There are some very good reasons to choose one presidential candidate over another in 2024. Every quadrennial election is a national approval or disapproval of the presidential administration immediately precedent to election day. This is how the administration of (ostensibly) Joseph Robinette Biden and Kamala Devi Harris, president and vice-president, respectively, should be reviewed and judged by American citizens: approve or disapprove. What are some of the reasons to choose?

One of the reasons to disapprove of Biden-Harris derives from how the Trump administration was treated by elements of the administrative state and other politicians. Hatred of Trump was the driving force prior to and during his administration. Impeachment was being called-for before he was even inaugurated. Various celebrities and political influencers were calling for his destruction, including “blowing up the White House” on the day of inauguration. The FBI director, James Comey, sent agents to interview Lt. General Michael Flynn without a legal reason to do so, banking on the ignorance of Trump officials about proper White House – Washington legalities. As those agents questioned Flynn they noted certain points during the “casual” conversation, one of which had to do with his conversations with his Russian, soon-to-be-counterpart during the administrative transition period. Flynn, who had also served under President Obama, thinking that everyone in the conversation was on the same team, had not been told of any investigative or testimonial nature of the conversation, and he stated something about his discussions with the Russian that the FBI knew could be made legally problematic, and it was brought up on purpose during the “casual” discussion. Flynn never knew he was being stabbed in the back by his “teammates.” Trump never suspected it either, until the dagger came down.

Comey, one of the least trustworthy administrators Trump inherited, later bragged about how clever he was to slip those agents into the White House without the normal, formal preparation protocols. Flynn’s life and family were wrecked publicly and financially as he attempted to fight the charges brought from a minor misstatement about his actions during the transition period. The attacks on Trump and his trusted advisors and appointees only got worse from there.

The Covid “pandemic” was a near-perfect tool for destroying the economy and the medical establishment, while forcing a federal / Presidential reaction to unprecedented circumstances, forcing reliance upon the National Institutes of Health, the Center for Disease Control, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease and the Food and Drug Administration, among others, with the constant attempts to influence sovereign policies by the World Health Organization. Amidst the hurricane of lies sweeping across the world… starting in the U.S. NIH and its subordinate agencies and bureaucrats, reinforced by the Chinese Communist Party, multiplied by the W.H.O. and obscenely capitalized by Moderna, Pfizer and other pharmaceutical manufacturers, President Trump endeavored to organize the federal mechanisms to bring forth solutions. Unfortunately, he had no alternatives for medical advice, at least in the first weeks of the “pandemic,” than to accept the opinions of Tony Fauci and others within the federal miasma. Trump was not in a position to reject the advice of medical “experts.” Democrats were not in a position to oppose teachers’ unions.

Soon, though, Trump appointed another advisor, who was not compromised by the financial corruption of the FDA and the NIH jungle, Dr. Scott Atlas. Since his views agreed with most of Trump’s, Atlas’ statements were denigrated by the pro-pandemic left. As it turns out, however, almost everything Dr. Fauci proclaimed about Covid and the best responses to it has proven to be false, while the statements of Dr. Atlas have proven to be true. Shutting down the economy was the wrong response, masks were useless, and various means of treatment (hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin and combinations with other drugs and supplements) would have had far, far better results than ventilators and fluids. Indeed, the suppression of alternative, super-safe treatments, although “off-label,” constituted death-sentences for thousands of patients, possibly hundreds of thousands.

Later, once the so-called mRNA “vaccines” were released (after the 2020 election, of course, although the “vaccines” were being worked on IN WUHAN by Moderna in 2019, well before Covid-19 hit the streets), almost everything claimed about their effects and effectiveness has been proven false and, in fact, detrimental to overall health and immunity in general. Sadly, they are still being pushed as “vaccines,” even to children who have no need of them whatsoever. The federal medical establishment lied… people died. That establishment is overwhelmingly Democrat or further leftist. Their innate belief is that good derives from expert government, not from independent individuals.

As the grand Covid pandemic was being prepared (no blame to China, of course), the CIA / FBI “intelligence” apparatus, in conjunction with the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, was executing the “Russia, Russia, Russia” hoax, breaking multiple laws in the process. No one has been arrested or charged with these crimes, including the deception of the FISA Court with known-false document “evidence” and fallacious testimony to induce continued illegal domestic spying on the Trump campaign, associates and administration following election. After two years and $25 to $30 Millions spent by the Mueller investigation, nothing was discovered to link Donald Trump to any sort of Russian collusion, supposedly to influence the 2016 elections. Mueller obtained indictments of several Russian operatives unconnected with the premises of charges against Trump, but these are people who will never come back to the United States or be arrested: all for show, creating lurid headlines to keep the hatred flowing.

Ultimately, Prudence believes, the misfortunate good-fortune for election fraudsters in the time of Covid-19 hysteria, led to wholesale undoing of election procedures that enabled Trump to win in 2016. In multiple states, suits were brought to enable un-monitored mail-in voting, sloppy, un-monitored “ballot harvesting” by self-appointed individuals, and dispersal of un-monitored “drop-boxes” where individuals could deposit as many “ballots” as they could carry. All that was needed was a list of ineligible voters who still appeared on the official voter lists. A relative handful of operatives could distort legitimated voting totals by a few thousands of votes in a matter of a day or two. Despite the supposed record-setting Biden-Harris vote totals across the nation (some 81 Million), the Electoral College winning total manifested in 3 states by a supposed total of fewer than 50,000 votes. Ballots were accepted and votes counted that were unsigned or signed with unmatchable signatures, undated, from incorrect addresses, and days, even weeks, after election day, despite laws. One postal worker was interviewed who was prepared to swear that his boss had ordered him to pre-date the postmarks on a batch of mailed ballots, so as to be “legal” and counted. His testimony never reached a courtroom.

The 2020 elections, in addition to the irregularities injected by courts, in contravention of Constitutional requirements that only states’ legislatures could stipulate how and where elections and voting would take place, manifested dozens of electoral anomalies. That is, many voting patterns appeared that departed substantially from historic patterns. In every state every “anomaly” benefited the Democrats – Joe Biden, specifically. Ostensibly, the Biden stay-in-the-cellar Covid-19 campaign garnered more than 81 million votes, the highest total, ever. A key demographic for Democrats has been African-Americans: the “Black” vote. Somehow, Joe Biden, known for a history of racist comments and actions in the senate (historically, the Robinette family were slave owners), obtained more black votes than Barack Obama, the actual first black presidential candidate. Along with all the other election patterns that had never occurred before, this one strains credulity. Hatred of Trump, however, helps the medicine go down.

So, after four and a half years of attacks, lies and frauds against himself, his family and his appointees, two baseless impeachments and the Speaker of the House tearing his State of the Union document in half on national TV, and then faced with a flood of evidence and sworn statements about fraudulent balloting, Trump saw his fairly obvious election win as being torn from his grasp. Regardless of whether the reader agrees that election manipulation was “big enough to make a difference,” it is instructive – and fair – to put oneself in Trump’s position. Why would he believe that a party and deep state willing to break so many laws to damage his administration, might actually execute a free and fair election, if cheating meant getting rid of Trump? With the amount of evidence that strange actions took place in the election, a president has an obligation to have the election investigated! But, there’s a built-in problem.

Election day for the 50 state presidential elections, is within the first 8 days of November. From, let’s say, November 5th to acceptance of the slates of electors by the Congress on, now, January 6th, is barely 60 days, and of those, only 36 “business” days. In that period lie Thanksgiving weekend, Hannukah, Christmas and Christmas eve, then New Year’s Day and New Years eve. Courts are slow to take up cases at the simplest of times, but the number of active court days in the period between Election Day and acceptance of Electoral College totals are significantly reduced. In terms of the date of each state’s vote certification, usually December 14th, there are only 26 “business” days with Thanksgiving in that period. With several states allowing votes to be received and counted days or weeks past election day, the period between vote tallying and certification could be as short as a two weeks! It is impossible both physically and administratively to bring forth charges of malfeasance in vote handling or counting in that time frame.

Most of the people responsible for operating polling places, policing them and controlling the physical ballots and the computerized machines virtually every state now uses, are under financial pressure by those who hired them, often politically, to never express doubts about an election. Even many judges who might rule on allowing a challenge into court are politically appointed or even elected, and consequently quite disinterested in hosting a challenge to an election in his or her jurisdiction, and delighted to find any technicality to deny placing such a claim on the docket, even if only to delay looking into the matter or allowing subpoena of pertinent records or testimony. By the time the case can be formally re-filed, it will be too late to change the outcome of certification. At the higher state levels, no governor wants to be the outlier who allowed a serious challenge to go forward, delaying certification, in the event that the challenged winner becomes president and the broad interference he or she can create to the flow of federal funds to that state.

In short, NO ONE connected to the administration or execution of elections has the slightest interest in aiding any challenge to the certified vote or any election procedure that might disturb that certification. The crime of organized voter fraud in a presidential election is virtually impossible to bring to court. It is the perfect crime, and the very one that threatens the foundation of the United States’ perseverance.

May God protect the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

In 2024, should Ms. Kamala Harris be elected President, she and her administration will largely continue the policies of the administration just ending, in which she has been Vice-President. In that role she has been the tie-breaking vote on several destructive pieces of legislation. She will not repair the damage that has been done to the United States domestically or internationally, nor will she likely re-arm and toughen our military, casting out every vestige of “woke” philosophies, practices or wastes of the current, declining, military establishment, nor will she close the border to all illegal entry, nor will she aggressively deport illegals who have committed crimes of any sort. God save us.

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