ANY protection to people younger than 20 or 24, say, since they are at an infinitesimally small risk from COVID.  Who takes a vaccine – an experimental vaccine – against the threat of a disease that is not a threat?

There are thousands of people whose effects from the vaccines will never be included in any database of pros and cons about these vaccines.  As it is, if someone complains about a bad effect every medical effort seems to be to hold the vaccine harmless.  Many people don’t register a complaint because they don’t connect the injection with a new physical problem.  In Prudence’ case it’s shortness of breath, loss of endurance, poor sleep patterns because poor breathing interrupts sleep.  After 76 years of quite good health, Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine has initiated an imPrudent slow, uncomfortable decline.  We’ll find out if anything can be done, other than taking some other pharmaceutical(s) for the rest of Prudence’ life.

There is something – or many things – rotten about the creation of COVID-19 and these vaccines, while alternative treatments are suppressed.  It is a billionaire’s game, led, in part, by the unusual Bill Gates, Dr. Anthony Fauci and others in the CDC, NIH and USAID, not to overlook the U.N.’s W. H. O. whose leadership helped Communist China suppress information about the new virus even while it was being spread across the world.  Billionaires and would-be billionaires.  Giant pharmaceutical companies and would-be giant pharmaceutical companies. 

The formula is simple: create a worldwide health crisis and pop out serums that virtually every human will need to take… and damn the consequences for some.  Let’s say four billion doses at $150 a jab… whirr, clunk, click, ding a ding-ding: $600 BILLION!  If 5 or 10 or 50 thousand die from the vaccine, or 150,000 die from “lock-down” drug abuse and suicide, well, we’re overpopulated, anyway.

It is unhealthy, we might say, to lose trust in the medical establishment.  The erosion began with the inception of Medicare and the federalization of welfare under Lyndon Johnson.  Piece by piece, hospital by hospital, practitioner by practitioner, medical group by medical group, insurance company by insurance company, pharmaceutical company by pharmaceutical company, device manufacturer by device manufacturer, the entire industry/delivery system has adjusted to the political value of health care… and to the financial flows directed increasingly by government.

The politicization of medicine takes place to a significant degree by the direction and management of grant monies.  Both “non-profit” universities, colleges and teaching hospitals, and for-profit laboratories and pharmaceutical manufacturers are very concerned to not buck prevailing politics.  The research they do is often closely aligned with the opinions of politicians.  While they may not publish “lies,” per se, they look only for certain truths – truths that keep grant money flowing.  The increase in “billionaire-ships” over the last 20 years has created another source of grants aimed at fulfilling, often, a single person’s views of what is important research and what is not.

COVID-19 brings to light all of these weaknesses in medical science, as well as outright corruption, as private dollars sway the work and attitudes of “official” federal agencies that are depended upon for dispassionate truth.  The World Health Organization division of the U. N. has also proven itself corrupt by kow-tow-ing to the Chinese Communist party in matters of truth about COVID-19’s origin and spread, helping to contribute to thousands of deaths, worldwide.  To whom can we turn?  The N.B.A.?  NIKE?  Not bloody likely.

There are truth-tellers out there.  Hopefully, you are one, and so is your best friend and your significant other.  There are a handful of people in office who are both truthful and unafraid of the truth – not always congruent conditions.  Support your local truth-tellers and follow those who have the courage to proclaim and defend truth.  Don’t fall victim to repeating the claims of suspected – hoped-for – truth-tellers, without confirming the truth, yourself.  You will be challenged by people who believe things that aren’t so.

Truth is the right medicine for our health care and our health/medical industries.  What else could be?  It is the right medicine for our own health whenever we interact with those increasingly government-driven organizations.  Is it not the right medicine for government and the law, too?  Would truth work in government?

Is a COVID vaccine the right set of chemicals to inject into your only body?  Find out the truth to the best of your ability, before you say, “Yes.”

A reckoning is surely coming.  Hearing those words causes some listeners to imagine China being hoist on the World’s petard for causing so many deaths and economic losses.  Won’t happen, it seems Prudent to say, at least not during the Biden-Harris administrations.  They are long bought and paid-for.

No, a reckoning over COVID-19 could take the form of reduced health for millions around the world, due to widespread vaccination with serums that are effective against COVID while also being effective against good heart function, or against pregnancy and maternity.  Such “side effects” have side-effected many thousands, including, as our friend, the global socialist movement in the persons of the U. S. government, God forbid, forces inoculation of youngsters.  Not many have died, some merely debilitated at age 12 or so.


Volunteer “service” clubs are a crucial part of American exceptionalism.  Whoops, these days it is imPrudent to describe the United States of America as exceptional in any way, yet it IS Prudent to so describe it and us, that way.  Contrary to the outright lies and un-historic opinion contained in the “1619 Project,” the founding of our nation WAS exceptional compared to ALL other forms of greater-than-tribal governance ever tried in all of history.  We were, upon our founding, an exception.  Service clubs are not exceptional in and of themselves, but the American style of such voluntary assemblies is unique if, for no other reason, because of patriotism.

The United States was founded as an extension of the will of the God of Abraham, and of Christianity: the “New Jerusalem.”  Carefully delineated in Ezekiel, the simple understanding of the new temple, the Holy of Holies and the city around it, was “Where the Lord God is.”  Subject to Masonic interpretation, the much-sullied Jerusalem, stained by the conquest by Islamic armies, needed replacement on Earth and the “new world” of America looked to be the “clean” location for the New Jerusalem, ostensibly defined in the District of Columbia. 

Distinction from Europe, and from England following the Treaty of Paris, led the “Founding Fathers” to create an exceptional set of premises to define the first populist, Constitutionally limited government.  It was and is exceptional.  Only fools and communists cannot admit the truth of that statement.  That it was flawed cannot be argued, nor can the fact that the new structure of distributed powers contained the tools to correct those flaws.

Obviously those flaws, most intensely, that of slavery, neither faded away nor were resolved quickly enough.  Yet, to keep its moral word, The United States took sides on the question of slavery at the most serious possible level: life or death… of the nation and of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and citizens.  No nation, anywhere or at any time, has paid such a high price to adjust relations between races, ie. to end racial injustice.  No nation.  Lately, however, as leftists are wont to do, we have been rubbing salt in old, old wounds, racial and pseudo-racial, attempting to exhume the guilt of past generations so as to gain dominance over current ones.  What a rotten process it is.

Those seeking political – or military – advantage, love conflict.  Those are they for whom the suffering, even deaths of those enmeshed in conflict are of no moral or humane concern.  For those, there is always some nebulous, overarching and much greater morality that magically forgives all injustices on the path to victory or revolution.  The presence of conflict implies an eventual resolution of that conflict, wherein all the opportunities for drastic change resides.  What sort of drastic change might be needed?

For those who have been busy tearing down our heritage, our Constitution, historical statues and election laws, the drastic change leads only to destruction of this democratic republic and its replacement with a fundamentally communist-socialist regime in concert with International Communism, but dominated by black and brown people.

For those of us who are not sold on that end result, what changes should we make and insist upon from OUR government?  Should we insist on only truth being taught in our schools?  All of them?  This would eliminate race and racialism as “curricula.”  There is enough negative, and positive, in TRUTH, to show the wrongness of slavery and racial discrimination, while showing the exceptional nature of the American model.  Perhaps we could insist on the strengths of smaller government as part of “civics” education.  Could we learn to be individually moral and responsible citizens rather than haters of one another?  That would be a nation-strengthening change.

Could we create a plan to ease people OFF of welfare?  The worst aspect of socialism is dependency and lack of growth as an individual.  What sort of rotten philosophy would guide anyone toward that end?  After 60 years of federalized welfare we have accomplished nothing as successfully as the destruction of the nuclear family, particularly of black and brown peoples.  Who could be proud of that?  Who could possibly proclaim that “accomplishment” as a reason to be granted more elected power?  Who would “fall” for it?

What the past 60 years have done is prepare a failing nation for Communism, and 2020 is the year the Communists among us believed their time to pounce had come, and pounce they did.  COVID-19 was their major ally whose only worldwide beneficiary was Communist China and a handful of multi-billionaire oligarchs for whom borders are mere address indicia.  The longer we fail to recognize the source of COVID’s international spread, the sooner we will fall to China for lack of preparatory defense.  Shame on us and on “our” media for whom facts are mere props or weapons in the battle to hide the truth.

During the COVID attack, Americans of all sorts were taught to follow the somewhat whimsical dictates of public “servants,” for whom Constitutional rights took a back seat, every time, to the fears mongered by elected and non-elected experts who, it turns out, were involved in the CREATION of the monster known as COVID-19, and, worse, creation in collaboration with Communist China’s military-dominated virology laboratory in Wuhan.  Little by little we are learning about the fraudulent nature of how the COVID epidemic was being handled in the United States, largely by the deep state and the collusion between “big Pharma” and the CDC and NIH bureaucracies.  Supporting their mis-directions were the cruel and mainly ignorant reactions of governors and mayors as they locked down economic and other activities on the premise of “slowing” the spread of the virus.  It is far from clear that any of the lockdown actions were particularly effective except to ruin the best economy in the world.

Oddly, the same period of economic lockdown and breakdown was chosen for coordinated rioting and violent, even murderous protests of ostensible “systemic” racism.  “BLM” and “Antifa” and most Democrats running large cities purveyed a grand lie of the historic upset over the death of George Floyd as adequate justification for destroying businesses and other properties, looting and violent attacks on municipal and federal buildings – particularly police/law-enforcement related.  Immediately, national leaders had to explain away (lie about) the threat of COVID among irresponsible rioters while locking down churches, schools and a host of other business types and activities like weddings, funerals and graduations.

Amazingly, the state and federal politicians who forced unconstitutional changes in voting procedures across the country, and who lied about the nature and consequences of multiple protests and riots, are the same who charge anyone, particularly Trump, who might question the results of the oddest election in our history, an election replete with an incredible set of vote-pattern anomalies made astronomically less likely to be innocent by virtue of their simultaneous manifestation at a single historic point… all favoring the least-competent candidate to ever win a major-party nomination, with telling lies.  We are still told that only that party can be telling the truth about the weird 2020 electoral processes.

Maybe a change we might demand would be honesty.  Perhaps we could strengthen our body politic and our “united” peoples (“e pluribus unum”) by telling the truth about the nature of communist/Marxist front groups who led the riots of 2020.  Maybe we could demand honesty from Congress about our budgets.  If budget honesty is too much to ask, maybe we can get just the truth about January 6th and the involvement of undercover federal law-enforcement personnel on that day and the days leading up to the breach of the capitol.

Maybe we could change how we identify ourselves, not by discarding precise pronouns in favor of those that somehow validate self-declared, non-empirical feelings, but by celebrating the exceptional quality of citizenship in the United States of America.  Maybe we could change the relative application of Constitutional rights to only U. S. citizens, relegating non-citizens to somewhat lesser advantage when residing in the U. S.  Another change might be to relegate non-citizens who enter our nation illegally, to the most temporary residency status, including comfortable transportation back to their countries of origin, assuming they have completed their prison terms, if so disposed.

The “New Jerusalem” is a concept, not a place; a means of fulfilling a philosophy, not a myth.  Jerusalem is “where the Lord God is,” which is to say, “Where the surrender to God’s will is.”  To Masons, Jerusalem is expressible in a sacred geometry: sequences of geometric ratios and relationships that outpicture divine mathematics.  Washington, D. C. is laid out in partial fulfillment of those divine patterns.  The Constitution and other founding “scriptures” are laid out to enable religious men and women to fulfill their own divine geometries, as they fulfill the divine plan of America.  It is not all an accident of architecture, but an intensely purposeful architecture.  God is the Divine Architect in both physical form of the Universe, and in the spiritual design of His Laws for mankind: each fits and complements the other.  The Universe for testing man’s mettle and faith; the Law for testing man’s faith and mettle.

The imperfect but perfectible architecture of the United States was entrusted to future generations.  Our democratic republic was deemed suitable only to a moral and religious people, being inadequate to any other.  To the best of its ability, the global, socialist movement to unseat God has inexorably pursued the removal of God, Christianity and (our) divine architecture of freedom and free will that is essential for the evolution of souls and the defeat of evil.  That architecture was entrusted across the ages to the fledgling United States.  Since the end of the Civil War Americans have done their best to shuck off this holy responsibility as we have shucked off holiness, itself.  The left perceived and employed our weaknesses and struck in 2020.  The hopeless Mr. Biden, ostensible president of the people to whom America, the “New Jerusalem” was entrusted, is our reward and his plans – or someone’s plans – are well underway to completing the undermining of the two architectures.  Just read H.R. 5.


Even a jaded observer must consider that the U. S. of A. has been protected through divine intervention more than once, especially considering the boneheaded law-making we practice.  The “work-product” of the Congress over the past 50 years, particularly the past 21 years, has been so mendacious and partially understood that we are now $30 TRILLION in debt.  But our foolishness extends even to the amending of our majestic Constitution, and one of the worst of the twenty-seven such “improvements” is Amendment XXV, “Presidential Disability and Succession.”  The warped geniuses of the 89th Congress passed this abomination in 1965 and had it ratified in 1967.  President Johnson signed it, although that step has no meaning in the ratification process in fact – just political theater.

What does the 25th purport to do that is so crucial as to be part of the Constitution?  Ostensibly, its 396 words resolves the problems that might occur should a president become disabled and be unable to fulfill the duties of the president.  Unfortunately, it creates multiple gray areas that practically invite a coup d’etat.  Let’s look at the text.

Section 1

In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.

No problem, here.  This has always been so.  “Removal” is the time bomb.

Section 2

Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.

This has worked well as when Spiro Agnew resigned and Gerald ford was appointed and confirmed as Vice-President, then again when Nixon resigned and Ford named Nelson Rockefeller to be Vice-President following confirmation.  And, it’s ‘safe,” since a President is unlikely to appoint a political enemy to be Vice-President, although the 46th may have.

Section 3

Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.

This seems to cover the matter of temporary disability such as medical incapacity that is going to end as the President heals from the disease or surgery involved.  In fact it is rather loosely thought through, potentially creating a problem rather than a solution.  The president holds the power at both ends of the equation: he alone decides to transmit the written declaration that he is or will be disabled, and he, alone, sends the written declaration that he is no longer disabled.  The assumption is that the president is an honorable person who would do what is right and best in both circumstances, but should that not be the case or in cases of mental slippage, Section 4 of the Amendment will apply; that section is a relatively dangerous assemblage of words that are very likely to yield the opposite of the intention of this amendment.

Section 4

Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.

Trouble rests in these two paragraphs.  In this case, the president’s disability, inability or, conceivably, unwillingness to perform the duties of his office, is a matter of the opinions and judgments of others.  This implies a conflict of opinions between the president and either form of the committee of opposing opinions (The V.P. and Cabinet members, presumably, but described as the “principal officers of the executive departments,” which could include military personnel not of Cabinet rank – a bad idea, or some nebulous alternative “body” passed into “law” – how is not stated and questionable if the President refuses to sign it), and such a conflict could involve use of force to make the committee opinion effective.  At that point, who in the Secret Service or White House guard contingent is loyal to whom?  What forces would the committee of opposing opinions  have at its disposal?  What a mess.

The first paragraph of this section states that the Vice-President “shall immediately” assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.  If the president is not in agreement with how that step is taken, can he or she transmit a written declaration to the President pro tempore of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House stating that he or she is no longer disabled?  Now what? 

Does the President’s written declaration dissolve the opposing opinions of either of the committees of opposing opinions?  How quickly?  Could the Vice-President “immediately” assume power at 1:30 PM, say, and give it up at 2:45 because of the President’s written declaration?  Or, if the Vice-President is aligned with other powerful people who have been tolerating the President until a certain point is reached, would that group maintain a forceful restraint on the President, preventing such a transmittal as proposed in this Amendment?  Holy cow!

We might think this is an impossible set of circumstances, except we are in the midst of all of them, right now.

The Vice-President and whichever committee of opposing opinions then has 4 days to re-state the supposed inability of the President.  This causes the Congress to decide the issue if in session, or to assemble within 48 hours to decide the issue, BUT, Congress has 21 days to decide by 2/3 vote in both houses!  During this period, is the President prevented from resuming his or her duties? All in all we’re looking at nearly a month of Constitutional leadership turmoil.  If the Congress fails to rule with 2/3 majorities, the President can assume the duties of his office.  Yeah, right.

Suppose the House and Senate create their undefined committee because of some dissatisfaction with the committee formed by the Vice-president; two committees of opposing opinions are extant. Nothing is said in the Amendment language about a “first-come, first-served” political courtesy that prevents there being two committees. Since the House and Senate have the roles of voting on either committee’s opinion of the President’s infirmity, one might assume that Congress’ committee would take precedence. They could simply refuse to vote on the Vice-president’s committee’s report, yet the Amendment says they must take that vote within a certain period of time. Should they vote the V.P. report down by, in effect, voting for the result that matches their own report, what power does the Executive branch have to thwart implementation of the Congressional committee’s report? What power does the Congress have to enforce its report should it conflict with the V.P. report?

What a mess.

The whole process could be a bit more transparent and made medically sound.  With hatred as a common political tool in the 21st Century, the numerous weaknesses of the current amendment simply invite political chicanery.

How much better it would be to obviate most of these problems.  Suppose an amendment called for a periodically changing, confidential list of 20 or more medical and psychological doctors, well-recognized in their fields, who would be prepared to be called-upon in the event Section 3 or the first paragraph of Section 4 of the 25th Amendment were activated.  A random selection of 5 from among these experts would be called to be a Committee of Evaluation regarding the President’s condition, and sworn to secrecy until 5 years following the President’s end of Presidential service.  Those 5 would select one of the group to be a “Monitor” who would shadow the President for a period of time chosen by the group, not to exceed 5 days, in frequent consultation with the group.  Such monitoring would be fairly intimate and include consultation with the President’s personal physician and access to all medical records and histories.  This group, one hopes anonymously, would make its recommendation to a select, equally bi-partisan joint committee of the House and Senate, in secret.  That committee would bring forth identical resolutions for both houses to vote on.

Only with a 2/3 vote in both houses could the Vice-President then assume the duties of Acting President.  Should the President later transmit his or her declaration of ability to fulfill the duties of the office, the same Committee of Evaluation would reconvene and ultimately submit a second recommendation to the Joint Committee, in secret.  Should the two Houses again vote 2/3 in the affirmative (within 5 days of receiving the second Evaluation) to declare the President still incapable of discharging his or her duties, the Vice-President shall continue as Acting President.

The President may, then, within 30 days, appeal his or her Congressional “suspension” directly to the Supreme Court which shall, upon full hearing and discovery of all pertinent evidence, including Evaluations, reinstate the President or find him or her unable to discharge his or her duties and leave the Vice-President as Acting President.  The suspended President shall then vacate the White House while retaining the rights and privileges of any retired President.

If the next Federal Election is a “Mid-Term” election, every state shall include a referendum question on its ballot that will return the President to office with a “Yes” vote, or keep him suspended and effectively “retired” until the following Presidential elections at which time he or she may run for his or her party’s nomination and subsequently, if nominated, run for a full term as President.

These proposed changes make clear the medical/psychological bases for taking the drastic step of unseating a President, and temper the purely political forces that might attempt to subvert a President.  Finally, voting citizens deserve to have the final say should a President appeal to the Supreme Court and fail reinstatement.  Prudence recommends these improvements by amendment to the Constitution.


There is no solution or resolution to the new racism America is “enjoying” in 2021, unless we dramatically change course in multiple key areas: Education, Religious freedom, Health care, Monopoly capitalism, Municipal government, Police theory, Government budgeting, Taxation, Border integrity, Cabinet-level policies, Judicial theory, FBI/DOJ practice, Foreign policy, and, if current events allow, a few others.  What constitutes this “new” racism?

To leftists the new racism is the same as the “old” racism, and, given that definition, is the “fault” of the descendants of “old” racists, back to 1619, if not earlier, like 1492, maybe.  But, it’s not the same, is it?  The United States has painfully advanced from white slavery of non-whites over a span of 200 years, in no small part due to the advocacy and non-violent protest-education that led to the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and Affirmative Action in all of its misguided intentions.  The process cost many blacks in beatings and even deaths as the tentacles of “KKK-like” racism tried to cling desperately to the old ways and old hatreds.  As a nation we have rejected those old ways legally, officially, judicially.

Unfortunately, under Lyndon Johnson, we created, simultaneously with the new legal civil rights platform, a federalized welfare structure that has most efficiently deconstructed black families and black success.  As Johnson described the bill-signing, he remarked, “I’ll have those niggers (sic) voting Democratic for generations.”  To that degree he was completely honest, unlike most of his political career.  In fact, federal responsibility for family support is the basis of the “new” racism.  Since federal checks follow, there has been a distinctly muted effort to reverse federal welfare despite decades of evidence of its worst corrosive effect: fatherless children.

The coincident weakening of religious teaching, especially of Christianity, even if only one day a week for a couple of hours, is a second, very large factor eroding our Republic.  Our Constitutional system of, ostensibly, limited government, has worked, and can work, ONLY if the individuals who ratified the Constitution and who swear allegiance to the nation it defines, are honest, morally straight and responsible to themselves and their families.  Without that quality of citizens, the U. S. of A. will not survive for long, something global leftists are working for.

U. S. leftists seem to be working for the same thing.

We cannot make much progress toward a more honest, more moral nation while the Congress and the bureaucratic state are the most influential liars.  Here and there are some Representatives or Senators who appear to be somewhat honest, but they cannot stem the mendacity tide.  Now Capitol Hill has joined its lies with the White House’s extraordinary disingenuousness, leaving honest citizens with nowhere to turn.  The history of the 46th president’s public positions is disturbing enough; his abrupt change of beliefs – if that’s what has happened – is more concerning.  Mr. Biden became a self-made Manchurian Candidate, yet lots of confused Americans are cheering him on.  He has also adopted the new racism as he claims to be “uniting” the country.  Most people who are really strong for Biden, are also those who were taught to hate Trump the most.

While Biden dissembles on virtually everything, especially on domestic and foreign policies, Trump, for all his braggadocio and embellishment – mostly to enhance his own image – never lied about policies he would pursue.  There’s some difference.

The new racism isn’t aimed at “solving” racism.  The new racism is simply a crass, cynical tool for social destruction.  White liberals… and brown liberals, actually think that by forcing whites to “admit” to racists attitudes and to berate one another for our unthinking, “systemic” racism, that every American will finally, regardless of ALL other efforts since our founding, become anti-racist.  Since the underlying premise is false, most of what is said about it is also false.  Racism is normal.  What is not normal, or acceptable, is twisting normal suspicions into hatreds, unjust actions and, sadly, illegal actions.

America is founded on PERSONAL responsibility and personal morality.  Our freedoms are INDIVIDUAL, not grouped.  As John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people”. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

If for no other reason, Socialism’s first goal is always to separate people from religion and faith in God, thereby making government far more necessary to maintain order in society.  Scottish historian, Lord Tytler, is reputed to have said the following:

“The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependence; from dependence back into bondage.”

Books have been written on that very same theme.  Some describe the phases differently, seeing a shift from liberty into a society dominated by “high priests, experts and judges.”  In America’s case, Prudence can describe that phase as beginning about the time of World War II, simultaneous with the rise of data digitization.  Many of the “high priests” were now identified – since Roosevelt – with government types, the bureaucratic state and academia.  Then, with the foul-minded president, Lyndon Baines Johnson, the explosion of regulation swamped the ability of individuals to manage their own affairs, their own families or their own businesses.  Leftists, as part of the long, long march toward the emasculation of the United States and its eventual demise, saw doors opening throughout the 1960’s through which they could insert levers to separate Americans from the traditions that made the U. S. the strongest nation in the world, and the leader among nations.  Separating us from our traditions has reached a fever pitch.

The new racism is similar in purpose to the old racism: keeping one group down and unable to affect the freedoms… or whims, of the dominant group.  But, it’s not the same.  The new racism defines groups not simply by skin color or other immutable traits, ethnic origin and the like, but by politics and economics; in other words, according to the tenets of Karl Marx.  Lo and behold, the loudest agitators for the new racism are, in fact, Marxists.  Many who join hands and voices with them are oblivious (one hopes) to the Marxist kernel.  Like Joe Biden and some other Democrats, they repeat indefinable phrases like “social justice,” “equity,” and “systemic racism.”  The only “systemic” anything is adherence to the founding documents like the Declaration of Independence and the ratified Constitution of 1789, the principles enumerated in the Northwest Ordinance, the Bill of rights and the best of Amendments to the Constitution.  These same are the targets of the new racists: our Marxist brethren in “BLM,” most colleges and universities, the public education industry and unions, and the most “progressive” leftists in the Democrat party.

The simple view is that the new racism is anti-white, but it is even more virulently the enemy of blacks and other minorities who agree with whites or even any white, singular, based on what that white person THINKS.  The new racism is based on hatred, not fear of difference or even economics, per se, although the current economics has to be destroyed in their view.  Everyone who thinks he or she can state agreement with “Black Lives Matter” loud enough to be safe from their racism (Marxism), is deeply confused… for they are Marxists.  And, they seem proud of that and, evidently, proud of their ability to use racism against the white majority.  The latter requiring a special version of hate.  We who are sympathetic to the plight of some minority citizens must be vigilant that we aren’t digging the grave of the United States with BLM shovels.

Along with the never-ending political hatreds associated with (ostensibly) slavery, today’s professional racists have gathered up the LGBTQ “community” as if those people were another “race” as well, equally discriminated against and equally prevented from pursuing happiness.  The theory doesn’t hold water, of course, but it’s good politics… for both groups.  The fear and guilt elicited by “Black Lives Matter” has enhanced the influence of “LGBTQ” demands far beyond simple numbers would indicate.  White liberals can chastise themselves for almost anything brought to their attention.

“BLM” and other communist types don’t seem smart enough to have decided on the 2020 election year as the year they could shift the conscience of a nation using lies about racial animus among police.  There are no statistics that support their hollow claims; indeed, they support the opposite.  Trump, maligned for more than four years, was making progress on many fronts including the economy, defense of our borders and foreign policy.  All indicators showed his popularity soaring and that he was likely to cruise to a resounding re-election.  It would take a confluence of negativity to stop his momentum.

Democrats threw everything at him, including the kitchen sink and a baseless impeachment and he was still holding a substantial polling lead heading in to 2020.  Moreover, his efforts were starting to dig deeper into the “deep state,” the depths of which few had grasped.  The left and subservient media had to unsettle the American people and change the landscape enough to revamp all voting practices so as to mask the “greatest voter fraud operation in our history,” as Democrat candidate Joe Biden, himself, described it.

Enter Covid-19.  There appears to be some history, including funding, between the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, under the direction of the renowned Dr. Fauci, and the Wuhan Laboratory for Viral Diseases.  One might naturally question the value of researching “bat” viruses, but, far, far worse, why would an American lab PATENT the SARS2 coronavirus after having “engineered” it sufficiently that it was no longer a natural life form, which is legally unpatentable?  And then, why would that same NIAID lab transfer the research to Wuhan when it appeared the American lab was skirting the laws against working with potential bio-weapons?  Finally, why would China aggressively spread the “new” or “novel” coronavirus around the world at the beginning of 2020?  Covid-19, in the eyes of this old conspiracist, was part of a perfect storm damaging the first non-deep-state President in a generation… and his nation, at the primary benefit of China, itself.  What a horrible thought, given the history of civilization as a panoply of conspiracies.  One would be stirred to question why any hint of “conspiracy” regarding the past 60 years, or so, is so abruptly shut down and ridiculed.  Perhaps the anti-conspiracists protest too much.

Is the new racism a conspiracy?  Since there is evidence of the most horrible coordination of bad events, it seems feasible.  Proof?  Not so much, but when multiple enemies of the same man and movement are at the hearts of multiple attacks against him… and us, one is entitled to wonder.  Still, Americans are not used to such speculation; we have grown soft in our expectation of good in most people – even politicians.  It is too much to digest the possibility that multiple anti-American forces worked together in our Covid-besmirched year of Marxist terrorism.  To see that year end with a clearly questionable election, marked by the unlikeliest set of anomalies benefitting one candidate, has, at last, caused many Americans to go, “Hmmnnhh.”

In 2007 we were not a racist country.  Since then one party and one global, leftist movement has worked tirelessly to turn us into one.  They have had some success.  May God forbid they have any more.