If broadcast words could be weighed, it seems Prudent that they would amount to a great, ponderous weight… and more than weight, a great mass possessed of a great inertia. Fortunately, since most have no “God particles,” they bear no weight at all. The God particle of speech is a mix of logic and sense or, put another way, reason and truth. When enriched with God particles, speech carries a lot of weight, influence and ability to move vast nations, like ours. We used to call it “common sense” but it is so uncommon, now, that we rarely hear that term.
So it is with most pronouncements and policies emanating from the federal government under the Biden administration. Daily, and sometimes more than once a day, the Biden regime states a policy that is questioned only by a few, with most of media agreeing with leftism, and almost inevitably it is a policy that cannot be justified on logical bases or on (uncommon) sense. A very clear example of this phenomenon is “Biden’s” (read: Obama’s) open borders policy and relaxing of immigration laws. Millions of people have flooded (read: invaded) our nation while the Biden administration states that “…the border is secure…” There are neither logic nor truth connected to this policy.
The ”Green New Deal” is a prime example of this process of misleading. The “GND” is a lie based on a lie, but elevated to spiritual truth despite the near absence of “God Particles” in any of it. There are truths nearby to it, but they lead in a very different direction from where the “Greens” intend to force humanity. To start, the degree of human impact on the rate or type of “climate change” is immeasurable, as in unquantifiable, and our ability to alter it is unknown, if any. Hence, it is completely illogical to destroy societies and standards of living in order to “fix” climate change. Climate has been changing for as long as there has been an atmosphere on Earth: warm, cold, ice ages, sweltering swamp and warm oceans, dry, wet and every mixture thereof.
The major effort of the “GND” is the changing of energy sources from so-called fossil fuels (and nuclear) to so-called “renewables’ or “natural” energy sources. The problems with this “conversion” grow destructive because the proposed alternatives are available only intermittently. The green theory depends on wonderful batteries to capture energy when it’s available. Such batteries are very ecologically “dirty” to make and to later recycle. When all the energy inputs are calculated to make (now) lithium-ion batteries, and to create, erect and maintain solar and wind-power collector/generators, there is no advantage or even equivalence to the ecological cleanliness of our cleanest and most efficient uses of oil and gas and even coal.
However, leftists have adopted the green new deal as the best way to replace the capitalist, free-enterprise economy. If it hurts the majority of Americans it seems to be of no concern of theirs, if not their intent. Their claim is that we must “decarbonize” in a decade or so or the planet will be destroyed by climate change and we’ll all die. Human life is based on carbon. Decarbonizing includes, in “green” theology, that there are too many people as well as too many cows, and too many farms using too much fertilizer growing food for too many people. It’s not a pleasant concept. Still, if we discard most of the progress civilization has made, both technically and politically, the Green gods will be pleased and will make the Earth more perfect for those people self-judged to be better than most and deserving of longer lives.
Our Military posture is another source of abundant fallacy. Any policy that involves “woke” theories of racial and sexual identity is fundamentally untrue, yet both now appear to govern “military” thinking and practice. We annually entrust hundreds of billions of dollars to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the military branches, ostensibly to keep the country protected by maintaining overwhelming strength and prowess, both technological and human. Instead the Pentagon has elected to cater to trangenderism – its own body of fallacy, if not phallacy – equal rights for women, a mixed bag of strength and weakness and waste, and politicized medicine, to wit, mandated “vaccines” that don’t work and risk the health of personnel.
The vaccine mandate error, alone, has cost thousands of trained – expensively trained and experienced – soldiers, sailors, airmen and women, and marines, their positions “in” the military. What a stupid waste. Clearly there is no capacity for admitting egregious errors by top “brass” or their civilian counterparts. Altogether, over the past several years, their efforts have weakened the U. S. military. It seems that this is failure of the grossest order. Has anyone lost his or her exalted ranked position for this failure? Not that Prudence can recall; with a group of relatively unintelligent far-leftists holding executive power since January 2021, we’re not likely to hear of any in the immediate future, either.
Just the egregiously damaging withdrawal / retreat from Afghanistan in August of 2021 should have resulted in a dozen or more high-level firings and resignations. The only person forced out of service is a Lt. Colonel who had the temerity to point out the multiple failures being executed in that withdrawal. Shame on us for tolerating, even rewarding such stupidity; shame on us for electing “executives” who employ stupid ideologies for U. S. policy. God save us.